Village Doctor.

Chapter 220

Chapter 220 The Instinct of the Five Elements Elf

After a while!

I saw the water and the water, standing with his back facing away, in an instant! A thick water column appeared under their feet!

And the water column is rising higher and higher, holding them up in the blink of an eye!

When the water column was ascending to a height of about five meters, they both raised their arms high at the same time and shouted!


I saw the moisture in the space quickly gathered, and it condensed into countless large drops in the blink of an eye!

“Split the ground! Become a gully!”

The two soil elves also shouted after them!

In an instant, with the core area as the outermost circle of the dot, a circular gully with a width of about ten meters and a depth of about two meters appeared!

The vegetation originally planted there instantly fell into it!

Seeing this, the three wood elves hurriedly raised their arms!

“The vegetation moves!”

“Swish swish!”

All the vegetation that fell into the ditch was removed by the three of them! And quickly transplanted to other places.

At this moment, Zhang Tianzong was surprised to see the water droplets formed by the water vapor, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, they gathered into big water balls one after another!

There are more and more water polo, and the gathering gets bigger and bigger!


The water and the water volume shouted again.

“Swish! Swish! Swish…”

One after another, big water balls, like opposite sexes attract each other, quickly converge and then fly directly into the gully!

“Boom boom!”

After a series of crackling sounds like firecrackers, the ring-shaped gully became a ring-shaped pond!

The water in the pond is so clear that you can see the bottom at a glance!

Moreover, the water in the pond is still flowing clockwise at a constant speed!

Gradually, as the water flow became faster and faster, the circular pond doubled again! Has become twenty meters wide! Moreover, the depth has also become three meters!

Seeing the fluctuation of the water ripples, look at the houses in the core area. It really feels like a small bridge and flowing water people feel comfortable!

Come closer and look again! Through the water, it can be clearly seen that every two hundred meters, there will be a slowly rotating water pocket!

“This… is this a waterline? Is there a water vein underground?”

Zhang Tianzong pointed to the revolving water nest and asked in surprise.

Shui Rong hurriedly said: “Return to the master! This is the water line created by the overflow of the groundwater vein, and it can also be regarded as an underground fountain!”

“It’s just that… the subordinates are not strong enough to fully demonstrate the desired effect. However, it is completely fine to maintain the water source and maintain the normal flow of water!”

“You can go to the outermost periphery to take a look. There is a masterpiece of Shuirou Big sis, which is a hundred times more spectacular than here!”


Zhang Tianzong hurriedly raised his head and looked far away, but now there are trees everywhere, his vision is blocked, and he can’t really see it for a while.

Hugging Liu Hongxiu in a hurry, his mind moved to the high pavilion!

Not long after, Zhang Tianzong returned with Liu Hongxiu again.

He looked around and smiled and said: “I just suddenly felt that the core area now has a beautiful meaning of small bridges and flowing water. If there are a few bridges leading to all directions, then it will be fine.”

“How difficult is this!”

Mu Yiyi winked at the two wood elves, Little Sister, and the three of them hand seals and chanted at the same time.

“Trees planted, vines entangled!”

“Swish! Swish…”

I saw big trees six meters apart on both sides of the circular pond!

Although the tree is only four meters high, it is very strong! Visual inspection requires two people to encircle to hold it!

Moreover, their branches and leaves are particularly lush!

In the blink of an eye, the branches stretched out to the opposite bank and both sides, and they closed into a state of mutual entanglement! It’s like four people standing opposite each other holding hands!

At the same time, a large number of vines grew wildly, not only entwining the thick trees, but also began to weave and entangle themselves! A woven bridge deck of vines was formed in an instant!

Between the three wood elves waved their hands again, there were more neatly arranged thick planks on the bridge!

And the vines firmly entangled the board, fixing it together immovably!

Since then, eight “living wooden bridges” leading to eight directions have taken shape!

The reason why it is said to be a living wooden bridge is because the wood used is in the stage of survival, and the trees and vines have been growing! There is no need to worry about long-term decay!

Moreover, there are three wood elves who regularly maintain it, which is even more foolproof!

“Okay! Hahaha… The Five Elements elves are really extraordinary, each has a stunning and unparalleled skill!”

“Let’s go! Let me take a look at the edge! By the way, let the new members get familiar with the environment here!”


When Zhang Tianzong took Liu Hongxiu’s hand and looked at the ring-shaped river about 30 meters wide and about 4 meters deep in front of him, he felt surging in his heart!

This river, as a whole, surrounds the outermost periphery of the entire Dongtianfudi!

There are a lot of herbivores, running to the riverside to drink water and have fun, watching this situation is really a peaceful atmosphere!

Mu Yiyi said very happily: “Don’t worry this time! Now that there is sufficient water, there is no need to worry about the slow growth of plants anymore! Moreover, these animals will not be thirsty!”

“Yeah, yeah! Some time ago, we were worried. Although a lot of plants have been planted, there is no sufficient water source for irrigation. We can only rely on the natural condensation of water in the space for watering. It is too much. Difficult……”

When Zhang Tianzong heard this, he secretly blamed himself!

In many respects, he didn’t think well, but it was also because he had no relevant experience and no one to guide him!

What’s more, no one can tell what the detailed terms are in the space rules here!

What should be done is the most reasonable. It can only solve new problems while continuing to explore! It all has to be fumbled bit by bit, it is also difficult for him…

After thinking for a while, Zhang Tianzong said loudly: “Shuirou and Shuirong, can you open up a few more creeks? Don’t be too wide, as long as you can fully take care of plant irrigation and animal drinking!”

“With the continuous expansion of Dongtianfudi, the previous water resources are simply not enough! Although there is a big river now, it is as it is now…”

“The animals have to run all the way here. It’s too hard! And when Yiyi and the others need water, they have to run all the way here to get water. It’s really too much trouble! This problem can Can’t be solved right away!”

“Yes! Master, your request is our duty and mission! Guarantee to complete the task! No problem!”

“Okay! You have to discuss this matter yourself, and it is best to work out the most reasonable stream directions! It is necessary to ensure that it is convenient and fast, but also to ensure that no drop of water is wasted! In addition, there must be a long-term plan. Prepare for what you need when the world widens again in the future!”

“Subordinates obey! Guarantee to complete the task!”

“Um! Uh… It seems I have to get some more fry! Now that we have these two ring rivers, it would be a pity if we don’t raise some fish…”

“fish culture?”

When Shui Ruan Shui Rong heard this, he was immediately very happy.

Shuirou knelt on her knees and cupped hands saluted and said: “Subordinates implore the master to allow the water and water paste to manage all water sources! If the master needs to raise fish, shrimp, crabs and other underwater animals, I can do it for you!”

“Okay! What you said is just what I want! That’s right! Get up.”

“Thank you Master for grace!””Slow!” Mu Yiyi hurriedly said: “Master, in my opinion! The spiritual spring is the origin of the cave, heaven and earth, and you can’t take it away! It must be managed by the master himself! I hope the master will think twice!”

Upon hearing this, Shuei Rongren Shui Rong hurriedly knelt down again, “Master! I did not intend to go beyond authority! Even if you let me manage Lingquan, we would never dare!”

“What the subordinate said just now did have a slip of the tongue. My original intention was only to manage the underground water veins for my master! I don’t have the heart of greed for spiritual springs, please master punish! Please master punish!”

Zhang Tianzong nodded gently and said, “Well! I know what you meant! But don’t get me wrong that Yiyi is deliberately making things difficult for you!”

“She is the first elf conceived in this space! For your Five Elements elf alone, she has followed me for the longest time! I know everything here better than you!”

“Moreover, I have appointed her as the planning chief in Dongtianfudi! She is also considering the overall situation. You must cooperate sincerely, and you must not suspect each other!”

“The subordinates never dare to be suspicious! It is true that the subordinates did not speak properly and did not consider the details! What Yiyi Little Sister said is extremely correct! The subordinates know their mistakes!”

“That’s good! You are all under me, and you must be united! Think in one heart, and use your energy in one place!”

“Subordinates obey orders! Subordinates will do their best to do their best, and they will die!”

“Well! Get up! The soil adds blessings, soil adds color!”

“Subordinates are here!”

“I order the two of them to manage land resources and supervise all herbivores! Prevent them from crossing their boundaries! Remember, all resources in Dongtianfu are the top priority and cannot be used at will! Everything must be reported and allowed Only under circumstances can it be used privately!”

“Subordinates obey!”

“Yeah! The next step is to arrange the housing of the four of you…”

“Return to the master! Our earth elves are used to cave dwellings. I wonder if the master allows us and my wife to open a cave in the tree field? It doesn’t need much area, just enough for me to live!”

“Master!” Shui Rou hurriedly said, “Water elves are used to living in the water. We can live in the outer ring river, please allow the owner!”

Zhang Tianzong frowned, then nodded and said, “Yes! You can make arrangements for you to go! In the future, you can perform your duties without error! Let’s all go away!”

“Subordinates obey!”

After dispersing, Zhang Tianzong hugged Liu Hongxiu and said with a smile: “Did you see it? The soil elves and water elves are grown-ups on their own, and they don’t want to bring the wood elves to play with them!”

“Yiyi Zizhi was the first to be born, with veteran qualifications! And there is also my special appointment, and I am not convinced of them!”

“Yeah! I can see it!”

“Hey!” Zhang Tianzong said helplessly: “Five Elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. This is characteristic and instinct! Just like they all possess the instinct spells “Five Elements Escape” and “Swallowing Elements of the Same Family”, this is all instinct!”

“However, Five Elements grows and overcomes each other! It is normal to dislike each other! Therefore, this balanced relationship must be controlled, otherwise there will be hidden dangers! The things and people that undermine unity must be severely punished!”

When Liu Hongxiu heard this, he thought for a while and said, “I feel that severe punishment is not the only management method. There should be a better solution!”

“Oh? What’s your opinion? Tell me!”

——To be continued——

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