Village Doctor.

Chapter 305

Chapter 305

Between waving his hands, Zhang Tianzong put the two cardboard boxes away.

I opened the hand-carrying paper bag and took out a brand new mobile phone. I took out the unopened ten-packed mobile phone card and took a look. The end numbers are four zeros to four nines. It is indeed a pretty number!

Zero means complete happiness and prosperous success. It is also the starting point and origin of everything!

Based on this consideration and the reason for the first impression, Zhang Tianzong took out the four zero-numbered cards and installed them in the new mobile phone.

First, they saved the new numbers of Wang Hanwei and the three of them, and then took out the charger to recharge the battery.

After finishing everything away, Zhang Tianzong was tinkering and studying the functions of the new mobile phone while waiting for the visiting guests!

Zhang Tianzong glanced at the time on the new phone, it was exactly seven o’clock at this time! It happened that the battery was also fully charged, so I unplugged the charger and put it away.

Just put the phone in his pocket, Zhang Tianzong thought and smiled!

“The guest is finally here!”

Zhang Tianzong stepped out of the house, and then drove his own car to the outside of the yard. Just after locking the yard door, a black off-road vehicle drove over.

“Tian Zong!”

The window of the rear seat of the car was lowered, and the people in the car shouted loudly.

Zhang Tianzong turned around, waved his hand and walked over quickly.

“Uncle Gao, Brother Along! You are here!”

It turned out that the people Zhang Tianzong was waiting for were Gao Jichen and Fang Long.

“Let’s get in the car and talk!”


Fang Long turned his head in the driver’s seat and said, “Hong Tao, get out of the car! Drive the Tianzong car and follow behind!”


Jiang Hongtao, who was sitting next to Gao Jichen, answered, opened the door and walked around the rear of the car to Zhang Tianzong.

This black-faced man named Jiang Hongtao is Fang Long’s subordinate, and now it is Zhang Tianzong’s subordinate, because he has also formally joined the special advisory group.

Fang Long’s five core subordinates, Zhang Tianzong, have all met. Although he has not had any in-depth contact, Zhang Tianzong is particularly optimistic about them!

Not for anything else, just because they are loyal enough to their own mission and willing to give silently!

“Jiang Hongtao reports to you! Please direct!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and nodded and said, “I’m a sloppy person, and I don’t want to talk about so many rules and regulations! Whatever I used to be.”

“Okay Mr. Zhang, please give me your car keys. I will drive the car for you.”


After handing him the car key, Zhang Tianzong opened the door of the black off-road vehicle and sat next to Gao Jichen.

“Mr. Zhang!”

Sitting in the co-pilot position, Long Erban turned around, respectfully taking care of him, his respectful attitude was like meeting a god!

Zhang Tianzong smiled and nodded and said, “You’re welcome, Brother Long! Let’s drive, and we will talk while walking. Anyway, it will take more than half an hour, and I can speak everything!”


“Di! Di!”

He tapped the horn twice to signal Jiang Hongtao behind to drive to follow.

Talking and laughing along the way, the car unknowingly walked out of County X after getting on the highway, and came to the border of County L next door.

Soon after, I came to a mountainous area.

The mountains here are not the kind of tall and majestic mountains, but the mountains are winding and rugged. And the end-to-end echoes, like a giant dragon lying on the back, hence the name Panlong Mountain!

This is the destination of their trip!

There is a very inconspicuous little temple in this mountain, named Tianlong Temple!

Today, they went there to visit a great monk, the abbot of Tianlong Temple, Master Jingci in the name of going to the mountains to worship Buddha!

Gao Jichen once gave Zhang Tianzong two professional books on authenticity identification and dating analysis of antiques. Among them is a book written by this Jingci himself!

His lay name before he became a monk was Yang Zongyi.

He once had another little-known identity, and that was the tomb thief!

During a tomb robbery, his wife died tragically in the tomb, and she voluntarily surrendered in frustration. After serving his sentence, he realized that he was a monk!

He can really be regarded as a model of “putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha”! It can be said that he is a successful person who has made great achievements and reformed!

After many years of concentrating on studying the Buddhist scriptures, he was finally recognized by the teacher and became the administrator and master abbot of Tianlong Temple!

This temple is an open temple. There are only four monks and three resident lay disciples, as well as some faithful volunteers who are dedicated to doing good.

As soon as I arrived at the temple area, I saw pilgrims coming to worship the Buddha from a distance, and it seemed that the incense was still flourishing.

Since Gao Jichen had already greeted Master Jingci in advance, a little monk was waiting at the door early!

Gao Jichen is a big benefactor and a frequent visitor here, so everyone in the temple knows him and respects him very much!

“Amitābha! High donor, by the order of the abbot of this monastery, the little monk has been waiting here for a long time! Welcome to the high donor and all the donors! Please come inside! The abbot is waiting for you in the guest room, please!”

“Little Master Ci Ning, you are polite! Excuse me!”

“Amitābha! It is an honor for the little monk! Please!”

Under the leadership of this monk Ci Ning, Gao Jichen and Zhang Tianzong walked into the temple.

Passing by the main hall where the Buddhas and Bodhisattva are enshrined, I came to the guest room on the innermost side of the side hall.

There was still some distance away, and everyone heard a pounding sound of wooden fish and a loud chanting sound!

“Amitābha! Various donors, please wait a moment! The abbot Master and several seniors are doing morning class. The recitation time for morning class is two hours, about ten minutes or so. Today’s homework is complete.”

Zhang Tianzong took a look at the time, it was almost eight o’clock now, and it seemed that they had started their morning classes around six o’clock in the morning.

Moreover, in order to ensure that Gao Jichen is received as soon as possible after class, today’s morning class is held in the guest room.

This shows that Gao Jichen is quite respected here!

Waited patiently for a few minutes, at exactly eight o’clock.


With a clear chime sound, the morning class ended.

Not long after, a few monks wearing grey cloth monk robes and a few lay disciples wearing haiqing robes walked out.

After finishing the homework, I officially started to enter today’s work and practice.

Everyone who came out would greet Gao Jichen with his hands together.

Putting the hands together is the “namaste ceremony”, also known as “the ceremony of putting palms together”, which belongs to the Buddhist etiquette.

Gao Jichen also put his hands together to return the gift on 11th. It seems that Gao Jichen is also a person who understands the rules.

Fang Long and others also followed suit, clasping their hands as if they were going to the village to return the gift.

As for Zhang Tianzong, he held his chest in front of each other, standing without bowing. This ceremony is the Taoist cupped hands ceremony, also known as the cupped fist ceremony!

In any case, the current Zhang Tianzong is also a Taoist under the master of Nine Cauldrons, so he can only respond with Taoist gifts.

This cupped fist ceremony still has a lot of special attention, holding the right hand with the left hand, the meaning is to promote the good and hide the evil!

Covering the right fist with the left hand is good, because the right hand often carries the sword soldier, it is regarded as the hand of evil! There is also the meaning of concealing swordsmen for good.

“Amitābha, the master abbot, Ci Ning was ordered to invite Gao Donzhu and others into the temple! Now waiting outside the guest room!”

“Amitābha, please come in soon! The distinguished guests have been waiting for a long time… Sin! Sin!”

Zhang Tianzong and the others walked into the room with a smile, and saw a fat monk wearing a yellow monk’s clothes greeted him with a smile, behind him was a young monk who was slightly thinner.

However, the so-called thinness is also relative to the abbot.

The weight of the master abbot must be at least two hundred catties, while another young monk weighed one hundred fifty or sixty catties!

Moreover, both of them are about the same size, about 1.7 meters tall, this height matches this figure…that is the two Fatty!

“Amitābha! Boss Gao! Donors, the poor monk Jingci is polite!”

“Return the gift, return the gift!”

“Hahaha…” Gao Jichen said with a smile, “Great monk! You have gained a lot after not seeing you for many days! Even the little apprentice behind you has also gained a lot of weight. It seems that the food in the temple is good! Today? Come here to harass, but you must provide us with a vegetarian meal!”

“Amitābha! A heart is relaxed, naturally fat, and people who work hard will be more worried! The many worries and troubles will weaken the energy and spirit! Although the body is just a stinky skin, but the body is not good, it will suffer from it. How can you calm down and practice for a long time? Cherish own smelly skin!”

“But, that’s the point again! Everything has to be done in moderation! My body shape is indeed a little too high, and I have to learn how to exercise with Boss Gao!”

“Hahaha… the monk made a joke on me again!”

“No, no! Although I am a monk, but you and I have been close friends for nearly 30 years, how dare you make fun of your best friends? The monks do not dare to speak nonsense! Boss Gao is indeed a person with great perseverance and worthy of it. My generation will imitate and learn!”

“As soon as I saw him today, Boss Gao was righteous! There was a hint of joy in his own extravagance, and this kind of joy led to the movement of righteousness! The two echoed each other, and the extravagance was even more vigorous!”

“Could it be… the things that have been in my mind during this period of time, the merits have been fulfilled? Moreover, there is still a trace of official luck in the heart of righteousness! Could it be that you are an official? Poor monk, congratulations to Boss Gao!”


Gao Jichen gave a thumbs up and said admiringly: “I have known you for so many years, and I really admire your unique skills! How about…show these others too?”

“Amitābha!” Ci Ning nodded softly and said, “Fanglong donor has the appearance of official restoration! Presumably it is another great achievement! Donor Jiang Hongtao, there is an image of righteous restoration, and he must have been transported with Fanglong donor! ”

Before coming here, Gao Jichen had already told Zhang Tianzong that Jingci had a unique skill.

Moreover, Gao Jichen took Fang Long and the others to come once in almost half a year, and he would have to live for ten days and eight days once he came. Therefore, everyone is more familiar with him when he knows him already!

So he can call everyone’s name and say something accurately, and everyone won’t feel any strangeness anymore.

“Hi…” Jing Ci frowned and looked at Long Er and said: It’s just… Li Qinglong’s benefactor’s luck is something special! Compared with the previous air luck, the change is very big! I have to take a good look! ”

——To be continued——

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