【Fire, big fire!】

【The blazing fire shot straight into the sky】

【At the same time, accompanied by the continuous crackling explosions】

【Several members of the Mobile Task Force sat on the ground, their eyes dull and their faces blank.】

【"Hey! What's going on here?! Where's the contents?"】

【Faced with the questions from the people who came to support them, the confusion on the faces of these mobile task force members became even more】

【"The Foundation? What Foundation? Why are we here? What is containment?"】

【"Who am I? How come I even forgot my name?"】

【"There seems to have been an explosion here? Sorry, I can't remember anything."】

【"Who are you? Help me, I can't figure out who I am"】

【"Why am I wearing these clothes, why am I here?"】

【"Who am I? Who am I?!"】


【Seeing that these mobile task force members had lost their memory, the medical personnel who came to support them had no choice but to leave them alone.】

【After all, their mission is not to investigate the situation. Other foundation personnel will handle and be responsible for these matters.】

【Now, their mission is to save people!】

【After putting out the raging fire, medical personnel rushed into the site to search for survivors.】

【"Hey! There's another person here!"】

【A woman in research clothes lies quietly in the room】

【When the paramedics went to check on her, they found she was dead.】


American comic world

"No way, could it be?!"

Nick Fury opened his mouth and eyes wide.

His heart was already filled with fear of the Supreme Deity.

After all, it symbolizes the strongest power in the universe, and each of them is an existence that can defeat the heavens and the earth in seconds.

In their eyes, the earth and humans are nothing more than ants that can be crushed to death at any time.

When they are in a bad mood one day, they will definitely kill them.

Such an existence is a huge threat to the entire earth.

The best case scenario is that the Supreme Deity does not appear on Earth.

Even if it appears on Earth, it must be contained and controlled.

But now

"The Supreme God has broken through containment and escaped!"

Nick Fury bit his lip, his legs trembling with nervousness.

It's over, the Earth is doomed!

Captain America swallowed his saliva and forced out a smile

"Don’t be nervous, maybe this supreme deity is well-intentioned, or maybe its power is not that strong?"

"After all, the only information we have now is that he escaped."

Hearing this, Dr. Banner slowly shook his head.

"No, Captain, you are too optimistic."

"Look at the damage it caused. The Foundation's containment site is definitely very well guarded and heavily staffed."

"But now the site has been completely destroyed."

"This shows that his ability is strong enough."

At this time, Tony took over the conversation.

"Moreover, the memories of those mobile task force members seemed to have been erased, which was most likely done by the Supreme God."

Listening to everyone's analysis, Captain America's hands were already cold.

He only now realized how serious the situation was!

The second-ranked Supreme God had now broken through containment.

Next, it is very likely to retaliate against humans!


One Punch Man World

"It’s bad, it’s bad! The supreme god has appeared, who can stop it!"

"Maybe even my angel's hug can't touch his heart"

"Well, since they have been taken into custody, they must have been deceived or tortured by the Foundation, and now they must be very angry at us humans."

"Can our Hero Association really withstand such a powerful existence?"


Big sister Tornado slapped the table, and the whole conference room was shaken.

"If you are afraid, you can stay away. When the time comes, I will fight with the Supreme Godhead and I am afraid I will hurt you!"

These words stimulated the anger in the hearts of every hero.

"What does this mean? Are we all idiots?!"

"Don't interfere, Tornado, my metal baseball bat is enough!"

"The power of my Atomic Slash should not be underestimated!"

Everyone was chattering, not as scared as before.

Bang, who had been silent, sighed.

The Supreme God was different from all the monsters they had dealt with before.

It was simply an existence that could not be resisted.

If everyone present really faced the Supreme God, they would probably be killed in an instant.

"Except for the man who is still in the toilet, if he faces the Supreme God, he may be able to fight with him."

At the same time, in the toilet. King, the strongest man on the surface , wrapped his head with clothes and didn't dare to look at the screen at all.


Fruity Robo World

"Damn supreme deity, only knows how to bully humans!"

"If you have the guts, let them come to the fruit world. Our Fruit God of War will surely beat them to a pulp!"

Lu Xiaoguo said angrily.

Hearing this, Cheng Liuxiang shuddered all over.

"Lu Xiaoguo, you are bragging, please don't take us with you"

"If you really want to be a hero in front of these guys who look like they're not easy to mess with, don't involve me."

"Hey? Cheng Liuxiang, haven't you always wanted to be a hero?" Pineapple Blowing Snow teased with a smile.

Cheng Liuxiang snorted coldly,"I am a hero, not a reckless man!"

"If you fight against those supreme divinities, you won’t survive even if you have nine lives!"


DC World.

Batman saw this scene and suddenly felt powerless.


The second - ranked supreme deity escaped containment. What should the world do?���The levels of containment for the three brothers who died were ranked from easy to difficult.

Perhaps this is the level standard for this inventory.

The easiest supreme god to contain is ranked fifth, and the most difficult supreme god to contain is ranked first.

"But now, the second-ranked supreme deity has actually broken through the containment"

"What should we humans do? What should the Earth do?"


Three-Body World.

Shi Qiang took a breath and kept muttering

"This shouldn’t be possible. How could this researcher die?"

"She should be an important character!"

The female researcher on the screen was the one who kneeled in front of the monster and committed suicide at the beginning.

Shi Qiang thought this was a very important character, but he didn't expect that she was dead now.

"Shi Qiang, don't feel frustrated. In life, there will always be times when you make mistakes."

Wang Miao bit his lips tightly to hold back his laughter and consoled him.

After all, Shi Qiang was always right, and it was rare to see him make mistakes.

So, Wang Miao really wanted to laugh at this time.

Unexpectedly, Shi Qiang would also be slapped in the face!

"Shi Qiang, I just told you that this researcher is just an ordinary victim."

"Your nerves are too tense, relax."

Listening to Wang Miao's comfort, Shi Qiang frowned even more tightly.

"Could it be that I really made a wrong judgment?"

"Could it be that this researcher is really just an ordinary person?"


【Summary report on the inexplicable explosion at the containment site where 3999 is located】

【SCP-3999, contained in a Keter-class airtight containment chamber at Site-118】

【The interior of the containment unit consists of a vertical shaft one kilometer deep.】

【The shaft is covered with acid-resistant baffles, and the walls are equipped with Scranton Reality Anchors every 30 meters.】

【But they seem to have had a violent explosion, and there is little information left about the containment procedures of 3999.】

【Four armed guards stationed outside the containment chamber, with significant amnesia】

【But strangely, there is no information about these mobile task force members in the Foundation's archives.】

【Junior Researcher Talloran, who was assigned to 3999, was lying coldly at the bottom of the containment chamber.】

【A Foundation-issued cell phone was found on him, containing a text message resembling the 3999 containment procedure.】

【This text is full of errors and does not conform to the language and format commonly used by the Foundation.】

【From this, it can be inferred that 3999 has a powerful reality distortion property.】

【3999 At some point, containment was breached】

【Caused a CK-level reality reconstruction crisis, or a ZK-level reality end doomsday】

【Researcher Talloran, at the cost of his own life, prevented and reversed the incident and successfully contained 3999】


Super beasts armed the world.

Inside the coffin of Xuanming, Hades frowned.


"How could an ordinary researcher prevent the end of the world and the Supreme God?!"

"What a joke!"

You know, even he would have to���He ran away with his tail between his legs.

Fight? He can't win, not at all!

It's not that Pluto is a coward, he's just very rational.

Judging from the overall situation, he, Pluto, has no chance of winning against an enemy of the supreme god level.

That's why Pluto was so shocked.

I am the top powerhouse in this universe, and I have to keep my tail between my legs when I meet the supreme god.

How can you, a small researcher, stop him!

Absolutely impossible!


American comic world

"A mortal can actually save the world?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Thor said in disbelief.

All the superheroes present had put a lot of effort into stopping the war started by Loki.

And facing the Supreme God, they had no confidence that they could win.

After all, the Supreme God was too powerful.

But now, you tell me that an ordinary researcher not only saved the world, but also housed the Supreme God.

This is simply a fairy tale!


Fruity Robo World

"Are you kidding me? An ordinary person can really become a hero who saves the world!"

Cheng Liuxiang opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

Just now he was mocking Lu Xiaoguo, but now he seems to be a clown.

Pineapple Blowing Snow couldn't believe it either, and hurriedly said:"Cheng Liuxiang, don't be anxious, there must be something wrong here............"

"How can a researcher contain the Supreme Godhead by himself?"

Cheng Liuxiang was slightly stunned, then nodded slowly............

Lu Xiaoguo on the side snorted coldly.

"Even an ordinary person can become a hero as long as he has strong faith!"

"I have always believed in this!"


【The following is a summary of the contents of the Talloran investigation document:】

【"I am Junior Researcher Talloran of the Foundation. As my investigation progresses, I have discovered that 3999 can have a serious reality distortion effect on its surroundings."】

【"I am also gradually being affected mentally. If I allow this meme to spread, it will eventually lead to a ZK-level limited-time end scenario."】

【"I keep proposing solutions in the containment procedures."】

【"Including but not limited to: 3999 and Researcher Talloran should be cut off from all Foundation sites and personnel, and both should be contained in an extremely remote area. Talloran should quickly kill himself in a remote place. 3999 should be decommissioned and observation ceased."】

【Here, the key words that appear in the document are crossed out and cannot be repaired.】

【Then, the handwriting began to become sloppy.】

【"I realized it was too late!"】

【"The proposed solutions are out of my control and are becoming more and more radical."】

【"Until the final madness!"】

【"From all kinds of outrageous containment to the end of the self, to becoming a site colleague who is in contact with it"】

【"Even family, friends, O5 council members, the entire human race, the entire universe"】

【"Until all the polluted things in the world"】

【"Or maybe it already did."】


The World of Kogoro Mori

"Conan, why don't I understand? What exactly is the ability of 3999?"Kouta looked confused.

"Yes, it looks really complicated."Ayumi also asked curiously.

Conan pondered for a long time, and then he suddenly realized:"I understand"

"This 3999 is too powerful!"

Conan swallowed his saliva and continued

"This supreme divinity can constantly distort reality!"

"This is its ability to change and destroy the entire world over and over again"

"Perhaps, this world has been destroyed countless times!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the friends turned pale instantly.

Creation and destruction are only a thought away, and 3999 exists in everything.

This is its ability!

Infinite distortion of reality!


The Super Beast Arms the World.

Pluto stared at the screen and swallowed subconsciously.

"It's like a plague, it can infect all things and bring everything in the universe into its hands!"

At first, Pluto thought that the supreme divinity this time only had an impact on memory.

After all, in the very beginning of the video, several people had forgotten who they were.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all!

3999 has completely changed reality!

It will completely change the previous reality of those mobile task force members!

There is nothing wrong with their memory, but their past has been erased by 3999!

No wonder there is no information about the team members in the Foundation's archives.

Unconsciously, Pluto's hands were already cold.

He once believed that what has happened will happen again, and what has been done will be done again.

But now.

Pluto's mouth twitched.

"This time, the supreme divinity can even distort the existing reality."

"Researcher Talloran, how do you deal with it?"


【From here on, crossed-out words begin to appear in the document.】

【"Don't look at 3999, if you don't look at him, he won't hurt you"】

【"Don't imagine 3999 in your mind"】

【"If you receive his visual, you will die."】

【"If you try to understand him, you will die."】

【"Don't look at 3999"】

【In the next three or four pages of the document, all the text was completely crossed out and filled with black circles using a carbon pen, making it impossible to tell what was inside.】

【"Those memories, those precious memories that only exist in my mind"】

【"Time, people, places, events, everything, no matter how big or small, is being gradually tampered with by 3999 at this moment."】

【"I don't know who I am. I could be Researcher Talloran, or I could be Containment 3999, or anything in this world!"】

【"Or, 3999 is a cute cat, 3999 is you who are reading this, and 3999 will be accommodated by all things."】

【"Researcher Talloran cannot be contained by this thing. Researcher Talloran will fight back. Researcher Talloran will restart 3999. 3999 is not scary!"】

【"I saw it, it stabbed the dagger into my lower abdomen, I stabbed the dagger into its lower abdomen"】

【"Tear and stir!"】.

I love you: I love you

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