Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 30 Look at me, Su Ye, killing everyone (Congratulations to the new leader Kuang Feng Ming Yu

Chapter 30 Look at me, Su Ye, killing everyone! (Congratulations to the new leader Kuang Feng Ming Yue Kan Shu)

(Thank you Kuang Feng Ming Yue Kan Shu for being the first leader of this book, thank you!)

When these words came out, the whole audience was completely shocked!

Everyone had only one sentence in their mind, Lord Chong En, you are awesome!

Do you really think you are Wei Zheng, the Tang Taizong on the dragon throne?

Even if you are Wei Zheng, the current emperor is not Li Shimin.

Do you really think you are Bao Zheng, you can spit on the face of Song Renzong? Do you think this is the Ming Dynasty, and the ministers can point at Wuzong's nose and scold him, and scold the emperor to tears?

This is the Qing Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty has its own national conditions. Who dares to scold the emperor like this? Are you tired of living?

Zeng Guofan only made a few innuendos and sarcasms, but the emperor still hates him.

You dare to scold the emperor like this in front of all the civil and military officials. If you are not awesome, who is awesome?

Xianfeng was also scolded and stunned.

Did I hear it right? Someone dared to curse me like this?

The faces of several emperors suddenly appeared in his mind, of course not because of Chongen's words about the ancestors and the country.

But he instinctively thought, if it was when Shengzu, Shizong, and Gaozong were in power, would anyone dare to curse like this?

Absolutely not, they would have been crushed to ashes long ago.

It took a few seconds for the boundless anger to surge up.

Xianfeng screamed: "Chongen, don't you want to live?!"

Chongen pointed at his neck and said: "My head is here, the emperor can take it anytime he wants!"

Xianfeng was so angry that his eyes went black.

The civil and military officials present were silent, not daring to say a word, only Mu Ningzhu and others were secretly happy.

Chong'en said, "Your Majesty, the world has heard that today's situation is just like the situation between Yuan Shao and Tian Feng after the Battle of Guandu."

"If Yuan Shao had been tolerant, how could he have been defeated so miserably?"

"History is a mirror that can tell us about the rise and fall of nations!"

"Your Majesty is the ruler of the world, is your tolerance not as good as Yuan Benchu's?"

Xianfeng was so angry that he felt dizzy.

Kill him, kill him!

The words in his mind were almost about to burst out.

At this time, Lord Chong'en was also angry, his eyes were red, and he hoarsely said, "Your Majesty, you don't want to kill me, you don't want to use me, why?!"

Xianfeng stood up suddenly and roared, "Okay, okay, you want to die, I will do it..."

Before the emperor finished speaking, Prince Hui rushed out, stepped forward and hugged Chong'en, and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Shut up, shut up!"

"Chong'en, it doesn't matter if you die, are you trying to frame the emperor for being unkind?"

"Your death will leave a good name for eternity, but will the emperor bear the infamy?"

Then, Prince Hui knelt down and kowtowed, shouting: "Your Majesty, please don't fall into Chong'en's trap, okay? Please don't fall into his trap."

Then, many ministers came out one after another.

If it were a Han minister at this time, he might have been beaten to death long ago.

Even ordinary Manchu and Mongolian ministers might have been dragged out and imprisoned long ago.

But Chong'en is different. He is not only a member of the royal family, but also the emperor's elder.

And everyone is watching. The last royal family member who really committed a serious crime, Yishan, is right there.

He went to war with the Kingdom of Great Britain in Guangdong. He was defeated and surrendered first, and then he deceived the emperor and signed the Treaty of Nanjing, losing power and humiliating the country.

Isn't this a big crime? What was the result?

He was not killed. He was about to become the general of Heilongjiang.

Yishan was not killed for such a serious crime, but Chongen scolded you a few times, so you want to kill him?

Xianfeng stared at Chongen for a long time. He scolded Prince Hui, Prince Dun and Ruilin yesterday to avoid such a passive situation today.

I thought that Chongen was the only one left who could not cause a big storm, but Chongen went crazy.

This situation is so passive, which is rare since he succeeded to the throne.

When Nanjing fell, there was at least a big buffer, so how could he be scolded like this?

If a person is not afraid of death, he can sweep all directions.

He pointed at Chongen and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Without saying a word, the emperor left the dragon throne and the court.

After walking a few steps, Xianfeng couldn't help but turn back and scolded: "Chongen, the spirits of our ancestors in heaven are not only watching me, but also watching you, a disloyal and unfilial person who sells your reputation!"

Chongen suddenly struggled and wanted to refute again, and Prince Hui and Prince Dun couldn't hold him.

Seeing this, Xianfeng hurriedly took two steps and left in a hurry to avoid something unmanageable.



There were bursts of thunder in the sky, lightning and thunder, deafening.

Then, heavy rain poured down again.

This is the second rainstorm today.


Taking advantage of the lightning and thunder, Su Ye was surfing the Internet again.

"Although I don't know what happened in the court at this time, I can guess one or two. The situation must be very intense."

Fu Bamei: "Why don't you stop Chongen? Are you really not afraid that Xianfeng will kill you in anger?"

Su Ye said: "He is not Yuan Shao. This emperor is very entangled. He can't do it on the left or the right. He likes to stand in the middle."

Just as Chongen said, he doesn't want to kill or not, and doesn't want to bear this infamy. He doesn't want to use or not, and doesn't want to be angry.

"Besides, I have been thinking for a long time, maybe I need Lord Chongen to detonate this situation."

"The situation before was like dark clouds, gloomy and dull, but heavy rain could not fall."

"It is better to simply detonate it and let the heavy rain pour down. Only in this way can the sky clear up after the rain and the world will be bright."

"It is most appropriate to start the second battle now!"

Then, WeChat always displays: The other party is typing...

But for a while, no news was sent.

After a long while, Negative Bamei replied: "You are so awesome, I really mean it."

"Ex-travelers are also very bold, but they are ignorant and have no fear. They play blindly and seek death."

"And your boldness is to have conceived all the consequences and situations, carefully laid them out, and then suddenly detonated them!"

Su Yi said: "So you must not fall in love with me."

Negative Bamei: "Go away, why did you say something very shameful when I admire you? You are obviously not an oily man, but you still pretend to be so oily. If you are trying to pick up girls, your words will be blamed for you."

Su Yi hesitated for a moment and said, "Because I want to lower my image in your mind, so that you can offer me advice more directly. Once you have a filter for me, it will mislead others and yourself."

Negative Bamei: "Ri, you are a straight man, how come you are more thoughtful than Gai?"

Then, the negative eighth sister replied: "I know, I know, what you said makes sense, little girl, I will obey."

Su Yi said: "It feels very strange. Although I can't see it, I can feel the enemy's footsteps approaching."

Negative Bamei said: "Su Bacun, Master Chongen has detonated the situation. The emperor's attitude has been revealed. The enemy's fierce attack is coming. The second battle after you return to the capital is finally about to begin."

Su Yi's first battle after returning to Beijing was to predict that the battle of Jiujiang would be defeated. As a result, Su Yi won a complete victory.

Next, is the second battle! Play defensively and counterattack!

Negative Bamei said: "I can't wait. This second battle is much more advanced than the first battle."

Su Yi said: "Many, many people will probably die in this battle!"

Negative Bamei said: "In this second battle, you have to face the emperor directly. If this battle is won, it will be more thorough and bloody than the first battle."

"It feels very strange. It was obviously you who initiated the second battle, but to all eyes, it was the enemy who initiated the attack."

"Looking at the table, according to your estimation, how long will it take for the second enemy battle to start?"

Su Yi said: "About three to four hours!"

Negative Bamei said: "Are you sure that the enemy will detonate at this time, at this place, at this event?"

Su Yi said: "90% sure, so I never alerted the enemy, just because I was afraid that the other party wouldn't detonate it here."

Negative Bamei said: "While there is still some time left, we will make a final review of the deployment for the second battle."


For the next half hour, the two conducted a final review of every step of the second battle.

Su Yi said: "The most important point is that according to history, Zhuo Bingtian died a few days ago, right?"

Negative Bamei said: "Yes!"

More than half an hour later!

Su Yi came out of the courtyard again. This time, the person standing outside was her mother, Tong Jia.

She hesitated to speak.

"Xiaoyi, although you are young and strong, you still need to exercise some restraint and take care of your body!"

This morning, I hid in my yard and closed the door twice. For more than an hour, my iron-clad body could not bear it.

Su Yi nodded honestly and said, "I understand, can you call me sister-in-law?"

"You, what do you want to do?" Tong Jiashi said: "Your brother has gone to the Yamen, you must not do anything stupid."

Su Yi repeatedly promised that there was serious business, so her mother, Tong Jia, went to call Bai Feifei.

In the windy corridor, Bai Feifei looked at Su Yi with a wary look on his face, and said from a few feet away: "Second brother, if there is nothing else, I am going to do something. There are a lot of account books waiting for me. If you have anything to do, wait until your elder brother comes back." "

Su Yi said: "Sister-in-law, Lord Chongen is doing important things in the palace at this time."

Bai Feifei suddenly became excited and said, "What's the big deal?"

Su Yi said: "He joined dozens of ministers to put pressure on the emperor to let me come back. But if it doesn't go beyond my expectations, everyone else will retreat. He is the only one who fights alone. With his character, he probably can't bear it." Stay angry and speak out."

"Ah?" Bai Feifei's expression changed slightly.

Su Yi said: "So maybe Zheng Longyan is furious at this time."

Bai Feifei said: "What should we do?"

Su Yi said: "So no matter what happens next, sister-in-law, remember one thing."

Bai Feifei listened carefully and stared at Su Yi with her big watery eyes.

"No matter what happens next, just be yourself. What you were before will be what you are now."

"You don't have to go against your will, and you don't have to go against your own temperament."

Bai Feifei said: "Did something big happen to our family?"

Su Yi said: "Yes, you are the other pillar of the family. Let's kill him together until he bleeds like a river!"

Rivers of blood? !

Hearing this word, Bai Feifei became excited.

All the pores on his body were opened.

"Okay, if something big happens, my sister-in-law will not let you down!"

Su Yi looked in the direction of the palace and said in his heart: "Lord Chong'en, you will trigger the second battle. The enemy's attack is about to come. Next, watch me kill everyone, with heads rolling in!"

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