"But," Lenari said, "you have to come and work for me."

"..." Donahue's eyes widened, and his mind was a little confused for a while.

Seeing that Donahue's brain was out of order, Lenari said sympathetically: "You can think about it slowly."

"No, I do!" Donahue, who quickly came back to his senses, said hurriedly.

- Either die here, and then Nicole, who is seriously ill, will have no one to help her and end up tragically, or become the subordinate of this strange black shadow in front of him, and the two of them will live together.

For Donahue, this is not a choice at all.

Lenari nodded with satisfaction, and a tentacle... a long hair shuttled through space, rolled up a bottle of high-concentration white wine from the kitchen cabinet, and said: "Come on, drink this bottle of wine, you will be the errand boy of the firm, with a monthly salary of 10,000 green yuan, less work and high benefits."

Donahue, who is not very good at drinking and usually only drinks low-alcohol beer, was dumbfounded when he saw the familiar brand of white wine that was almost hit in his face and clearly written 53° on the label, which was often seen in the kitchen.

——What's going on? In this day and age, do ghosts also pay attention to the drinking culture?

After a moment of hesitation, Donahue gritted his teeth, took the bottle, opened the lid and gulped.

After a while, Donahue burped, his body shook a few times, and his hand shook, and he accidentally dropped the bottle.

The transparent glass bottle fell to the ground, colliding with the high-grade tiles with imitation wood grain, making a series of crisp sounds, and rolled away.

Donahue was already half conscious, and it looked like he would soon lie down.

While the other party was barely conscious, Lenari seized the time and asked key questions one by one.

Donahue's answers did not change in his drunken state.

It seemed that these "Phantom Thieves" attracted by the bonus were just insignificant pawns, and they probably had no other use except to risk their lives to test something.

Of course, there was also the possibility that this matter had nothing to do with the "Weaver of Strange Stories", and Lenari would not rule it out.

After observing for a while, confirming that Donahue, who was lying flat on the ground and sleeping soundly, was still "pure" after drinking half a bottle of contaminated cooking wine, Lenari pulled over the notebook that was spinning on the desk, which was probably dancing ballet, and sent a message to the logistics team, asking them to send a few people to clean up the mess.

——Compared to her perception and speculation of the current poor condition, the complete physical examination items of Team 7 were obviously more trustworthy.


At lunch time, Lenari was hesitating whether to ask Miles, who had been confirmed to be equipped with anti-pollution equipment, to help pass on the message. Unexpectedly, in the chat room of "Rumored to Have a Family Firm", Lucia took the initiative to poke Lenari.

[Cat Lady: @Forever Gothic Lolita

Forever Gothic Lolita: get out of class is over? Have you eaten lunch?

Cat Lady: I ​​know I am weak and can't help, but next time don't disappear without saying hello to do dangerous things...]

Looking at this line of words, Lenari sighed in her heart.

She couldn't say that this was just a "rehearsal".

Of course, spending more than 20 days was indeed far beyond Lenari's expectations... Although most of the time was spent on "sleeping".

[Forever Gothic Lolita: Sorry, I won't do it next time...

Forever Gothic Lolita: I thought it would take at most one night, but I didn't expect it to take so long...

Cat Lady: Wang Bao said that your power is out of control and will indiscriminately hurt things around you. What's going on?

Forever Gothic Lolita: It's just that too much supernatural power is output at one time, and some of it can't be collected... It's not a big problem. Even if you don't do anything, it will naturally get better after a while.

Cat Lady: Okay... If there is any problem, go for treatment in time. The medical level of Team 7 is still trustworthy.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I think so too.

Cat Lady: By the way, these days, I found a vegetarian dish in the cafeteria...]

Next, Lenari and Lucia chatted casually as usual, discussing the highlights of the dishes and whether they can be reproduced at home.

At this point, we have to mention the current "head chef" of the firm, Miles. Unfortunately, this man who loves spicy food is not good at those light vegetarian dishes that look quite artistic...


In the second half of the night, the "engineering team" of Team 7 was in place.

Lenari retreated to the dark area, and after instructing the "house" not to move around, he temporarily closed all the "cracks".

First, a space-based psychic took action and skillfully and carefully cut the duplex house where the firm was located from the entire building at the spatial level.

Then, another psychic took over and, in some unknown way, put the pre-prepared "duplex"The "house replica" was seamlessly "replaced" with the alienated house.

Then, another supernatural person stepped forward, pressed the building with his hand, and "joined" the house that had just been placed with the building, ensuring that the two were integrated and the physical properties were stable enough.

Finally, some "testers" stepped forward, measured here and there, and confirmed that there were no problems, and then called the "porters" waiting on the side to place some small and large pieces, including potted plants, one by one where they should be.

In this way, a "house exchange" with almost no flaws was completed.


Dark Logistics Group Chat Room.

[Single Not Forever: ...The alienated office has been completely transferred to the sealed secret box, what should we do with it?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Find a place that is not afraid of contamination, open the lid, and I will go over and transfer it to the dark realm.

Single Not Forever: Got it, I'll tell you right away.

Forever Gothic Lolita: How is Donahue's physical examination?

Single Not Forever: Not out yet, they are busy arguing over there.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Arguing?

Single Not Forever: About the principle of Donahue's supernatural power, oh, and the naming .

Single is not forever: Every time a strange superpower is discovered, they always quarrel.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Where is Nicole Sunflower?

Single is not forever: She has been treated and discharged from the hospital.

Single is not forever: By the way, Nicole is also a possessor of a strange superpower, and the principle of the superpower is "transferring other people's diseases and pain to oneself".

Forever Gothic Lolita: The previous uremia...

Single is not forever: Her superpower was accidentally discovered and she was controlled mentally.

Forever Gothic Lolita: ...

Forever Far-away Gothic Lolita: The childhood sweetheart who is willing to die for the unlucky girl is my employee...

Single is not forever: As long as it is moderate and does not affect irrelevant people, Team 7 will not care about this kind of thing.

Single is not forever: Because of various difficulties and "costs", the "laws" of the other world have not made much progress... Of course, it is limited to young couples taking action themselves.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I understand, as long as the "old" on the other side does not take action, I will not take action.

Single is not forever: 6

Single is not forever: I hope the other side does not have "old" to take action. 】

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