
Chapter 122: Aboriginal Issues

Just as Sogen said, he didn't like places with many women, and he didn't like being stared at by a lot of women.

Therefore, even if he was the first male Kalai member who was born with magic in the Negan Kingdom, and his sons were the second, third, and fourth brown-skinned Kalai men who were born with magic, he was absolutely unwilling to appear in the above places or occasions.

After all, he now knew how valuable he was, and he also knew how terrible it was that his sons had the ability to change the fate of brown-skinned Kalai.

Although the Negan Kingdom did not have a deep-rooted aristocratic system like other countries; but this did not mean that the Negan Kingdom did not have so-called famous families, or descendants with a certain family cultural heritage.

For example, the city lord Minnie, she used to be a member of an aristocratic family. Although her status was really not noble, especially in the tradition of Eri.

However, the past does not represent the present. To be honest, Sogen himself can make the Abu family one of the most famous families in the Negan Kingdom with his own efforts.

It's just...

"Isn't the power of this shot too strong?"

"Si Rui, the current public information of the 84 gun clearly states that it can penetrate 5mm homogeneous steel armor with armor-piercing shells at a distance of 100 meters. So don't say it's cruel and bloody, it's just a normal thing."

In fact, as far as he knows, the Negan Kingdom has larger caliber field guns in theory and related design drawings. As for how this gun performs, we can only wait for the appearance of the real thing to judge.

And in the human kingdom in the East, samples of 2mm caliber field guns have appeared. He also heard that His Royal Highness the King's wife ordered some special members to go to the human kingdom in the East to try to obtain 2mm caliber field guns. 】 Data of millimeter caliber field artillery.

However, whether it can succeed or not is another matter. After all, with the end of the demon invasion, the human kingdom in the East has made certain improvements in intelligence confidentiality.

It is not easy to obtain information or related data.

"84 gun... No wonder armored vehicles now basically use it as the main gun."

"Not necessarily."


"You will know this later. Now you can see how they end it."

What do you mean by how to end it?

Si Rui only saw the moment when the giant fell down. After the fire wall was crushed, the natives on the city wall started to fire wildly.

The most terrifying thing is that the bullets fired from the city wall are not normal rifle or pistol bullets, but 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ] × Recently I have been using it recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ] mm international automatic machine gun shells.

The sight of the blood and flesh of the natives flying all over the place made Si Rui turn her head away, and Sogen, who was completely accustomed to this scene, could only sigh at how terrible the improvement of ammunition technology was.

The era of hot weapons was far more bloody than the era of cold weapons. That made him understand why His Royal Highness Wangfu spared no effort to "introduce" various scientific and technological achievements from the human kingdom many times.

That was to ensure that he would not become the target of these backward natives' slaughter.

However, he himself felt that the defenders of Solo City were too cruel? 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ] Millimeter caliber machine guns strafing... No, it seems that I have to get a suitable large-caliber machine gun in the future.

To avoid the extravagance of these guys. You must know that 2 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ] × Recently I have been using it recently I have been using it recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, Android and Apple are both available. ] Millimeter machine gun shells themselves can be sold directly on the black market or in the international arms trade, or used to purchase sufficient quantities of arms.

For example, a pistol.

That's right, like the Soul Eater six-shot revolver that he had not used for a long time, a 2×mm machine gun shell is equivalent to the price of three Soul Eaters in the black market.

For no other reason, the price of a revolver is a cheap commodity in the black market or the open arms market. In addition, it is easy to make, so some mercenary forces have homemade firearms and regard revolvers as entry-level self-equipment.

Of course, the Negan Kingdom, which has higher aspirations, is unlikely to continue to need this. The only thing is that the 9×33mm pistol bullet itself is still quite popular and purchased by everyone.

However, since the focus of military production in the New World is not light weapons and equipment, the Negan Kingdom, which has always focused on the development and production of military equipment, has only retained it on the Gem Island.

In the New World, the pistol bullets are currently only 6×2mm pistol bullets and 9×9mm pistol bullets. As for the rest... I don't have enough money, so I'll talk about it later.

"Why aren't these natives retreating? Do they really think their catapults are invulnerable just because they have armor plates?"

"How is it possible... But, Sirui, I do suspect there is a backup plan."

As Sogen said, even though the natives outside the fire wall left a pile of corpses of their companions, they continued to fire missiles one after another at the city wall from the back.

Although these missiles with fire at the tail basically have no accuracy, and few of them can accurately hit the defenders on the city wall; but out of the concept of reciprocity, the mortar shells fired from behind the city wall suddenly made the natives who fought to the death burst into more miserable cries.

This is only an 8mm caliber mortar shell. If it is replaced with a 2mm caliber mortar... Anyway, Sogen can't imagine what kind of more disastrous scene the 4mm caliber mortar recommended by the Minotaur will have.

As far as he knows, a 4mm caliber mortar can cause more disasters. 】The lethality of millimeter-caliber mortar shells far exceeds the high-explosive shells fired by the 55mm truck guns that have been used recently.

[Recommended, the book is really useful, download it here, everyone can try it quickly. 】

And if it weren't for the reason that it was too heavy, I have been using 4 [To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. 】The millimeter-caliber mortar is definitely a fierce weapon that can be used to demolish houses. Of course, some of the current naval ships have been equipped with it, but the effect needs to be explained separately.

However, it is more difficult to launch mortars on the sea than on land. Even if the naval ships of the Negan Kingdom are equipped with crystal power and balancing devices, it is still not conducive to the aiming of mortars under a bit of bumpy conditions.

Even if the lethality of mortars is far greater than that of normal barreled artillery, the explosion shock wave is even more powerful under the addition of seawater.

In short, in the end, the natives still threw a round of smoke bombs to cover the evacuation, and the battle under the cover of night came to a temporary end.

"It's over?"

"It's over just like that. It's hard for these natives to break in with cold weapons, unless they have the ability to raid behind the city wall in some way."


"Similar to the way they attacked Koto City by boat along the river before."

The problem of the natives.

As the number one problem of the Kingdom of Negan in the New World, Sogen can only sigh how true it is that everything is difficult at the beginning.

And what's even worse is that the natives also have their own civilizational forces that are in the process of development...

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