The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

"There's nothing I can do..."

Xiao Ke is now forced to do something.

Moreover, the originally clean live broadcast room has also heard many voices from the Sakura people.

Some of them came for Kiyoaki Matsueda, and some came because they heard that their country's No. 1 chess master was going to fight against the enemy country.

"Hahaha, as expected, the Xia people are all cowards!"

"Isn't this Xiao Ke too rubbish? He doesn't even dare to go up? Is he afraid of being abused by our Kiyoaki Matsueda?"

"Oh Messi Roy, Xia people, that's it?"

But when these words were automatically translated by the platform's software.

The anger of everyone in the live broadcast room was ignited.

"Fuck, where are these dogs barking here?"

"A bunch of stupid dogs, what are you yelling about!"

"Fuck! Fuck, you coward, it's no big deal if you lose a game!"

At this time, countless Xia people on the Internet were furious and arguing with Sakura people.

The two sides have reached the point of irreconcilability.

And at the scene, soon, Matsueda Kiyoaki borrowed Go, and the two sides were about to start the competition.

Xiao Ke was forced to play, and he was under great pressure because he knew what he was bearing behind him.

In a small sense, it was his own win or loss, and in a big sense, it was the dignity of a country.

The game of chess started soon.

"Fourth row and fifth column, high eye..."

The black piece fell into the position on the chessboard, as the game progressed.

Xiao Ke was sweating profusely and under great pressure.

"Ten columns and nine rows, break!"

"Eight columns and three rows! Bump!"

As the game continued, Xiao Ke soon fell into an extreme disadvantage.

He was completely crushed.

At this time, on the Internet, the netizens of Sakura Country were crazy proud and mocked in various ways.

"Hahaha! You must be sweating profusely, weakling!"

"No wonder this guy has been avoiding battles, is this his level?"

"Xia people, is this? Is this?"

The mocking voices on the Internet made the audience of Xia Country feel very frustrated!

Moreover, in the game, Xiao Ke was defeated and bowed his head to admit defeat: "This game, I lost..."

Instantly, the mocking voices of the people of Sakura Country became even louder!

They were so proud and happy that they even recorded a video to go to Tuite and mocked the Xia people in various ways.

And all kinds of villains were successful, and they madly insulted Xiao Ke as a rookie who was not as good as their country's first chess saint, Matsueda Kiyoaki!

As if trying to regain the face after the tragic defeat in the table tennis match, he frantically forwarded and insulted Xiao Ke on the international Internet.

He also mocked the Xia people.

The face of a villain who succeeded was fully displayed!

On the other side of the Sakura Country, there were all kinds of proud mockery and happiness.

In comparison, the atmosphere on the scene was a bit heavy.

Everyone at the scene felt a little disappointed, and so did the Xia people who watched the live broadcast on the Internet.

But there was nothing he could do, because others were really strong.

The title of the first chess saint was definitely not obtained blindly.

Therefore, everyone at the scene felt a little depressed and upset.

But there was no way to relieve this feeling of frustration.

It was indeed that his skills were not as good as others, but the face of the other party who succeeded was too disgusting.

At this time, Matsueda Kiyoaki also showed a smug smile and said: "Your Go in Xia country is at this level. I was thinking about you being the first place and wanted to challenge you. I am so disappointed."

When these words came out, Xiao Ke felt extremely uncomfortable. He lowered his head and bit his lips, not knowing how to respond to the other party's words.

Yes... He has been avoiding it all the time, so he didn't participate in the world competition.

Fearing being insulted by the people of the country, he would rather not fight than lose.

But today, he was forced into a desperate situation, and then he competed with the other party and lost...

He didn't need to think about how he would be ridiculed on the foreign Internet.

And at this time, Matsueda Kiyoaki also imitated the ancients of Xia country to speak: "Xia country, no one called? No one dared to compete with me? The first place, you are at this level?"

When these words came out, the taste of pretending was completely overflowing.

But the people present really didn't compare to Matsueda Kiyoaki.

When the old men in the official Go Association of the top nine-dan masters in Xiaguo saw this live broadcast, they were almost pissed off! !

They almost ran to the hospital to get a ventilator.

"MD! This little bastard! How dare he say such outrageous things!"

"Damn the Japanese pirates, the voices on the Internet are also

It's a one-sided situation, damn it!"

"But it's true that even Xiao Ke can't beat him... There's nothing we can do about it, and it's a fact we're very reluctant to admit."

The official old men sighed one by one.

As members of the chess association, they felt that they had lost all their face.

If this scene today were spread internationally, I'm afraid it would be ridiculed to death.

No... it's already been ridiculed to death.

On the leg special net...

Avoiding a fight, and then being bullied by someone, and it was a crushing game, how could this not be embarrassing?

In addition, the relationship between the two countries was not friendly to begin with, so it's normal to quarrel.

But is this really the truth?

Imagine that our table tennis champion suddenly ran to the country of cherry blossoms to "point at" the other side's champion for a one-on-one duel, Then he was still complacent and mocked after winning.

Is it possible for such a thing to happen in Xia, a country with a 5,000-year-old culture and etiquette?

Therefore, Matsueda Kiyoaki's approach and behavior are wrong in themselves.

Just because he is very skilled in a certain event, he belittles players from other countries.

His current behavior is definitely incorrect.

But Matsueda Kiyoaki himself did not realize this at all. He looked at Lin Xueer with a smile on his face, as if saying: "Woman, look at how good I am at Go. The number one player in your country has been defeated by me. If you love Go, you must like me very much, right? "


However, Lin Xueer rolled her eyes in anger at this time. She felt a little ridiculous.

This person is like a clown. What is he doing here?

No charm at all!

He is the world's number one in Go!

Bah! Bastard!

Lin Xueer was furious. At this moment, her charming face was full of anger.

This made Matsueda Kiyoaki stunned. This seemed a little different from what he imagined.

Things had developed to this point. Originally, after Matsueda Kiyoaki won, strictly speaking, the banquet had already ended.

But just when Xiao Ke stood up, Su Chen suddenly replaced him, and then smiled lightly: "I want to play a game with you?"

As soon as these words and actions came out, everyone in the audience was shocked!

"(ΩДΩ) What the hell? !"

"What's going on? This general can play chess better than his followers?"

"? ? ? "

Basically, the comments on the entire network were filled with question marks.

What the hell is going on!!

Su Chen's behavior completely shocked the entire audience and Lin Xueer.

Lin Xueer had to say that she was stunned for a moment, and a flash of surprise flashed across her eyes.

He... can also play Go?

The woman was in disbelief, her heartbeat quickened, and her mind was in a mess.

For some reason, the feeling of being moved seemed to be strengthened again...

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