After exiting the chat room, Lenari leaned against the surface of the boss chair and entered a meditative state, seizing the time to try to sort out the essence of the power that was not very obedient.

About two hours later, there was a slight movement again at the lock of the closed door of the office.

—— Someone pried the door again.

Realizing this fact, Lenari's non-existent brow "wrinkled".

Once can be said to be a coincidence, twice in a short period of time...

Either it was the accomplice of the previous thief, who found that his companion had not returned for a long time and came to check the situation out of loyalty;

Or... something related to the rumored office was happening without Lenari's knowledge.

Lenari subconsciously stretched out his dark flat arm, grabbed a one-yuan coin, and threw it casually.

The coin fell to the ground with a clang.

Lenari did not check whether it was on the front or the back, because it was meaningless.

The divination failed.

Subconsciously, a code name floated into Lenari's mind.

—— The weaver of strange stories.

What is this? A direct provocation?

Lenari frowned.

While thinking, the door lock opened with a familiar "click", and then the thick carved solid wood door was slowly pushed open.

A handsome young man wearing a loose short-sleeved T-shirt and light-colored casual trousers walked in slowly and naturally, with a familiar look, as if he was back home.

Seeing that the floor tiles began to move again, Lenari thought about it, and sent a message with mental power, ordering the whole house... ordering the house not to move, and at the same time, he also hid in the shadows for a while.

The "house" was very obedient, and something that was active became quiet again.

The young man was completely unaware that he had walked through the gates of hell, and casually closed the door. Then, the sense of relaxation around him like returning home suddenly disappeared.

The man pursed his lips, looked around cautiously, and took no action.

Lenari became more and more impatient as he waited. Finally, when the man showed his intention to leave, the twisted black hair came out from the shadow behind the man and attacked him.

The man's intuition seemed to be quite sensitive, and he instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

Unfortunately, with his ordinary skills, even if his consciousness could keep up, he didn't have time to make any effective evasive actions...

Lenari stuck to the boss chair behind the desk again, and said to the young man who was tied up by her hair as "softly" as possible: "Name? Reason?"

The man was struggling in vain, and his handsome face was mixed with fear and the shock of the collapse of his worldview. When he first heard Lenari's weird voice that was layered and seemed like many people were mumbling at the same time, he froze and didn't dare to move.

Lenari repeated her question.

"..." The young man tried to restore his uncontrollably dilated pupils, and admitted his mistake in a very tactful way, saying, "My name is Charlie, and I'm just a thief who can't show up in public."

"You're lying." Reiner said expressionlessly.

Of course, her dark, featureless "face" didn't have such a thing as "expression".

"..." The man who called himself "Charlie" was silent for a moment, lowered his head, and whispered, "Donahue Sunflower."


In doubt, Lenari asked the notebook to contact the logistics team and asked them to quickly check the person "Donahue Sunflower", while asking, "Why?"

"A game." Donahue lowered his head and said dryly, "A very bad game played by a rich second-generation who is not short of money."

"Oh? Tell me more." Lenari "raised his eyebrows".

"A few days ago, someone in the gray area of ​​this city released a message in a high-profile manner, saying that a rich second-generation who is not short of money wants to watch a real-life thief game, claiming that he can get double the bonus for each level he passes..."

"Did you believe it?" Lenari was surprised.

"I got the first level bonus of 100,000 green dollars." Donahue paused and added, "Not only me, many people got it..."

"I see." Lenari nodded, "Which level is this?"

"The second level..." Donahue still hung his head, and there was some regret in his low voice.

"What is the first level?" Lenari asked curiously.

"Get a clown silver coin that was secretly placed in a certain detective agency." Donahue said.

"Clown silver coins?"

"The organizer of the game calls them 'special commemorative silver coins'." Donahue said, "Because the silver coins are printed with the same smiling clown pattern on both sides, everyone prefers to call them 'clown silver coins'."

"It's really clown." Lenari said with a pun.

Donahue remained silent.

At this moment, he also felt very clownish..

"Go on." Lenari said, "Is this second level also about finding clown silver coins?"

"Yes..." Donahue said frustratedly.

Hearing this expected answer, Lenari said: "Unfortunately, I can confirm that there is no such thing in this 'rumored office'."

Donahue was silent.

——The moment he saw this outrageous and strange black shadow, he already understood that the 100,000 green dollars that he easily got in the first level were indeed poisonous sweet bait...

Unfortunately, he failed to overcome the greed and luck in his heart.

While talking, in the chat room of the dark logistics team, detailed information about the person "Donahue Sunflower" has been delivered one after another.

Most modern Green Star Orphanages have a habit of giving orphans whose surnames are unknown and do not want to take their own surnames the name of the institute as their surname.

This man named Donahue is indeed Lenari's "predecessor".

Just because of this fate, Lenari was willing to give him a chance. Moreover, Donahue was in a hurry to raise money to treat his childhood sweetheart "Nicole Sunflower" who was suffering from uremia.

The most important thing was that Lenari found that Donahue was obviously an ordinary person. He entered the heavily polluted area of ​​the rumored office and faced himself directly, but he was not polluted...

——"The effect is so strange that it is likely that it will never be used or discovered in a lifetime." Passive ability.

This is the most reasonable explanation Lenari can think of.

Just at this time, the logistics team's preliminary personality assessment report on Donahue was delivered.

Lenari glanced and made a decision in his heart.

Over there, Donahue naturally thought he was dead. He was just about to become a brainless hater of the rich, but the strange black shadow that tied him tightly suddenly let him go.

While he was stunned, Tang Naxiu heard the strange black shadow say: "I can let you go, and I can also cure your girlfriend."

Subconsciously, Tang Naxiu boldly asked: "But?"

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