Village Doctor.

Chapter 304

Chapter 304 A Really Turning Transformation

Zhang Tianzong took the three of them directly to the martial arts area in Dongtianfudi. During this time, Zhang Tianzong didn’t explain much, and they didn’t dare to ask more!

At the same time, three golden lights came down, and the three of them became Zhang Tianzong’s loyal servants and guards!

Originally, the three of them had no qualifications at all, let alone the ability to obtain this status.

But Zhang Tianzongnian gave them this identity by an extraordinary promotion for their sincerity and loyalty!

The so-called sincerity, gold and stone is open!

The mutual frankness and mutual trust between each other has reached the highest degree of affinity!

After only five short seconds, Zhang Tianzong sorted out all the foreign memories very smoothly!

Not surprisingly, Mental Energy Cultivation Base has once again been promoted and doubled!

Although the expansion has doubled in the first and second time, the basic point is completely different.

When Hu Zhenshan and others were taken down, Mental Energy more than doubled from the first starting point. This time, it has doubled again on the basis of the last time!

This is the relationship of multiples, not a simple addition operation!

“Subordinates pay homage to the master!”

“Yeah! Get up! When you go outside, how to call it and how to call it! Don’t tell this matter to outsiders.”

“Subordinates obey!”

“The first step has been completed! I know your sincerity. Arranging you as a loyal servant is also quite consistent, but you are not worthy of the name of the guard! Because your personal strength is really too weak!”

“So, you must ascension your personal combat capabilities! Otherwise, your future will be difficult to achieve!”

“I have two bottles of Medicine Pill here, namely Body Tempering Pill and Minqing Pill! You have one each of each Medicine Pill! After taking Medicine Pill first, I will tell you what to do next!”


The three of them shared Medicine Pill without hesitation!

Needless to say, Body Tempering Dan, this thing is used to change the physique.

Introduce Minqingdan emphatically! The words “mind” and “light” can be explained separately. They are agile and light! This explanation is much simpler and clearer.

After careful analysis, Zhang Tianzong found helplessly that their three aptitudes were too mediocre, and there was no talent for cultivating advanced martial arts at all!

Therefore, we can only start with physical training and self-cultivation!

First use Body Tempering Dan to forcefully change their physique, and then use Minqing Dan to increase their physical agility and light agility!

Then just run forever!

Just after they ran for three days and three nights, when they felt that they were about to burst into death, the effect of Min and Qing came out!

The speed of their running instantly Ascension more than ten times!

Moreover, the body is no longer as heavy as before, and it can jump to more than three meters in a light jump! With a full jump, he can reach a height of five meters!

After adapting to another whole day, Zhang Tianzong let them rest all night.

Then began to practice a special footwork called the magic shadow snake step!

This set of footwork is a set of auxiliary cultivation methods extended from the weapon spectrum. Its effect and function are only one, that is, escape!

To put it more bluntly, it is impossible for them to fight with a straight eyebrow. If they encounter a real life-and-death battle scene, it would be good to be able to save their lives!

Fortunately, with the foundation of the previous forced Ascension, under the continuous training of the Devil The Underworld, they only spent two days and two nights to learn this set of life-saving footwork.

After that, Zhang Tianzong gave each of them two short knives!

This short knife is made of ordinary steel, mixed with a little bit of incomplete weapons picked from the dragon Daoist, and smelted.

The reason why I only used a little bit is because even if they add a lot of them, they can’t grasp the way of using it. If it is not supported by strong Internal Energy, it will not work at all!

And let them hold a Divine Armament weapon, they can’t hold it!

The main reason is that Zhang Tianzong’s inventory is running low. After many times of consumption, the weapons that were originally broken have been exhausted, not to mention that no materials can be integrated…

Let’s talk about these three new knives! The blade is 35 cm long, the blade is 20 cm long, and the blade width is 3 cm. The weight of a single blade is only two catties! And equipped with a scabbard, the whole weight is two catties and four taels.

Zhang Tianzong meticulously arranged nine Saber Techniques! Three-stroke defensive style, three-stroke offensive style, and three-stroke escape style!

Don’t look at these only nine tricks, once used with the Magic Shadow Snake Step, it is also a lot of changes!

After four days and four nights, Saber Technique has achieved a little success!

Immediately! Under Zhang Tianzong’s order, all the Five Elements elves launched a crazy “assassination” on them!

This kind of squeezing painful torture definitely has a significant effect!

No, the three of them have practiced life-saving and escape skills, and gradually mastered some of the most basic defense and sneak attack skills!

“Okay! Stop it! The first stage of intensive training is here!”


All the Five Elements elves stood behind Zhang Tianzong, facing the exhausted and raggedly dressed three beggars, they couldn’t help laughing.

Zhang Tianzong took out three sets of sports men’s clothing and handed them to them, and said with a smile, “There are three wooden barrels over there. Go and take a bath!”

“Then put on these new clothes and I will take you back! I will bring you here again when I have plenty of time!”

“Thank you Master!”

“Yeah! Go!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and left with the elves.

The three of them smiled at each other, turned and ran behind the screen.

After more than an hour, the three of them changed into new clothes and appeared in front of Zhang Tianzong in full vigor!

“Well! Not bad! You used your tenacious perseverance to achieve a truly turning transformation! I can’t guarantee that you can stand on the peak of your life in the future, but I can guarantee that you will definitely be the one who laughs last! ”

“Thank you Master for grace!”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand and said, “From now on, everything will return to normal!”

“Yes! Boss!”

“Yeah! From now on, everything can be done according to the plan! Remember! In the event of a combat situation, the premise is to protect your life first, and then talk about other things!”



With one hand, Zhang Tianzong took out a Damascus knife and handed it in front of Wang Hanwei, saying, “Return this knife to you. It’s useless in my hand…”

“Boss, you should keep this knife. Anyway, it is considered an antique. Now that we have the double knife you gave us, I can’t use this knife.”

“And… to be honest, I didn’t know what to do when I held it before! This knife was stolen from Qishan Poison Gate by my father! Once developed by others, I am afraid it will cause trouble! It will even seriously affect your plans. Implement!”

“Um… well! When there is a chance, I will help you solve this problem! So that you don’t worry about this matter!”

“thank you boss!”

“Well, for the time being, I will take you out!”

Not long after, Zhang Tianzong and others reappeared in the house of Fukang Breeding Farm.

The three of Wang Hanwei looked around, switching back and forth between this strange and familiar feeling, and there was a feeling of a world away between the trances!

“The three of you, listen carefully to daddy! Don’t think that you have anything great now. If you meet a real master, you will still be nothing!”

“Yesterday I saw your brothers wearing bulletproof vests for security! Each of you also get a set! You must wear them on your body all the time, don’t be paralyzed!”

“Also, I usually take three or four brothers by my side to take care of them, and contact me as soon as I have something! However, after I entered the place just now, I couldn’t receive the mobile phone signal. If it comes to me, hide yourself for the first time!”


“Yeah! Alright! You can go now!”

“Um! Ok! Eh? Wait! Changshan, don’t you hurry up and get those two boxes? They have been in the trunk of the car for several days!”

“Yes, yes! I’ll get them right away!”

“I’ll help you move in!” Maoze also hurried out.

Zhang Tianzong smiled and looked at Wang Hanwei and said, “Does your kid want to bribe daddy? Also, it’s not ten days that have passed, but a whole night has just passed! It’s… 7 o’clock in the morning. !”


Wang Hanwei hurriedly took out his mobile phone and took a look, isn’t it? It’s exactly seven o’clock! Looking at the date displayed on the screen again, my eyes widened in shock!

“Could it be that the time is out of sync with that place and our life place?”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and nodded and said: “As the so-called one day in the cave, the world has been thousands of years! The time in that place can be controlled! And the controller is me!”

“Ah? You…you are a god? Is that place your fairy mansion?”

“Um… Although you exaggerated what you said a bit, it’s almost the same! You only need to know this in your mind!”

“Yes, yes! We must be tight-lipped!”

At this moment, Guan Maoze and Yin Changshan walked in each holding a cardboard box.


The sealing tape was opened, and Wang Hanwei took out a paper bag separately from it.

“Boss! There are ten best-equipped mobile phones here, for you! Knowing that you like to support domestic products, these are all domestic mobile phones! There are also ten beautiful number cards in it! Hehehe…”

“In the remaining two boxes, there are a hundred mobile phones of the same model. Although the configuration is lower than these ten, it is definitely enough!”

“Also! There are one hundred major customer cards here. All the major customer numbers belong to family members. It doesn’t cost money to call! The monthly rental fee is only six yuan, and there are five gigabytes of mobile data traffic! It can be used as employee benefits!”

“All the numbers are recorded on this A4 paper. The first three are the numbers of me, Moze and Changshan. If you give the rest, just fill in a name. If you use it as employee benefits, your company’s internal It will also be more cohesive! Hehehe…”

Zhang Tianzong nodded. Actually, they didn’t need to explain, Zhang Tianzong would have known it a long time ago!

All their memories are in Zhang Tianzong’s mind. Can you not know about this?

However, they couldn’t take the initiative to bring up this matter before they took it out…

“Let’s do it! You have your heart! I’ll accept the stuff, and you can go home! I have to wait for someone here, so I won’t go with you!”

“Okay, okay! Goodbye boss! Hehehe…”


——To be continued——

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