War Emperor

Chapter 2096: resurrection

The atmosphere in the hall became a little weird.

Inside the brass coffin, there was an endless stream of bangs.


At a certain moment, when the fan was turned over the coffin, there was a strong and powerful wave, like a sleeping peerless artifact revived, the endless divine light and laws and order fell down, suppressing the coffin.

The coffin returned to calm again.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The coffin really has a doorway.

Fan Zhou Fan is suppressing.

The terrifying aura of the right talent flashed away, and everyone felt a tremor of soul. If it really appeared, it would be unimaginable for anyone to end up.

"What should I do now?" Everyone looked at each other, a little dazed.

Lin Han hesitated for a moment, and found an invisible formation on the coffin, which is now a bit broken, which made the suppression of the brass coffin by the Fan Zhou Fan not so effective.

If the fierce inside the coffin will never come out, it is necessary to consolidate the big formation.

Of course, a large formation of this level is very advanced, and ordinary array mages, even if they know it, will be helpless.

To him, it was nothing.

"I'll consolidate it, otherwise the existence in the coffin may really break through the seal." Lin Han muttered.

Many people couldn't help but cast grateful glances at Lin Han, and they could also detect it, maybe the existence in the coffin would rush out at any time.

When Lin Han did this, everyone's safety would be guaranteed.

At the moment, Lin Han straightened up a bit and came to the side of the coffin, his hands began to pinch strange knots.

Before long, wisps of strange light shot away from Lin Han's palm, and the originally damaged formation began to gradually recover.

Many people couldn't help but admire that Lin Han's formation technique was not much stronger than Du Long.

He has no background. It is enough to shock the world to achieve such achievements in combat power at a young age. Even the formation and water quality are like this, which is really weird.

"Huh, kid, who made you move the formation on this coffin?"

At this moment, a cold laughter suddenly came, and then at the entrance of the hall, a very terrifying breath overflowed.

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't expect someone to come here at this juncture.

Turning his gaze, everyone's complexion changed drastically after seeing the sight there, and they were taken aback.

Some people were so scared that they sat down on the ground, sweating profusely, with a look of horror on their faces.

"The sacred beast?"

Ling Xuanxian covered her ruddy lips with her hands, her beautiful eyes were filled with surprise, astonished.

I saw that at the entrance of the main hall, the sun shone in, and a blood-covered **** and horse stood up, with bright eyes, thick hooves, and bright fur, which had a strong visual shock.

It is the sacred beast!

It had clearly died tragically with the golden boa constrictor and the palace lord of the Nine Devil Palace before, so why is it still alive.

The faces of Little Fatty and Golden Retriever King also changed drastically, and the suffocating beasts were terribly angry. Even if they were severely injured now, no one here would be an opponent at all.

"Are you not dead?"

Lin Han turned his eyes away, his eyes condensed.

"Haha, of course, my vitality is strong and my combat power is against the sky. At the last minute, I reversed my vitality, and then forcibly returned from an alien space, and wanted to kill me. How could it be so easy."

The sacred beast laughed and said freely.

The golden boa constrictor urged the God Killing Array, and the final blow that erupted was too strong.

The alien space was all shot out, and they fell into it together.

No accident, all of them will die in a powerful explosion, and they will all die.

But after all, it is a mature man, a means of survival, and it is not comparable to a creature in the late years of the golden boa constrictor.

At a critical juncture, it reversed the blood qi in his body and exploded with tyrannical power, so that he could return against the sky at the critical moment.

Otherwise, even if there are ten lives, they are already dead.

Without the golden boa constrictor and the palace lord of the Nine Devil Palace, it is here, without a doubt, the real superpower, the people in the hall, like a group of crawling ants on the ground.

Lin Han's eyes became solemn, and he stopped repairing the formation. Right now he wanted to save his energy. The sacred beast was not dead, and it might be detrimental to everyone.

Right now, he looked wary and asked: "What do you want to do?"

I feel a little nervous in my heart. Facing this kind of creature, I will give people a strong sense of oppression mentally.

"Haha." The sacred beast laughed and licked his lips, like an extremely hungry beast, looking at a plate of delicious snacks, and said: "The source of this seat is now suffering a great loss and needs to swallow a huge amount of it. Only when the blood is restored, what do you say I want to do!"


Everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

The other party obviously wants to treat them as blood food and swallow them to replenish themselves.

The methods are too cruel.

"There are so many people here, you have to kill all of them, aren't you afraid of harming the heavens and suffering from the heavens?" Lin Han also had a cold back and shouted coldly.

The main hall is like an endless super palace, surrounded by clouds and mist, and there are hundreds of thousands of geniuses in it.

All died tragically, the killing was too big.

"What kind of Scourge is it, reaching this level of this seat, even if God wants to accept me, it is not that simple." The Divine Beast sneered, and a touch of arrogance appeared in his eyes.

Stepping into the Immortal Ancestor, you really have the qualifications to compete with Heaven.

"Stop talking nonsense, all become my blood." The sacred beast laughed wildly, now, boom! Its mouth suddenly opened, and in the horrified eyes of the crowd, it looked like a **** hole with a diameter of hundreds of meters, sweeping toward the crowd.


Some people closest to the sacred beast screamed immediately.

There was a strong breath on the big mouth, they couldn't move at all, only watched the big mouth swallow them.

Entering the mouth, the body will directly turn into blood mist, and the essence will enter its belly.

Thousands of people died in an instant.

Lin Han's eyes were cold, his methods were too cruel.

"Shoot together!"

"Yes, I still don't believe it, so many of us, would it not be its opponent."

"I would rather die in battle than die in such a wasteful manner."

At the moment, tens of millions of people are excited bloody, and each one has scarlet eyes and roars.

No one wants to die in vain.

Even if there is only a one-thousandth chance, they must try their best.


In the next moment, the genius of the crowds, all bodies glowed, sacrificed his magic weapon, and attacked fiercely at the sacred beast.

One by one weapons such as knives, swords, halberds, treasure wheels, divine umbrellas, large cauldrons, etc., the divine light shone like a meteor, piercing the void.

Most of the geniuses who can come here have two brushes. With so many people, their power has reached a terrifying level.

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