Village Doctor.

Chapter 221

Chapter 221

In the afternoon of the next day, Zhang Tianzong ordered Wang Hanwei to buy fish fry, shrimp fry, aquatic plants, algae and the like, all of which were in place!

The water and water paste, and the three wood elves cooperate with each other.

The two water elves are responsible for stocking fish fry, shrimp larvae, etc., and the three wood elves are responsible for planting aquatic plants such as aquatic plants and algae.

The fry put in are mainly silver carp, carp, crucian carp, grass carp and bream. Because these fish are relatively less aggressive, they all eat aquatic plants and algae, and require very little extra feed, which is especially convenient for management and feeding. .

Shrimp are mainly white prawns and large blue prawns, which can be mixed together!

As for other species of fish and shrimp, I have not yet decided what to choose to raise, because the current breeding environment is after all in the ring of Hanoi, and the space limitations are relatively large.

If aquatic products such as aggressive fish, shrimps and crabs are put in, they will definitely swallow each other, and the loss will be heavy!

It is very important to maintain the ecological balance in Dongtianfudi!

Every time a species is added, there will be earth-shaking changes in Immortal Cave! This is the fundamental purpose of buying an industry for Dongtianfudi! To put it bluntly, it is to upgrade Dongtianfudi!

Although there is no clear quantitative upgrade standard, the essential meaning is the same!

However, there is a small obstacle. No matter what kind of fish it is, as long as it is a fish, it can only be counted as one species, so there is no need to raise so many species of fish.

Unless the medicinal value of a certain fish is extremely obvious, it can be counted as another species, and only this kind of species has the value of a large reserve!

Therefore, Nine Cauldrons is a unique product based on medicine! This thing really needs to be carefully screened…

It is particularly worth mentioning that the lotus pond in the core area finally lives up to its name!

Moreover, Zhang Tianzong also specially brought in more than fifty koi and placed them in the lotus pond. This time it was really suitable!

It’s good that Five Elements Elves are fully staffed! Each has its own unique skills, but they can also cooperate with each other to make up for their shortcomings!

In just two days outside, the fish and shrimps in the river have been fully alive and have begun to take shape!

Moreover, in a period of time, the water and the water paste successfully opened up four criss-cross and endless streams, which completely ensured a sufficient water supply!

This resulted in a relatively perfect ecological balance in the entire Dongtianfudi! It has played a vital role in the future long-term development!

On the third night, Zhang Tianzong and Liu Hongxiu returned to Dongtianfudi with big bags and small things!

Zhang Tianzong shouted: “All the elves put aside their work and come under the pavilion in the core area! Let’s eat hot pot together!”

“Hongxiu, you arrange the seats and the tableware! I will move that large carbon hot pot!”


A large round table was surrounded by ten elves, Zhang Tianzong and Liu Hongxiu.

Although all the elves are sitting, it is obvious that they are very cautious and dare not do anything inappropriate in front of Zhang Tianzong…

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “Everyone! Five Elements elves finally gathered. It is a great thing to congratulate! It is a great blessing in my life to be able to get your help! Here, I sincerely thank everyone!”

“Subordinates dare not!”

“Eh? What’s this for? Sit down, sit down! Today is the first time we have a meal together. Speaking of which… it’s also because I couldn’t take care of it!”

“It’s also because I’m the only child in my family, and I haven’t developed that kind of impression thinking that my brothers and sisters get together since I was young. This is my fault!”

“Subordinates are terrified…”

“It is said that today is a family dinner, don’t be so restrained! Sit down, you all sit down. I tell you, from the moment sitting at the table, we only talk about brotherhood and only the affection of our big family! Don’t talk about masters and servants!”

“Although there are space restrictions, our identities are indeed different. But you are my relatives and my family in my heart! Today, this meal is a reunion dinner!”

“I solemnly promise that I will have a reunion dinner with you every week in the future! If you have any difficulties or requirements, please tell me, as long as I can do it, it will definitely meet your requirements!”

“Thank you Master for grace!”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand and said, “From today, you are not allowed to call me Master! All call me Young Master! Call Hongxiu the young grandmother!”

“Although it is still a bit of respect and inferiority, it sounds better than the title of master and servant. This is the unique title of our human beings in ancient times, especially in large families! At least we have a little family. smell!”

“Huh? This…”

All the elves looked at Tu Zengfu anxiously…

Tu Zengfu hurriedly stood up, took a step back and knelt on his knees and said loudly: “Master! Never had the master been so benevolent and righteous, never expected the master to be so approachable!”

“Not only did you not treat us as people or slaves, you even treated us as brothers and sisters, as family members! Your subordinates are grateful!”

Shui Rou also knelt down and said, “Master! I am originally an accessory in the heaven and blessed land. It is your exclusive slave and slave labor. We shouldn’t expect any rights, let alone any human rights!”

“However, through these few days of observation and contact, you have not only given us the position and the right to play our own value, but you have also taken care of us everywhere! It really surprised and moved me.”

Mu Yiyi knelt on the ground and said with tears: “Master! I am the first elf born in this space. Everything the master does is in my eyes!”

When I was gestated, I thought about it. As long as I can’t be beaten, scolded, or forced to do those nasty things, I will be content…”

“But I never expected that the master treats us so kindly! Not only did he try his best to keep us full and warm, but no matter what the fault is, only patiently teaches and never punishes!”

“Looking back, it’s been so long, I… I haven’t served you! I didn’t even serve you! Master! Subordinates are guilty! Subordinates are sorry for you…”

“Master! I am guilty too!”

“Master! Please punish!”

“Master!” Shui Rou said loudly, “If the master doesn’t dislike it, and the mistress agrees, tonight! Little Sister and I will go to your room to wait for the bed!”

“No! I was the first to be born, and I should be the first to attend the bed!”

“I… I was the second born! The second one should be me! You all have to be behind me! Humph!”

“Oh! What are you fighting for! Let the master decide the order!”

“Yes! It’s up to the master!”

Jin Wu, Vajra and Flame looked at each other, and Flame opened his mouth and said: “Master! We male elves have the disadvantages of Xiantian and cannot serve you in your daily life! But the confidant will die for the confidant! I am willing to do my best and be loyal. !”

Tu Zengcai gritted her teeth and took a deep breath and said loudly: “Master! I’m really sorry, I have been promised to increase the blessings, and the body of the broken flowers and the willows can no longer serve you, but I am willing to join my husband and open the border for you. Expand your soil and conquer the battlefield! Serve the master’s grace!”

“I will be loyal! I swear to die for my master!”

“This…what’s the trouble with this again!”

Zhang Tianzong was so confused!

I discussed with Liu Hongxiu and contacted them for a reunion dinner to increase cohesion!

I didn’t expect this trick to work so quickly! When the dinner table was set, and a few words were said, they moved them!

At first, Zhang Tianzong was secretly happy, but the more he listened, the more something went wrong! Where is this? It’s a matter of going to bed!

Liu Hongxiu rolled her eyes and said in secret, “Husband, I seem to understand what’s going on!”

“Oh? Tell me!”

Since Liu Hongxiu learned the technique of communication of ideas, coupled with her being recognized by the rules of space, she became the queen of peony!

The two of them will be able to communicate ideas at close range! This is true soul communication, no need to speak at all!

Liu Hongxiu spoke again: “Husband! According to you, they were not really born from the spirit spring, but after the real spirits re-purified their souls, and then washed and transformed by the spirit spring, they were bred again. Physically!”

“So, they must have a former residence! I boldly guess that their original former residence environment must be the concept of inferiority and its strict environment!”

“Moreover, their racial status should be extremely low in that general environment! It can even be more boldly guessed that their current state of mind should be their inherent thinking under the slave system.”

“But… they should all still have a good blood heritage, otherwise they won’t still maintain the unique instincts of the Five Elements elves! And they won’t maintain a arrogant outfit!”

“Because of this, under slavery, all female slaves should be slave owners’ playthings! Male slaves should be slave owners’ servants and laborers! So this is how it is now…”

“Hi…makes sense! Your analysis makes sense!”

Zhang Tianzong nodded heavily, and gently hugged Liu Hongxiu’s waist. Liu Hongxiu leaned against Zhang Tianzong very sweetly in her heart.

Being able to help Zhang Tian come up with ideas and analyze things in a small amount can be regarded as helping him to share his worries! My heart is immediately happy!

Zhang Tianzong went on to say: “I have carefully analyzed this issue. When Tu Zengfu and Tu Zengcai were just born, the first thing they told me was that I should personally agree to their marriage! ”

“Now I want to come… If I don’t agree to them, Tu Zengcai will be my private property! They won’t be together in this life… Hey! I didn’t expect the elves to be treasured in my eyes. Living so humble…”

“Yeah! That should be the case! Huh? By the way!” Liu Hongxiu suddenly remembered something, and asked very puzzled: “They just said they want to open up the territory for you to conquer the battlefield! Could it be…they can still go out? ?”

“Yeah! Yes! Strictly speaking, they are all native aboriginals in the world. If you want to take them out, you must have a prerequisite! If this condition cannot be met, they will never get out!”

“Huh? What are the prerequisites?”

——To be continued——

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