
After a short break, the second game begins!

This time, Tomi really followed the strategy they had just set during the break!


Numai and Ma’s powerful jumping hair rushed straight to where Tanaka was!

As Tomi’s trump card, his offensive smash is the most powerful among Tomi’s people!

In contrast, his serve is also the strongest!



This ball was slightly deflected by Tanaka!

But it doesn’t matter, Kageyama is already quickly in position below the landing point of this ball!


A goal passed to Jiang Ran scored directly!

Although he lost another point, Tomi’s faces did not show much loss.

Because just this round their purpose has been achieved!

This serve just now has already been picked up by Tanaka once!

This is not the first time in this game!

It’s just a small mistake now, but they firmly believe it!

As long as many mistakes add up…

It’s enough to crush a person!!


“One more ball!”

And Tanaka, who had just made a mistake in receiving the ball, did not blame himself as everyone in Tomi thought.

In fact, in his opinion, such a catch mistake is probably just the beginning!

Tanaka thinks that he is just an ordinary person!

Not a genius, not a monster!

In this game, under the full force of everyone in Tomei, he will definitely not be as bright as the last one!

There may even be frequent mistakes!

But, so what??

Even if there will be mistakes, even if the performance is very mediocre…

Then I can’t give up my efforts!!

I started to blame myself for my mistakes, and then I behaved even worse…

This kind of thing is so dense!!

It must not appear on me Tanaka!!

A person has his own peaks, and his own troughs!

This is all too normal!

In the game just now, I have already experienced the peak!

So isn’t it very normal to have another trough in this game?

If it’s just because of a temporary trough, someone breaks down the mentality…

Then it’s not Ryunosuke Tanaka!!


Opposite the net, Tomi’s attack has begun!


Jiang Ran on the side drank loudly!

Tanaka hurriedly came to his senses and stepped forward to block the net!!

Seeing this scene, a hint of excitement flashed in the eyes of the general You, who was about to smash the ball!

This bald player of Uno just lost his mind, does it mean …

Has their tactics already partially succeeded?

Now, he specially chose to smash the ball where this bald player was particularly close, just to break through his block!

Give him an already fragile psychological defense… Create another scar!!

A look of excitement flashed in General You’s eyes!


A powerful straight ball straight straight to the gap where Tanaka blocked the net!!


At this moment, Jiang Ran, who was jumping beside Tanaka, seemed to be an unknown prophet!

Directly moved his hands sideways, and completely sealed this ball in the shocked gaze of General You!!


“Don’t you think your gaze is too obvious?”

Just a normal smash, it is difficult to break through Jiang Ran’s block!

What’s more, when General Yu was smashing the ball just now, his eyes stared straight in the direction where Tanaka was!

Since then, Jiang Ran knew what he was thinking!

Therefore, just about to stop this ball, it is naturally extremely simple!


The general Yu, who was stopped, exhaled deeply and walked back to the group behind him in silence.

Now he’s back to his senses.

What I just fought was indeed a little anxious.

Without carefully observing the surrounding environment, he was so desperate to disturb Wuye’s bald state of mind!

So now… Is your state of mind also disturbed?

After thinking about it, not only a layer of cold sweat appeared on the back of the general!

This is…… Since when did it start!!


“Are you all right? Excellent? ”

“It’s just a point, don’t care so much!”

Seeing his worried look, others thought that he had been hit by the ball just now.

“It’s okay! It’s okay! ”

“It’s just a little distracted!”

Hearing everyone’s words, General You came back to his senses and waved his hand.

“Continue with our original plan!”



“This group of people in Uno…”

“It doesn’t seem to be very easy to deal with!”

In the audience, the teams that have just finished the first round of competitions have already arrived here to watch.

Among them is the other team that won Group C – Ichirito!

In the match just now, they also defeated their opponents and successfully advanced to the top 8 position!

This also means… In that match this afternoon, they are about to face the winner of Uno and Tomi!

Therefore, these people naturally came here early to watch the battle!

“Tomi’s little tricks that can’t be put on the table… It doesn’t seem to have any effect! ”

“Hmph! Only if the strength is insufficient, the means of such incompetent people will be used! ”

Ichirise’s captain, setter Yosuke Fumitsuki, snorted coldly, and seemed to be very unable to see Tomi’s various small movements.

“As a volleyball player, I am ashamed of them!”


The main attacker on the side, Kuikei Daiga, also laughed and said:

“So it seems that our opponent this afternoon is this Uno??”

“It doesn’t look very easy to deal with!”

Saying this, everyone fell silent.

With their gaze, they can naturally see the power of Wuye!

After watching the situation on the field for a long time, Yosuke Fumigetsu spoke:

“Just rely on the strength of the individual to build the core team…”

“Just like the previous Shiratorizawa before!”

“Discord everywhere!!”

Speaking of Shiratorizawa , their players were all in unison.

Because in the spring high last year, Ichirisaka was eliminated miserably because he met Shiratorizawa !

Before that game, almost all of them thought they could win.

Because from their point of view, Shiratorizawa is a completely deformed team!

Without any cooperation, brainless rude!!

Just rely on the attack of Niu Ruo, the heavy artillery attacker in the team, to win the team!

How can such a team be their opponent ??

But when it really came to the arena, reality dealt them a heavy blow!!

In the past, their close-knit team cooperation did not help them win the game as before.

In fact, when everyone in Ichi Rong couldn’t even catch Niu Ruo’s smash…

No matter how good their cooperation is, it is useless!

Because there is no strength to catch the ball, everything that follows is passing, attacking, perfect cooperation…

It’s all empty talk!!

In that game, the formation they thought was seamless was almost all rotten by Niu Ruo!

Extremely embarrassing to lose!!

Therefore, for the team of Shiratozawa, everyone’s impression is naturally very profound!!

At the beginning of this year’s national competition, they heard that Shiratozawa had lost the prefectural qualifiers and did not come to Tokyo.

Since then, Ichirisei has paid more attention to Uno, who is also from Miyagi Prefecture.

But after seeing Uno’s match for the first time yesterday, they found out…

Wuye turned out to be such a team that came here with outstanding personal strength!!

That No. 7 in Uno is their trump card!

Everyone in Ichirisei can see that his meaning to Uno is equivalent to that of Uruo to Shiratorizawa !!

It’s just that, in their opinion.

What makes Uno stronger than Shiratorizawa is that they also attach more importance to the cooperation of the team.

The kind of super fast attack that Uno’s second setter played with the small No. 10 player was quite impressive even in their opinion.


“Although they also won Shiratorizawa , judging from these two matches, it seems that the strength of this No. 7 is not stronger than that Niu Ruo!”

“As long as we can take their ball, Uno must not be our opponent, right?”

Freeman Tetsu Harada said with some hesitation.

“It’s not that he is not stronger than that Niu Ruo, but he has never exerted his true strength!”

Yosuke Fumitsuki shook his head, not agreeing with his words.

Several other people on the side also nodded, indicating that Yosuke Fumitsuki’s words were very correct.


Tetsu Harada scratched his head a little hesitantly.

“But I obviously saw this No. 7…”


Kuikei Daiga on the side suddenly spoke:

“The last time we watched the video of the match between Uno and Shiratorizawa together, you were not there because of your injury.”

“So you don’t know how strong this No. 7 in Uno is!”


Tetsu Harada’s figure was shocked.

“It’s like… There was such a thing! ”

“You mean, that No. 7 from Uno, he didn’t play at full capacity in the first two rounds?”

“But… I obviously think that he is now much stronger than ordinary attackers! ”

“Could it be…”


Kuiike Daiga nodded and continued:

“In his match against Shiratorizawa he showed a stronger starting height and smashing intensity!”


“There’s another detail in that video!”

“When receiving his smash, Shiratorizawa players made frequent mistakes!”

“They always catch the ball for no apparent reason!”

“We don’t know if this is a coincidence, or if there is another mystery in it!”

“Inexplicably catch the smash ball away…”

Hearing this, everyone in Ichi Rong lowered their heads one after another.

Even now when they think back on that video, they find it incredible.

Even if they were former opponents, they had to admit that Shiratorizawa was a first-class powerhouse in terms of personal strength!

Although they don’t work well, if you say that there will be mistakes in that kind of catch…

That simply does not correspond to their strength!!

But that kind of catch mistake is a real existence!!

Therefore, the No. 7 of Wuye has always been shrouded in a layer of fog in their hearts.

There is a feeling that people can’t see through!!

If you don’t understand the kind of smash, if you face Shangwuno, you have an inexplicable feeling of shock.


Seeing the nervous looks of the team members, Yosuke Wen Yue couldn’t help but stroke his forehead and said:

“Let’s talk about it when you really meet Uno!”

“In the previous games, I haven’t seen him use it!”

“Maybe it’s really a coincidence!”



“Now I can only hope that this is the case!”


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