Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 293: Shocking Europe Completed

Chapter 293 Shocking Europe! Mission accomplished!

(Damn, this is also reviewed?))

This time at the dock, Su Ye gave a speech in pure English.

And this speech was carefully prepared by Fu Ba Mei and others, and Su Ye made very detailed revisions.

So the effect is of course very amazing.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

After the speech, Prince Edward took Su Ye and his wife to Buckingham Palace.

In the following time, he met with the Prime Minister in public and met with the Queen of England.

The most important thing was to meet with Prince Albert.

These two people have known each other for nearly ten years. This is the first time they met, and they really had a good chat.

However, there was no formal negotiation afterwards.

It was a series of diplomatic activities.

Attending various banquets and participating in speeches in Congress.

Next, Su Ye went to Cambridge University, Oxford University, and London University to give speeches.

These three speeches really shocked the audience.

Each speech is different, and the most professional explanations are made from various aspects such as politics, economy, and philosophy.

And he was facing almost the smartest group of people in the world.

Except for a very few people, most of these people were full of contempt for Su Ye.

Of course, it was because of prejudice. They felt that how could the ancient, backward and decadent East give birth to advanced ideas and theories.

Moreover, they had been in the highest institution of the world's most powerful empire for a long time, and of course they were full of the idea that they were the best in the world.

After Su Ye came to London, he conquered these British people in appearance, demeanor and temperament.

But in terms of connotation, he has not yet done it.

Su Ye's first public speech was at University College London, and the title of the speech was "The Theory of Money".

Keynes's works.

Of course, only the most essential part was intercepted.

But even so, it was still tens of thousands of words.

I really don't know how much manpower and material resources were spent on this tens of thousands of words of speech.

Fu Bamei invited all the relevant economic experts to refine and slightly modify Keynes's works.

More than a dozen people revised it more than a dozen times, spending hundreds of thousands. (More of it was favors)

This was the final draft.

Needless to say, Keynes' status is a master of economics in the 20th century.

His theory was controversial in 1865. To be more precise, it was too advanced.

But controversy is what matters.

There were a lot of listeners for this speech, about 300 people.

Half of them were scholars, professors and students, and the other half were celebrities, including many members of Congress and members of the royal family.

Su Ye had given a speech in Parliament before, and it was also very good, but it was very official after all, and it was all about cooperation and mutual benefit between the two countries, so there was not much room for development.

And this time, he could speak very deeply.

His wife, Princess Shouxi, was sitting below, looking at her husband with great nervousness.

She now knew how picky this group of people was.

She was really afraid that her husband would be treated rudely next.

In front of a simple loudspeaker, Su Ye began his speech.

He still used pure English.

Only a thousand words.

Many people present were shocked.

Because such a top confrontation cannot be empty, there is something.

Nothing, nothing.

And Su Ye, this is more than something?

His stuff is simply terrible.

Soon, everyone present was fascinated by it.

This speech is really too profound.

However, it is also too subversive.

Because there are many private goods in it, predicting the inevitable collapse of the gold standard in the future, and so on.

The speech of more than 20,000 words took several hours.

However, everyone below was not satisfied yet, even Su Ye was not satisfied.

So, he started a higher-level speech.

Economic crisis and macroeconomic regulation.

This is of course also the manuscript prepared by Fu Bamei and others, but part of it comes from Su Ye's self-expression.

In the past 30 years, the British Empire has suffered from economic crises due to overcapacity.

However, there is almost no solution.

And now Su Ye's speech theory is completely deafening.

Moreover, it is not a castle in the air.

It is a very solid theory, and it can even echo reality one by one.

This speech, which is 40,000 to 50,000 words in total, is really amazing.

Although the content is controversial, the level is really high and the analysis is really profound.

It is completely unimaginable that in ancient and backward China, there are such sharp, advanced and forward-looking economic theories.

At the end of the speech, I can think of warm applause every once in a while.

At the end of the speech, the applause was like thunder.

Princess Shouxi also stood up and applauded, looking at Su Ye with little stars in her eyes, and even a sense of unreality.

This... Is this my husband?

How can he know so much?

My husband, how can he be so powerful? He doesn't talk about these things with me usually. When I am with him, what I see most is that he is a hooligan.

He is a hooligan to my fourth sister.

He is a hooligan to me.

He is a hooligan to the queen mother (I didn't see it, I imagined it.)

Every day he either sleeps with me, touches me, or bites me.

Is such a great man really my husband?

Then, she began to imagine what it would be like if her brother Emperor Xianfeng came to visit and give a speech?

She couldn't imagine how unbearable it would be.

Then, she thought of that unbearable question again.

Can a husband like her really only stop here?

Can a husband like her really only be inferior to that immature nephew?

As soon as she touched on this question, she instinctively shook off the idea.


This speech made Su Ye an honorary professor at University College London.

The newspaper quickly gave a warm feedback.

Even a special supplement was published, publishing all the contents of Su Ye's speech.

In London and even the whole of Britain, it caused an extremely intense response.

Of course, it also caused a huge controversy.

It was almost a storm of public opinion.

I don't know how many newspapers once again made him the front-page headline.

Next, Su Ye and the Prime Minister of the British Empire held a closed-door meeting.

It was not smooth.

Su Ye proposed three conditions: completely ban opium, let the British Empire take the lead in giving up the navigation rights of the Yangtze River and inland rivers, and prohibit foreigners from preaching in China.

The other party agreed to the last one, and the second one could be extended for 20 years, but still unwilling to give up.

The first one expressed strong opposition.

Because now the British Empire's opium trade with the Qing Dynasty has reached a very alarming level.

It is really difficult to let so many people give up such a big benefit.

Moreover, Su Ye took the lead in banning the cultivation of opium in any province in the country, which created more favorable conditions for the British Empire's opium dumping.

The negotiations ended temporarily.

Then, Su Ye and Prince Albert had dinner and held semi-formal talks.

"Mr. Regent, your negotiation style really surprised me." The prince said.

Su Ye said: "Is this a criticism?"

The prince said: "From a secular perspective, it is indeed a criticism. But from another perspective, it is a high praise. Because all negotiations are a process of mutual pulling. In your words, it is to ask for a high price and pay it back."

"But since ten years ago, your negotiation style has been extremely sincere and unyielding."

"The first price is the lowest price."

"The conditions you offer are always able to take care of the interests of both parties, extremely sincere. But it seems extremely tough and will not make any concessions."

Su Ye said: "As the ruler of a weak country, my negotiation style probably makes the Prime Minister very dissatisfied. It cannot satisfy the glory of the British Empire, right?"

Prince Albert did not say it out loud.

But what he meant in his heart was that there is still an essential difference between politicians and kings.

"Others do not understand you so deeply. Their arrogance and prejudice have existed for a long time and have strong inertia. And the weakness of your country makes you, a political strongman, seem so out of place." The prince explained his inner thoughts in another language.

His understanding of Su Ye was already very profound.

The two had been communicating spiritually and dealing politically for nearly ten years.

And the Prime Minister and many people in Congress had just begun to get to know Su Ye in depth.

Or because of the victory in the war against Russia.


Su Ye was not so eager for success in negotiations.

Next, he went to Oxford University to start the second round of speeches.

If the first speech was shocking and amazing.

The second speech was a step up.

It was simply a masterpiece of the master.

The title of his speech was "Being and Time".

The crystallization of the wisdom of German philosopher Heidegger, one of the most classic works in the world for hundreds of years.

It was still refined into tens of thousands of words.

And because philosophy is more academic, more niche, and seems to be more noble.

It was really a complete conquest.

Originally there was only one philosophy speech, but it turned out to be ten.

So, the entire "Being and Time" was finished.

It is really a magnificent masterpiece, shocking incomparable.

And the audience was getting bigger and bigger, and more and more noble.

In the end, Prince Albert, Princess Alice, Her Majesty the Queen, and the Prime Minister were all present.

Some of them were actually not interested in philosophy.

But... they were still deeply intoxicated.


The second speech once again set off a storm of academic and public opinion.

The Prime Minister even specially invited a think tank to ask a few questions.

"How high is the level of Su Ye's speech?"

A philosophy professor said: "Top."

The Prime Minister asked: "The top in China?"


"The top in the UK?"


"The top in Europe?"


"The top in the world?"


The Prime Minister was silent.

Then, he asked the second question.

"Did someone write his speech?"

The philosopher said: "Prime Minister, it's a full 400,000 words. Who can he ask to write it? I know all the people who can write it. There is no possibility. Is there another world philosopher in China?"

The Prime Minister shook his head and said: "Impossible. How can it be possible in such a backward and decadent country?"

The philosopher said: "They have great philosophers, and they are very advanced. However, it is completely Chinese-style, Eastern-style philosophy, not world-wide."


The last speech was about politics.

But this time, it's not so high and low at all.

Because of the sensational nature of the first two speeches, most of the attendees at the third speech were politicians.

Senior members of the royal family, including the Prime Minister, were still present.

They were also curious about what Su Yi was going to say in this last speech.

As a result, this speech made everyone's hair stand on end.

The title of the speech is "If there is no China".

This is not a speech, but a prophecy.

An epic prophecy.

A complete deduction of the situation in Europe and the world.

Moreover, it has been deduced for fifty years.

The deduction of the subsequent Austro-Prussian War and the Franco-Prussian War.

The fall of czarist Russia.

The outbreak of World War I.

Of course, for this world, it is completely alien.

In fact, it is a grand narration of what happened in European history.

Assume that the great eastern powers do not rise.

Of course, this mammoth political deduction is actually very dangerous.

Many people in London will instinctively think that your political prophecy is a deduction of what the world will look like in the next hundred years if there is no East, or if the Eastern powers do not rise.

So, what if there is a rise of a big country in the East?

Was the outcome worse for the British Empire?

However, overall, Su Yi's political deduction still has more advantages than disadvantages.

There is a theme contained in this. As long as the two countries form an alliance, the British hegemonic system can be maintained for nearly a hundred years.

Of course, this actually makes it easier to derive the threat theory of Eastern powers.

But at this time, anyone who proposes this theory will probably be ridiculed by everyone.

Moreover, Su Yi also had an even crazier deduction, or a kind warning.

The Civil War was coming to an end, and the Union Army was about to win. Of course, there is nothing extraordinary about this prediction, and many people can make similar judgments.

The shocking prophecy is that Su Yi said that President Lincoln of the United States is likely to be assassinated.

This prediction is crazy, even a little irrational.

It's easy to make people wonder if this has something to do with Su Yi?

Moreover, he looks like a wizard.

At this position, the fewer tricks, the better.

To walk in the royal way.

But Su Yi hesitated again and again and took such a risk.

Again for the same reason, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

There is another risk point. Will Su Yi cause a butterfly storm when traveling through this world, preventing Lincoln from being assassinated?

The conclusion is no.

Because Lincoln was assassinated not by chance, but by necessity due to conflicting interests.

Maybe the date will change, maybe the location will change.

But the probability of this happening is still very, very high.

On the contrary, after Su Yi made this prediction, he asked Lincoln to increase security measures so that the assassination would not happen.

All in all, it was indeed an adventure.

However, Su Yi was not so absolute in his prediction.

Instead, he raised a concern and persuaded President Lincoln to pay attention to assassinations and strengthen security measures.

Even this detail was ignored.

Because Su Yi's other prophecy was even more terrifying.

In the Austro-Prussian War, the powerful Austria would be defeated.

The Franco-Prussian War would break out and France would lose.

The colonial rebellion war (alluding to the Boer War) was the starting point for the decline of British hegemony.

World War I would break out and Germany would challenge the world order.

This piece of news simply caused a tsunami-like reaction.

If the first two speeches were not at the bottom, this third speech would be scolded.

You are a politician, not a magician.

But after listening to it live, I found that this was not a magic stick, but a very complete and detailed deduction of the world situation.

Despite the mixed reviews, the third speech caused far more sensation than the first two.

Because it is too controversial and topical.

The huge controversy even caused the British Prime Minister to suspend his meeting with Su Yi.

If we say that Su Yi's previous performance was amazing and shocking.

So in the third speech, Su Yi's performance was rebellious and uncontrollable.

Shows a strong personality.

It is even incompatible with this era.


The controversy didn't last long.

Just over half a month later, an extremely shocking news swept across the UK and Europe like a storm.

President Lincoln of the United States was assassinated and died.

A moment...

Su Yi's enthusiasm reached its highest point.

"The king from the east, the great and mysterious statesman."

"Wizard, wizard, wizard from the east."

"Political strongman flashes London."

All newspapers are praising him and beginning to pay attention to his subsequent political deductions.

Although it will be controversial, questioned, wary and so on.

Will bring uncertainty.

But...this is the Western world.

A world where the strong is respected.

The Qing Dynasty was too weak. Su Yi needed to use this method if he wanted to make his political voice heard by the whole world.

The really good.

Having a sense of existence is more important than anything else.

When the great powers want to do something in the future, they can at least think about Su Ye's political deduction.


The Prime Minister talked with Su Ye again.

"Why did your deduction last only less than 50 years?"

Su Ye said: "Because in 50 years, I will not be in this world."

The Prime Minister said: "You want to tell me that we must return our focus to Europe next."

Su Ye said: "Yes, your country's interests in Asia can really help us."

The Prime Minister said: "In the last speech, you did not behave like a qualified politician."


In the future, such politicians will become mythical figures.

Su Ye said: "I think it is more important to let the world hear your voice."

The Prime Minister said: "Moreover, your performance may make us wary of you."

Su Ye said: "My country will allow you to not be wary for at least a few decades."

The Prime Minister said: "I believe that your country will be strongly protested by the United States in the near future."

Su Ye said: "No, a dead president does not have much weight, and I am completely concerned."

"And the fundamental significance of my deduction is to avoid major events that harm the British Empire and point out the way forward for your country, isn't it?"

"You can choose not to listen , you can ridicule me for not knowing the height of the world, but you cannot doubt my friendship with the British Empire. "

The Prime Minister said: "Regarding the complete prohibition of opium, we will never publicly express your relevant policies, absolutely impossible."

"However, we can make another attempt to provide these business consortiums with other benefits compensation, which is higher than the benefits of the opium trade."

"And complete this measure in five years."

"As long as there is enough benefit compensation, we can acquiesce, but...signing a contract to publicly support your country's prohibition of opium is absolutely impossible."

Very good, Su Ye only wants this.

So far, Su Ye's visit to London has basically been a success.


Note: Finally finished writing, I have to get up at six o'clock tomorrow and go home the day after tomorrow, thank you everyone.

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