Village Doctor.

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: You Are So Smelling

The white-haired lady wiped her tears and said, “Hai Ping, you used to be a soldier under our family’s Lao Wang, and you have had an old friendship with my son for more than 30 years. You two are like brothers! I can’t believe you. ?”

“I remember Lao Wang once said that he walked through the rain of bullets, and even climbed out of the dead! It’s worth living to this age!”

“No matter what, I have to thank all the doctors for their hard work! If this doctor Zhang can rejuvenate, it would be great! If anything goes wrong… I can accept it!”

“This year, he has seen nearly 90 people, and it can’t be regarded as a premature death! When I was young, I also worked as a military nurse for a few years. I have experienced this kind of scene many times. I can accept the most Bad result!”

“Now I don’t have to ask him. I just ask him to open his eyes again and say the last few words to me. I have no regrets…uuuuu…”

“Auntie!” Shen Haiping said with tears in his eyes: “Don’t be too sad! The family still has to rely on you to steer! Don’t worry, I have confidence in Tianzong’s medical skills! Maybe he can have a better way. indefinite!”

Shen Haiping turned his head and glanced at Zhang Tianzong, Zhang Tianzong nodded gently.

With this nod, Shen Haiping’s eyes lit up! The frowning brows instantly stretched out!

He has seen Zhang Tianzong’s diagnosis and treatment process for patients on the live broadcast platform. As long as he sees the patients, he can basically determine the cause of the disease by inspection alone!

Even patients with some difficult conditions can be diagnosed with a pulse!

Shen Haiping smiled and said, “Since the patient’s family supports this decision… Tianzong, please!”

“Okay, Professor Shen!”

In this situation, you can’t call “uncle”, you must call “professor”! Only in this way can it appear to be the work completed under Shen Haiping’s assignment and supervision…

“Slow! Wait a minute!”

Dean Tian shouted!

“Huh? Dean Tian, ​​do you have any different opinions?”

Shen Haiping’s expression was very gloomy at this time, and he was very dissatisfied with Dean Tian’s performance.

Dean Tian waved his hand again and again, and said with a smile: “No, no, no, since there is Professor Shen’s promise and the patient’s family approval, I certainly don’t have any comments! But as far as I know… this Doctor Zhang is undocumented. Doctor! Do you know about this?”

“What?” Professor Jiang widened his eyes and said, “He turned out to be undocumented! Hahaha…Are the scammers practicing illegal medicine so bold now? They dare to go to a regular hospital and be kidnapped!”

Shen Haiping said loudly: “I can temporarily serve as Supervisor 1 Auditor! I said, I will bear all the consequences! Jiang Hai! I advise you to accumulate some virtue!”

“Others don’t know, don’t I know what’s the matter with you? Just your so-called authority skills, but that’s all! Do you dare to speak up in front of me? Don’t wanting face!”

“Shen Haiping! We all respect you as a famous professor of Chinese medicine, but it doesn’t mean that you have something great! In terms of medical skills, you are still far behind! If other authoritative doctors come, I won’t say anything to worship! But this Zhang Tianzong…hehe…”


Zhang Tianzong waved his hand to stop Shen Haiping, and said with a smile: “Professor Shen, you can’t care about a dying person! This Professor Jiang has been alive in a few days! At most, he will be free for another month!”


Shen Haiping was taken aback for a moment.

As soon as Jiang Hai heard this, he stopped, pointing at Zhang Tianzong and exclaimed: “Little baby! Do you dare to insult me? Curse me? Do you know who I am? You can speak after weighing it up!”

Zhang Tianzong scratched his head and said, “Two people have asked this question today! I will answer you in the same way!”

“I don’t know who you are, and I don’t want to know who you are! You’d better stay away from me, your pee is too irritating!”

“You! Bastard! You…you…you talk nonsense!”

“Cut! Do you think you can cover up your urine smell by spraying some cheap perfume on your body? I advise you to go to the oncology department as soon as possible. The prostate cancer has reached at least stage III!”

“If you don’t get treatment in time, it’s not just a problem of urinary incontinence! The poor quality diapers you wear are almost soaking wet, so go to the bathroom and change them!”


Jiang Hai tightened his legs very nervously. He didn’t expect Zhang Tianzong to see his hidden illness at a glance!

Only he knows his own situation best. He also wants to undergo surgery to remove the prostate tumor as soon as possible, but the location of the tumor is extremely special. Once the operation is performed, I am afraid that he will never be able to enjoy that aspect of life again in this life!

For him who looks like life and can’t enjoy happiness, Life is simply more uncomfortable than death!

Dean Tian was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and smiled and said, “Professor Jiang, is there really such a thing? You see this is making trouble, let me tell you what is good? You are also a doctor, and you can’t wait if you are sick. Ah! There will be big problems waiting for you! You say yes?”

“Me! That…”

Zhang Tianzong curled his lips and said, “Dean Tian, ​​I kindly advise you not to pretend to be forced! You are not much better than him. You can’t wait for a very serious bacterial urinary tract infection! You two are really hard brothers. Let’s organize a group to check it out!”

“you you……”

Dean Tian was dumbfounded for an instant, he turned his head very vaguely and took a vicious look. The female nurse behind the attending doctor saw that the female nurse lowered her head with flushed face…

Zhang Tianzong saw this scene all in his eyes, smiled slightly, and instantly understood that the relationship between the two of them was unusual!

Dean Tian’s illness is most likely caused by cross-infection! The cause of the disease is most likely from the female nurse…

Shen Haiping shook his head in disgust and said, “Unrelated personnel, please go out! Xiaomin, please help your aunt and wait outside the house. The process of diagnosis and treatment requires a quiet environment!”

The young policewoman nodded and said, “Okay, Uncle Shen, you and Dr. Zhang are the best for everything!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and nodded, and took a close look at this heroic policewoman!

The height is over 1.65 meters, the skin tone is wheatish, some babies have fat faces, the facial features are more delicate, and the capable, calm, and calm temperament is not comparable to ordinary women!

Although she is not a tall figure, the proportions of her body are particularly well-balanced! Paired with that police uniform, it’s really different!

Being stared at by Zhang Tianzong like this, the policewoman immediately blushed, and she also secretly looked at Zhang Tianzong’s appearance, and was instantly shocked by the handsome appearance! She hurriedly lowered her head…

“Grandma, let’s go out first…”

It turns out that they are the relationship between grandmother and granddaughter!

“Yeah! Good! Doctor Zhang, please…”

“Please rest assured, I will do my best!”

Dean Tian and Professor Jiang looked at each other, never daring to say a word anymore, and walked out with the attending doctor and nurse in a desperate manner…

The door of the ward was shut with a bang!

The attending doctor asked in a low voice, “Dean Tian, ​​you said…Is that young doctor really as godly as he said on the Internet?”

“Huh! You never heard that there is no hair on your lips and you are not fast enough to do things, this sentence? A graduate who has just graduated from the Provincial University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for nearly a year, do you think he can have any clinical experience? Those things on the Internet, also It’s just hype! Do you believe this too?”

“Hmm, I think so too! But if they can’t cure it, then the consequences…”

“What can be done if it is not cured! Didn’t Shen Haiping just say that he will bear all the responsibilities! What are you afraid of?”

“Yeah, yes, yes! Hehehe… or the dean is clever, and set the tone in a few words!”

“Huh! This is called management art! Understand?”

“Hehehe…how do I understand? If I do, I won’t be the dean too, or you are brilliant! Hehehe…”

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you kid, hurry up! If it is heard by the general’s wife and the little lady, it will be hard to explain…”

“Hmm! I understand, I understand!”

Dean Tian glanced sideways at the nurse next to him subconsciously, and then glanced at Professor Jiang who had been silent.

Once again, he kept his gaze on the closed door of the ward, thinking secretly in his heart…

“Tianzong, how is it!”

Seeing Zhang Tianzong finishing his pulse, he asked nervously and expectantly.

Zhang Tianzong nodded and said, “I’ve found out!”

“Great! What is the cause!”

“The cause… how do you say it? The main reason is that the patient’s advanced age has caused aging-like deterioration in physical functions. As for the high fever and coma, the cause is allergic poisoning!”

“Huh? Poisoned? Can’t it…I have done various blood tests, and no obvious abnormalities have been found!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “I wonder if Professor Shen has ever heard of an insect called a paederus?”

“Paederus? I’ve heard of it! But it’s not poisonous either!”

“Yes! This kind of bug is also called a shadow bug, because the wings are almost invisible. This kind of bug is only 0.6 to 0.8 cm long and looks like a flying ant.”

“The paederus has no venom gland outside of it, so it is considered non-toxic! However, it has venom in its body! It is the kind of trace venom that helps food digestion! This venom is a certain threat to humans.”

“According to my analysis… it was this kind of bug that accidentally landed on the patient, and then the patient subconsciously slapped the bug to death! Then the venom in the bug flowed out, causing an allergic poisoning infection! ”

“Hiss…” Shen Haiping frowned and said, “This doesn’t seem to be right! I have read this introduction in some materials, and the toxins on this kind of bug are not terrible!”

“Even after the trace of toxin comes into contact with the skin, it is only an occasional allergic inflammation symptom. At most, it is just a small area of ​​skin swelling and inflammation, and there should not be such a serious coma reaction!”

Zhang Tianzong grinned and grabbed the patient’s wrist, letting Shen Haiping look at the patient’s palm.

Sure enough, there was a slight redness and swelling as large as a dollar coin in the palm of the palm!

Shen Haiping was shocked. Just more than half an hour ago, he had also checked the patient’s pulse, but he didn’t find this detail!

“Look here again!”

Zhang Tianzong took a pair of tweezers and gently peeled away the patient’s hair.

“Hiss… how did the scalp become like this?”

——To be continued——

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