Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 50 Where is the Emperor?

The fight soon begins.

The heavy hammer and the ant bull gradually approached each other until they were ten meters away from each other and stopped.


After the order came over the radio, the two gladiators immediately began to fight.

The battle is not gradual, but very fierce from the beginning.

Although Ant Bull's body is huge, he is extremely agile and dexterous. He rushed to the heavy hammer with a sliding shovel and chopped off his left hand with a knife.

But this was a flaw deliberately sold by Heavy Hammer. Taking advantage of the moment when Ant Bull had just finished its attack and was unable to quickly evade it, he grabbed his right leg and quickly turned the pliers on his arm to unscrew Ant Bull's right leg.

The two quickly distanced themselves amidst the cheers of the audience.

The antbull bounces to keep its balance while the hammer picks up the severed arm from the ground and places it in a storage box sewn to its back.

When the cheers of the audience gradually subsided, the two began the next round of duel.

"Die!" the ant bull roared and charged, jumping hard and rushing towards the heavy hammer. The two knives on its arms were ready to pierce flesh and metal.

Hammer was also charging, but his speed was actually slower than the ant bull jumping on one leg, but he was more powerful. As he ran, he roared: "Bless me from the brave champion!"

The speed of the hammer became faster and faster amid the roar. He even knocked down the ant bull before he could react, and the pliers on his arms hit the ant bull's head hard.

The head of the ant bull was deformed after the first hit.

After the second blow, the ant bull's face was deeply dented.

The third blow hit the queen ant cow's head and exploded.

Hammer stood up from the pool of blood, raised the body of the ant bull and shouted to the audience: "For the brave champion!"

The audience cheered and applauded even more fiercely, applauding the winner of this gladiatorial battle.

Hammer did not leave the field. He dragged the ant bull's body down the ring, and then walked in front of a circle of iron railings outside the auditorium, showing off the results he had achieved and the miserable corpse of his enemy.

"This man is so hard-working that he is willing to trade his arm for the death of his enemy." Klein stood up and applauded.

Gray looked at Grote on the side, thinking that Grote would like this kind of fierce fighting, but found that his expression was shocked and his whole body was shaking.

"Antara!" Grote shouted to the hammer, "It's me!"

Upon hearing the name Antara, Heavy Hammer immediately turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw an officer and two people wearing power armor.

Then Grote took off his helmet and rushed to the edge of the stands to wave to the hammer.

Heavy Hammer threw away the body of the ant bull, jumped up and waved vigorously to Groat. The two shouted to communicate, but their voices were soon covered by more violent cheers and applause.

Grote pointed in the direction where the heavy hammer came out when the fight started, and used a gesture that only the two of them could understand to indicate that he would pass.

But Zhongmai just shook his head with a solemn expression, turned around and left.

Arena backstage.

In order to reward the winning Hammer, the Arena implanted a new prosthetic body into Hammer's broken arm. This prosthetic body did not have the function of a normal arm, it was just a knife that could release electricity.

While implanting the prosthetic body, Heavy Hammer saw Grote coming with the female guide.

Grote came here on his own, and he had sent Gray and Klein back first to prevent them from getting involved in trouble.

After seeing Groat, Heavy Hammer immediately stood up, dragged the half-implanted prosthetic body over, and knelt down in front of the female guide: "Mentor."

The female guide nodded with satisfaction and then introduced Grote: "This is the guard of the commander of the First Army. He said he wants to meet you, a brave gladiator."

"Yes." Heavy Hammer pressed his head deeply and knelt down to Grote, "Dear Sir, I salute you."

"Antara...you...I..." Grote faltered tremblingly, and couldn't squeeze out a complete sentence for a long time. Finally, he turned his head and looked at the female guide: "I need to be alone with him."

"Of course." The female guide nodded and left with the others in the background.

After everyone else had left, Zhongham dared to stand up and hug Grote: "Brother...my brother..."

"You...what have you experienced?" Grote felt half of his brother's cold metal body and didn't even dare to guess what he had experienced.

Heavy hammer didn't answer immediately.

The two muscular men hugged each other and cried bitterly. Tears and snot mixed with each other flowed onto each other's power armor or metal shoulders.

After Zhongmai had cried enough, he took Grote to sit down and told him about his experience during this period.

The day after Grote entered the bottom nest, an officer suddenly came to the house and said that he had become a traitor on the front line and had defected to the rebels.

As the traitor's family members, Chonghammer and her sister must pay a ransom of five hundred throne coins, and a soldier's monthly salary is less than twenty throne coins, so it is understandable that they cannot afford it.

Then the five hundred throne coins became the debts of Heavy Hammer and his sister. Both were sold to the guild, the sister disappeared, and Heavy Hammer accepted the transformation and became a pit slave.

"A week ago, I killed the overseer and ran away, and then I was forced to join the arena. After two days of training, I started to fight." Zhongmai lowered his head and looked at the ground, with uncontrollable anger in his tone, "I gave myself a name. I was named Heavy Hammer, a good middle-aged gladiator who guided me to believe in the brave champion."

After saying that, Zhongmai took out a statue from his arms.

The statue depicts a gladiator carrying a prisoner of war in his right hand and a string of skulls in his left hand.

"No... you cannot turn your back on the Emperor... I fought with the Emperor's emissaries in the Underhive, and you actually believe..."

"Where is the Emperor?"

Grote's words were interrupted by a heavy hammer. The serious brother stared at his younger brother, paused for a few seconds and then asked: "Where was the Emperor when they said you were a traitor? When they sold our sister , where is the Emperor? Where was the Emperor when I was transformed into a slave of the Pit?"

Grote was left speechless by the question.

"The Brave Champion gave me power. I can't leave. I can only stay in the arena and sacrifice my blood to this great god." Zhongmai said and put the statue of the Brave Champion into his arms.

"But...but the Emperor's messenger saved me...if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been able to leave the Underhive..." Grote suddenly thought of a reason to defend the Emperor.

Hearing this reason, he glanced at his younger brother and said calmly: "Perhaps the person who saved you is also a god, or another messenger of god who is willing to give grace to the world. No matter what he is, he is better than It would be much better for Terra to fuck the slave master who doesn't even want to fart."

Grote was silent and thinking, and he remembered that there were indeed people who worshiped Qin Mo as a god.

"I'm going to participate in the next gladiatorial fight." Zhonghami stood up and walked towards the arena.

"You have to come with me." Grote held his brother's shoulders. "The legion commander will replace you with a better prosthetic body so that you can act like a normal person. We will find Maya together and then we will be a family." Living in the bottom nest.”

"Will they let you take me away?" Zhongchui looked at the door.

"Of course they won't." Grote took off the gravity hammer from his back and stuffed it into the hammer's pliers, "But I just have to take you away."

Looking at the power armor on his younger brother and the hammer he put in his hand, Heavy Hammer nodded after thinking for a moment: "We are going to find Maya, and then we have to get together as a family like before, but before that I We must take revenge on those bastards severely."

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