The robot... also called her master...

Fu Yue felt a suffocation in her heart.

This operation is too irritating.

Sorry to A.

But Jun Heng's indifferent and beautiful face flashed in his mind, and the other party's thin lips closed and spoke.

"the host...."

Fu Yue aroused: "!!!"

That picture is so beautiful.

She dare not think!

Something strange suddenly appeared in her mind, and Fu Yue rubbed her white cheeks angrily.

God calls her master?

Impossible.... Impossible in this life.

Think about it, there is still a little regret.


I just mentioned that Ciller is actually a human-like robot. His appearance is no different from ordinary people. The body material, body surface temperature and so on are exactly the same as normal humans.

Except, emotion.


Robots have no emotions, even if they look similar to humans, and even if the technology has developed to such a terrifying level, it is impossible for a machine to have emotions.

To Fu Yue's expectation, this plane was not the mixed plane of Western fantasy and interstellar that she had imagined. This was a purely small Western fantasy world. As for why there was the existence of a robot like Cyril—

Cyrel is the only robot in the world.

He was created by Cloya, the mother of the original body, or brought into this world.

Cloya's mother is a traverser.

She comes from another time and space, an era tens of thousands of years away from the 21st century.

Humans at that time had the strongest civilization.

The era of interstellar is coming, human beings occupy all asteroids and begin to thrive on them. With the rapid development of science and technology, countless things that were previously unimaginable can all be realized in that era.

One of the most amazing is the birth of simulated human beings.

That's right, the simulation robot that originally existed in the science fiction blockbuster was created alive.

The original mother is called An Mi, as the name suggests, she is a quiet and beautiful girl. She was a genius girl in a big family in the interstellar age, dedicated to scientific research, obsessed with the research and improvement of artificial robots.

Ciller was the perfect robot she had created.

He has superb beauty, his face like the sun **** Apollo, like a young nobleman in the Middle Ages.

Although robots have no emotions, in the initial settings, creators can give them their own personalities.

Ciller's character is gentle.

Strong, gentle, and only loyal to the owner, if it weren't for him to be a robot without emotion, then he would be the best lover.

When An Mi had just created this robot, she unexpectedly encountered a space storm, and she and Ciller were simultaneously involved.

At that time, Ciller had not even activated the program, and fell into a strange space with his creator.

When An Mi just woke up.

She found herself in a chaotic era of magic, similar to the European Middle Ages.

Refers to the European Middle Ages.

People's first reaction is, castle, nobleman, elegant gentleman.

But tearing apart the gorgeous coat, the darkness and dirt in this city is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Fornication, absurdity, and tyrannical rule.

There was a huge gap between the nobles and the poor before.

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