War Emperor

Chapter 1503: Linghufei

Not long after, someone reported: "Senior Brother Linghu and Senior Sister Liu Yan'er had been practicing in the Dongxi Mountains and forests before. I don't know why they died here with the Changsun Sect and the three-headed evil scorpion. They are full of strange things."

"Who is there in Dongxi Mountain and Forest?" Linghufei asked, his eyes gleaming with terrible electricity.

"There are many disciples and it is difficult to investigate all of them. However, there are three evil scorpions, which means that they have paid the attention of Chiguo for a thousand years. After hearing that sisters Lingxi and Ye Lingfei have obtained an ancient picture, they are searching for Chiguo for a thousand years." Tao.

There is no impermeable wall in the world. Although the news of the Millennium Chiguo is very secretive, some people know it, but the three-headed evil flood is too strong for ordinary people to provoke it.

"Ling Xi and Ye Lingfei? Because they want to kill the Longsun Sect and Liu Yan'er, there is no way at all, there must be other people." Linghufei frowned, looking at the nearby area, suddenly saw a huge sword. The mark, like an iron bull plowing the land in the mountains and forests, marked a huge gully.

"This is... Canggu thirty-three swords, the sword divides the fluctuations of life and death." A disciple was surprised and said, "Could it be that the disciple of the Divine Sword made the move."

Many people are also horrified.

The thirty-third sword of Canggu, among the disciples of the sky sword, only Linghufei learned it.

The murderer had performed such a sword move, and he was obviously a disciple of the Excalibur.

"Impossible. Using the strength of the Excalibur disciple to solve the three of them, there is no effort at all. The strength of the murderer should not be much stronger than them." Linghufei shook his head.

The disciple of the Divine Sword was from the Canggu Sword Mansion, and the three hundred most powerful disciples were all heavenly prodigies with profound strength.

Judging from the traces of the mountains and forests, it is obvious that fierce fighting has taken place.

Everyone was silent. Apart from the disciples of the Divine Sword, who among the disciples of the Heavenly Sword could display the 33rd Canggu Sword?

"It won't be... the kid named Lin Wudi." Someone took a deep breath and said in surprise.

Lin Wudi is a newly promoted genius of swordsmanship in Sword Mansion. Only two or three months after he came to Sword Mansion, he has practiced Canggu Thirty-Six Swords to an extremely high level. Many veteran disciples are beyond the reach.

If among the Tianjian disciples, apart from Linghu Fei, who is the most hopeful to use the 33rd Canggu Sword, I am afraid it is Lin Wudi.

"Lin Wudi!" Linghu Fei's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and he had also heard of this man's name, known as the kendo evil.

She also has a very good relationship with sisters Lingxi and Ye Lingfei.

If Lin Wudi made a move, it was indeed possible.

This made him feel a little shocked. If this is the case, the improvement of this kid's strength is truly terrifying.

When he first entered the Sword Mansion, he was just an ant on the fifth floor of the fairyland.

Has it broken into the Great Luojin Wonderland now?

Everyone also thought of this, and was deeply shocked by the improvement of Lin Wudi's strength!

But even if he was abnormal again, if he killed Liu Yan'er, he would completely offend Linghufei, and he would not escape.

"Check it out for me. If Lin Wudi did it, I will definitely make this kid incapable of life and death, frustrating his bones and turning ashes." Linghu Fei's eyes exuded a terrifying murderous aura, sweeping around like a vast sea.


The entire valley was exploded, countless huge rocks collapsed, and countless people were deeply shocked. Linghufei's aura was really terrifying, like a **** of power, showing off at will, it was shocking.


"The Longsun Sect, Liu Yan'er, and the three evil dragons are dead."

When Ling Xi and Ye Lingfei returned to the Sword Mansion and heard the news, they were also shocked.

Who killed it?

No wonder they came back so smoothly, they didn't meet the three along the way.

"Lin Wudi, you didn't do it..." Ye Lingfei asked.

Lin Han touched his nose and smiled: "It is true, do you believe it?"

Ye Lingfei was shocked. She had long noticed that after Lin Han swallowed a thousand-year-old red fruit this time, great changes have been made, giving people an unfathomable feeling, but she did not expect that he would be able to use the grandson gate, Liu Yan'er, All three evil floods were killed.

This combat power is really abnormal.

Among the entire Tianjian disciples, a few people can do this step.

Could it be that Lin Han has reached the top six Fengyun geniuses among the Tianjian disciples?

"Impossible, sister, just listen to him. Although he is good at strength, there is still a big gap between him and the grandson sect. How could he kill the three? Someone else must have done it." Ling Xi Shaking his head.

She felt that Lin Han was joking with them and would not take it seriously.

Ye Lingfei also nodded, feeling impractical.

Even if Lin Han had eaten a thousand-year-old red fruit, there shouldn't be such a big improvement.

Lin Han just smiled and didn't excuse him. What is the real situation, one day, he will naturally solve it.


After parting with the two women, he returned to the straw shed.

Although he is now a disciple of the Heavenly Sword and can live in a better place, he feels it is unnecessary and still lives in a simple hut.

"I heard that there is still a month to touch the Tianmen Contest. This is the key contest for the disciple of the Heavenly Sword.

Lin Han lay on the bed and muttered to himself.

Becoming a disciple of the Excalibur has many benefits. Not only is it richer than the current cultivation resources, most importantly, you can also practice in the Primordial Qi Refining Tower!

The Taikoo Qi Refining Tower is a treasure of the fairy world. Cultivating in it is of great benefit to the improvement of cultivation.

Countless disciples dream of entering.

"But Linghufei's strength has reached the ninth-level peak of Daluo Jinxian, and he can enter the fairy king realm with only one step. It is not easy to deal with such a person." Lin Han sighed again.

Only one disciple of the Excalibur is promoted each year.

If he wants to succeed, he has to defeat Linghufei.

And he felt that with Linghufei's method, he might be able to find out that it was he who killed Liu Yan'er.

Then he will be in big trouble.

"There is still one month, how to improve your strength in a short time?"

Lin Han pondered this question.

He has just broken into the Great Luojin Wonderland, and it is not realistic to improve in a short time.

The only thing that can be done is other means.

"Cultivating the Great Seal."

This seal is an elder in the Sword Mansion, a well-known method with a world-shaking power.

He just understood the fur.

If he can cultivate the Great Seal to a certain extent, it will also have huge benefits for his strength and enhancement.

Just do what he said, and immediately Lin Han found a place where there was no one and started to practice.


As the wind roared, Lin Han stretched out his limbs and began to practice the hand gesture of the Great Seal of the Mountains and Rivers. Suddenly, he burst out with an invisible momentum, giving him a wonderful sense of being natural and united with heaven and earth.

There are three seals in total.

The first way: Dayueyin! The second way: Shenhaiyin! The third way: Shan Haiyin!

As the name suggests, when you reach the third level, the mountains and seas will be overturned, and the stars will tremble.

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