
Chapter 221 I also like to eat rice

Origin Calendar I have been using recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]6 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ] July 26, 2018

The southern border of the Kingdom of Negan, the Turan Company affiliated hotel in Ruyi Town



"Don't call me, it's starting to snow outside. I don't want to go out and make trouble in the Principality of Akern."


"If I have the energy, I might as well make a baby with the four of you."

"Sure. But you..."

Listening to her husband's obviously not serious words, Miley naturally responded with a teasing look. Although the climate in the New World is weirder than the Old World, and the cold winter season is indeed suitable for such a happy activity as making a baby, she knows in her heart that Tulo, as a key member of the company, regrets going to the Principality of Akern.

Because the Principality of Akern is now in chaos, conflicts between nobles and civilians and even open armed conflicts often occur. Turan Company is now taking advantage of this opportunity to resell various materials for huge profits and intervene in the internal affairs of Akern (sending mercenaries to participate in the war) many times.

Therefore, compared with the Principality of Akern, where there are cries of killing everywhere, the people of Ruyi Town enjoy a very comfortable and happy life under the large investment of Turan Company.

Needless to say, the beach tourist area in Ruyi Town has been visited by local people and even people from the northern city of Male for a long time. Then, with the support of Mayor Abu Sogen, the establishment of the racecourse allows people to enjoy another kind of entertainment.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

At the same time, it is precisely because Mayor Sogen is rich that the road between Solo City and Ruyi Town has been completely opened, and the trade between the two places has never stopped.

So, the mayor of Sogen, who was said to have been promoted and transferred, probably lay on the comfortable big bed like Tulo, waiting for someone to come up and serve him.

"What? Are you willing?"

"When have I ever refused? From the first night I married you, I got out of bed with a bulging belly. Now, I am the mother of two children. If you can... come on."

"Give me a glass of rice wine first."


Because he planted a child on the first night she married, Miley was not as shy as other women. On the contrary, since she entered the delivery room, she was used to such things as eating and drinking.

Just like he now drinks a glass of rice wine from time to time to warm his body.

Of course, in Tulo's own opinion, it is always a good thing to have Miley by his side. And he didn't have such a habit before, and a glass of rice wine beforehand was probably the result of the development of Ruyi Town.

Wine, as a popular beverage, is basically drunk by the people of every kingdom. But compared to the old continent, the Kingdom of Negan prefers low-alcohol wine.

After all, strong liquor is easy to get drunk and spicy. As far as he knows, the old continent, that is, places with low temperatures all year round, prefer strong liquor.

For someone like him, who was born in a temperate zone, Kalai, the reason he drinks rice wine is just to keep warm. At the same time, this rice wine is also a specialty of Ruyi Town, and it is a good thing that can be sold in other places in the Kingdom of Nigan.

But compared to selling it to the people of the kingdom, the natives are the most valuable. You must know that the brewing technology of the natives is not good at all, and the brewed wine has basically no taste.

So Turan Company made a fortune with a large group of drunk nobles in the Principality of Akern in the south, so that the daughter of the boss of Turan has now entered politics and become an official of the Ministry of Works.

In other words, the Turan Company, which is developing well, is not just satisfied with a small town, and expanding its business externally is the kingly way of development.

But then again, Tulo himself is very curious. How did Mayor Sogen think of developing the riverside in the west of the town and building a rice field area? Because that place was originally a muddy swamp, and some natives tried to invade Ruyi Town from here in the past, but were swallowed by the swamp.

But at this time, he saw Miley pick up a small bottle of rice wine, but didn't bring a cup. She knew that Miley wanted to give her a mouth-to-mouth "service".

Compared to Tulo, who was free and happy with his wife, Turan, the owner of Turan Company, was consulting about the income and expenditure on the first floor of the hotel.

"Little sister, don't worry about this. Your big brother can definitely guarantee that the room occupancy rate is at least 60%."

"Oh? So amazing?"

"This is mainly thanks to the buyers from outside. And I didn't expect that there are still many people who like to eat rice noodles these days."

Because the staple food grown in Ruyi Town is rice, Kalai and even the Minotaur tribe, who used to eat buns, don't know if they are curious and want to change their taste. Rice has always been an important export product of Ruyi Town.

Therefore, Ruyi Town, which did not have many granaries, either made rice wine or rice noodles from the abundant rice harvest for tourists and vendors from other places to taste or even purchase.

"I like to eat rice, too. But...brother, I guess...it may be because everyone has not had a full meal before."

"No way? You said that those of us with brown skin are okay, but for white skin... well... you know what, I don't think I've ever seen any master who eats rice in Eri before."

Enzo, Turan's eldest brother and a former brown-skinned slave, recalled the past.


"You know what, no. In my own memory, no white-skinned master eats rice. They all eat flatbreads made of wheat flour, and those with sauces."

In fact, as the brother and sister said, as a white-skinned member of Kalai who couldn't be more standard, Her Majesty the Queen, who was pregnant with a baby, had never eaten rice before.

"Your Majesty? This..."

"In fact, I started eating rice after I established the Kingdom of Negan."


"Prime Minister, you don't have to be so surprised, right?"

"How should I put it... Your Majesty, I was also born a slave. Rice..."

"Rice is only eaten by lower-class slaves?"


"At this time, what's the point of minding this issue? Eating the same staple food all the time will definitely lead to nutritional imbalance."


"And, based on what I know now, there are actually quite a few swamps in our kingdom, right?"

"Especially in the north, where the rivers are as dense as a comb. Swamps are easily formed where the rivers intersect. Such swamps are not only not suitable for building towns, but also prone to the danger of swallowing animals."

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