Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 687 Golden Expedition

Before the expedition with the goal of completely sealing the Eye of Terror had even begun, the empire and the Tyrone sector were already preparing for the expedition.

Jaghatai returned to his sons, using his Primarch's calling power to raise troops and fleets.

The fleets of Guilliman and Lion and their descendants, the Ultramarines, the Dark Angels and their sub-groups are all in the fleet and do not need to be mobilized.

The Reaper Army and Uthlan are taking a break from their search for the Crone's Sword to participate in the crusade against the Eye of Terror whenever possible.

Outside the forefront of the war, the Grand Magus Belisarius Cawl of the Adeptus Mechanicus was delivering the White Scar Primaris Space Marines to Jaghatai.

Thanks to Jaghatai's wisdom, the Primaris Space Marines were sent to the White Scars without any problems.

Everything went extremely smoothly.

Before Jaghatai's return, all the leaders of the expedition gathered together to name this monumental expedition.

Golden Expedition.

After the Imperium of Man was ravaged twelve times by Abaddon's Black Crusade.

Humanity finally launched an active attack on the place where the Eye of Terror, the Black Legion and many traitors and heretics were entrenched.

This is also the first active attack on subspace existence by beings in the real universe.

The preparations for the Golden Expedition went smoothly.

Even the new Thunder Warriors plan is going well.

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke.

In an apocalyptic battle on the surface of the demon world.

Elite Astra Militarum regiments such as the Astartes and the Cadian Assault Force, the Mordian Iron Guard, etc. are jointly attacking the Black Legion fortress.

The weapons and equipment of the Black Legion Chaos Space Marines are better than those recorded in any information records of the Empire. With the help of other various Chaos warbands and the help of demons, they can not only defend the fortress, but even have the strength to leave the fortress to fight.

In the lightning-thundering sky, nearly a hundred eyes stared at the ground.

Those eyes are not the strange appearance of the demon world, but the eyes of the people watching the battle.

Qin Mo, Guilliman, Lion.

Tyrone Army senior.

Chapter Masters of the Ultramar Auxiliaries, Ultramarines, and other sub-chapters.

The original members of the Dark Angels, headed by Azrael, who still serve as senior leaders of the chapter after the Inner Circle was abolished.

These people gathered together and watched the battlefield simulated by the equipment created by the Star God.

When the war was at its most intense stage, a square black cube suddenly emerged from the dimensional space and came to the sky above the battlefield.

Then the black cube released energy, and five golden light beams landed at the forefront of the battlefield.

After the golden beam of light turned into dots of starlight and dispersed, five five-meter-tall superhuman warriors wearing thick golden armor appeared in front of a Black Legion Terminator combat team.

Seeing these five warriors who suddenly appeared, the veterans of the eternal war were a little confused.

These five warriors, who looked very powerful at first glance, formed a combat team. The captain was Bendis, the new commander of the original Thunder Warriors after Gunter.

In brain activity imperceptible to the viewer, in less than a millisecond, Bendis issued orders in the mental link established between each team member.

This method of command is not about transmitting and receiving, but what Bendis is thinking, others will think about it at the same time.

The mental link will filter out distracting thoughts or other perceptions, and only the feelings that are clear as commands will be shared with other members of the team.

The other four warriors, according to what Bendis thought, divided up and attacked the Black Legion lackeys or demons who were fighting with the Astartes and mortal armies.

Bendis, on the other hand, is alone facing the Terminator fighting team, where every member is a veteran of the long war.

"Hunt!" the most powerful and prestigious person in the Terminator team ordered to the others.

It only takes one word for others to understand what their boss wants to do.

But as the sound spread over the communications channel, Bendis took action.

Storm bolters, assault cannons, melta... all kinds of weapons roared at Bendis at the same time.

Countless attacks that could easily penetrate ordinary Astartes only caused ripples around Bendis. The experienced veterans of the eternal war immediately realized that the uninvited guest in front of them must be wearing equipment such as a force field.

But when they realized this, Bendis had already rushed in front of the leader. The spear held in his right hand instantly penetrated the various defense mechanisms of the Terminator Tactical Dreadnought Armor itself, even those who used subspace psychic energy. The defenses were also pierced by spears coated with the sacred wax of the state religion.

An eternal war veteran died on the spot.

The other members of the combat team immediately dispersed, trying to take advantage of their own long-range weapons to eliminate Bendis, who only held melee weapons.

When a round of fire coverage only caused ripples around Bendis again, and the traitors couldn't even tell where the force field around this guy came from, another veteran of the eternal war was shot from above. The hole penetrated the body, and the whole person was nailed to the ground.

The traitors looked at the extremely powerful enemy in horror.

Bendis pulled out the spear from the corpse and walked forward slowly.


A cannonball exploded behind Bendis, and two shrapnel struck the golden armor when the force field paused briefly, causing the shoulders of this warrior, who was far more powerful than the Astartes, to tremble.

Bendis turned around and saw a Leman Russ tank covered in profanity, and he raised his hand.

The thunder and lightning that surged out of his hand instantly exploded the tank into smithereens.

Bendis then turned around and slaughtered the remaining traitors.

At this point, all simulated environments have disappeared.

There was a burst of applause.

Guilliman clapped excitedly, applauding the success of the new Thunder Warriors plan.

Ryan and most of the others applauded with mixed expressions.

"This is just one of the countless subconscious trainings that the New Thunder Warriors are doing." Qin Mo looked around, "As you can see, their fighting methods still have a lot of shortcomings, and they can't update them yet. Good ones adapt to their bodies, but sooner or later they will become stronger through countless trials.”

"Merely destroying a squad of Terminators is nothing."

"The technology used in this training equipment is very advanced and expensive, but it can still be spread to every combat group."

All the Chapter Masters present, whether they were Dark Angels or Ultramarines, nodded.

But to be honest, they are less interested in this training equipment than in the new Thunder Warrior program.

Indeed, training in a virtual world where the flow of time is completely different from the real world is more efficient.

However, start-up teams with a long history often follow their own traditions for training, and those traditions are meaningless if they are put into the virtual world.

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