War Emperor

Chapter 1546: Entrance

He wants to advance his Eye of Soul Eater again!

This pupil has a very strong effect in this dim tomb!

The more you strengthen, the greater the gain may be.


At the moment, after all the 50,000 immortal stones were refined, there was a bang, and the black light shining from within Lin Han's eyes became more intense. A pair of eyes exudes a strange and sharp light, which seems to be able to penetrate the world. A piece of essence.

"The door of space, I found it." Then, Lin Han was pleasantly surprised. In the passage, he found a hidden door, and the aura of space permeated.

It is the entrance to the ancient ice realm.

Now the Eye of Soul Eater has been upgraded again, reaching the level of third-level pupil surgery, and the effect is immediate.

"What a cold breath!"

"It's the gate of space in the ancient ice realm!"

"It must have appeared."

In the passage, countless geniuses were pleasantly surprised, the door of space was revealed, and the overflowing aura was too strong, everyone knew that they were found in the ancient ice realm, otherwise it would not be the case.

Lin Han couldn't help sighing, but this move completely overwhelmed the others.

Now I only have to take one step and see one step.

He walked along the tortuous passage for a few more minutes, and found a large hall in front of him. The hall was magnificent and magnificent, carved with beams and painted buildings, and it was solemn!

On the surrounding walls, there are pictures of gods and demons in the paintings, some holding large axes, some holding copper halberds, and some holding broad swords, all glaring at them, revealing a great sense of oppression.

Ordinary people come here, like being interrogated, and can't help feeling a shudder.

"The door of space!"

Everyone was overjoyed.

Lin Han also shines!

At the very center of the main hall, there is a stone gate. At this moment, it is filled with a layer of blue light, revealing the atmosphere of space.

There are strands of cold air, overflowing, obviously it is the space portal to enter the ancient ice realm.

Lin Han's heart is fiery!

The legendary walk through time and space, left by the people in the fairy ancestor realm that shook the ancients and the present, is a veritable treasure in the fairy realm.

If you get it, the benefits are too great.

"Haha, I finally found it. God helped me." At this moment, a loud laugh came.

Then, in another passage, walking along with tigers, came a young man with an upright temperament, his eyes gleaming, and a sense of dominance.

"Murong Fu?"

Many people were startled.

This is the genius of the Shenfeng Sword Mansion, with one hand the seventeen swords of the Shenfeng, who has reached the top and defeated many geniuses, and is famous.

Lin Han was helpless, he was really a friend of Lu Zhai, and met him so soon.

"Lin Han, it's you!" Murong Fu also happened to see Lin Han, a pair of eyes bursting out of flame-like light, and he sneered sneerly, wishing to rush forward and feed Lin Han raw.

The hatred between him and Lin Han is too big!

Lin Han was blackmailing the Immortal King Pill in a vertical position, crawling into the tomb door!

Never experienced this kind of humiliation.

"Hey, it's really eye-catching, little brother Lin Han, let me see you again." At this moment, a charming laugh came, and Mu Mei'er also came, with a graceful, concave-convex and elegant figure, her face hanging With a charming smile.

However, in the narrow beautiful eyes, there was a frightening cold light.

Obviously, she also remembered the hatred between Lin Han and her.

Lin Han glanced at the two and didn't say much.

The most urgent task now is to enter the door of space and find the steps that travel through time and space.

The two obviously knew this, and said coldly to Lin Leng: "Treasure your last time."


At this time, the people around, could not wait, one by one, with scarlet eyes, rushing to the door of space!

As long as you enter the door of space, you will have a chance to get it, and walking through time and space is of great significance to everyone.

Puff puff……

However, at this moment, within the gate of space, a series of snow-white crystal war spears burst out, like the sharpest killer in the world.

All the people who rushed up were pierced and died in the first place.

A character who reached the sixth level of the fairy king realm was also penetrated by the sky spirit cover, staring to death there, blood flowing all over his body.

"What's the matter?" Ling Xi asked in surprise.

Lin Han also changed color. The power of these ice and snow war spears was amazing. Even if he felt a hairy smell, it would not be easy to resist if he wanted to come and hit him.

The hall was already full of people, and those who didn't shoot were all fortunate.

Fortunately, they weren't so anxious, otherwise it would be a corpse now.


Next, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, within the door of space, there were footsteps, calm and powerful, like a giant traveling, neat and uniform.

Finally, a group of ice and snow soldiers came out of it, totaling four to five hundred, each wearing a bright armor, holding a war battle in his hand, and a terrible murderous intent in his eyes!

They seem to have come from ancient times, with a taste of indifference.


People were stunned.

These are obviously puppets, but they are very powerful. Although they are made of ice and snow, everyone feels a strong smell. If they want to fight, it will not be easy to break them.

And every puppet has majestic fluctuations in it, which is invincible.

"This puppet technique is a bit subtle." Lin Han also muttered to himself. The combat power of a puppet alone is not weaker than the power of the fourth and fifth layers of the fairy king realm. Four or five hundred puppets appear together. This is indeed An extremely powerful combination, it is impossible for anyone present to break into it alone.

Obviously it is a means to protect the ancient ice realm.

"Hmph, some puppets dare to be fierce here and die." At this moment, Murong Fu stood up and sneered, his hand flashed, and he took out a cold and biting snow-white sword, also flowing with ice. The taste of cold, the first time it was exhibited, caused the temperature in the hall to drop sharply.

"Xuanbing sword?"

Ling Xi exclaimed, this is a famous sword of the Shenfeng Sword Mansion. It was made by the famous swordsmith in the ice realm of the eighteen realms of the fairy world, and used the heart of 50,000 years of profound ice to cast it out with one sword. , There is a scene of ice and snow.

Once in the Shenfeng Sword Mansion, there was a high hand holding this sword. In a secular country, the ice peak was three million miles away, almost freezing a star, which was extremely terrifying.

This sword was actually in Murong Fu's hands.

"God of wind swordsmanship, kill!" Murong Fu held the Xuanbing sword, descending like an immortal sword god, full of disdainful aura.

He single-handedly slammed into the ice and snow soldiers, with swords in his hand, he kept slashing horizontally and vertically, and then an astonishing scene appeared. The sturdy ice and snow soldiers immediately looked like paper. After being cut, all were rusty. Turned into powder, dissipated.

Murong Fu continued to kill the snow and ice soldiers with the momentum of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves!

Countless people admire him incomparably, and he is worthy of being a genius of the Shenfeng Sword Mansion, and his swordsmanship is really strong.

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