War Emperor

Chapter 1504: Bai Shaohua

It took Lin Han four or five days of cultivation to finally complete the first seal.

"Da Yue Yin!" At this moment, Lin Han yelled, and an incomparable big seal suddenly appeared in his hand. It was brilliant and golden, like a golden mountain, vigorously, and suppressed toward the front.

The void suddenly collapsed into a large piece, like being beaten into a golden maelstrom, it was astonishing.

This blow, if it hits someone else, even those in the middle of the Ninth Floor of Daluojin Wonderland will be hard to resist.

Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and laughed.

In the past five days, his efforts have not been in vain.

Not only did he practice Da Yue Yin, but the realm of Da Luo Jin Wonderland was also completely stabilized.

You can continue to enhance your realm.

"I have a lot of top-grade immortal stones in my hand, and there is the "Pill Medicine Hall" in the sword mansion. You can purchase some "Pills of Immortality" to upgrade." Lin Han touched the space stone pendant and muttered to himself.

There are still twenty-five days, he must hurry up.

Right now, he took a break and walked to the west of the sword mansion.


The Pill Medicine Hall is located on the west side of the Jianfu, between a group of mountains, clouds and mist, filled with pill incense, some old medicine can be seen everywhere on some cliffs and mountain springs.

It can be picked by the alchemist in the sword house and used for alchemy!

Lin Han walked along a long staircase for about half an hour, and then came to the mountainside.

In the front, there is a majestic hall standing, revealing a sense of lofty and muddyness. On the plaque, the three characters "Pill Medicine Hall" are written impressively, and the brushwork is vigorous.

"Elder, I want to buy some pills." Lin Han walked into the hall and said to an old man.

The atmosphere of the main hall is calm, the floor is as smooth as a mirror, filled with sandalwood.

Among them, there are many counters arranged in a crisscross pattern, all marked with the names of some medicines, which is dazzling.

An old man, sitting on the armchair, was lazily reading a book.

"Buy a pill? What pill?" The old man raised his eyelids slightly and said lazily.

Lin Han smiled and said, "I want to buy Immortal Pill, but I don't know what the price is."

"Five high-grade immortal stones," the old man replied.

Lin Han slapped his tongue. A high-grade immortal stone is equivalent to one hundred middle-grade immortal stones, 10,000 low-grade immortal stones, and one immortal pill with five high-grade immortal stones, which is already very expensive.

However, his top-grade immortal stones are extremely large, and these money can still be taken out.

"Boy, how many Immortal Pills do you want, less than 1,000. Pill Hall does not sell them. If you don't have money, just go." The old man said.

Lin Han was so immature, he didn't think he would have so much money.

Lin Han smiled and said, "Of course, I want to buy 10,000!"

"Ten thousand?" The old man was startled for a moment, somewhat suspicious of his ears.

This requires fifty thousand top grade immortal stones.

With such a large amount of money, not many of the Heavenly Sword disciples paid out at once.

He couldn't believe that an unknown disciple was able to bring it out.

"Do you have so much money?" the old man frowned.

People with this wealth have a certain reputation in the sword mansion, and he knows them all.

Lin Han, a hairy boy, seemed to him to make fun of his old man.

Lin Han smiled, took out a package directly, slapped it, put it on the table, and said: "Elder, please count it and see if it is enough."

The old man opened it, and his expression suddenly became exciting.

It is indeed full of radiance inside, the crystal clear stones, like cast jade, filled with fairy light.

It is the top grade fairy stone!

The number is exactly 50,000.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Han with admiration.

"It may be the second generation ancestor young master in which force, using the money in the family to squander cultivation."

The old man shook his head and sighed, then took out 10,000 Immortal Pills for Lin Han.

"Haha, Elder Dan, hello." At this moment, a hearty laugh came.

At the gate, a handsome man dressed in white, holding a folding fan, walked in and smiled.

Lin Han's eyes condensed, the fluctuations in the man's body are much more powerful than those of the Changsun Clan and Liu Yan'er. Among the Tianjian disciples, they are definitely not small.

"It turned out to be Bai Shaohua, what's the matter?" The old man glanced at the white man and said calmly.

"Bai Shaohua? Heavenly Sword disciple ranked fifth?" Lin Han nodded silently. He had heard of this person's name, no wonder it was so extraordinary.

"Hehe, Elder Dan, I'm here to buy a batch of Immortal Pills, and the Tianmen Gate Competition is about to begin. I want to improve my strength and fight hard with my four old friends." Bai Shaohua smiled.

Tianjian disciples ranked in the top five, fierce competition.

Now he must be fully prepared.

"You are late, there are only 10,000 immortal pills left, which have been bought by this disciple." The old man pointed to Lin Han.

Bai Shaohua frowned. He didn't expect that his luck was so bad. Then he glanced at Lin Han and sneered: "Boy, it's useless to buy Immortal Pills because of your meager skills. Just let me give these ten thousand Immortal Pills. Right. I, Bai Shaohua, owe you a favor. From now on, you can report my name if you have any difficulties among the disciples of the Heavenly Sword."

He raised his head and looked proud and conceited.

With his status and status, I don't know how many disciples want to curry favor.

In his opinion, Lin Han would be grateful.

However, Lin Han sneered and said, "I'm sorry, don't give."

"What are you talking about?" Bai Shaohua's face suddenly sank, a cold light exuded in his eyes.

There are many disciples around, and I am surprised at this moment, who is this kid, dare to confront Bai Shaohua, so bold.

Below the Excalibur disciple, several people dared to talk to him like this.

Lin Han ignored him at all, but said to Elder Pill: "Give me the pill quickly, I want to leave!"

Elder Elder nodded, Lin Han had already handed over the money to him, so he naturally wanted to give the medicine.

"Wait!" Bai Shaohua stopped Lin Han and said with a grinning smile: "It's arrogant enough, dare to ignore me, now I want my pill, and I will give out 60,000 top-grade immortal stones!"

After he finished speaking, he took out a package from his hand, which contained a lot of immortal stones, and sneered at Lin Han: "Dare to compare money with me, poor ghost, I am no better than you."

Lin Han frowned and said to Elder Dan, "Elder Dan, is this appropriate?"

Elder Dan smiled and said: "Of course it is appropriate. I have not given you the pill. He is willing to pay a higher price. I can naturally sell it to him."

Bai Shaohua smiled triumphantly: "How about, poor ghost, can you offer a higher price than me? If you can't get it, just get out of me and fight with me. You are still far behind."

Many people also burst into laughter, feeling that Lin Han was very sad.

Lin Leng Leng smiled. He ransacked the three evil dragons, the grandson gate, and Liu Yan'er. The number of top-grade immortal stones on his body was hundreds of thousands. Bai Shaohua thought that taking 60,000 top-grade immortal stones would make him shrink?

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