
Chapter 222 No, it’s okay

"Swamps... Generally speaking, swamps are formed when the land has poor drainage capacity and thick water accumulates. Then..."

"Your Majesty, we all know the drainage problem. However, our population is limited. At the same time, in addition to harmful monsters such as snakes, insects, rats and ants, the border guards have also encountered cannibals during patrols."

"Cannibals? What are they?"

"Human creatures that feed on humans even though they are humans."


"Your Majesty, it is for this reason that our Congress does not recommend continuing to develop northward. Of course, if a war really breaks out, the Kingdom's army will definitely win. It's just that the cost is too high, and I still think it's better to take the towns of the Kahn Empire."

"At least it will save a lot of time in development and construction?"

"Yes. However, how to drive the natives out and ensure that they will not come back... Congress does not have a unified opinion now."

"Can't we have another virus missile?"

"Your Majesty."

"Okay. Try to be as gentle as possible."

"As you wish."

Obviously, the prime minister was also drunk. As a top biologist in the Kingdom of Negan, if Queen Winnie really develops some virus, it won't be a big deal if the creatures in the New World die, not to mention the natives.

Therefore, watching the Prime Minister leave, Winnie couldn't help but sigh. The officials of the Congress don't want to solve everything by force, and they don't want their citizens to indulge in the enjoyment of eating, drinking and having fun.

So in the eyes of the officials of the Congress, a suitable opponent will be one who can ensure the stable development of the country.

So, after finishing the job, Tulo was looking at Miley lying in his arms. He didn't know if Miley deliberately seduced him. In short, Miley in his arms didn't refuse at all and indulged with him throughout the whole process.

"If you feel it's not enough, the second round..."

"Let me rest for a while. I don't know if other married men will be like me, a little reluctant to go home."

Speaking of this, Tulo himself found it funny. After the married men in the Kingdom of Negan finish their daily work, one place they often go to is the tavern.

Not for anything else, just drinking.

At the beginning, Tulo was also toasting with a group of male compatriots who also had families in the tavern on the first floor of the hotel, and ended up tasting the taste of rice wine.

As for why, it's very simple. His reason lies in his arms.

Due to the low fertility rate of the Kalai people, the biggest entertainment activity for many married men is to have fun with their wives. But over time, even if such things are very happy, including Tulo himself, he actually hopes to have other ways of entertainment.

For example, he has bought tickets at the racecourse. But he has never won once, let alone received a prize.

And he has also visited the stadium in Marle City. In general, he feels more and more that he may have to participate in more entertainment activities.

[An old book friend who has known me for ten years recommended a book-chasing app to me! It's really useful. I use it to read and listen to books to kill time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here. 】

"How dare you not go home?"

"I...how can I?"

Turo suddenly felt a sharp blade on his lower body and broke into a cold sweat. Miley, who kept a smile and a perfect figure, naturally made him realize that he might not have money for alcohol again.

"If you have the energy to drink, you might as well lie on me. As a married woman, what I can't accept the most and what I worry about the most is staying alone in an empty room. Although I am not a widow, do you know? Loneliness is more terrible than any type of torture. So this is why I have never opposed polygamy, and even support the suggestion of marrying more widows."

"Loneliness... Alas! Marrying more is not an easy thing."

Although in the Kingdom of Negan, it is indeed a thing worth showing off for a man to marry several wives; but as a price, this man has to pay extra taxes to the country, and at the same time, if he has more children, family conflicts are easy to accumulate.

Like Tulo himself, his four wives have to pay 6【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】 interest and welfare taxes every month. Then, his children are also studying in different colleges, and the fees here are not a small number.

For this reason, he made a fortune in the Principality of Akern to earn more necessary income for his life. Although the life of a mercenary who lives on the edge of a knife is not without various risks, but when he looked at Miley, he now understood why the mercenaries in the Old World like to linger in brothels and taverns after completing their missions.

Because they need a suitable place to vent their depression.

At the same time, this is why, in addition to the Iron Fist Empire, many human countries are facing a very embarrassing thing-illegitimate children.

Although most of these children are unlikely to know who their parents are, and may even become gang members because of their own "illegitimate household" problems, it is precisely because of the appearance of illegitimate children that the conflict between the United Kingdom of Eri and the human country has become more and more intense.

After all, these children without proper identities were considered "non-existent creatures", and the United Kingdom of Eri had no way to protest through diplomatic channels. Therefore, armed cleansing was often the final result.

Of course, in the Negan Kingdom, due to the full implementation of the household registration system, it is difficult to find an "illegal household" to do some jobs that are not very visible.

But he is now worried about the money for the wine, and sometimes he will borrow some from Miley while drinking...

If he drinks at home, he doesn't even know if there is any wine. After all, Miley is fine, but the other three are teetotalers. If he wants to drink, he probably has to look at their faces and consider whether he has enough money in his pocket.

For some reason, Tulo suddenly thought of bees and ants. These two creatures are females who are responsible for various tasks, while male individuals are like pigs or chickens and ducks raised in the human kingdom, purely for reproduction and survival.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's okay."

Although he thought of some bad things, he was lying in his arms with a wife who didn't know if she was pregnant with his own flesh and blood again. Obviously, he was 100% unable to give up this warmth.

After all, he... how to say it. Born in a country full of beautiful women, he couldn't cut off his feelings for the opposite sex. Moreover, he married Miley at the beginning, and he really invested a lot of love in it.

So facing Miley, he had to sigh about his happy life. You know, the Kalai people in the Negan Kingdom are not like the human race, and they need to invent some safety devices to prevent accidents.

Some officials above even wish that men like him could hug their wives and have sex every night to greatly increase the number of citizens in the Negan Kingdom...

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