The first time, the last time, the last time.

At this time, Su Chen's sudden appearance shocked everyone, whether it was the people on the scene, the people on the Internet, or the old men in the official Go Association.

One by one, they were all dumbfounded...

They were all shocked by this sudden event, and they were like being electrocuted, and their minds were in a state of half-dementia and half-stupidity.

By the time they reacted, the Sakura Country was already laughing.

"Pfft... Hahaha!! I'm dying of laughter, who is this guy?"

"Where did this clown come from? Didn't you see that the number one in your country lost? Are you kidding me?"

"Oh Messi Roy, Oh Messi Roy!!"

"This guy is a bastard, right? Hahaha..."

"This guy doesn't even have a name in the chess world!!"

At this time, the people in Sakura Country were almost laughing and crying.

How could this guy, whose name I haven't even heard of, win the title of their country's number one chess master, Kiyoaki Matsueda?

Are you kidding me?

A person who has no name in the world chess world... No, even in the domestic chess world!!

Those old men in the official Go Association...

For a moment, they looked at each other, not knowing what to say!

Anyway, they were dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

Who is this guy...?

Why don't they know him?

"Hurry up and find me this man's resume!!"

"Quick, quick!"

"Who is this man?"

The old men immediately ordered their subordinates to start looking for Su Chen's information...

The result was that this man was just a small follower of Bai Zihang, one of the eight major families in Jiangcheng...

He was not even on the Go list, and he had never participated in a game at home or abroad.


"( ・᷄д・᷅ ) ?!?!"

"Isn't this a joke?"

They really didn't know what to say...

It felt strange that they were going to be embarrassed again.

Yes, in their opinion, Su Chen had never participated in a competition!

How could he arm wrestle with Matsueda Kiyoaki if he had never participated in a domestic competition? !

This was a powerful BOSS that even Xiao Ke couldn't beat!

Even these old men of the 9th dan level would definitely not be able to beat this opponent...

So this game, before it even started, they had already declared GG in their hearts...

At this time, Su Chen was on the scene.

His lips curled up, a beautiful arc, his obsidian eyes were soft, and he suddenly asked: "Have you heard of AlphaGo?"


Matsueda Kiyoaki looked at the other party's condescending attitude and felt very unhappy. Why did he feel that he was looked down upon?

Obviously he is the world champion!

"I haven't heard of it."

Matsueda Kiyoaki shook his head: "I don't know much about canines."

"That's good."

Su Chen smiled slightly, and then said to himself, after this game is over, you will remember this name completely in the future.

The kind that is engraved in your heart.

Soon, the game began.


When Su Chen's black pieces fell, those who knew Go were completely shocked.


"Fuck... So he doesn't know how to play chess!"

"How can you play Tianyuan in the first step?"

After all, you can't play Tianyuan in the first step. It's the basics. In Go, you occupy the corner first and then the edge.

Because the corner has the natural barrier of the chessboard border, it won't be attacked from the front and back.

Playing Tianyuan first will make your foundation unstable and will not be conducive to occupying the territory.

The old men in the official Go Association also think that Su Chen is doomed to lose...

This guy doesn't know how to play chess at all. This move is just nonsense!

Songeda Qingxian picked up a white piece and dropped it.

Sixteen columns and sixteen rows, stars.

Soon, the whole nation was shocked.

"Sure enough... Kiyoaki Matsueda will definitely win!"

"Although I don't understand Go, this is just like Dopa's Bible? Fizz goes online and attacks a soldier, and he has already lost the laning phase?!"

"Almost! Anyway, it's an absolutely disadvantageous start."

But at this moment, Su Chen's eyes focused, and the AlphaGo in his mind had already given the answer with the highest winning rate.

Fourth row, sixteenth column, star!!

Kiyoaki Matsueda followed up, third row, fourth column, small eye!

Su Chen made another move, sixteenth row, fourth column, star.

As the black and white pieces fell, Kiyoaki Matsueda soon figured out Su Chen's moves.

Defensive counterattack?


But at this moment, Su Chen's black piece suddenly fell on the chessboard


The sixth column and the fourth row, cut!

Kiyoaki Matsueda stared at the chessboard in a daze...

Gradually, he realized something was wrong...

"The fifteenth column and the seventh row."

When Su Chen made this move, Kiyoaki Matsueda seemed to have found an opportunity and a loophole! !

He immediately chose the fifteenth column and the ninth row, and made a small jump.

"The twelfth row and the eighth column."

Su Chen made a decisive move based on the winning rate given by AlphaGo.

At this moment, Kiyoaki Matsueda swallowed his saliva and his face changed drastically...

He seemed to be!!

He was fooled!!!

The appearance of this scene made the old men of the official Go Association stunned one by one!!

In their opinion, every move of Su Chen was taking into account the direction of hundreds of steps later.

The chess game that seemed evenly matched had already been quietly laid out by him as a big net, and was about to swallow Kiyoaki Matsueda!!

As the game progressed...

Matsueda Kiyoaki became more and more flustered and sweaty.

It was as if he had turned into Xiao Ke just now, and the more he played, the more confused he became, and he made frequent mistakes in the game.

Perhaps Su Chen's chess skills crushed him, or perhaps he was flustered because he was fooled and made mistakes.

In the end, Matsueda Kiyoaki lost, completely lost!!

Matsueda Kiyoaki lowered his proud head: "I... I lost..."

The appearance of this sentence instantly shocked the entire network!!


"Fuck!! My God? This is... we won?!"

"I... we are the champions?!!!"

At this time, all the netizens who didn't understand Go were dumbfounded.

And the old men in the official Go Association were so shocked that they had nothing to say. They felt that this game could be put into the advanced textbooks of Go.

It's so scary...

Step by step, from nothing to something, the whole place is laying out, and finally devouring the opponent.

Every move is paving the way for hundreds or even thousands of moves later. Is this really something a human can do? !

And at the end, the purpose of Su Chen's first move to play Tianyuan was very clear.

It was to lure Songeda Kiyoaki to play sixteen columns and sixteen rows, stars.

And he was perfectly fooled at that time.

Su Chen perfectly predicted his actions! !

Then Songeda Kiyoaki's mistakes step by step later were all the result of the seemingly evenly matched chess game in the front!

It's so scary, this man!

The moment Su Chen won, the whole audience burst into warm applause! !

Everyone was in high spirits, happy and excited for this moment! ! !

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