Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 762: snowball

Listening to Zhou Fan's analysis, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan both felt that it was reasonable, and the possibility of Wen Xiao changing the mountaineering route was too small.

Huang Bujue both had strange expressions on their faces, Gu Yan said: "That is to say, he is still in front of us, maybe he has already climbed more than half."

"You really have too many freaks this year." Huang Bujue sighed.

"Yeah, there are too many freaks. Now I just hope I don't get eliminated. I can't even get into Class A. That would be too miserable." Zhou Fan said.

It's just that Huang Bujue and Gu Yan didn't speak for a long time after hearing this. They have been with Zhou Fan for so many days. In their opinion, Zhou Fan is the biggest freak. He clearly has not yet entered the martial arts stage, but he has the ability to be with him. With the strength of Bai Ruo-level monsters in the first battle, even they dare not say that they can win the powerful Zhou Fan steadily.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking when he saw that Huang Bujue and Gu Yan were not talking.

"Humility is a good thing, but too modest is not good." Huang Bujue said.

"I suggest you drink more." Gu Yan also said seriously.

"I still understand what Mr. Huang said, but why did you ask me to drink more, Teacher Gu?" Zhou Fan said.

"Because drunk people are generally more sincere." Gu Yan couldn't help but smile.

The three talked and laughed for a while before continuing to climb.

They climbed another fifty feet, and after passing a cliff, they had to stop again, not because they were tired, but in front of them was the ravine whose bottom could never be seen.

Thousands of Magical Mountains.

"I didn't expect to meet Qianhuan Mountain so soon." Gu Yan sighed.

This time, the Qianhuan Mountain Gorge is not even two feet wide, about ten feet and nine feet wide. However, the danger of the Qianhuan Mountain Valley is never determined by its width, and its danger is never predictable.

Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue also looked solemn.

The strange group of silver scorpions that he encountered across the Qianhuan Mountains yesterday made Zhou Fan feel scared for a while when he thought of it.

But to keep going, they have to jump to the other side, so if they don't step back, they don't have any choice.

"Old rules, I'll jump first." Gu Yan said: "We won't be so unlucky every time, there is a group of silver scorpions waiting for us underneath."

"Teacher Gu, you mustn't say that." Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Why?" Gu Yan asked slightly.

"Because sometimes the more you say that something won't come, the more something will come." Zhou Fan said.

"You said this inexplicably." Gu Yan was puzzled.

"I can understand this." Huang Bujue glanced at Zhou Fan with a strange expression: "I have read some stories, and the male protagonist in the story often explains what he will bring back to the female protagonist this year. won't come back."

"But in reality, unless it's too unfortunate, it shouldn't be like this."

While the three of them were talking, they had already reached the edge of Qianhuan Mountain.

The three threw several test talismans at Qianhuan Mountain, and after eliminating some possible dangers, Gu Yan wanted to jump to the other side.

"Wait." Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue reached out to stop Gu Yan.

Gu Yan ran the infuriating energy in time, spread out the infuriating energy stored in his feet, his pupils shrank slightly, and he also saw it.

In the center of Qianhuan Mountain, the snowflakes that fell like cotton **** suddenly stopped.

The wind that had been blowing all the time could no longer enter the interior of the gully, and the snowflakes were suspended above the gully.

The three of Zhou Fan hurriedly took a few steps back.

At this time, the snowflakes moved, quickly converging toward a point, and condensed into a snowball with a radius of three feet.

The snowball solidified, and it was quietly suspended in the Thousand Illusionary Mountains.

"What is this?" Zhou Fan asked aloud.

"I don't know, it doesn't look weird, maybe it's a snowball condensed by something weird hiding in the dark." Huang Bujue glanced around while talking, his eyes mostly fell on the dark gully bottom.

Gu Yan shook his head slightly, he also couldn't recognize the origin of Snowball.

But with Snowball here, they definitely wouldn't dare to jump the Thousand Illusionary Mountains at will.

"Let's change place." Zhou Fan thought for a while.

Since you don't know what a snowball is, you can only avoid it.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan both agreed to this, and it's a big deal to return to the original route after passing the Qianhuan Mountains.

The three started to move to the left, but when they moved, the snowball moved with it, and it stayed above the ravine as it moved.

"It seems to be staring at us." Gu Yan reluctantly glanced at the ghost burial coffin behind him, "Why do you encounter this thing?"

Zhou Fan and the others tried to fall back into the cliff again, and then continued to move to the left when the snowball was invisible. After moving enough distance, they climbed up from the cliff, but they soon saw the snowball. Still above the ravine they saw before their eyes.

"It seems that this method doesn't work either." Huang Bujue said with difficulty.

"Try it first, what do you think?" Gu Yan asked.

"Okay." Huang Bujue and Zhou Fan looked at each other and agreed to the proposal.

Maybe breaking the snowball will trigger some special curse, but they can't keep fighting the snowball here, they can only risk it.

Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue both gave Gu Yan the talisman that could break the curse, and let Gu Yan stick to him. Zhou Fan even took out the more precious Jiao scale talisman from him that could break the curse of instant death.

Of course, this is just borrowing, and Gu Yan will return it to Zhou Fan and the others afterwards.

After Gu Yan carefully added several layers of protection, he punched out with a dignified expression.

With a bang, pure white fists condensed in the air and shot towards the snowball.

Seeing that the snowball is about to be smashed into pieces with one punch.

It's just that the pure white fist stopped when it was three feet away from the snowball, and it seemed that there was some force that made the violent fist hover.

The pure white fist was slowly dyed into an ice blue color, and then gradually shattered, turning into ice blue fragments and breaking apart.

Such a scene made Zhou Fan's faces change slightly.

Gu Yan snorted coldly with his fists blasting out one after another, dozens of fists shot out, but all of them hovered three feet away from the snowball, and then they were dyed in ice blue and shattered.

"This snowball is so weird." Gu Yan stopped and stopped trying.

Zhou Fan thought about it, he squatted down, reached out and grabbed the snow, and with a click, the rock surface under the snow shattered into countless rubble.

Zhou Fan picked up three gravel, and he threw the first stone, which was aimed at Snowball.

The stone also hovered at three feet, dyed ice blue, and crushed into stone powder.

Zhou Fan was not surprised, he threw a second stone, the second stone did not shoot at the snowball again, but stayed three feet away from the snowball, trying to cross the snowball and fall to the other side of the Thousand Illusionary Mountain.

Zhou Fan did this to see if the snowball would react. If not, then they could ignore the weird snowball and try to jump over it.

But just as the sharp gravel passed over the snowball, an ice-blue light popped out from inside the snowball, blasting the gravel into powder.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this.

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