Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 80: Rapid success! Great reward from the emperor! (asking for monthly votes)

At this time, the most surprised and delighted person was the emperor.

In fact, deep in his heart, he had even prepared himself for Su Ye's cheating in the provincial examination.

Even if Su Ye's essay was only above average, it was a great surprise for him.

As a result...

You, you gave me such an essay?

What is a surprise?

This... this is a surprise!

Is it really that God has pity on my country and bestowed such a great talent on my clan?

Who is Wo Ren?

His temper is the worst.

His vision is the highest.

His knowledge is the best.

And Su Ye's essay directly and completely conquered Wo Ren, and even conquered all the examiners present, and conquered all the candidates.

The emperor's own reward level is also extremely high.

When he heard Wo Ren read this essay, he had only one feeling.

Su Ye understands me!

The whip is in the distance, awakening the deaf and deaf.

Su Ye said everything the emperor wanted to say, even the questions that the emperor had vaguely thought of in his heart but had not thought through, all of which were clearly stated.

Putting aside his emotions towards Su Ye, the emperor loved this policy too much.

He stretched out his hand.

Zenglu quickly took Su Ye's policy and handed it to the emperor.

The emperor couldn't put it down and read it carefully again.


Every word and sentence really touched my heart.

And the suspicion of Su Ye was instantly thrown out of the sky.


What a joke.

At this level, do you still need to cheat?

This policy question is what the emperor thought in his heart, and he has never mentioned it to anyone. How can he cheat?

Suddenly, the emperor remembered the rumor again.

Su Ye came back to life, and the civil and military double star came down to earth.

This... this... may not be a rumor.

Originally, at this time, the emperor should be very proud and passionate.

Look at me, what is my vision, what is your vision?

You are all blind, I am the one who recognizes talent.

But the emperor did not do so, but seemed very calm, and said slowly: "My ministers, my candidates, did Su Ye pass the re-examination this time?"

The ministers present said one after another: "He passed."

The emperor asked calmly: "Did Su Ye cheat in the provincial examination?"

"No cheating."

The emperor asked again: "Are you satisfied?"

All the candidates present knelt down and said: "I am satisfied."

The emperor said: "Copy Su Ye's essay into one hundred or one thousand copies, and distribute them all over the world, so that all the scholars can read and learn from it."


The emperor did what he said, and asked the eunuchs with the best calligraphy to copy hundreds of copies that night, and then distributed them to tens of thousands of candidates outside the examination room.

And it was specially posted outside the Imperial Examination Hall, open your eyes and take a good look.

Not only this essay, but also the exam paper of Su Ye Wen Ju was posted.

With this level, if he is not the first, who is the first?

Moreover, the emperor was so excited that he could not sleep, and he copied Su Ye's essay with his own brush. Next, he would find the best mounting craftsman, and finally he would put it in his Sanxi Hall and hang it in a conspicuous place.

Make sure that he can see this article as soon as he looks up.

He has had many painful memories in the past few years as an emperor, and the hearty sense of victory tonight is really memorable.

At this time, outside the palace, more than one group of people were reciting Su Ye's essay.

Reciting it over and over again.

In this recitation, the suspicion of Su Ye's cheating in Wen Ju disappeared without a trace.

So, when the eunuchs in the palace carried Su Ye out of the palace and returned home, tens of thousands of candidates made way.

One of them bowed to Su Ye and said, "Su Jieyuan, we were wrong."

"Su Jieyuan, we were wrong."

More and more people bowed to Su Ye and shouted.

"Su Jieyuan, we were wrong."


In the next few days.

Su Ye's article spread throughout the capital and the whole Zhili.

His reputation was reversed in an instant.

All doubts disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there was a rumor that Su Ye was resurrected from the dead, and the civil and military double star came to save the Qing Dynasty.

His reputation went straight from hell to heaven.

In Lord Ruilin's house.

The family was happy and sighed.

Just a little bit, Su Ye, such a great talent, would become their son-in-law.

Mrs. Ruilin said, "Master, you have seen our Zhenzhen. She is determined to marry Su Ye. Now that Su Ye is so famous, she is even more in love with him. She is smiling foolishly every day, and looks like she is in a trance."

Ruilin said, "How could I not know that?"

Mrs. Ruilin said, "We have rejected their gifts before, which is a slap in the face. How could they propose marriage again now? In my opinion, we should not be so reserved and pay so much attention to it. We should just ask Chong En to be the matchmaker."

Ruilin sighed, "Madam, it's not that I am reserved. It's just that we probably can't have this marriage with Su Ye. Now Su He can't make the decision on his marriage, and Chong En can't make the decision either. Only the emperor can make the decision, and I'm afraid the emperor has an idea in his mind."

Mrs. Ruilin said, "What do you mean?"

Rui Lin said, "Yes."

Mrs. Rui Lin's eyes suddenly turned red, and she said, "What should we do? What should our family do?"

Rui Lin said, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault."

As for being a concubine, it's impossible.

How could the daughter of a military minister be a concubine?

It can only be said that they are not destined to be together.


Brother Su He and Su Dong's family are sighing.

This Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple has always looked down on Su He's family.

When Su Ye was in crisis before, they never helped, and even went to teach him a lesson many times.

Now that Su Ye is famous, he naturally regrets it.

Otherwise, with such a close relationship, Su Ye will definitely help his uncle's family when he becomes rich.

"Otherwise, let's go to Su He's house and say a few soft words? To win over the relationship?" Su Dong's wife said.

Su Dong thought for a while, waved his hand and said, "No, I won't go, and you can't go either. He looks so popular now, but in the final analysis, he is only a double champion, and is still far from me, a fourth-rank official. Do we have to curry favor with him?"

Su Dong's son Su Sheng said, "Yes, and with Su Ye's tossing energy, it's hard to say what will happen in the future. He might be unlucky one day, so don't implicate our family."

Su Dong's wife said, "Yes, yes, didn't it happen twice before? How does that sentence go, what is it..."

Su Dong said, "Its prosperity is sudden, and its decline is rapid."

Su Ye's uncle's family is reserved, and their literary attainments are also quite... wow. But that aunt, but not reserved at all.

The next day, she rushed into Su Ye's house and praised Su Ye to the sky, and flattered his mother Tong Jia to dizzy.

And she actively and enthusiastically wanted to matchmake for Su Ye.

On the contrary, his uncle Tong Jiewu was still reserved and sent some precious medicinal materials.

He also kindly told Su Ye that Guo Luoma missed his grandson, and when Su Ye recovered, he should go home to see his grandfather and relieve the old man's longing for his grandson.

After that, the guests who came to Su Ye's house were endless.

As the future Shaoqing of Dali Temple, Li Si not only visited in person, but also did not regard himself as a guest at all. He kept calling Su He uncle and took the initiative to stay to help Su Quan entertain guests.

This kowtow made the visitors look down on him.

And Li Qi basically lived in Su Ye's house, and his lover Liu Hongmei also moved in and became Tong Jia's maid.

The couple even had to hand over the slave contract and completely become Su Ye's slaves.

"I won't accept it, because I'm afraid you'll think too much. But if I accept it, I feel uncomfortable." Su Ye said sincerely: "I want to treat you as a brother, and I will be of great use to you in the future, but I don't want to treat you as a slave."

Li Qi was very moved.

But the next day, he gave the slave contract to Su He.

So far, the couple officially became Su Ye's slaves.

Su Ye also felt helpless. He did not agree with this approach, but he understood it very well.

Immediately afterwards, Tong Jia directly recognized Liu Hongmei as her goddaughter, and then officially betrothed her to Li Qi.

This relationship is also a mess. There is a slave on the one hand, and a goddaughter on the other.

But it doesn't matter. It's just to make a couple happy and let Li Qi's brother Li Si have an explanation.


"Xiao Ye, this is the third batch." Sister-in-law Bai Feifei brought a few cans of things to Su Ye.

She didn't know what it was. Su Ye gave her the formula and drawings and asked her to send someone to make it secretly.

A large number of rotten watermelons and melons were bought, hundreds of people were hired, and the workshop was stinking.

Only a few jars of powder were made, and no one knew what to do with them.

This was the formula sent by Fu Ba Mei, a professional biology doctor.

According to the level of this era, the original penicillin was produced.

According to the method of British pathologist Florey, it was cultivated using rotten melons and corn starch, which is already the most efficient way of production in this era.

Next, the penicillin needs to be packed into small bottles and then placed in the ice cellar.

Su Ye does not intend to sell these things for money, nor does he intend to use them to save people and pretend to be a miracle doctor.

He plans to use this thing at the most critical moment next year.

This thing represents huge interests, and it can be used to leverage the political interests of Western countries.

Some things need to be laid out now.

Although Bai Feifei didn't know what this thing was or what it was used for, Su Ye needed it, so Bai Feifei spent a huge price to get these things out.

For this, she didn't know how much money she spent, because the number of failures was too many.

Su Ye is not a professional, and he doesn't know how to do it. Even though he has a very detailed and complete formula, and even the drawings are clear and accurate, he still fails again and again.

After spending a lot of money, he finally sees the results.

A moment later, the eldest princess Qingqing came.

Bai Feifei took the initiative to withdraw.

Su Ye grabbed the eldest sister's hand and stretched it directly into the quilt.

Qingqing blushed and hugged the pillar.

"Good sister, we all miss you."

Qingqing said softly: "That's not possible, you are not well yet?"

Su Ye said: "Just one bite, okay? Just one bite!"

Looking at Su Ye's eager expression, Qing Qing couldn't refuse at all. She gently lifted the quilt and buried her beautiful face in it.

A quarter of an hour later!

Qing Qing rinsed her mouth while looking at Su Ye with a grumble.

Bad stuff.

Is that the thing you said?

It's really disgusting.


Next, people who came to visit Su Ye's house continued to come in an endless stream.

There were even a few fourth-rank officials. These people were typical of high rank but not much power.

Seeing that Su Ye was about to become famous, they came to make connections in advance.

There were also a large number of scholars who came to submit articles, hoping to be recommended by Su Ye.

Of course, Su Ye was still seriously injured in bed at this time, so he couldn't receive them in person.

This is the charm of power.

Seeing that Su Ye was about to become rich, relatives and friends from nowhere came to visit.

The gifts were heavier than one another.

In particular, several officials from other provinces who came to Beijing, including the prefect, actually came to give gifts.

Of course, they had nothing to ask Su Ye for at this time, but just came to make friends in advance.

Su He felt unprecedented glory these days.

Moreover, he was promoted again, from the sixth rank to the fifth rank.

But he did nothing, and even went to the yamen less than a day, and it was common for him to be late and leave early.

As a result, all the assessments were excellent, and he was promoted directly before the end-of-year assessment of the Ministry of Personnel.

These old relatives of the Eight Banners were extremely jealous of the prosperity of Su Ye's family.

In fact, they were not interested in Wen Quxing and Wu Quxing.

No matter how good the article was, what was the problem?

They only cared about one thing, what kind of reward would Su Ye get this time.

Almost every household was talking about this matter, and teahouses and brothels also used this as a topic of conversation.

This is almost the most fashionable topic.

This has almost become the biggest suspense in the capital now.

What official position will the emperor appoint Su Ye?

There are all kinds of speculations.


Five days later!

Eunuch Zenglu came to Su Ye's house.

This time the rank was higher, and it was not Cheng Shou who came, but Zenglu came in person.

"Brother Su Ye, you look very energetic."

Su Ye hurried to get out of bed and salute.

"No, no, no." Zenglu said: "The emperor said that this is not an imperial edict, nor an oral order, but just a conversation. When will you feel better and when will you enter the palace? The emperor misses you so much."

Su Ye knew that the emperor could not wait.

He wanted to fulfill his promise at that time and give Su Ye an official title.

Su Ye said, "Please tell the emperor, I miss you very much. I want to go to the palace to see you tomorrow. Is it okay?"

Zeng Lu said, "Why not?"

Then, Zeng Lu said, "The emperor has ordered Su Ye to go to the palace to see him tomorrow."

Su Ye quickly got out of bed and saluted, "Thank you for your grace."

Zeng Lu quickly helped Su Ye up and said, "It's not that the emperor doesn't care about my brother, but he is really eager to find a virtuous man. He looks forward to my brother coming to the court to work as soon as possible."

Su Ye said, "I am also thinking about being loyal to the emperor as soon as possible."

Zeng Lu said, "Then I will report to the palace now. I will give my brother a surprise tomorrow. I congratulate my brother in advance."

Then Zeng Lu left.

This time he refused to accept the money and said he would accept it next time.

Su Ye knew that Zeng Lu wanted to treat him as a political ally, not an ordinary money transaction.


Su Ye closed the courtyard door and took out the tablet.

After autumn, there were fewer and fewer thunderstorms.

Su Ye had not been online for a long time, and the negative eight sister over there was probably going crazy.

As a result, when he turned on the tablet, he was surprised to find that there was a weak network signal.

There was no thunderstorm, but there was still a signal?

Is this... because of the solar sunspot eruption period?

Su Ye opened WeChat, and the message popped up immediately. Because the network was too bad, the messages popped up one by one.

"Su Bacun, did plan B succeed?"

"How did it go?"

"Did anything unexpected happen? Why didn't you reply?"

Su Ye replied: "It succeeded, but it was different from what we imagined."

Then, Su Ye told the whole process in full.

After a long while, Fu Bamei said, "You, you are so awesome."

"This result is more perfect than we imagined. We didn't even dare to imagine this result."

"Su Bacun, you are very lucky."

Yingnian Zaobal: "Fu Bamei is really a stroke of genius."

Su Ye said, "Yes, it is really a stroke of genius."

That night, Fu Bamei suddenly remembered that the emperor might take out the policy questions for next year's palace examination in advance, because that is what he wanted to tell the world.

So, Su Ye repeated and recited Weng Tonghe's top scholar policy.

Unexpectedly, it was really used.

"Su Bacun, you have paid so much, and you have been in danger so many times. Finally, it is time to reap the rewards."

Yingnian Zaobal: "I can't imagine what kind of life Su Ye has been living during this period. Escaped from Zeng Guofan, predicted the battle of Jiujiang, saved himself in the Crazy Horse case, took the civil and military examinations, risked his life to save the emperor, and took the re-examination in the court. It was too thrilling."

"After putting in so much effort, I finally brought the former time traveler back to life."

"Tomorrow is the time to harvest."

Su Yi was filled with emotion in her heart.

After months of struggle, he finally stood firm.

Tomorrow, he can finally reach out and pick the sweetest fruit.

Phoenix Nirvana starts tomorrow!

Next, the three of them once again began to deduce tomorrow's court rewards.

Then, the three people once again had violent differences.

Young and prematurely bald felt that Su Yi should be low-key and humble.

Negative Bamei felt that when Su Yi was seeking the most important goal tomorrow, she should be flamboyant, even very flamboyant.

And carefully analyze the pros and cons.

The three people had a very heated debate.

Explain all the pros and cons clearly and thoroughly.

After debating for more than two hours, the three people finally reached a consensus.

Then based on this direction, the three people once again deduced the situation in the court tomorrow.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the morning that Su Yi went to bed.


Before dawn the next day, Su Yi put on her costume and headed to the palace!

Only slept for less than two hours.

The last time she went to court, Su Yi slept well and seemed very peaceful.

But this time when she went to court, Su Yi actually had some insomnia.

Because this time going to court is more important, it is the moment of real harvest.

It was also a moment of qualitative change in his life.

This time he entered the palace and received strong attention.

Many people looked at him one after another, with a lot of envy and of course a lot of friendliness.

Facing a rising upstart, everyone is willing to make friends except for political opponents.

Everyone knew that he would be rewarded by the emperor today, but they didn't know that the reward would go to this extent.

The whip cracked.

Morning starts!

"The Emperor has arrived!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Hundreds of civil and military officials kowtowed three times and bowed nine times.

The last time Su Yi went to court, the court discussed other court matters first and waited for an hour or two before it was his turn to go to the palace.

But this time, it's completely different.

After going to court, the emperor saw Su Yi for the first time.

"You're still a little pale. You need to rest and recover. I'll be of great use to you."

He actually regarded Su Yi's award as the first thing he did in court today, which shows that the emperor attaches great importance to it.

Everyone once again lamented that Su Yi's holy family was so strong.

Su Yi came out to express gratitude.

Then, the emperor said calmly: "Last time I wanted to appoint Su Yi, you all stopped me. What about today? Does anyone object?"

Everyone was silent.

At this time, who dares to object?

Who can object?

Su Yi can no longer be an official now, it is completely the general trend.

Yes, it can’t be described as just going with the flow.

According to the trajectory of normal people, after the provincial examination, there will be the general examination and then the palace examination.

But for Su Yi, taking the imperial examination was superfluous.

The emperor said: "That means no one objects?"

All the ministers said one after another: "Please, Your Majesty, make your own decision."

"Su Yi is so talented and virtuous that he will be put to good use."

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention.

We want to see which sycophant he is.

Everyone was not surprised when they saw that it was Tian Yugong, the minister of Dali Temple.

You and Su Yi have been colluding together since the Crazy Horse case.

It's just that you, the dignified Jiuqing, are a bit shameless, aren't you? Do you always show your loyalty to others?

The two backers, Chong En and Ruilin, didn't speak. You spoke first.

But then, Woren came out.

"Su Yi is so talented and virtuous that he will be put to good use!"

After this upright scholar said this, everyone fell silent.

No one dared to make any innuendo.

Because Wo Ren was upright, he didn't even try to flatter the emperor. What he said was from the bottom of his heart.

Suddenly, the emperor was very pleased with Wo Ren.

This big boss had just been re-appointed by the emperor as Minister of Guanglu Temple.

The emperor glanced at the entire audience, and then said loudly: "Draw up the decree and confer the title of Su Yi Qingche Captain."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience cheered softly and looked at Su Yi.

I know the reward will be heavy, but... this is too heavy.

Directly to the third rank of nobility?

Everyone had guessed before, and the highest they dared to guess was the fourth rank.

As a result, it was the third grade!

However, this is a virtual prince after all, and no one wants to go against the emperor on this issue.

After all, Su Yi was from a distant clan, and being granted a third-grade title was... nothing.

What everyone is most concerned about is what official position Su Yi will be granted. Last time the emperor wanted to make him a member of the Ministry of War.

This time it will definitely not stop, and he will definitely be granted a fourth-grade official position with real power.

Many people in the court were immediately extremely jealous.

How young you are, only the fourth grade has real power.

Even if others get the top prize, they still start from being editors of the Seventh Rank Hanlin Academy.

And Su Yi only has two Jieyuan, so he will definitely reach the fourth level of real power.

Comparing people to each other makes people angry.

How many Jinshi spend their entire lives unable to reach the fourth level of real power.

At this time, the advantage of Su Yi's clan status became apparent. No matter how quickly he was promoted, it seemed more natural.

Everyone waited quietly for the emperor to resolve the suspense.

Mr. Zhan Shi from Zhan Shifu?

Head guard?

However, the emperor looked at Su Yi and said, "I know your idea is right, so I want to hear your own thoughts."

When these words came out, the ministers were even more surprised.

Why did it come to this?

Not only did he want to confer an official title, but he also asked the other party what kind of official he wanted to be?

Su Ye's heartbeat slightly accelerated.

The most critical moment has come.

He was silent for a moment, and quickly reviewed the deduction of last night in his mind.

Then, he looked at the emperor with a fiery gaze and said slowly: "Your Majesty, I want to train soldiers for your Majesty, train a new army."

No one reacted at once.

Su Ye's voice rose, saying: "Train an army that is different from the Eight Banners, Green Camp, and Hunan Army. It is even completely different from the army of the past few hundred years."

"A brand new army, loyal only to the emperor, invincible, and invincible."

"A pioneering new army!"

"If your majesty believes in me, this army will surpass all the armies of the Qing Dynasty in the future and will eliminate all enemies for your majesty."

When these words came out, the court was silent.

Everyone looked at Su Ye with astonishment.

Including the emperor.


Note: Here is the first update. The next chapter will still be around 6 or 7 pm.

I have been writing all night again. Tears are running down my cheeks!

My benefactor, check your pockets. Do you have any monthly tickets? Can you give them to me?

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