Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 81 The emperor's favor is rising! Military power (asking for monthly votes)

Chapter 81 The Holy Family is on the rise! Military power, military power! (Please vote for me)

Last night, Ying Nian Bald and Negative Eight Sisters had a very heated debate about what to do in the court today.

Young and bald at a young age, he said that he should figure it out slowly and get a fourth-grade general with real power first.

Whether you go to the Eight Banners Army or the infantry command yamen, you must first obtain a certain amount of military power, and then slowly transform the army.

There are three reasons:

First, Su Yi's thoughts should not be too obvious.

Second, the emperor was conservative and resistant to new things.

Third, be modest and prudent, and take whatever the emperor gives you, so as not to appear ambitious. The holy family is the most important.

Negative Eight Sisters scorned the idea of ​​being bald at a young age. She said that the new army should be organized and trained directly, and the new army should be organized and trained very openly. The tone should be very loud.

There are three reasons.

First, no matter whether he goes to the Eight Banners Army or the Infantry Command Yamen, the soldiers there have been abolished. Su Yi will be trapped in the network of relationships there, and he doesn't know how much time he will waste.

Second, to transform the old army, we still need to use new ideas and new methods, which will offend the interests of more people, so it is better to restart the stove.

Third, if you say that holy family members are important when you are bald at a young age, you have completely misunderstood the relationship of priority. The purpose of Su Yi's accumulation of holy relatives is to accomplish great things. The holy relatives themselves are not the purpose. What is meant by doing great things? Training the new army is about doing great things. Just like we want to make money, but money is not the purpose. Using money to buy a house, buy a car, and enjoy beauty is the purpose.

Young and prematurely bald, he was immediately speechless.

Isn't that just Grandet if he keeps saving his holy family members for no use? Is it cool to just look at the deposit numbers?

Then Young Young Bald said that even if he wants to train a new army, he should put it forward in a low-key and humble manner.

You shouldn't be arrogant, let alone talk big words.

Negative Bamei retorted again, saying that this was the time to show off and speak loudly.

There are three reasons:

First, the emperor is conservative and does not accept new things. At this time, Su Yi's support is the highest and it is the most likely to succeed.

Second, if you don't talk too much now, when you train the new army in the future, there will definitely be many new things that the ministers will not understand, and they will interfere with you and slander you every day. Telling it all at once will have a certain impact on everyone's thinking, but it will reduce criticism in the future because Su Yi has already said it in advance.

Third, if you want to get eight yuan, you must loudly ask for ten yuan and ask for a higher price to give others room to bargain.

And if you don’t brag about how powerful the new army is, why should the emperor agree to you against his own will?

If he is just training a slightly superior army, is it necessary for the emperor to violate his own principles?

The new army must be boasted to a high level and make the emperor want to take a gamble.

Just like investing in business, people will only be interested if they say that this business will definitely make tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

Ever since, Ying Nian Ba ​​was silent again.

Negative Bamei said: "Brother Zaobal, you have reached a very high position, and your thinking is bureaucratic. But what Su Yi wants to do now is not to be a bureaucrat, but to seek power and usurp the throne, the kind that does not destroy or establish."

Ying Nian was bald for a long time and said: "It's so arrogant and wild. Doesn't it expose your ambition early?"

Negative Eight Sisters said: "Exposed ambition? In the face of the real emperor, which usurper in history was not humble and respectful? The one who was flamboyant and wild was Huo Qubing, not Wang Mang."

So Young Bald was convinced again.

But he chose to abstain rather than agree.

Su Yi weighed it again and again and finally chose the publicity route.

Asking for military power and organizing and training a new army should indeed be youthful and unbridled.

In that case, everyone will just think you are crazy, young and ignorant.

If you are secretive, it will make people feel that you have ulterior motives.

However, he still underestimated the court's reaction.

After a little quiet time.

I don’t know how many people came out to oppose it.

"I object!"

"I object!"

"Although Su Yi ranks first in civil and military examinations, he has already shown his talent. But in the southern battlefield, it is true that he suffered repeated defeats."

"When it comes to talents, we should make the best use of them, but we should also do it step by step and not encourage the development of talents."

"We, the Qing Dynasty, started with the Eight Banners cavalry and archery, and conquered the world. Su Yi said that to train a new army, he wanted to change the methods of his ancestors. This was to subvert the country. If the ancestors have knowledge, the underground will be uneasy."

"I impeach Su Yi for being young and frivolous, just talking on paper."

"I impeached Su Yi because I took credit for my own merits and was arrogant and disrespectful."

The opposition and impeachment against Su Yi came like a tide.

Even Chongen and Ruilin stood there in a daze for a while and did not come out to support.

Su Yi's ally Tian Yugong didn't dare to stand up and support him.

Because this thing is too big.

Everyone knows that the emperor came to power through conservative thinking.

Now you want to train a new army, and you talk about it in such a subversive way, like a new army that has never been seen in a hundred years, and you are going to break new ground.

What are you going to do?

Do you mean that our Qing army is completely useless?

Although this is barely true, who dares to say it?

"I impeach Su Yi to sit in a well and watch the sky. A year or two ago, our Qing Dynasty had just completely wiped out the rebels who rebelled against Lin Fengxiang. With such a glorious victory, how dare you say that our Qing Dynasty army is in ruins?"

However, no one said that Su Yi had ulterior motives or was ambitious.

The emperor was also momentarily speechless.

First of all, he completely believed that Su Yi was completely loyal.

There are some things that need not be said in detail. The southern battlefield relies entirely on the Hunan Army. The Eight Banners and the Green Camp are both destroyed. It would be good if the northern and southern camps can hold on.

And just a few days ago, a thousand Eight Banners cavalry defeated 80 Nian Army cavalry, killing nearly 200 of them, and half of them escaped.

This battle is a shame.

However, what Su Yi said was too subversive.

What an unprecedented new army, setting a precedent.

It sounds unsettling.

This means that Su Yi is a member of the clan, and everyone would think it was frivolous if he said it. If a Han general said this, they would immediately say that he had objections.

But the emperor found it hard to accept Su Yi's words.

So subversive.

But the emperor would definitely not rebuke him.

It is rare for Su Yi to have such thoughts.

If he just wanted to get promoted and make a fortune, there were plenty of fourth-grade official positions with real power, and he could just pick any one.

Why do we have to take this most difficult road and be impeached and criticized by countless people?

Young people are passionate and sincere, which is really rare.

But it is indeed too difficult to get him to agree.

First of all, it goes against his principles as an emperor, and secondly, it will cause an uproar. Just look at the opposition from the ministers.

The emperor waved his hand and stopped the impeachment of the officials.

"Su Yi, you are dedicated to serving the country and want to share your worries for me. I understand very well."

"But let's discuss this matter later, okay?"

Su Yi bowed and said: "I obey your order!"


Inside Sanxi Hall.

Next, the emperor summoned Su Yi privately.

"Su Yi, I know your loyalty, but this matter is too big." The emperor said: "If I agree to you, it will cause huge turmoil both inside and outside the court, and countless objections will come. This is a change for our ancestors. This method will make many people uneasy and will cause many people to criticize.”

There is no doubt that it is.

Su Yi, you keep talking about training new troops, what do you mean?

Isn’t it just the old army?

Our Eight Banners Army can't do it, and neither can the Green Camp soldiers.

Neither can the Hunan Army.

It’s just that the new army you trained is awesome, and the new army you trained is good?

This move would offend all the generals and military attaches in the Qing court.

Moreover, the Second Opium War has not yet broken out, the British and French forces have not yet entered the capital, and have not yet taken off the last fig leaf of the Qing army.

Not long ago, the Northern Expeditionary Army that had just completely wiped out the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom made people in the Qing court feel that our army is quite powerful.

Therefore, the emperor felt that Su Yi was a young man who was very sincere and would not hesitate to offend countless people in order to serve the country.

Moreover, Ruilin and Chongen didn't know Su Yi's thoughts at all, so they were stunned at that time.

A lonely minister who has no clique and is only loyal to the emperor.

Who wouldn't like such a courtier?

Moreover, Su Yi's previous performance was too monstrous, ranking first in both civil and military skills.

Now this childish performance made the emperor feel relieved and even liked it more.

"Su Yi, you want to fight for me, you want to lead the army, you can." The emperor said: "The Eight Banners Army, the infantry commander's office, the fourth-grade powerful generals, you can choose whatever you want. And the pure military general position is not important enough, I I'll give you a civilian position, either in Zhan Shifu or the Ministry of War."

Just a military position, the status and power are not high.

But if you have a clerical job, that would be great.

Su Yi said: "Your Majesty, can I tell the truth?"

The emperor said: "Of course."

Su Yi said: "If it was for promotion and wealth, or for power, I would have kept silent a long time ago, because the emperor always gives me more than what I want, or even much more."

"But when I closed my eyes, I remembered the time when the emperor heard about the defeat in the Jiujiang battle. I remembered the emperor's shock when he heard about the defeat in Wuchang. When I saw this, I was heartbroken."

"The Lord humiliates me and dies!"

"Is the emperor not benevolent enough? Is the emperor not diligent enough?"

"Since the emperor succeeded to the throne, he has been careful about his career and is treading on thin ice, but the situation is still corrupt."

This is actually an overstep, and it is something you can say even if you are walking on thin ice.

But after the emperor heard it, he didn't think there was anything wrong. He just felt that Su Yi was considerate because this was indeed a true portrayal of him.

"The emperor is diligent and caring for the people, and has worked hard, so why is the situation still in ruins? It's because of the incompetence of the ministers, and it's because of the mess left by the late emperor."

Suddenly, the emperor said sternly: "Be careful what you say!"

Although his attitude was harsh, these words spoke to the emperor's heart.

He always felt that now that the situation has collapsed, can you blame me?

What did I do wrong?

Isn't it the mess left by the late emperor? The tail is too big to be removed?

Su Yi said: "So I have been asking myself, what exactly do I want to do?"

"Ask yourself every day, the better the emperor treats his ministers, the more painful the ministers will be, and they don't know how to repay the emperor's kindness."

"A few days ago, I brought Princess Shou'an back to Beijing. I turned around and took a look. One thousand Eight Banners cavalry were fighting against 80 Nian bandit cavalry, but they were killed so hard that I couldn't believe it."

"When did our Eight Banners Army sink to this level and become so corrupt?"

"With such an army defending the capital and the emperor, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"So today in the court, I knew that saying such words would make people scold and ridicule me, and I would become a public enemy of the Eight Banners and the Green Camp, but I still said it."

"If it cannot be destroyed, it cannot be established. This group of people is rotten. No one dares to poke this pustule, so I will poke it for the emperor."

The emperor sighed: "You, you, don't you know that a tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind?"

Su Yi said: "Time waits for us not."

"I only have the emperor in my heart, and no one else. I only want to quickly train a new army, kill the enemies for the emperor, wipe out all the rebels in the world, restore peace to the world, and let the emperor's name go straight to the pursuit of Gaozong. , go straight after the Holy Ancestor."

"I only want to hear the emperor's news from now on, and there will be no more bad news of defeat."

"When I think of the emperor hearing the bad news of the defeat, my insides are burning."

These words immediately moved the emperor again.

If ordinary people say it, the emperor may not believe it.

But Su Yi had just proved his loyalty with his life.

Facing hundreds of Nian bandits, he rushed out one by one and took Princess Shou'an to kill several times, leaving many scars on them.

Faced with a deadly foreign gun, he did not hesitate to rush forward and block the bullet for the emperor.

Do you doubt the loyalty of such a person?

For a moment, the emperor also felt warm after hearing what Su Yi said.

He couldn't help but ask: "Su Yi, is this new army really as powerful as you say?"

In fact, the emperor still had a question in his mind.

Su Yi proved himself in the provincial civil examination and the provincial examination in martial arts.

But he has yet to prove himself when it comes to leading troops in war.

In the southern battlefield, Su Yi suffered repeated defeats and battles, buying heads, falsely claiming military exploits, and escaping from battle, all of which were probably true.

Therefore, the emperor was really afraid that he would be Zhao Kuo again.

Why is Zhao Kuo's literary work not strong?

How could Zhao Kuo's martial arts theory not be strong?

The result? The battle of Changping destroyed all the vitality of Zhao State.

Su Yi said: "Your Majesty, I know that you are thinking that I am useless in the southern battlefield after repeated defeats."

"But I have something to say about this."

"Although it was a coincidence that I went to the Hunan Army, after entering, I found that I was trapped and unable to do anything."

"I only had one thought at that time, which was to lurk secretly among the Hunan Army and help the emperor keep an eye on Zeng Guofan. When necessary, he would occupy the magpie's nest and seize the command of the Hunan Army for the emperor."

"So in order to win Zeng Guofan's trust, I devoted myself to giving him advice. Even when he got the post of governor of Hubei, it was all planned for him by me. Moreover, Shen Baozhen was my future father-in-law at the time, so I thought this path was appropriate."

"In order to achieve this goal, in order to make Zeng Guofan not be vigilant, I behaved unworthy of military skills and gave him countless excuses, but it was still useless. He still regarded me as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh."

"In the first battle of Tianjia Town, I took charge of attacking Banpingshan alone for the first time, but ended up escaping before the battle."

"Does the Emperor think that I am afraid of death?"

Of course not!

The emperor has the most say on this point.

People who are afraid of death will not ride on hundreds of bandits at once.

People who are afraid of death will not take the bullet for the emperor.

Su Yi said: "The reason why I ran away was because someone was plotting against me behind my back. They wanted to kill me secretly on the battlefield, and then report to the emperor in the name of dying in battle."

The emperor was so angry that he was shaking all over: "It is so, it is indeed so!"

Su Yi said: "They are deliberately planning to remove this thorn from me."

It all makes sense.

It may be fair to say that Su Yi was incompetent in military affairs and suffered repeated defeats in battles.

But to say that Su Yi was as timid as a mouse and ran away from the battle?

What a ghost!

Is there anyone braver than him in the world?

Su Yi said: "Now our Qing Dynasty has only two armies that can fight. King Monk's Horqin cavalry and Zeng Guofan's Hunan army. I have no doubt about King Monk's loyalty, but he wants to defend the north for the emperor. So Zeng Guofan's Hunan army Where is the army? Where is their loyalty?”

The emperor immediately gritted his teeth, these words touched his pain point.

Su Yi said: "I am just a red belt with no power. Zeng Guofan regarded me as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh. He tried every means to get rid of me. He just didn't want the emperor's people to get involved in his army."

"Although Taqibu is a Manchu, how loyal is he to Zeng Guofan? What's the result? The battle of Jiujiang is dead!"

"Now the Hunan Army doesn't have even half of the emperor's men left."

"What if the Hunan Army completely wipes out the rebels in the future? Will the entire southeastern provinces still belong to the emperor? Will they still belong to the Qing Dynasty?"

Su Yi's words were shocking.

"Your Majesty, every time I think about this situation, I have trouble sleeping and eating."

"Why do you want to focus on training a new army? Seeing such a dangerous situation, the emperor cannot only have a team capable of fighting the Monk King."

From beginning to end, Su Yi never said anything bad about Seng Gelinqin.

Because slander is most effective when attacking one person at a time.

"If I have trained a new army that is capable of fighting, so that the emperor can attack wherever he wants? Even if there are mountains of swords, seas of fire, tigers' dens, and wolves, I will never frown and charge forward with this army. Create a bright future for the emperor!"

Hearing this, the emperor couldn't help but feel excited.

Once again, I remembered the scene of Su Yi, one man and one horse, killing hundreds of horse bandits.

Thousands of words can't compare to one actual action.

For a moment, the emperor was so excited that he almost wanted to agree.

But let’s suppress the excitement for the time being.

"Su Yi, I understand your loyalty and your thoughts clearly."

"I'm very touched. I completely listened to what you said."

"I originally thought you were too impatient, but now it seems that you have to be impatient."

"But your case is too big, I will weigh it again."

Then, he added: "I will give you a reply within a few days, okay?"

The emperor should not say this.

But he is a person who is not so scheming when he is excited.

Su Ye bowed and said: "I have embarrassed the emperor."

"I will leave!"

He knew that the fire was almost ready today and could not be burned anymore.

The emperor said: "Wait a moment."

Then, the emperor wrote a calligraphy for Su Ye.

The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the turbulent times know the loyal ministers!

"Take this calligraphy back, you and me, the monarch and the minister, encourage each other." The emperor said.

Su Ye respectfully: "Minister, thank you for your grace!"

Then, he took the calligraphy and left the palace.


Next, there was a huge uproar in the capital.

The generals of the Eight Banners and the Green Camp scolded Su Ye.


What do you mean, Su Ye?

Training a new army?

You mean we are no good? Are you pointing at a monk and scolding a bald donkey?

You mean you are capable?

You won the first prize in both civil and military examinations. Look how capable you are. Look how arrogant you are. You don’t even know who you are?

Who fought again and again after repeated defeats in the southern battlefield?

Who escaped from the battlefield and was hanged by Zeng Guofan?

Don’t think that after you won the first prize in both civil and military examinations, everyone will forget your past scandals.

Everyone is not well educated, but everyone still knows about Zhao Kuo’s armchair military strategy.

When will it be your turn to stand out in the Qing Dynasty?

Who do you think you are?

However, the middle and high-level officials of the Manchu and Han think that Su Ye is really loyal, but he is also really stupid.

A good high-ranking official with a generous salary is right in front of you, and the opportunity to get promoted and make money is right in front of you.

But you insisted on stirring up a hornet’s nest.

If you want to train a new army, you will offend the entire military class of the Qing Dynasty.

Moreover, the emperor is conservative. If you want him to break his principles and let you train a new army, it is pure daydreaming.

You have wasted the emperor's favor in vain, and nothing can be accomplished.

You are really stupid!

Today, Weiren did not impeach Su Ye.

He did not support the training of a new army because he was also a conservative.

But... he was more impressed by Su Ye's loyalty.

Young people are really talented.

Loyalty is also really loyal.

It's okay to be young and frivolous.

Who hasn't been young? Such young talents, if they are well polished, will definitely be the pillars of the country.

For such young people, more encouragement and less attack.

Since everyone impeached and attacked, Weiren should encourage instead.


In the next period of time, everyone was waiting for the emperor's reaction.

He was so conservative that he would definitely scold Su Ye.

As a result, he did not do so at all. Instead, he gave Su Ye a calligraphy.

So, the court made memorials one after another.

They were all against Su Ye's training of a new army.

Strict ones said that Su Ye was a traitor who wanted to overthrow the country. The greater his ability, the greater the harm.

And tolerant ones said that although Su Ye was talented, he was young and frivolous and lacked experience.

In short, they were all opponents.

But the emperor kept all these memorials.

Everyone suddenly felt uneasy. Could it be that... the emperor was really tempted?

At this time, Su Ye had already started to discuss the training of a new army with Fu Ba Mei and Ying Nian Zao Bal.

This was not their specialty.

So another person was pulled in, and the red flag was planted all over the world.

This person was an avid military enthusiast with extremely rich theoretical knowledge.

Of course, to some extent, Su Ye was also a semi-professional, because he had been in the army for a long time and had reached middle and senior levels.

Fu Ba Mei sorted out a lot of materials about Yuan Shikai's training at Xiaozhan.

File packages were sent one by one.

"Yuan Shikai is not as good as you in every aspect, so the new army you trained should be better than him in theory."

"Of course, there is one thing you are not as good as Yuan Shikai, that is the support from the government and the public."

"At that time, the military of the Qing Dynasty had been stripped of its last fig leaf, and it was a general trend to train a new army. At this time, the Qing court still maintained its dignity and felt that it was quite capable of fighting. Training a new army was a great disapproval of the world and everyone opposed it."

Red Flags Are Planted All Over the World: "Group leader, the source of soldiers for the new army is very important. Your new army must first determine a group of core soldiers. Do you have a target?"

Su Ye said: "This part of the core soldiers must be poor, brave and not afraid of death, obedient, loyal, and innocent."

Red Flags Are Planted All Over the World: "Yes."

Su Ye said: "I already have a target."

Dozens of young escorts from Yangwu Escort Agency.

They are poor enough, not afraid of death, brave, have a certain foundation of military power, and worship Su Ye.

At that time, they were surrounded by horse bandits. In desperation, Su Ye led 16 people and bravely killed 200 to 300 horse bandits, saving their lives.

They will remember this scene for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, they are almost the perfect core soldiers of Su Ye's new army.

Don't underestimate these dozens of people, they are like fire.

A spark can start a prairie fire.

A team with excellent core soldiers can infect each other, make progress together, and urge each other to enter a virtuous circle.

On the contrary, the 16 people led by Hei Gong are not suitable as the seeds of the new army.

They are very powerful and elite, but the elements of the old army are deep in their bones.

Of course, among the Sixteen Black Bows, Su Yi still has great uses, and there are other great uses.

Moreover, the business of Yang Wu Escort Agency is unsustainable and there is really no way out.

The escort leader Wang Tianyang also said that when the escort comes back this time, he will die for Su Yi.

Although he didn't even know Su Yi's true identity.

Of course, there is another army in this world with a more perfect background and a more powerful one.

That is Lin Qirong's more than 10,000 people in Jiujiang.

Now they were not tempered enough. After being besieged for a year or two, they were completely without food for more than a year and could not guarantee a meal of porridge every day. However, they still refused to surrender and still repelled countless attacks by the Hunan Army.

At that time, this army was tempered and its will was extremely strong.

However, Su Yi is still far from capable of conquering this army.

Even in the future, it will be extremely difficult to conquer this army.

But as long as they get it, even if there are only a few thousand people, once they are transformed, they will become a new type of army.

At that time, Su Yi really became a phoenix.

With such a strong army, there are few military opponents.

Therefore, even if there is a 10% or 20% hope, we must do our best.

We need to start planning for that day even now.

Of course, the top priority was to get the emperor to agree to train a new army.

Recruit Yang Wu Escort, a valuable new army seed, under his command.

Suddenly, Li Qi knelt in front of Su Yi.

"Master, I have something to do. Please forgive me."


Note: The second update is here, finally finished. Dear benefactors, if you have monthly tickets, please remember to give me cakes, okay? Please.

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