Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 686 White Scar’s Specialty

"I have met with Guilliman and Sanguinius a long time ago, but you have only known of my existence until now. You cannot blame me for this."

"Don't look at me like that, Ryan, you really can't blame me for this."

"I originally wanted to call you in front of me and meet you just like I did with Guilliman, but you were still in Caris one second and ran away the next second."

The Emperor explained to Lion and Jaghatai.

Ryan listened silently.

Chagatai, on the other hand, had a look on his face that said he had seen through everything but I would not say anything, and he sat in silence as well.

"You can't blame me for this, blame you, Ryan."

"Besides, why do you have to see me? I'm fragile enough to be accommodated by a female psyker, and I can't do anything to help you."

Upon hearing the emperor's self-justification, Jaghatai lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes.

With just a few words, he could confirm that the Emperor in front of him was indeed a very pure human part.

Only mortals can do this kind of thing.

"Blame me, huh?" Ryan spread his hands, "Why did you sit there fishing and say nothing in my hallucination when I woke up? Why can't you raise your head and say a few clear words while fishing? What's more, you squatted for a long time No fish was caught either!”

"Brother. What we see in front of us is the humanity of our father, not the collection of all wills from ten thousand years ago." Chagatai said in a deep voice.

"Correct." The Emperor pointed at the Jaghatai with both hands and smiled.

Ryan nodded and could only accept it.

"I actually appeared very early, probably in the 989th year of the 41st millennium."

"I met Lord Tyrone when he was still the commander of the PDF Legion as you know him."

"I helped him get a Genestealer Patriarch."

Speaking of Qin Mo's matter, a smile appeared on the emperor's face.

He talked a lot.

Starting from controlling the guy named Grote to take Vanessa to the Bottom Fortress, to the conversation with Qin Mo a while ago.

Jaghatai noticed that the Emperor was beaming with joy as he spoke of these things, especially when he talked about the various interesting things happening in the Tyron Sector.

He couldn't believe it.

That cold, majestic, cold-blooded monarch ten thousand years ago, the humanity of that monarch turned out to be like this now.

Perhaps the Emperor would be what he is now without the influence of other cold wills.

In addition, Jaghatai also realized that the emperor's humanity had a very good relationship with the Lord of Tyron.

But Jaghatai knew he shouldn't point this out in front of Ryan, so he said nothing.

As the Emperor spoke, Jaghatai's thoughts gradually drifted away.

The praises he heard about the Tyrone sector reminded Jaghatai of Malcador's attitude towards the Primarch.

Considered the Primarch more of a tool than the Emperor.

It is even considered that the Primarchs are defective, because their emotions prevent them from being a good tool that can come and go as soon as they are called.

Malcador never expressed his opinion of any Primarch, but Jaghatai could see it.

Even Jaghatai can see one thing, that is, Malcador is actually more human than the Emperor. Even if Malcador has a bad attitude towards the original body, if everything goes well and the original body's mission is over, Malcador will Kado would not kill all the Primarchs, he would find a place to place them and keep watch.

He even stayed with the Primarch after he and the Emperor returned everything to mortals.

This is called affection.

"Also about the expedition to the Eye of Terror..."

"The Empire needs you, Jaghatai."

As Jaghatai's thoughts drifted further and further away from the current conversation between father and son, the Emperor suddenly called to him, drawing his thoughts back to the command deck of Macragge's Flair.

"What did you say?" Chagatai asked.

"The Empire needs you." The Emperor repeated. "Although you and your heirs have little presence, I know what you are good at. You are not only good at blitzkrieg, but also fleet warfare."

Hearing this, Jaghatai narrowed his eyes slightly, surprised that the Emperor was so clear about the characteristics of White Scar.

Whether the White Scars are in the legion or chapter period, their characteristic in the eyes of outsiders is that they like to ride motorcycles and fight blitzes.

But White Scar also has another specialty, and that is fleet battles.

In fleet battles, White Scar's warships will quickly defeat the enemy with extremely fast response speed and changeable strategies and tactics.

"I thought we were just a group of space cavalry in your eyes." Jaghatai smiled.

"So what are you waiting for? Come back to your war group quickly, organize your fleet, and then come quickly to participate in the preparations for the expedition to the Eye of Terror. Fortunately, speed is what you are good at," the emperor said.


Just say it quickly.

Without saying a word, Jaghatai stood up and saluted on the spot, turned around and left the command deck of Macragge's Glory, and set off home to prepare the fleet without even waiting for a second.

"You also do what needs to be done." The Emperor looked at Guilliman.

Guilliman stood and left the command deck.

At this time, only the Emperor's humanity and Lion were left in the huge command deck.


The Emperor called softly.

Ryan listened intently.

But the Emperor did not continue speaking.

His expression looked strange.

At this moment, there seemed to be thousands of words that he wanted to say, but it seemed that he was just making a meaningless expression.

There seemed to be a lot of hesitation between the eyebrows, but there seemed to be only indifference.

Finally, with great difficulty, the Emperor spoke.

The difficult and bitter words were squeezed out of his throat and passed into Ryan's ears one by one, sounding like ethereal murmurs.

"Feel sorry."

"Sorry?" Ryan was stunned for a moment, "You said it was so difficult, I thought you wanted me to kill all the traitors in the Eye of Fear alone."

"Haha." The emperor smiled awkwardly to hide his embarrassment.

Ryan doesn't understand people's hearts, but he can probably figure out why his father apologized.

He was obviously apologizing for things that happened ten thousand years ago, for those honors that were not granted, and for the overly heavy secrets.

"As for your opinions on the Tyrone Sector..." The Emperor spoke again, "I hope you won't think about these things and focus on your duty. Your duty is to lead the imperial army to win the battle."

"Okay." Ryan said yes without hesitation.

The emperor was stunned for a moment. He thought that Ryan would have a fight with him for a long time...

"I think about those things because no one thinks about them for me, but now since you, Guilliman, and Jaghatai think that the problems in the Tyrone sector are not problems, then I have nothing to worry about."

"I am the Warmaster of the Empire now. I just have to do my part."

"I will always, only fight for your will, now I just need a clear opinion from you."

Ryan held his helmet, stood up from his seat, and knelt on one knee.

Looking at Ryan, the Emperor nodded movedly, stretched out his hand and gently touched Ryan's face.

"Go, get ready, we are going to have the greatest expedition ever launched."

"Sew up the wounds suffered by the real universe and the wounds eroded by subspace forever."

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