In the darkness of the night, the young eunuch Gui'er headed southwest.

That place... is where the Taiping Army is stationed. Are you trying to collude with the Taiping Army? No wonder it is said to be a crime of death by a thousand cuts.

After the defeat in Wuchang, the Taiping Army retreated to Tianjia Town and Jiujiang.

At this time, there were a hundred thousand troops distributed in this area.

A few hours later.

The young eunuch Gui'er was blindfolded and brought to a general of the Taiping Army.

"Say! If it's useless news, I'll chop off your head immediately."

The young eunuch Gui'er said: "I know where your brother Shi Fengkui, King Yi, is imprisoned."

The Taiping general suddenly stood up and said, "Where?"

The young eunuch Gui'er said: "Guangji City, the private prison of Zhang Wanwan Manor."

Then, Guier took out a map of Guangji City and said, "This northwest corner is the manor of Zhang Wanwan's family."

"I know where it is. It's a big barracks now." The Taiping Army general said impatiently.

The young eunuch Gui'er took out another map and said, "This is the general structure of Zhang Wanwan Manor. This is the specific location of the private prison."

The Taiping Army general picked up the map and thought to himself: "No wonder the spies have been unable to find him. Lord Shi Guozong is not in the county prison, but in the private prison of a rich man's house."

Then, Gui'er informed Zhang Wanwan's manor of the soldiers' guarding status and patrol situation.

The Taiping Army general said: "So what if we know? Although Zhang Wanwan Manor is not in the county, it is surrounded by the Hunan Army. There are thousands of troops in the manor. We want to rob the prison and rescue people. We are talking nonsense."

Guier said: "Three days later, the Hunan Army will have a decisive battle with you. Then all the Hunan Army in Guangji City the day after tomorrow will go to the front line, so all the military camps around Zhang Wanwan Manor will be empty. The moment when the defense is most empty is also the best time for you to break into prison."

"But you don't have much time left, because Shi Fengkui will be taken to the front line at midnight the day after tomorrow. At dawn, he will behead in front of the army formation to sacrifice the flag. You only have three hours at most."

"I have calculated many times that the day after tomorrow at midnight is the best time for you to break into Zhang Wanwan's manor and rescue Shi Fengkui."

"This is Lord Shi Fengkui's jade pendant token. You should be very familiar with it."

The Taiping general closed his eyes.

Shi Fengkui is the biological brother of King Yi Shi Dakai, and King Yi's power in heaven is self-evident. It can be said that the credit for rescuing Shi Fengkui is greater than winning a battle.

Even if he wins the next battle in Tianjia Town, how much credit will he get given his level?

"Shua!" The Taiping Army general suddenly drew his sword, placed it on the neck of the young eunuch Gui'er, and said sternly: "Tell me, you, the pure demon, have any conspiracy, have you laid some trap for us to die."

Gui'er said: "You can only rob the prison with a few hundred people at most. There are 100,000 people in this battle. What's the use of killing a few hundred of you?"

The general of the Taiping Army said: "Then you, Qing Yao, are so kind? Do you want me to rescue Master Shi Fengkui? Give me a reason, or you will die here."

Gui'er was silent for a while and said, "Master Qin, you should know my young master Xilinjueluo Su Yi."

"Hahahahaha..." Qin Tianlong, the general of the Taiping Army, said loudly: "It turned out to be him. I was face to face with him on the field. As soon as I rushed over, he was so frightened that he peed. The dignified fifth-grade general ran away with his head in his arms and escaped from the battle. . We are old acquaintances."

The young eunuch Gui'er said: "My young master is also in the private cell of Zhang Wanwan Manor."

Qin Tianlong said: "I understand, I understand, you want to save your master."

Gui'er said: "It's to rescue Shi Fengkui, King Yi's brother, and to save my master by the way."

Then, Guier took out a stack of banknotes and said, "This is an advance payment of 10,000 taels of silver. After my young master is rescued, I will give you another 20,000 taels."

Thirty thousand taels of silver, plus the great contribution of rescuing Shi Fengkui, were enough to make a division commander of the Taiping Army extremely excited.

Gui'er said: "You must have spies on the Hunan Army side. You can go to Zhang Wanwan's manor to see if what I said is true."

"Remember, the day after tomorrow is at midnight!"

"And you need to let me go back and arrange everything so that my master can cooperate inside and outside to help you rescue Master Shi Fengkui."

"Of course, you can check the authenticity first and then let me go. If there is even half a lie, you can chop me to death!"

The next day!

The Hunan troops around Guangji City had already left the military camp one after another and headed to the front line of the battlefield in Tianjia Town.

Zhang Wanwan Manor was originally a large military camp with thousands of troops inside, which was airtight.

Following Zeng Guofan's order, the troops inside also moved to the front line one after another, and gradually became empty. There were originally several thousand troops here, but in the end only a few hundred were left.

Zeng Guofan and other important figures are still in Guangji City.

Another day has passed!

Around late afternoon, the young eunuch Gui'er came back.

Carrying a large jar of wine, a large piece of meat, and a roast duck, he entered the prison to visit Su Yi.

I was stopped again, and I spent a few coins as a bribe, and then I was searched in a humiliating manner, and then I was let in.

Originally, the meat had to be cut into pieces, the roast duck cut into pieces, and the wine poured out for inspection.

However, when he touched Gui'er's lower body, the expression of the leading officer changed. Is this... a eunuch from the palace?

And Gui'er said coldly: "Are you just like this, the people in the palace?"

The officer sneered: "What is the air of a thing without eggs?"

But he was no longer embarrassed and waved his hand to let Guier in.

"Second Master, you will be beheaded tomorrow, and I will give you your last meal."

"There is wine, meat and roast duck. Enjoy it. You won't be able to enjoy it when you get down there." Guier said while crying.

The jailer glanced at it, shook the bribe money in his hand, and shouted: "Hurry up."

Then, he closed all the cell doors tightly and walked out.

Guier spit out a package from her mouth, which contained wires, thin hooks and other items.

"Master, if the gun is inside the roasted duck, it can only be used once. Use it at the most critical moment."

"You asked me to look for the smallest handgun in the West, but I couldn't find it. I spent a lot of money to find a smaller one that can be hidden inside this big roast duck."

"What do you want me to do next?"

Su Yi said: "You go to the second step, see Zeng Guofan, and ask him to come to the cell to see me for the last time at midnight."

Suddenly, the little eunuch Guier's scalp felt numb.

When did the second master become so courageous?

Xu Shi, a member of the Taiping Army, was asked to come to the prison to rescue Shi Fengkui, and Zeng Guofan was asked to come to the cell to see him for the last time.

What is this intended to do?

Do you want to break the sky? !

Su Yi said: "Once you send out the signal, Qin Tianlong and the Taiping Army will take action, right?"

The young eunuch Gui'er said: "That's the agreement, but I can't guarantee it. What if they don't dare to come to rob the prison?"

Yes, what if Qin Tianlong and the others don't come to rob the prison? Don't you dare to take this risk?

Su Yi said: "There is no 100% certainty in this kind of thing. I can give it a try 70% of the time. If they really don't come to rob the prison, you can also convince Zeng Guofan to come to the cell to see me for the last time."

The little eunuch Guier's heart was beating wildly.

This... is even crazier.

But there is no doubt that Su Yi will never sit still and wait for death.

"This time I came to see the second master, I really saw a big event, and I have a big future." Guier tried her best to smile.

Su Yi said: "Good Gui'er, do you know what you should say when you see Zeng Guofan later? Do you remember what I told you last time?"

"No problem, my slave is very clever." Guier said, "Second Master, please take a look."


Within the Guangji County Government Office.

Zeng Guofan and Shen Baozhen were having a secret conversation.

"Commander, the troops at Zhangjia Manor have been evacuated. Should we take Shi Fengkui and other important criminals to the county for detention?" Shen Baozhen asked.

Zeng Guofan said: "There is no need. In a few hours, they will go to the front line with our escort. There is no need to go through such trouble."

Then, he asked: "Are you still avoiding Su Quan? This will harm your reputation as an official."

Shen Baozhen is a well-known scholar. If he refuses to save his future son-in-law, his reputation will definitely be affected.

"At this critical moment, I no longer care about this false reputation."

Lord Shen's ruthlessness was even more obvious a few years later. In the battle of Guangxin Mansion, he directly used his wife as bait.

At this time, Zhang Yuzhao, a confidant outside, said: "Commander, there is a eunuch in the palace asking to see him. He has checked the documents and his identity is fine."

"Eunuch?" Zeng Guofan frowned.

Then he winked at Shen Baozhen, who immediately hid in the back room.

After a while, the young eunuch Gui'er appeared in front of Zeng Guofan.

"This slave is the eunuch who works for Empress Yibin. Her name is Gui'er. I believe you know Mr. Zhang Yuzhao. We have met before." Gui'er said in a very low manner: "Greetings to Marshal Zeng."

Zeng Guofan turned sideways and refused.

"I'm here on behalf of Master Yi, and I would like to ask Marshal Zeng to raise his noble hand and spare Su Yi's life." Guier bowed again.

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