War Emperor

Chapter 1547: Snow Lion

"Flag of Fire, now!"

At this moment, Mu Mei'er also smiled, her bright white jade hands spread out, and a red flame banner appeared in the palm of her palm, hunting and hunting sounded, and the surface of the flag was surrounded by incomparable flames.

She fought hard and screamed, the magma erupted, and a large red flame appeared like a sea of ​​fire, sweeping the ice soldiers.

Although the ice and snow soldiers were very tough and fought hard to resist, they were restrained after all, and the flag of fire was too fierce. They would die out in a large area in a short while, as if they were purified.

Everyone slapped their tongues, and the flag of fire is also a powerful magic weapon of the Great China Sword Mansion. It was personally refined by the current Great Mansion Lord. It adopts the fire state of the eighteen realms, the heart of flames, and there are many precious minerals. Condensed.

With a wave on weekdays, the fire goes to the sky, burning everything.

It was really eye-opening to show it on Mu Mei'er now.

Lin Han nodded. Mu Mei'er and Murong Fu were indeed very strong. No wonder they were able to become figures of the wind. They joined forces with four or five hundred ice and snow soldiers. After a short time, they were all killed and wounded, leaving only some ice on the ground. Scum.

This kind of combat power is enough to be beyond the reach of ordinary geniuses.

"Lin Han, have you seen how good we are? If you are afraid, it is still too late to kneel down to us." Murong Fu sneered.

Mu Mei'er also had a lot of time, showing such a strong combat power, Lin Han will be shocked, apologize to them, and feel a little relieved!

However, Lin Han only glanced at them faintly, without even paying attention, he pulled Lingxi into the door of space.

"He dared to ignore us!" Murong Fu and Mu Mei'er were both furious, damned, they felt like a punch in the air.

"Boy, go crazy, catch the right opportunity, we will let you die." Murong Fu and Mu Mei'er both grinnedly said.


Next, more and more people entered the gate of space, and the atmosphere here faded.

Inside the gate of space, there is a world of snow and ice, like being forgotten by the universe, with a taste of time and time. On the sky, there are many snow-white stars rotating, which is huge and the scene is spectacular.

As for the ground, there is white ice and snow everywhere, covering everything, almost nothing can be seen.

"This is the ancient ice scene?" Lin Han slapped his tongue, this kind of scenery is really strange, giving people a poetic and picturesque feeling.

He has gone through many experiences along the way, but he has never seen such a wonder!

"It's so beautiful." Ling Xi also sighed, holding a ball of snowflakes in her small hand and lifting it up in the sky.

The heaven and the earth are clear, giving people a sense of refreshment.

Especially there is Lin Han next to her, she hopes to stay at this moment forever.

"Lin Han, if we are tired of the life of a cultivator in the future, how about finding such a place to live in seclusion?" She smiled.

"Huh?" Lin Han was startled.

"Oh, I didn't say anything..." Ling Xi's face flushed immediately, saying that, didn't he want to live with Lin Han?

Her pretty face was white, with a touch of shameful blush, which was extremely intoxicating.

Lin Han smiled, but didn't care.

"I don't know where to walk through time and space?" He whispered.

Ling Xi was also very curious about this ancient footwork.

"Look, what is that?" Then, Ling Xi pointed in a direction, surprised.

Lin Han's gaze turned away for a moment.

Not far away, there is a cliff, which is full of ten thousand feet, covered with thick ice and snow. On the cliff, there is a snow-white lion, right there, roaring up to the sky, vomiting snow spirits, and the whole body burst out with dazzling silver light like a round The silver sun blooms, revealing a sense of vitality.

"Could this be... a snow lion beast?" Lin Han asked unexpectedly. This is a kind of alien beast that is almost extinct in the outside world. It grows in the ice and snow and absorbs the essence of ice and snow. Its body is full of flesh and blood medicine. After eating it, it will greatly enhance the physique of the cultivator.

In the universe, there are many cultivators who go to some icy stars to hunt this kind of strange beasts.

It's just that almost all of these strange beasts are not seen in the Great Thousand Realm, and I never wanted to see one here.

"The breath of time and space under its feet... Could it be that it has cultivated the time and space steps!" Lin Han lost his voice again.

The more I watch it, the more I feel that this snow lion beast is unique, with a special rune power flickering under his feet. With his eyesight, I can tell at a glance that this is the power of time and space!

This kind of power is extremely advanced, and even the pinnacle of the "Ancestral Realm" who trembles the ancients and the present is difficult to possess.

A snow lion beast will have it, even a tiny bit is enough to see its extraordinary.

"It lives in this space. It may know the secret here, and it will only be so when it has been in contact with time and space steps." Ling Xi said in surprise.

This icy and snowy world is huge, and wanting to find a step in time and space here is like finding a needle in a haystack without a direction.

At last she noticed some clues, which naturally pleased her.

"Go!" Lin Han didn't hesitate at all, slammed his feet on the ground and rushed over.

Now that you have a clue, you can't miss it anyway.


His foot slumped vigorously and crushed a piece of mountainous land. Then, Lin Han flew to Nine Heavens like a god, bursting with dazzling divine light all over his body, and rushed towards the snow lion beast.

"Humble humans dare to trespass into the ancient ice realm, and even take action against this seat. I don't know how high the earth is." The ice and snow beast sneered. It was a king of beasts, a weak human being, in his eyes like ants.

"Today, I will eat you raw to show off." It grinned, opened its blood bowl, and bit towards Lin Hanzhe. In its big mouth, there was a roar of a lion, which was terrifying. , Ordinary people will lose their minds instantly, lose their combat effectiveness, and be eaten on the spot.

Lin Han sneered, his mental power exploded, forming a mask all over his body, isolating the roar of the lion, and then punched it out with a bang, like hitting a **** drum of heaven and earth, and the whole ice and snow world sounded together. Loud noise.

The majestic force instantly staggered the snow lion beast back a few steps.

"How is it possible, you human being so powerful?" The snow lion beast was in a daze, with raised eyeballs. The young man was thin and delicate, and looked harmless to humans and animals. It never expected that it would be so powerful. If there is an ancient dragon in its body, it will smell a tingling and trembling scalp.

In this world, having ruled the king and dominated for so many years, never thought that human beings recognized as the weakest would be stronger than fierce beasts.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me the power of time and space on your feet, is it caused by learning and walking through time and space?" Lin Lianlin smiled and asked.

"Haha, your kid also knows that walking through time and space is a bit of insight, yes, this is the king, unexpectedly in this world, even if he only comprehends the fur, he has incredible magical power, since You know that this king has walking through time and space, don't kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise, once this footwork is out, ghosts and gods will be unpredictable, and you will definitely die!" Snow Lion Beast laughed and said this with confidence.

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