Inside the Forbidden City, inside the Qianqing Gate.

It's raining heavily!

Chongen knelt on the ground, motionless, letting the heavy rain pour on him.

To be honest, in the plan, today's situation was not that intense. At least he would not point his nose and scold the emperor.

But at the critical moment, Ruilin, Prince Hui, and Prince Dun all withdrew, and the joint performance agreed yesterday no longer counted.

Therefore, Chongen was very angry and went straight to his head.

The words that were originally hidden in my heart came out directly.

Now the whole situation has fallen apart, but he has no regrets!

What should be said and what should not be said are all from the heart, and I have wanted to say them out for a long time.

Now that the heavy rain is pouring on him, he doesn't feel pain, only happiness.

The heavy rain could not extinguish the fire in his heart, but it could reduce his guilt.

Yes, it’s guilt! He feels guilty about his own incompetence.

The country was shattered and foreign barbarians humiliated the country. As a member of the clan, Chongen was once very motivated and wanted to turn the tide of collapse. So, like many high-ranking officials at the time, he went out of the capital to organize regiment training in the local area, hoping to lead troops to defeat the rebellion. .


Zeng Guofan's regiment training was completed, but Chongen, the minister of the clan's regiment training, got nothing and returned to Beijing in despair.

From then on, he truly realized himself and devoted his love to epigraphy and calligraphy.

If Su Yi hadn't appeared, he would probably have lived like this forever, feeling guilty and intoxicated in his own world.

But Su Yi appeared, like a ray of light, and was instantly caught by Chong En.

In Su Yi, Chongen saw great hope. As his nephew and descendant, he could perfectly place all his hopes and wishes.

That's why Chongen was so desperate to push Su Yi to the top.

So Prince Hui kept saying, is it just Su Yi?

Chongen almost wanted to roar in his heart: As for that, very much.

Because that is his Chongen's ideal and sustenance, and he also feels infinite guilt.

The rain was so heavy that he could not be seen. Not far away, a man came over holding an umbrella, and then opened another umbrella and held it above his head. It was Prince Hui Mianyu.

"Go back, don't kneel down, go home!"

Chongen still knelt straight and motionless.

He will not go back. He must wait for the emperor to give an explanation.

"Brother, go home. Give yourself a step up and give the emperor a step up. You can't let the emperor really kill you." Prince Hui said: "For Su Yi, I really won't do it."

Chongen jerked away and pushed the umbrella above his head away.

Prince Hui was also angry and said: "It's up to you!"

Then he left directly.

Chongen still knelt in the heavy rain.

After a while, a eunuch came over to take a look.

Obviously I was afraid that he would really die in the palace. To the emperor, I would not kill Boren, but Boren would die in response to me, which would cause great damage to his reputation as an emperor.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

Wang Chenggui, the eunuch in charge, came in despite the heavy rain and said loudly: "The emperor has an edict. Chong'en has violated the emperor's decree and ordered him to shut himself up and think about his mistakes. He is not allowed to leave the house even half a step. I admire this!"

After listening to the emperor's order, Chongen, who had been drenched by the heavy rain for nearly an hour, could no longer bear it and fell down directly.

In the distance, two figures rushed over in the rain.


Chongen's son came over crying, picked up his father on his back, left the palace and ran towards home.

He couldn't even hold it back and looked back at the palace with hatred.

In the study room of Dutong Mansion.

Zhang Yuzhao is secretly visiting the deputy capital, Mu Ningzhu, a relative of the queen.

"What happened today is really amazing!" Zhang Yuzhao said.

Mu Ningzhu smiled and said, "Who says it's not the case?"

Zhang Yuzhao said: "The situation has been deadlocked before, but we didn't expect that it was Chongen, Su Yi's backer, who detonated the situation. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us."

Niu Hulu and Mu Ningzhu said: "What chance? Why can't I understand what Mr. Zhang said?"

Zhang Yuzhao asked: "Has Mu Dutong heard about Yuan Shao's killing of Tian Feng?"

Mu Ningzhu said: "People are talking about it every day. It's hard not to know. My ears are calloused."

Zhang Yuzhao said: "In Mu Dutong's opinion, is Your Majesty like Yuan Shao?"

"Yuan Shao is just a prince. Your Majesty rules the world. Of course, the stars are brighter than the bright moon." Mu Ningzhu said a scene.

Then, he added: "Your Majesty is not Yuan Shao."

Zhang Yuzhao said: "Yes, your Majesty is not Yuan Shao, because he is the Holy Emperor, and his ambition is not comparable to that of Yuan Shao, but...does your Majesty want to do what Yuan Shao did?"

Mu Ningzhu did not answer, because it was difficult to answer and it was easy for others to find fault.

But in his heart, the emperor certainly wanted to learn from Yuan Shao. It's just that he can't do that, otherwise he will be called a tyrant.

Emperors after Qianlong could no longer be so willful.

Zhang Yuzhao said: "Everyone thinks that the battle of Jiujiang will be won, especially the emperor. Su Yi seems to have won, but he is on the opposite side of everyone. At that time, the emperor's hatred for Su Yi was only six points. But after today's Chongqing Now that Sir En has revealed, how much do you think the emperor hates Su Yi?"

Mu Ningzhu said: "At least eight or nine points!"

Zhang Yuzhao said: "Then does the Emperor want to kill Su Yi now?"

Mu Ningzhu said nothing, but there was no doubt that the emperor wanted to kill him, but he couldn't.

Originally, this kind of thing was hidden under the surface. Today, Lord Chongen broke it. If the emperor ordered to kill Su Ye, wouldn't it be in line with Chongen's words that the emperor was narrow-minded and jealous of talents.

Therefore, the emperor could not kill Su Ye for his own reputation, but he could not relieve his inner depression.

Zhang Yuzhao smiled slowly and said, "Then if someone did what the emperor wanted to do but could not do, wouldn't it make the emperor very happy?"

He didn't finish his words. The queen's father Mu Yang'a was no longer there. Among the relatives, Mu Ningzhu had the highest official position and the best future.

With the queen as a backer, Mu Ningzhu certainly had his political ambitions.

Of course, the queen was a relatively indifferent person, but an indifferent queen was still a queen, and she was definitely a hard-core backer.

Mu Ningzhu's primary goal was to seek the position of Zhengdu Tong and become a truly top Manchurian dignitary.

And all this requires a lot of money.

Money can move people's hearts. Su He's family still has more than 200,000 taels of property. After losing power, he can't keep this family business.

As for the heaven-sent fate, Mu Ningzhu was the closest to this windfall.

In fact, Mu Ningzhu had already started the plan, but because of the rumors about Su Ye's so-called civil and military double stars, and waiting for the victory report of the Jiujiang battle, he paused.

But, he can continue at any time.

Everything is ready.

Zhang Yuzhao said: "Commander Mu, a man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure."

Of course, Mu Ningzhu understood this point, and he didn't need Zhang Yuzhao to say it.

Zhang Yuzhao said: "If you don't take what God gives, you will suffer the consequences!"

Mu Ningzhu said lightly: "It's exaggerated."

It's just a few hundred thousand taels of silver, but it's said like the throne.

Zhang Yuzhao said: "Su He's family is in decline, and His Majesty hates Su Ye. You can see it, I can see it, and then others can see it. If you don't take action, others will take action. I'm not afraid of ordinary people, but I'm afraid of your competitors."

Mu Ningzhu's eyebrows immediately raised.

These words hit his heart. Su He's family's property of more than 200,000 taels was already coveted. If other Manchu nobles took it away, it would be a huge sum of money, and they might compete with him for the position of the governor.

Many families are eyeing the property of the Suhe family, but Mu Ningzhu laid out the plan the earliest, which is the most convenient and has the most leverage.

"There is no need to worry about Chong'en, but Yipin." Mu Ningzhu said.

Zhang Yuzhao smiled and said, "Hui Zheng has withdrawn his shares and cut off the interest exchanges with Su Ye's family. Besides, no matter how favored Yipin is, can she compare with the Empress? And today only Chong'en stood up, did Hui Zheng stand up?"

"Chong'en has angered the emperor this time, and he is definitely hopeless. He has no power to begin with, and now he can't stop you, Mu, the governor."

"Originally, it would be enough for your family to take action, and with our Hunan Army Group, it would be easy to destroy Su Ye , like crushing ants. "

Mu Ningzhu said: "Two major forces are against Su Ye alone, and he is still honored to die."

Then, he frowned and said: "This matter cannot be passed to the clan house, they have too big an appetite."

Zhang Yuzhao said: "Su He's family is too low-ranking, and they can't pass through the clan house, only Shuntian Prefecture."

Mu Ningzhu said: "I have no friendship with Shuntian Prefecture Governor Jia Zhen."

Jia Zhen, Shuntian Prefecture Governor, Chief Master of the Upper Study, Prince Taibao, and President of the Hanlin Academy.

Zhang Yuzhao said: "You are a relative of the Queen, Lord Jia Zhen is of course happy to do this favor. Of course I understand that you don't want to owe this favor, so we owe this favor, Lord Jia Zhen has already agreed, he will take action."

Mu Ningzhu said lightly: "We are also sharing the worries of the emperor and the country."

Zhang Yuzhao said: "We will do what the emperor is not convenient to do, of course, to share the worries of the emperor."

Mu Ningzhu said: "Then do it now!"

Then he stretched out his hand.

Zhang Yuzhao also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Mu Ningzhu.

The two hit it off.

The hunting game for Su Ye's family has officially begun!

But I don't know that Su Ye has already opened his bloody mouth.


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