Village Doctor.

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Zhang Tianzong sighed and said, “Do you understand this time? According to my inference, it should have been the bug that landed on the patient’s head and was slapped to death by his random slap, which then caused a series of problems! This is the most critical cause!”

“Actually, what you just said is absolutely correct! It stands to reason that this little toxin on this insect body can cause itching, swelling and inflammation of the skin, as long as you go to the pharmacy to buy a box of ointments to treat mosquito bites or something. It can be cured in just a day or two.”

“However, it is very coincidental that the patient is allergic to this toxin! The patient’s symptoms of persistent high fever and unconsciousness are a typical allergic reaction!”

“Moreover, he is so old, but his hair is still so thick and luxuriant, and the location of the lesion is covered up, so you haven’t found the real cause! This has nothing to do with medical skills and it is a matter of clinical experience, which is also a matter of love. Excusable things…”

“Oh oh oh! That’s the way…Huh? But I still can’t figure out one thing, why I have already done a blood analysis, but I still can’t find something wrong?”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “This is easy to explain, because the toxin is too mild to infect the blood! Therefore, blood analysis is nothing! Didn’t I tell you just now, he has a high fever and coma. The root cause is allergies!”

“To be honest, I didn’t expect the patient to be allergic to this stuff. It’s a coincidence. Maybe it’s because of getting older and the immunity is getting worse! This can’t be diagnosed accurately. …”

“I suggest that patients undergo an allergen screening after they have recovered. There may be other things that can also cause this kind of allergic reaction! This matter must be checked with professional equipment. If you use the traditional Chinese medicine verification method to check step by step , That’s too much trouble…”

“Oh oh! I see! Then… how should the treatment be appropriate in one step? Do desensitization treatment?”

Zhang Tian shook his head and said: “The desensitization treatment alone can no longer be solved! One is because the delay has been a little longer, and the other is because there is a chain reaction problem. This is the most serious problem!”

“Oh? How to say?”

“Small bugs and mild venom caused the patient’s allergic symptoms, and the high fever caused by allergic symptoms continued to be a chain reaction. The use of desensitization therapy and topical medication symptomatic treatment can completely solve these two problems! ”

“However, because the high fever persists for a long time, the patient himself has some old, common chronic diseases in the elderly, which induces multiple organ failure! This is the most deadly! Therefore, it must be fundamentally Adjustment!”

“Yeah! It’s reasonable! But…According to the patient’s current physical condition, if you take Chinese medicine decoction, it may not be effective in a short time! And the current situation is urgent! You see…”

“Hahaha…Uncle, your thoughts about stealing art are too obvious…”

“Uh…hehehe…you can treat it with acupuncture, after all, life is a matter of life! That…I promise not to peek, can I?”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand and said, “I think that when my grandfather was alive, he used to teach publicly many times, and most of the basic usage of my family’s ancestral needle method has been passed on…”

“However, there are some things that can not be seen at a glance, nor can they be understood after a few lessons and advanced studies. This stuff depends on talent, understanding, and state of mind!”

“It has to be changed according to the different causes of similar diseases and the differences in the individual physique of the patients. Appropriate adjustments and changes must be made to learn and apply! If you go further, it will be broader, and it depends on the personal experience of the doctor. And predict in advance! Then you really have to be bold and careful.”

“To be honest! No matter how perfect acupuncture technique is, it needs to be changed and adjusted according to the actual situation of the patient! Acupuncture therapy is all-encompassing, not just remembering a few points for acupuncture to cure the disease…”

“Well! This makes sense! Hey! It’s a pity that there are too few people like you who can understand the clinical science of Chinese medicine so thoroughly! It is even rarer to achieve your accomplishments! It’s difficult… …”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly, turned his hand back to open the messenger bag, and took out the acupuncture box from it.

“Today I will show you the’Four Elephant Chongzhu Acupuncture Method’! This set of acupuncture is a typical fixed acupuncture method. As long as you can identify the acupoints and master the most basic acupuncture skills, you will be a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner. Can be used!”

“Hi…Good, good!”

Shen Haiping suddenly showed a look of thirst for knowledge, and instantly became a primary school student…

“Untie the patient’s coat to reveal the position around the belly button. Then take off the patient’s socks!”

“Okay, okay!”

Zhang Tianzong was not at all polite with him, and now he was teaching him true skills, and it was a matter of course for him to do this small job.

As the saying goes, the Fa cannot be passed lightly, and skills cannot be taught lightly!

Without letting him apprentice to pay the tuition, it is enough for Giving face!

Zhang Tianzong took out the alcohol cotton ball, and while doing the disinfection work, he said: “To tell you the truth, strictly speaking, this set of needles can’t cure any disease!”

“Huh? This…”

“But!” Zhang Tianzong said immediately: “This set of acupuncture has a very significant effect, that is, it can play a role in replenishing qi and blood, repairing the body’s functions, and deeply tapping the body’s potential!”

“Oh oh oh!”


Shen Haiping heard these two “buts” continuously, and the sweat came down! However, he didn’t dare to come out, quietly waiting for the next…

“But! It’s because the full potential is unearthed excessively, so the patient can only live for another ten years at most! But within these ten years, it is completely possible to avoid all diseases and exogenous evils!”

“Because of this, this set of needles has a different name, called life extension needles! Remember! This set of needles must not be used when it is not a last resort!”

“In the current situation, the patient is nearly ninety years old. If you can give him another ten years of high-quality life, it can be said that God will take care of it!”

“Let’s not talk about anything else, just say that after ten years, his old man will be nearly a hundred years old! If he can live to that age, he will be enough for a generation! There is really no regret! So this set of needles is the best Suitable for him.”

“Uh! Uh! It makes sense, it makes sense!”


“My god! Can you stop gasping when you talk? I’m almost scared to death by you!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and nodded and said, “These things I have said are particularly critical, and what I will say next is the most important thing! You have to listen carefully and keep it in your mind!”

“Oh! You say it! I’m listening!”

“If ordinary Chinese medicine receives this method, the patient can only live for another year at most! If it is a person who knows Qigong therapy, then use it with this set of acupuncture methods! The maximum effect can be achieved!”

“As for the final result, it depends on the skill of the person performing the acupuncture! This is why my grandfather only spread the basic acupuncture method, because there is no internal strength to support a lot of acupuncture methods at all! Listen! do you understand?”


“Yes! So, a medical student must know how to be flexible, let alone learn blindly by rote! You must also deeply know how many catties you have! Otherwise, it will be too late to regret…”

“Yes, yes! It seems that this acupuncture can only be considered when the patient is on the verge of death! If it is used by someone who knows qigong like you, and then meet patients like today… it is also not bad s Choice!”

Zhang Tianzong nodded gently and said, “Look up! This method is divided into the order of male left and female right! Moreover, the needle should be started from the foot! There can be no slight error in the order of the needle and the position of the needle. !”

Zhang Tianzong deliberately slowed down the acupuncture movement, and taught this set of acupuncture methods sincerely…

After placing a needle on the soles of his feet and the palms of his hands, Zhang Tianzong smiled and picked up the nine silver needles at the same time!

“The stitches below are very important, and are in line with the layout of the Jiugong Chart! But there are some special changes. You can think of it as a circle with a Jiugong Chart.”

“Round it into a circle? How do you knead it? It’s too abstract, isn’t it? I can’t imagine it…”

“Look carefully! You should be able to understand after reading it!”

“Oh well!”


Zhang Tianzong flicked his hands continuously, and the nine needles quickly pierced around the belly button! The last stitch in it should be pierced right into the middle of the belly button!

“My God! This is a flying needle! This…how can this be learned…”

Shen Haiping asked sadly.

“The last step needs to pay attention to the word’fast’! In order to achieve the fastest speed, I used the flying needle method! Let me tell you the truth, the faster the needle is placed, the longer the patient will live! As for the specifics that can be achieved How fast, it can only be said that they have their own ability!”

“With my current ability, I can only produce ten needles in one second when the needles must be placed in sequence! If the needles can fly at the same time, twenty silver needles can fly out at the same time in one second! It’s the limit I can do so far…”

“Ah? My god! This! What a doctor’s job is this! No wonder you say that you can see it for nothing, who can learn it well!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and said, “Don’t worry about anything, take it slowly! No matter what you learn, you can’t do it overnight. You are teaching, and I should understand this truth better than I do!”

“Please pay attention to the layout of these nine needles, and then think of the nine-square diagram! Combined with the idea that I said that the nine-square diagram is rounded into a circle, can you feel anything now?”

“Hi… I seem to be able to understand some, but I don’t seem to understand!”

“Hey!” Zhang Tianzong sighed and said, “As the so-called master leads the door, it is the individual to practice! Some things depend on talent and savvy…you can experience it yourself!”

“Under normal circumstances, this step is considered complete. The needle will be withdrawn after fifteen minutes, and the patient will be awake in about five minutes after the needle is withdrawn, and the patient can then be targeted to treat other diseases.”

“What I want to do now is Qigong therapy! For this step, it should be difficult for you to do it! Watch it for yourself, you can learn as much as you can! I really can’t help you with the rest…”

“Um… well…”

——To be continued——

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