Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 294: Peak Showdown, Great Victory

Chapter 294 Peak Showdown! Great Victory!

According to the next plan, the British Empire will organize a mediation meeting.

It will be composed of Britain, France, China, and Austria and Prussia.

Almost no one expects this mediation to have any results, but it is an important political stage for Su Ye, representing that China has officially entered the mainstream countries of the world and officially joined the mainstream order of the world.

The British Empire notified Su Ye that the relevant matters have been almost prepared.

Just waiting for the official date to be set.

At that time, there will be a meeting of five kings.

Because the participants are all members of the five countries above the king, and even close to the head of state.

This means that, at least on the surface, Su Ye is on an equal footing with the kings of the great powers.

Next, it is to wait for the notice.

During this period, Su Ye has been receiving people at all levels.

Not only the dignitaries of the British Empire, but also the big figures of other countries.

Of course, there are countless invitations.

Many universities and organizations have invited him to give speeches.

But Su Ye has now achieved his goal and refused them all.

Two days later, the British royal family invited Su Ye to a concert.

As we all know, Prince Albert was very passionate about music, so after his death in history, the Queen built a large concert hall for him, named Albert Hall.

After the wonderful concert, the prince even went on stage to conduct an additional performance.

After the performance, Prince Albert said: "Prince Su Ye, can the people of London get your favor?"

Then, thunderous applause broke out in the audience.

Everyone's eyes turned to Su Ye.

Su Ye slowly walked onto the stage.

At this time, everyone saw clearly what he looked like today.

Many people even exclaimed.

Before, Su Ye wore a straight dress in public, but this time he wore a traditional Hanfu.

Plain color.

A simple tie on the top of the head, without even a precious hairpin.

This is the first time Su Ye appeared in a purely Chinese style.

Flowing robes, flowing long hair.

Handsome face.

Obviously very stunning.

Of course, if he appeared like this at the beginning, the stunning effect would be discounted.

But it is different now, he has done enough foreshadowing.

Whether it is the foreshadowing of personal image, wisdom, or reputation.

Today, this pure Chinese dress has achieved a sharp contrast.

It has produced an incomparable stunning effect.

Seeing her husband in this look, Princess Shouxi's eyes were blurred again.

Then, she began to imagine what the effect would be if Su Ye appeared in the royal robe of the Qing Dynasty?

To be honest, the dragon robe of the Qing Dynasty is not ugly, and it is quite majestic.

Especially the imperial robe, which is much more majestic than the dragon robe of the Ming Dynasty.


Appearing on this occasion, Princess Shouxi felt that Su Ye's flowing robe was very suitable.

It formed a strong contrast with the environment on the scene, and even for some special reasons, perhaps in the center of the stage, perhaps in the spotlight, or perhaps Su Ye's personal image is too outstanding, so his look even suppressed the whole audience.

There is even a feeling of one against a hundred.

Because Su Ye was wearing a flowing oriental robe, while all the British celebrities on the field were dressed in suits.

He still won against a hundred people.

Although no one judged and no one gave a result.

But almost everyone thought so.

After going on stage.

Su Ye came to the huge piano.

Once again, a contrast was formed, a Chinese handsome man sitting in front of a Western piano.

But there was a sense of beauty inexplicably.

It can only be said that aesthetics is a very magical subject.

Everyone pricked up their ears and waited for Su Ye's performance.

Before, Su Ye had performed opera at a banquet in Shanghai, which he regarded as a shame.

But this time was different.

This time, Prince Albert performed the command performance for Su Ye first.

So, Su Ye returned the courtesy and performed, which was a refined affair between the two heads of state.

About what music to choose?

If it is a pure nationalist, Su Ye should choose the guqin Spring River Moon Night.

Even if it is playing the piano, it should play songs like "Jasmine Flower".


Not amazing enough.

This is in someone else's home turf, especially when our culture is weak, we should join first and then conquer.

This point of the foot basin game is done very well.

Moreover, it is necessary for Su Ye to show a pro-British attitude now.

Therefore, Su Ye still chose a Western song, which is also a song that does not exist in this world, but it is extremely classic, magnificent, and extremely beautiful. It is a completely palace-style work.

It is still the "Exodus" that has been talked about too much.

Of course, because of the unjust wars in the modern world, the story behind this song has become not great, and even many people hate it.

However, it is nice enough, shocking enough, and amazing enough.

At this time, Su Ye completely pursued the doctrine of taking what is available.

And the effect...

Of course, it is absolutely shocking.

This is a song that will be extremely amazing even if you hear it for the first time.

Just like those immortal poems in ancient China, even if you have never heard them before, when the famous lines appear in front of you, there are only two words in your mind: awesome.

Su Ye's piano playing skills are undoubtedly not very high.

That is, they are above average.

But he is not a performer, but a politician.

Moreover, this is an unprecedented song, a masterpiece.

Therefore, it completely makes up for the defect that his piano playing skills are not up to par.

It brought unparalleled shock.

This... This is the regent of the ancient Qing Dynasty.

Everyone present was once again intoxicated.

It was so beautiful.

It was so amazing.

So five minutes seemed so short.

During the performance, His Royal Highness did not leave the stage and stood by the side.

After the performance.

His Royal Highness said: "Regent, are you the illegitimate child of God? I can't help but be a little jealous."

Su Ye stood up and saluted the prince and all the audience.

The audience burst into thunderous applause again.

Su Ye and the prince shook hands, saluted together, and bowed.

The applause became even more enthusiastic, and everyone stood up and applauded.

The applause lasted longer than ever before.


The next day, Su Ye once again made the front page of many newspapers.

And this time, it was all praise.

There was no mixed praise or criticism, and no controversy.

All newspapers used adjectives such as stunning, dreamy, and epic.

Next, the royal family came to inform Su Ye that the Five Kings Conference would be held in half a month.

That night.

Su Ye galloped with his wife as usual.

At the peak of his career.

Princess Shouxi suddenly shouted, "My Majesty, my Majesty."

After the two of them calmed down, she lay quietly in Su Ye's arms and said softly, "My husband, no matter what happens in the future, I will stand by you without hesitation."

Su Ye said, "I know."

Princess Shouxi said, "When I was in the country before, I didn't dare to think about this matter, but after this time, I can see it clearly. If you don't run this country in the future, it will not only be a tragedy for our family, but also for the whole country."

Su Ye said, "Do you want to rebel?"

Princess Shouxi turned over and said, "Yes, I want to rebel, I want to rebel."


Next, Su Ye made every effort to prepare for the meeting of the five kings that he had written down.

This is a more grand political event.

Su Ye will lead the country to officially enter the ranks of mainstream countries in the world.

Yes, it is a mainstream country.

Not the ranks of the great powers.

However, at this time, the French emperor sent an envoy to inform the British Empire that he was willing to participate in this mediation, but on the condition that Su Ye could not participate.

As soon as this news came out,

Su Ye was furious.

Is this discrimination?

Of course, the greater possibility is that Su Ye angered France.

Because of the Yangtze River navigation rights, and because Su Ye judged in political deduction that the next Franco-Prussian War would fail, and even lead to the destruction of the Second French Empire.

Upon learning the result of this deduction, the French emperor was furious, no longer caring about his reliance on the British Empire, and directly overturned the previous decision.

Prince Albert immediately sent an envoy to Paris to negotiate and asked the French side to fulfill the previous agreement.

French emperor, if you are willing to give in half a step, France can send a prince to attend the meeting, but Su Ye can only attend as an observer, so it is no longer a meeting of five kings, but a meeting of four kings.

The British side came to seek Su Ye's opinion, of course, he was severely rejected.

Faced with Su Ye's refusal, the French emperor behaved even tougher.

He even publicly stated that it was ridiculous to let Su Ye, the regent, participate in the meeting of the five kings, and that the Chinese regent had no ability and no qualifications to mediate the contradictions and conflicts in Europe.

Suddenly, it caused an uproar again.

Seeing that the meeting of five kings carefully prepared by Su Ye was about to fail.

Of course, if Su Ye returns to China now, it is completely possible.

This is still a very victorious diplomacy.

But... it is not perfect.

The French side is determined not to compromise.

Moreover, the French side continues to publicly express hostility to the Qing Dynasty, and even the Yellow Peril theory appears again.

The French side not only wants to destroy the meeting of five kings, but also wants to suppress Su Ye's image in Europe and suppress the image of China.


At this time, a completely unexpected olive branch appeared.

Bismarck, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Prussia, formally invited Prince Albert of the British Empire, the Regent of China Su Ye, and the head of the Austrian Empire to attend the meeting of four kings in public.

Then, the King of Prussia also formally invited Prince Albert and the Regent of Su Ye.

Invite the two to mediate the contradictions and conflicts between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire.

Suddenly, the whole of Europe was boiling again.

And this time, the four countries never paid attention to the Second French Empire again.

In the shortest possible time, it was publicly announced that the Four Kings Conference would be held in London.

Just over half a month later, the much-anticipated Four Kings Conference was officially held.

Su Ye and Prince Albert officially mediated the conflict between the two countries.

Su Ye officially led the Eastern Kingdom to the ranks of the world's mainstream countries.


Note: I didn't get back to the hotel until 9:30 and will go home tomorrow afternoon. Thank you everyone, sorry.

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