【The foundation regards the elderly as shelters and registers them with numbers.】

【The curse he received, just like the mistakes he made, is eternal immortality, eternal wandering, forever creating destruction and despair.】

【Death is not the greatest misfortune, but the inability to die is】

【SCP-1440, I don't know where the old man came from】

【Interview No. [DATA EXPUNGED] regarding SCP-1440】

【Visitor: Dr. S】

【Interviewed: SCP-14--40】

【Foreword: Following SCP-1440's arrival at Area-142, personnel began complaining of severe headaches and nausea. Over the next two days, three of the four water filters on site failed, Area-142's hangar collapsed, killing several pilots, and Dr. S, who had been in perfect health, died of complete kidney and lung failure.】

【Begin Log】

【Dr. S:"Good afternoon, SCP-1440"】

【SCP-1440:"You too, Dr."】

【Dr. S:"Do you know why we brought you here?"】

【SCP-1440:"I know, of course, and I admire you for still trying to contain me, but after your three previous attempts I realize you can't help me. It's best to let me go, for your own good. The First Brother is behind you, Doctor. You better hurry up."】

【Dr. S:"You mentioned these brothers before, if I remember correctly, there were three"】

【SCP-1440:"Three, yes. Different, yet the same. All cruel, all vindictive, all capable of harboring grudges for a long time. They are the cause of my misfortune, and therefore of yours."】

【SCP-1440 Subject appears to begin to notice something behind Dr. S, but video and audio feeds do not reveal anything unusual】

【"A second brother has joined us, and time is running out. Release me, or I can't guarantee your safety. It may be too late now."】

【Dr. S:"I'm afraid I can't do that. Besides, you mentioned three brothers - if the third one hasn't come yet, we've certainly got some time left.""】

【SCP-1440:"No, the third never showed up. He was more cruel than his brothers, because he knew that only his presence would set me free. I spent countless hours searching for him, trying to return what he had won and what I had won from his brothers, but I never succeeded."】

【SCP-1140 looked behind Dr. S again and sighed】

【"The second has already laid his hand on your shoulder, and now it is too late. Destruction is always not far behind the second. Before you die, my poor child, let me give you a word of advice."】

【Dr. S:"Please speak"】

【SCP-1440:"If you choose to challenge death with a card game for your life, then don't do one thing"】

【Dr. S:"What’s the matter?"】


【End of Log】

【Postscript: Approximately three or four days later, the on-site core facility stored at Area-142 exploded despite multiple failsafes. Area-142 was destroyed, and all on-site personnel were killed.】

【One week after Area-142's destruction, SCP-1440 was sighted three thousand (3000) kilometers from Area-142, without any apparent damage.】

【Following three subsequent containment breaches, attempts to contain SCP-1440 have been postponed indefinitely.】

【Addendum SCP-1440-B: Due to the continued growth of human populations and their rapid spread into previously uninhabited areas, SCP-1440 has demonstrated during its fifth containment that it is becoming increasingly difficult for it to avoid human contact while the compulsions are still being applied. Analysis of the subject's wanderings and efforts to find a permanent containment procedure are ongoing.】


Holy Lord World.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

""Oh, demons! Get out of here, demons! Get out of here, demons!" Dad screamed.

"It looks like some kind of magic that brings bad luck."Xiaoyu stroked her chin and said pretentiously

"In this case, isn't it a walking disaster?"Chen Long exclaimed.

It cannot be contained, and it can cause damage anytime and anywhere.

Such a dangerous existence is more dangerous than the previous three supreme divinities!

Because you never know what kind of damage this old man will cause!

Such destructiveness is only caused by the old man, not the three brothers of death who gave him power!


The World of Kogoro Mori

"Oh my god, this old man is so scary, people will die wherever he goes." Ayumi's lips trembled slightly in fear

"Yes, fortunately there is no one with such ability in this world, otherwise it would be troublesome, don’t you think so? Conan.


Conan scratched his head. He had never felt so embarrassed in his life.

It seemed that he was that person!

Whether he went swimming, visited friends, or went on an adventure, he would always encounter murders.

Could it be that he really had some superpowers?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I am just an ordinary person!"

"What superpowers, what death god elementary school student, they definitely don’t exist!"


The American comic world.

Deadpool sighed, and his mood became low for once.

"If I had known this would happen, I should have died in that research institute."

"What a pity, now I can't die, and I live in a cowardly way."

Deadpool said as he opened the highly toxic chemical and drank it through a straw.

"I really envy those who will die, because they know the preciousness of life after death."

Watching SCP1440 wandering around avoiding the crowd on the screen, Deadpool felt a sense of sympathy.

"Death is not the greatest misfortune, being unable to die is!"


Doraemon World

"Doraemon, why do I feel that this old man is so pitiful!���My eyes are a little wet

"Yes, Doraemon, I feel sorry for him too."Shizuka pressed down the corners of her mouth, looking lonely.

His wife is dead, and maybe his relatives and friends are also dead, and he has nothing to rely on in this world.

Now, what he wants most is death, but the three brothers of death want to torture him endlessly.

And they also give him the ability to destroy wherever he goes.

This forces him to stay away from human society and live a wandering life.

This is really too pitiful!

Hearing what his friends said, Doraemon sighed.

"There was nothing he could do about it. It was because he had angered God."

"He won the bet with the god of death and was punished accordingly."


Fat Tiger snorted coldly, his tone full of disdain.

"What a god! I think they are just three bastards who can't stand losing!"

"It was clearly stated that he wanted to gamble, but after losing, he regretted it and tortured the old man. It's really shameful!"

At this moment, Fat Tiger's sense of justice was overflowing


Bears in the World

"Bah! What kind of supreme godhood is this! I can't even afford to lose!"

"Even I, Xiong Er, can't catch up with you in terms of your bearing!"

Xiong Er curled his lips and said with disdain.

"Yes, these are not the three brothers of death, they are clearly three scoundrels!"

Even the usually steady Big Bear looked down on these three supreme divinities at this time.

So what if they are supreme divinities?

Even bears know that if you lose a bet, you must accept the loss. But I didn't expect that the three brothers of death, who are supreme divinities, would openly act like scoundrels!

Because the old man had already won everything, but he still bullied him like this.

It's so hateful!


Beast World

"These three brothers of death are so shameless. Even I, Fenghuo Lun, can't do such a thing!"

Fenghuo Lun said firmly.

The Thunderbolt beside him also showed anger and said in a deep voice

"Yes, for a real man, if you lose, you lose, and if you win, you win."

"Why would you get so angry that you want to bully an old man?!"

Upon hearing this, everyone nodded, with angry expressions on their faces.

Only Luo Luo pondered for a moment and said:"Perhaps, the truth of the matter is not like this"


Fenghuolun raised his eyebrows,"No way, Luoluo, these three supreme deities have become so shameless, can you still whitewash them?"

Luoluo rolled his eyes at him.

"What whitewashing? I don't mean to whitewash them."

"I just think that the three brothers who died didn't punish the old man like this out of anger."

"It's because they just want to do it!"

Hot Wheels frowned even tighter.

"Luo Luo, I am really confused by what you said. You can't say that all these are set up by the three brothers of death."

"In fact, the old man can't beat the three brothers of death at all?"

Lolo's face was gloomy and he nodded.

"We cannot rule out this possibility. Maybe the three dead brothers deliberately lost to the old man!"

"Although I don't know what their purpose is, it must be related to their power!"

"Maybe, the more people die, the stronger they are!"

Luo Luo's words shocked everyone.

It turned out that the three dead were not rogues, nor were they bad gamblers who were furious because they lost.

It was because they did it on purpose! But why?

Why did they set up such a trap?


Real world.

Watching the video end, Lin Yang smiled softly

"These three guys can be said to be the troublemakers in the Foundation world!"

"No matter what the event is, I have to intervene."

"Even the Crimson King was tricked by them."

"In the setting, it seems that the more troubles these three brothers get involved in, the stronger they become."

"But because of them, the world of the Foundation is more interesting!"

Looking at the wandering SCP1440 on the screen,

Lin Yang sighed slightly.

"I thought I had won everything, but in fact I lost everything"

"In the end, he became a pawn of the Three Brothers of Death, and spent his whole life spreading war and death for them."


·· ·········Request flowers··· ······

·· ·········Request flowers··· ······

【"Inventory of the Five Supreme Divinities of the Foundation"】


【"SCP3999, I Am in Everything"】

【The screen shows a researcher kneeling in front of him. Life is infinite tentacles and countless eyes.】

【The researcher lowered his head, holding a dagger, and was about to stab himself in the neck.】

【"Let's go, just you and me"】

【"When the Eleventh-Day Empire is swallowing up the sky"】

【"It's like a human heart melting like a clam on the breakfast table"】


American comic world

"Hey, isn't it about taking stock of the Supreme God? What does this researcher mean?" Thor was a little confused.

""Hmm... maybe he is a victim of this supreme god." Tony stroked his chin.

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly.

After all, it is the supreme god!

It is normal to have one or two victims!

What's more, the monster behind this researcher really looks like it gives people goose bumps.

The dark green tentacles and the open bloody mouth are really terrifying!


Bears in the World

"The damn supreme deity has come to wreak havoc on Earth again!"

"Really, they are even more hateful than Baldy Qiang!"

Xiong Er stamped his feet in anger.

Compared with them, Baldy Qiang just loves to chop trees. Even in so many episodes, he has not chopped down a few trees.

And those supreme gods, they wish the earth would explode!

This is a hundred times more hateful than Baldy Qiang!

Xiong Da, who was standing next to him, also frowned.

"I hope this supreme deity won't cause too much damage."


Holy Lord World


Looking at Xiaoyu's excited face, Chen Long held his forehead with one hand.

"Xiaoyu, this monster is so scary, how can you be so excited!"

Xiaoyu scratched his head,"Uncle Long, I feel that this monster is like a wild creature in the game I played, called Slime"

"Although it is a bit dark and scary, it is indeed quite similar."

Chen Long was speechless.

"Alas, another innocent life died under the Supreme God."Sheriff Black sighed lightly, feeling a little sorry.

Chen Long nodded,"Yes, look at this researcher, it seems that he stabbed his own neck, probably because he was very scared."

Some people will have the desire to commit suicide when they are panicked.

Chen Long naturally thought that this researcher was such a person.

""Chen Long, you are too superficial!"

Dad interrupted sharply:"Dad smells a strong devil's breath on this researcher!"

Chen Long raised his eyebrows.

How could this be possible? This picture looks very obvious.

The monster is behind him, and the researcher in front is the victim.

Dad, how can you still smell the devil's breath on him?

After all, this is on the screen!

Dad, you can only see if there is a devil's breath with your eyes, but you can't smell it!


Super Beast Armed World


Pluto stared at the screen and took a breath.

"This researcher doesn’t seem to be a simple person!"

"The power in her is even stronger than that of the monster behind her!"

"But she is just a researcher in a foundation!"

""It's strange, am I wrong?"

Hades couldn't help but doubt himself.

She was just a researcher with no power, why could her energy be so strong?

Even stronger than the monster behind her.

For a moment, Hades began to doubt himself.

"Could it be that I was locked in the Xuanming Coffin for too long and that caused me to feel it wrong?"


Three-Body World.

Shi Qiang smoked his cigarette, frowning.

Wang Miao looked at him in surprise."Shi Qiang, it's rare to see you so troubled."

"What's wrong? Is there anything you ca n't figure out?"Shi Qiang hummed softly, pointed at the screen, and said in a deep voice:"Look at the way this researcher holds the dagger. Do you think there is anything wrong?"

Hearing Shi Qiang's words, Wang Miao spread his hands.

"Stop it, you are a criminal police, I am just a scientist, how can I see these details?"

Although he said so, Wang Miao still looked at it seriously.

"Why does this action look so awkward?"


Shi Qiang exhaled a puff of smoke."If this researcher committed suicide out of panic, then the way she held the dagger would never be as calm and powerful as it is now."

"This gives me the feeling that she has decided to commit suicide."

Wang Miao frowned,"Shi Qiang, this is impossible!"

"There are too many doubts here. Maybe you just felt it wrong?"

Shi Qiang shook his head and pointed at his eyes.

"I have solved countless unsolved cases with my eyes."


"If something evil happens, there must be a ghost; if something is abnormal, there must be a demon!"

"I think this researcher is not just a victim, but a very important character!"Very important.

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