Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 4 On the verge of breaking out!

At this time, outside the account of Hubei Admiral Taqibu, Su Quan knelt straight outside.

"Lord Taqibu, we are all bannermen, how can you watch us die without saving us?" Su Quan kept shouting.

This time, in order to save his brother, he brought a huge amount of silver, but it was still useless.

Zeng Guofan did not accept the silver, but at least he met him once, while Taqibu did not even let him in.

It is strange that Taqibu, as a Manchu, became the first fierce general of the Hunan Army and was devoted to Zeng Guofan.

If he came forward to plead for mercy, Zeng Guofan might still spare Su Ye's life. But Taqibu could not plead for mercy, the water was too deep.

"Lord Taqibu, for the sake of our past relationship, please see me once, see me once!"

Inside the house, Taqibu poured cold water on his body again and again, and the tattoos on his body were particularly conspicuous.

Serving the country with loyalty!

This is the word he learned from Yue Fei's tattoo. In some ways, he is indeed an extremely excellent soldier.

But his Qing Dynasty was already rotten.

Listening to Su Quan's shouting outside, Takibu's eyes were fierce.

Save Su Ye? How is it possible?

This is not only the will of Marshal Zeng, but also the will of Takibu.


Inside the county government.

Zeng Guofan turned a deaf ear to the words of the young eunuch Gui'er, and even felt it was absurd.

The empress in the palace actually pleaded for a foreign minister, and he was not related to her. Isn't it absurd?

As the emperor's woman, who is not walking on thin ice, how dare she be so presumptuous?

So, he concluded that this young eunuch was just pretending to be powerful.

"If it's for this matter, you can leave." Zeng Guofan said lightly.

The young eunuch Gui'er took out a piece of letter paper with a delicate line of words on it.

"Mr. Zeng, spare Su Ye's life, I owe you a huge favor."

In the blank space, the private seal of Concubine Yi was stamped, which was particularly dazzling.

Zeng Guofan was stunned.

How could this Concubine Yi be so stupid? So bold.

You are not the queen, not even a concubine, but a concubine. How dare you interfere in political affairs?

In the Qing Dynasty, the harem was not allowed to interfere in politics. This was an iron rule. He never thought that it was not Concubine Yi who was so bold, but the little eunuch in front of him, who dared to do anything to save his master.

"You are looking for death." Zeng Guofan looked at Gui'er and said coldly: "Do you really think that I can't kill you? The master humiliates the minister and dies. For the honor of His Majesty, I will also kill you, the bold servant."

After that, Zeng Guofan drew his sword directly and was about to kill Gui'er.

The little eunuch Guizi said: "Does Mr. Zeng love His Majesty so much? Then why did you submit a memorial to secretly criticize His Majesty at that time? Haven't you contradicted His Majesty less in these years? It's intercepting military pay and disobeying the emperor's order. Which one have you not done?"

Zeng Guofan said coldly: "What do you know?"

He did do all these things, and he was even very proud and didn't think it was a big deal. Zeng Guofan was tough and arrogant at this time, and he offended countless people, including the emperor.

Guizi said: "The lives of slaves are like weeds, which can be trampled to death at will. Even Su Ye's life is like a sapling on the roadside, which is not precious. The court needs you now. Kill us and nothing will happen. But what about the future? Can you bear the hatred of Master Yi? Are you counting on Master Yi to never make a name for yourself?"

"I don't believe that Concubine Yi will lose her mind. How can you know that it is not you, a slave, who makes a private decision?" Zeng Guofan said coldly.

Eunuch Guizi said: "Are you flattering me so much?"

Really? !

Eunuchs are the most cold-hearted people, and Su Ye is not a son of a powerful family, but just a son of a declining Eight Banners. How can there be eunuchs in the palace who will shed blood for him?

So no matter how you look at it, this is the will of Concubine Yi behind the scenes.

Gui'er was making his last effort. He felt that Su Ye's plan was too risky, and he wanted to try his best to see if he could rescue the Second Master.

Not to mention, the Taiping Army strategist Qin Tianlong might not come to the prison as promised. Even if he came, he would kill Su Ye as well. Gui'er knew the Second Master's ability. He was really... except for his eloquence, he had no other ability.

The Second Master was very likable, especially by women. Apart from that, he was useless.

But Gui'er was loyal to the Second Master.

When Gui'er was only six years old, he was abducted by a vicious beggar, his legs were broken, his testicles were castrated, and he was begging for sympathy on the street.

It was a hellish day. When Su Ye saw it, he saw injustice and drew his sword to help. He killed several vicious beggars and rescued Gui'er.

Since then, Gui'er seemed to have ascended from hell to heaven. She followed Su Ye from the age of six to the age of thirteen, a full seven years. In name, he was a book boy, but Erye didn't study. He just ate and drank together and played like brothers.

Although he later entered the palace with Concubine Yi, in Gui'er's heart, Erye was always the master and a relative.

Gui'er continued: "Perhaps you think that this letter and this private seal were forged by me? Do you think a little eunuch like me is so loyal? For the sake of others' trust and life, I risk being cut into pieces?"

Haha! This secret letter and private seal were forged by Gui'er. Even if Concubine Yi and Su Ye were in love, they would not leave such a fatal handle, let alone write a secret letter to an outsider. Gui'er took the risk to save Su Ye.

However, in Zeng Guofan's heart, even if it was the handwriting of Concubine Yi, what did it matter?

This empress, Zeng Guofan, had only heard of her. She was from an ordinary background, and her father Hui Zheng's official position was far lower than that of Zeng Guofan.

This group of people have been sitting in the palace watching the sky for a long time. To be honest, Zeng Guofan has not paid much attention to just a concubine.

Among his backers in the capital, whether it was Sushun, Prince Zheng Duanhua, or Prince Yi Zaiyuan, which one could compare to Yibin?

"I haven't seen any secret messages? Please go back!" Zeng Guofan turned around and didn't look at it.

The young eunuch Gui'er turned in another direction, unfolded the secret letter again, and placed it in front of Zeng Guofan.

Zeng Guofan snatched it away, without even looking at it, and burned it cleanly on the candle flame, even rubbing the ashes away.

Then, he said coldly: "I have never heard anything, I have never seen anything, and I have never seen you. If you don't want to die, just shut your mouth."

Then, Zeng Guofan said categorically: "I still say the same thing, Su Yi will definitely die! At dawn tomorrow, he will behead and sacrifice to the flag, no one can save him!"

Su Guier trembled slightly. He finally couldn't save the second master. Should he still rely on the second master himself?

Are you still going to carry out that audacious and dangerous plan?

"Someone, take him out!" Zeng Guofan ordered.

"Wait a minute!" said the young eunuch Gui'er, "Su Yi asked me to tell you the last words."


"Su Yi said he wanted to see you one last time to talk about the former Hubei governor Chong Lun!" Guier said slowly.

"Farewell!" Then, Guier turned around and left without saying a word.

Although Zeng Guofan's expression remained unchanged, the hands in his sleeves trembled slightly.

How did Chonglun, the former governor of Hubei, die? How was Wuchang City captured by the Taiping Army? How did Zeng Guofan's troops recapture Wuchang City from Shi Fengkui?

This is the core and most deadly secret for Zeng Guofan.

There were only two or three people handling it.


After Guier left, Shen Baozhen walked out.

"Empress Yibin and Su Yi are neighbors, and the two have business relationships. Hui Zheng has a stake in Su Yi's family's business." Shen Baozhen said straightforwardly: "The key is the murder of Chonglun. Once this matter is revealed, it will be very difficult for us. It’s a huge crisis.”

He colluded with the Taiping Army and murdered court officials, causing the city of Wuchang to fall into the hands of the Taiping Army. Later, he took it back with his own hands, achieved great success, and was appointed governor of Hubei.

Zeng Guofan said coldly: "Chonglun killed my teacher Wu Wenrong. He is an incompetent national thief and deserves to die."

Then, he asked: "How much does Su Yi know about Chonglun?"

Shen Baozhen said: "He definitely doesn't know the inside story, and there is no evidence. It's all speculation."

In fact, the previous time traveler was the initiator of this matter. He gave Shen Baozhen this idea.

Shen Baozhen offered his plan to Zeng Guofan, and then joined forces with Zhang Yuzhao to complete the entire plan. Finally, it was completed, allowing Zeng Guofan to get what he wanted, and Shen Baozhen became one of the leading figures in the Hunan Army.

These are all changes brought about by former time travellers, making the Hunan Army stronger and more victorious than in history.

"Otherwise, I'll go see Su Yi and find out how much he knows." Shen Baozhen said.

"No, I will go in person." Zeng Guofan said.

Shen Baozhen said: "Dong Di, let me tell you a heart-breaking statement. The imperial court's Jiangnan and Jiangbei camps are all rubbish. We only rely on our Hunan Army for the southern war. Even if Chonglun's death happened, what will happen? How much can the imperial court stand against us?" "

"Although Taqibu is a Manchu, he is upright and loyal to the commander-in-chief. Su Yi is a red belt. Although he is not good at both civil and military affairs, he is cunning. Once he becomes big, it will definitely affect the overall situation of our Hunan Army, and even There is a danger that the dove will occupy the magpie's nest."

"For the great cause of our Hunan Army, Su Yi must die!"

Zeng Guofan said slowly: "This Su Yi is your future son-in-law."

Shen Baozhen said: "I couldn't shirk Lord Jueluo Chong'en's role as matchmaker back then, and who would have expected that the current situation would change so quickly."

Zeng Guofan patted the other party's shoulder and said, "Youdan, I'm very happy that you think so. I'm going to see Su Yi for the last time!"

"Come here, prepare the guards, I am going to Zhang Family Manor,"

A quarter of an hour later, under the protection of the governor's guard, Zeng Guofan went to the private prison of Zhang Wanwan Manor outside the city to see Su Yi for the last time.

And Shen Baozhen took a long breath.

His future son-in-law, who is smart but stupid, is deliberately helping Shen Baozhen to get promoted in the Hunan Army, but he doesn't know that the higher his status in the Hunan Army is, the more he needs to completely separate from his red-belt son-in-law?

Many people have not seen it, but the situation has changed.

Besides, what does it matter if a red belt dies? After the rebellion started, all the Manchu governors and generals in the whole south were killed one after another, and all the serious clan members were killed one after another, not to mention the mere red belt of Su Yi?

After Guier left Guangji City, she went to the dense forest of Zhang Wanwan Manor as agreed.

The Taiping Army really sent people to ambush in the dense forest, and the division commander Qin Tianlong personally led the team.

There were more than 300 people, all of them Guangxi veterans, his most elite subordinates.

Guier covered her heart and said tremblingly: "Wait for my signal, you must wait for my signal. As soon as I shoot a rocket into the sky, you will take action immediately, rush to Zhang Wanwan Manor, rob the prison, and rescue Shi Fengkui and my young master."

Qin Tianlong scolded: "What nonsense? How many times have you said it? Got it!"

Then, Guier took advantage of the night and rushed to Zhang Wanwan Manor.

At this time, Zeng Guofan's guards were seen coming out of the west gate and heading to Zhang Wanwan Manor.

Gui'er's heart was beating like thunder.

Here it comes.

The big net has been spread.

I didn't expect that a little eunuch like him could do such a big thing.

"Second Master, I'm so scared, but so excited."

"Second Master, are you ready?"

He dug a cave, took out the bow and arrows inside, and the special rocket.

Ready to launch at any time.

At this time, in the private prison of Zhang Baiwan Manor.

Su Ye sat on the ground, holding the pistol in his hand, closing his eyes and resting his mind, quietly waiting for Zeng Guofan's arrival.

Big things are about to happen!

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