Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 49 Deep Pit Slave

According to the terms of negotiation, all soldiers of the First Army can move freely.

Soldiers were also allowed to go home to visit their families, and they were given the choice to go or stay, but that choice meant little to most.

Except for some officers who were minor nobles themselves, everyone else had only one idea, and that was to quickly bring their families to New Cato to enjoy unlimited fresh water.

In less than two days, almost everyone brought their families to the front of the passage to the bottom nest, and then a piece was teleported back to New Cato.

But there are also people who can't find their families.

Such as Grote.

"What's wrong, brother?" Gray saw Grote sitting in a daze on the bunker of the position, and immediately jumped up and sat next to him.

"I didn't find my family." Grote's voice was low. "They live in the 14th District, but I didn't find anything after I went there. My house was rusty and moldy, which proves that they left for a long time... "

Gray knew about Grote's family situation. He had an older brother and a younger sister.

It stands to reason that his two relatives have the ability to protect themselves in the hive, and they should not be missing anyway.

Gray racked his brains to think of words to comfort Grote: "Maybe they have encountered some trouble, maybe they are wandering around the nest... I am not very good at talking, I just want to say..."

"Did you take your family to New Cato?" Grote asked.

"Yes." Gray nodded.

"Congratulations, brother."


Grote grabbed Gray's hand, touched his shoulder with him, and then fell silent and stopped talking.

After a while, Klein came over and shouted to Gray and Grote: "Let's take you to the first area to play."

"Klein? I thought you wouldn't come back." Gray was very surprised. He had thought that nobles like Klein would stay in the upper nest.

After all, although the new Cato in the bottom nest is stronger than the lower nest, it is still inferior to the upper nest.

"The idiots in the family think I'm crazy. They don't want to go to the bottom nest with me." Klein didn't really want to discuss this topic. "I went to the first area with me to have fun. We fought a war for almost a whole year. , it’s time to relax.”

"District 1? Aren't they all gangs there?" Gray knew what District 1 was. It was a dangerous place for civilians.

The first area is completely filled with members of gangs and guilds. Let alone civilians walking in, even a criminal will have to squeeze out everything useful from him.

"The first area is very dangerous for others, but for the rich, it is a paradise. I guarantee that we will be treated like VIPs." Klein said with a smile.

Gray shook his head and looked at Grote. He thought that instead of playing, he should comfort his friend now.

"Let's come together." Klein also looked at Grote and joked: "Maybe your family has joined a gang. Isn't this a good opportunity for you to find them?"

This was originally a joke, but Grote thought it was really possible, because his brother was a strong and capable man, so it was not surprising that he would join a gang.

So Grote immediately jumped down from the bunker, and after Gray also jumped down, the two followed Klein towards the first area.

It seems that the gang intends to curry favor with the people of the First Army, so even if Klein did not come up with the money, the three of them still received courtesy. A woman whose body was highly prosthetic to achieve a perfect figure served as a guide and led the three of them on the journey. Play in the first area.

It was a perfect night.

The three of them went to drink first, then eat ant beef, and were taken to meet many gang bosses, all for free.

In the end, the female guide took the three of them to the arena, and together they entered a high-rise VIP room to watch the fight.

"Each of you has a betting limit of 10,000 throne coins." The female guide walked up to Gray holding two metal plaques. "This is the gift you deserve. If you lose the bet, you can also take 10,000 throne coins with you." Come on, if you win, you can take away more throne coins."

Klein was a little surprised when he heard 10,000 throne coins. This amount of money is enough to feed and drink a group of people for a month plus wages.

"I want to place a bet..." Grote looked at the two metal cards, and then randomly picked a gladiator name that he thought sounded better, "Bet on the hammer."

"Then I'll put the hammer down too."

"Me too."

Neither Gray nor Klein knew the gladiators here, so they both placed bets with Grote.

The female guide immediately turned around and stored their betting information in the machine.

Soon the fight began in earnest.

Under the colorful lights, the first gladiator appears.

"Let us welcome the most promising gladiator to win..." An excited and excited voice sounded on the radio, "Ant ant ant ant ant ant... ant bull!"

Cheers and applause immediately echoed throughout the arena.

Amidst warm cheers, a strong man walked out of the cage. His body was highly modified and he was two meters tall. Armor plates were even directly implanted in his vital parts. Even his arms were modified into two A long knife.

"Kill!" The gladiator named Ant Bull roared to the audience.

The cheers and applause intensified as he roared.

"Let us welcome the gladiators who are about to be cut into countless pieces by the ant bull." The voice sounded again on the radio, "Heavy hammer!"

Another gladiator came out of the door. His appearance was far different from that of Ant Bull.

The left half is made of strong flesh, and the right half is made of metal. Both arms have been transformed into pliers suitable for industrial production. The technology used for the transformation is poor, so the workmanship is rough.

"This guy is a pit slave," Klein said.

"What is a Pit Slave?" Gray asked. "Why have I never heard of it?"

"You may not have heard of it, but pit slaves are very common..." Klein then began to explain what a pit slave is.

To put it simply, some guilds will design a person to bear a huge debt. Of course, that person cannot afford to pay it back.

This is what is called a pit slave.

Their bodies are basically modified for industrial production, which is why the arms of the gladiator named Hammer are pliers.

"Some pit slaves will kill the overseers and escape, and then live as gladiators in the arena until they are killed by their opponents," Klein said.

"So that's it." Gray suddenly realized, "This man is quite miserable."

Grote did not participate in the conversation between the two.

Although he was far away from the arena and couldn't see the appearance of Heavy Hammer, the body shape and half of his body gave him a familiar feeling.

Eerily familiar.

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