People on this continent believe in gods and they devoutly worship the goddess of light. Most people are ordinary people, but there are a small number of God's darlings who possess the mysterious power of magic.

The water element, the fire element, the wind element...floating between the heaven and the earth, and transformed into their own power after being used by the magician.

A powerful magician can also create formations, using wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and can wipe out tens of thousands of troops with a single wave.

Of course, there must be more than magicians in this world. There are also mermaid, elves, witches... all kinds of existence.

When An Mi first came to this continent, she was unlucky enough to meet the White Rose Duke of the Empire. She was taken over by the drunken Grand Duke, and she became pregnant overnight. An Mi was forced to give birth to a child in her womb. .

At that time, the Duke of White Rose was not yet married, but he already had a concubine. He already had two sons and two daughters.

Occupying a civilian woman while drunk, although this woman is beautiful enough, this is undoubtedly a great humiliation for the Duke of White Rose who attaches great importance to the concept of family.

What's more, this woman still has a hair like night-like hair, which is undoubtedly an ominous symbol in the eyes of people who admired the goddess of light at that time.

In desperation, the Duke of White Rose married An Mi as a side room, but he was cold and indifferent to An Mi, and ignored her daughter.

Although An Mi is not favored by the Duke, it is impossible for those who value face so much to allow their servants to bully their masters in their Duke’s mansion, so An Mi’s mother and daughter have had a good time over the years.

An Mi remembers that Cyrel fell into this time and space with her. She wears a bracelet in her hand, which can sense where the robot is.

In the end, An Mi found Ciller's body somewhere in the forest.

When An Mi found Ciller, he lay in a quiet and peaceful place. The man's eyes were closed tightly, his hands folded on his body, and he fell into a deep sleep almost forever.

Because at that time, An Mi didn't start the program after creating Ciller.

The machine didn't start the startup program, and what awaited it was endless sleep.

Under quiet thinking.

She started the machine's program, and entered her daughter's name in the owner's column in Ciller's settings.

Quietly smiled bitterly.

She will go back sooner or later, back to her own time, but she can't take her daughter back.

There are also laws between time and space. An Mi can choose to return to the Interstellar Age, but the price is that she has to leave her own daughter.

Because Cloya is the daughter of her and the Duke of White Rose, her blood is rejected by the law and can only stay here.

For this daughter, An Mi does not love her. After all, this is not the crystallization of her love with her beloved, but a ridiculous product, but the connection between bloodlines cannot be really separated.

It is impossible for An Mi to leave her daughter alone and go back alone.

Therefore, An Mi chose to let Siler recognize Loya as her master, and protect her forever when she leaves.


When An Mi chose to leave this continent when Cloya was seven, she found a way back to the interstellar age.

Before leaving, An Mi left a letter to Cloya.

"Dear Cloya, when you read this letter, my mother has already left..."

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