War Emperor

Chapter 2097: Join forces

The void is like crisp glass, constantly shattering.

Lin Han couldn't help nodding, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In their minds, the unattainable sacred beast, at this moment, also felt that it was not so invincible.

With so many people, it would definitely be a sensational event to kill a **** beast of the ancestor level.

"Hmph, a group of ants, they dare to contend with their opponents in a delusion, and they can't help themselves." The sacred animal smiled angrily, and a solemn glance flashed across its eyes.

Ants often kill elephants.

It is not at the peak, and it is not impossible that it will capsize in the gutter in the hands of these people.

"All die to me!"

At the moment, it roared and really showed its abilities. The body was inflated, and it swelled up in an instant. Then the gas rushed along its belly and toward its neck, and finally, it got stuck in its mouth.

The whole mouth, like a toad's mouth, bulged very high.

"Sound wave skill?" Lin Han said with a change of expression.

The sound waves of the sacred beast were extremely famous in ancient times. If they couldn't resist it, they would burst into blood mist on the spot and died tragically on the spot.

"Everyone, plug your ears, be careful!" Lin Han shouted at the moment.

The sound was like nine days of thunder and thunder, and it passed endlessly, ringing in everyone's ears.

Everyone is obviously aware of this, and all their complexions have changed drastically, mobilizing the divine power in the body, running to the ears, and forming a thick mask next to the eardrum.

Sound waves are very destructive to the spirit, and the consequences are unimaginable.


Finally, in the eyes of everyone's nervous eyes, the balloon in the mouth of the sacred beast, after hoarding for a while, suddenly flared and issued a long roar.

The vast sound waves, immediately visible to the naked eye, like the burst of a dam, slumped for thousands of miles, and rushed towards everyone.

In the void, countless gusts of wind appeared, and some gods and demons roared, and the vision of Tianzun's roar appeared.

Beyond everyone's understanding of sound waves.

Lin Han was an eye-opener, even if the realm masters were far away, they would almost certainly die.


Fortunately, the number of people is large, and the combination of attacks is not inferior.

Therefore, this battle is still very suspenseful.


In the end, everyone's attack, like a shooting star, collided fiercely with the sound waves of the sacred beast.

In the void, a huge black hole immediately appeared, with endless divine light, pouring inward.

Destroy lightning flashes, and a random strand can make people wipe out.

Such a duel is really fierce.

"However, their attack was short-lived and their stamina was insufficient, so they still can't do it." At this moment, Lingxuan suddenly worried.

Millions of geniuses just rely on a **** nature to launch the strongest blow, which is not at the same level as the endless and vast follow-up divine power supplement of the sacred beast.

Before long, many geniuses will be exhausted, and when the sound waves hit, they will still die.

Puff puff……

Sure enough, just after Lingxuan's words fell, many young people suddenly began to spout blood one after another.

The consumption is too great, and they can't support it for long.

Some people feel that their original power has been drained.

A cloud of haze began to be added to everyone's hearts.

This has formed a vicious effect, which is very detrimental to them.

"If we can kill the sacred beast within this time, we will win!"

There was a genius with a strange light in his eyes and said in thought.

All of Susu's mind was fighting against them, and he couldn't free himself at all.

It is a good time to behead it.

"But who can kill it, this is the immortal ancestor, and the individual present can not cause a trace of damage to it."

Everyone smiled bitterly again.

The ancestor is too strong, standing still, it can't hurt it the slightest.

Then many people thought of anything, their eyes lit up, and they looked at Lin Han with hopeful eyes.

He has the masterpiece of the prehistoric sword-forging furnace. Maybe it is possible to kill the sacred beast.

"Okay, I will try!"

As if he understood everyone's thoughts, Lin Han's eyes were firm, he took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice.

Even if he rushed past, it was very dangerous to attack the sacred beast, and he had to do it. After all, it was not only about his own life and death, but also the fate of everyone.

If everyone was killed by the sacred beast and got a fan, the horror inside the coffin would also escape.

This will be a huge turmoil for the entire fairy world.

He has an unshirkable responsibility.

"Lin Han...you have to be careful." Lingxuan seemed to see Lin Han's determination, tears in her beautiful eyes, and the slender hand grabbed the sleeves of Lin Han's arms, full of worry.

Lin Han was already in her heart.

If something unexpected happens to Lin Hanzhen, she cannot bear the consequences.

"Don't worry, I will." Lin Han smiled and patted her delicate hands.

Right now, letting go of Lingxuan's hand, he stared at the stubborn beast that was showing his power, with a touch of determination in his eyes.


As soon as his toes stepped on the ground, Lin Han's body suddenly rose into the air, like an off-string arrow, hurriedly flying towards the sacred beast.

The impact in front of him was really terrifying, Lin Han kept approaching, feeling like an invisible force, violently forcing him back, making him unable to approach.

It's really impossible for ordinary people to get close to the sacred beast.

But Lin Han has the space-time steps, this kind of obstacle is not so insurmountable to him.


At the moment, he moved his mind, walking through time and space, and was immediately driven by him. Under his feet, a force of time and space flowed away. In almost an instant, Lin Han's speed rose to an incredible level.

That fierce counter-thrust force seemed to lose its effect in an instant, and Lin Han passed through it and came next to the Divine Beast.


Many geniuses couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and cheer for Lin Han.

It is worthy of being the first enchanting evildoer in ancient times, with such a powerful reverse thrust, it can shuttle past so easily.

Among young people, I am afraid that only Lin Han can do it.

As long as you can get close to the sacred beast, you have already succeeded in half.

Everyone looked at Lin Han, with hope in their hearts.

"Boy, what are you doing near me, wanting to attack me?" The Divine Beast also noticed Lin Han's approach and sneered.

Even if Lin Han could come closer, it wouldn't worry.

As an immortal ancestor-level divine beast, its flesh is incredibly tyrannical, an ant, with all its strength, can't bite a trace of its fur.

"I can't say a sneak attack, it's just a way of walking for the sky and beheading you." Lin Leng Leng laughed.

"Hahaha..." The sacred beast laughed wildly, as if he heard the best joke in the world, and said sarcastically: "Boy, you are too high on yourself. It represents the way of heaven. Do you represent it?"

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