
Chapter 121: Failed Fire Attack

boom! boom! boom!

"No. How come the sound of the cannon is almost like a drum?"

"let me see."

As Siri turned on the crystal projector on the table in front of Sogen, the sight of fire everywhere really made him nervous.

In particular, the flames in the picture projected on the black wall were not released by the defenders of Solo City, but were caused by the burning haystacks launched by the natives themselves using catapults equipped with steel plates.

In this regard, Sogena greatly admires the intellectual development of the indigenous people. At least I know that siege weapons are needed when attacking a city, and the only ammunition fired from catapults can only be said to be too bad.

The bundled haystacks had no effect after being lit on fire, even if they had the ability to throw the haystacks behind the walls of Solo City. You must know that no matter how hard Solo City is, there is a militia unit dedicated to putting out fires, not to mention that many of the Kalai clan are capable of magic.

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If an ice ray goes down, it will ensure that the place where the haystack is ignited is instantly extinguished.

"What do they mean by creating a flame isolation belt outside the city wall?"

"You ask me, and I don't know how to answer you. But generally speaking, I have seen the militiamen in Malacca deal with wildfires like this before. According to them, this is called creating a fire isolation zone. As long as the burned area , so it won’t be burned by fire a second time.”

Speaking of this matter, Saugen himself was very shocked at first. He had never thought about using fire to put out fires, but at that time, the militia squad leader who was responsible for putting out fires in an orchard with a hill in Mare City really used this method to control the scale of the mountain fire, and for the final Lay a good foundation for the fight.

As for now, he saw a wall of fire lighting up the night sky through the projection. Although this makes it impossible for the garrisoning troops to confirm the situation outside and temporarily cease fire, in the same way, the common instinct of creatures to fear fire will also prevent attacking opponents from coming forward - this is why among the troops of the Negan Kingdom There is an important reason for the existence of flamethrowers (the other is to use flamethrowers to deal with toxic substances. Whether in the New World or the Old World, various toxic miasmas are emerging in endlessly. The emergence of flamethrowers has greatly helped chemical defense operations) .

At this time, as the picture on the screen completely entered the stage of cessation of firefights, Lord Minnie and other members of the Marle City representative team came out to watch. Moreover, City Lord Minnie took out the communication jade pendant from his neck, and then a female face that Sogen didn't recognize at all appeared on the jade pendant.

"I asked you, do you know what's going on outside? The fire outside is almost turning the sky red."

"Mom, there are a lot of indigenous people here who want to attack the city. Just now they may have realized that they couldn't get in if they attacked head-on, so they suddenly set a fire to block our sight. But our priests found that inside the indigenous people's team Some very tall and strong guys are coming here, please be careful here.”

With the interruption of communication, the priest who should be one of the daughters of Lord Minnie told everyone here a not so good thing.

The tall and strong one among the natives?

Is he as big as the Black Dragon God? Is he as powerful as the Black Dragon God? Or is he as wise as the Black Dragon God?

In short, when several gray-skinned giants suddenly appeared in the wall of fire, which were indeed much taller than the ordinary natives who were only 1.7 meters tall, not to mention the troops stationed on the city wall, even Sogen, who was used to seeing wind and rain, found it unbelievable.

"What is this? A giant?"

"Is it made like me?"

"Sirui, do you think it's possible? The aborigines who attacked Ketuo City before... well... don't tell me, it's possible. After all, these aborigines are actually human beings, but their skin color is different from the white and yellow skin of the old continent. Black and white have completely different reddish-brown skin, and they should not have the ability to see at night."

After a lot of contact with the human race, it turns out that Sogen, who didn't know what the human race was, had some understanding of humanoid life forms. Although in a strict sense, the Kalai clan, known as the Eldar or Elves by the humans, can be considered a member of the race of humanoid intelligent life forms; but in the Kingdom of Negan, the word "human" can be said as little as possible.

After all, the Kalai clan is not human at all, they just look human in appearance. At the same time, this also shows that short-lived humans are short-sighted and tend to have preconceived ideas about things.

Especially the nickname "Bean Sprout", which was born from the mouth of human beings. Not to mention that His Royal Highness the Prince and Her Majesty the Queen are actually representatives of the Negan Kingdom who hate humans and hate humans. This is an important reason why the Negan Kingdom decided to leave the Old World and choose to settle in the New World.

It's just that compared to Sogen's analysis, these breakthroughs in the sea of ​​fire covered a large group of indigenous people behind them. The tall and strong armored man about three meters tall was instantly punched out by the city defense turrets one after another with big holes of flesh and blood, and then the indigenous people looked at them in complete disbelief. He fell down slowly.

Sogen couldn't help laughing at this. Solo City has an 84mm caliber dual-purpose field gun stationed in the turret of the city wall, and the types of ammunition fired by the 84 gun have changed from armor-piercing shells and shrapnel shells at the beginning to armor-piercing shells and air-blast shells now. So the giants who were beaten into slag had to fall down directly and crush a large number of native soldiers behind them into meat paste.

"In fact, if it were me, I would probably be a lightning thundercloud, allowing chain lightning to flow continuously inside their bodies to ensure better results."

"If you can't use the power of spells, don't use it at the first time. After all, for some experts, they are able to judge the identity of the caster through the spells released by the caster. Therefore, Sirui, now you understand what the priests and the Black Dragon God Temple are used for."

Although Sogen himself can cast spells, he has to say that he is really starting to get rusty now. Like other brown-skinned Kalai, he habitually uses swords and guns to solve problems. He can only say that he is a little "degenerate". But this also shows that the rise of the Eastern human kingdom is not accidental but inevitable.

"Specialized to deal with spell users?"

"And study various spell phenomena. It's just that there are more men than women in the Nigan Kingdom now, and there are so few men who can spell that it's unbelievable, so now women are allowed to be priests."

"Actually, Sogen, you..."

"Don't! Don't! I can't stand that kind of place. I guess their eyes will be no different from those of jackals who have been hungry for a day in the mountains."

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