Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 245: Celebrity Loyalty Battle Breaks Record

Chapter 245 Celebrity Allegiance! Conference Battle! Record-breaking

The main campus of Tianjin Military Station.

The Empire's new army of 32,000 men was arrayed neatly.

At this time, it is still a whole.

But they will soon be separated. The Han people will return to the Han people and follow Su Yi.

The bannermen returned to the bannermen, following Seng Gelinqin and Shengbao.

There was already a complete organization, but now it needs to be broken up and reorganized. This will undoubtedly harm the combat effectiveness.

But nothing could be done.

Su Yi was about to make his final speech.

Everyone looked at him, including nearly half of the banner soldiers.

At this time, Seng Gelinqin was still smoking next to Ronglu, and there was no one around.

However, the two of them remained silent.

Senggelinqin and Shengbao have received some kind of instructions.

Fight quickly and lead the army back to Beijing.

The meaning here is already very meaningful.

Once things really develop to that point, the weight of Rong Lu and Jing Shou becomes very important.

"I heard that after this army leaves, the tens of thousands of people who were eliminated before will continue to train here?" Seng Gelinqin asked: "Will these ten thousand people also become local defense forces?"

Ronglu said: "These 10,000 people will be screened again, and about 6,000 people will be left to supplement the garrison division."

Seng Gelinqin said: "Next, Zhang Guoliang and Jing Shou's garrison divisions will also come to Tianjin Military Station for rotation training?"

Ronglu nodded and said: "My third division will also take turns coming back and forth for training."

Seng Gelinqin said: "In the past half a year of training, the confrontation between Manchu and Han is not completely useless. At least they are scrambling, competing with each other, and sweating blood. The amount of training in half a year is probably more than four or five years."

Ronglu nodded and said no more.

It was as if the upcoming decisive battle had nothing to do with him.

He looked at Su Yi a hundred meters away, silently.

Historically, it would take decades for this person to become completely successful. He was successively promoted by Wen Xiang, Li Hongzao, Yi and others. After several delays, he entered the central government and took charge of power.

In this world, he was promoted by the late emperor early because he became Su Yi's substitute.

So until now, he has not made his position clear.

Words of mouth are always loyal to the Queen Mother of the two palaces and maintain the unity of the center.

At this time, everyone fell silent, waiting for Su Yi's final speech to the army.

"This army is now split in two, and hopefully one day it will be able to become one."

Is this the end?

After Su Yi finished speaking, he walked directly off the platform.

Then, Han military officers at all levels shouted loudly: "Everyone is at his position, move forward!"

Suddenly, 18,000 Han officers and soldiers took a dozen steps forward in unison.

Because they need to take a big ship to go to the south to fight against the rebellion.

Fu Qi and De Xinga both shouted.

"Turn backwards!"

Suddenly, more than 14,000 bannermen soldiers turned back neatly.

So the two halves of the army stood facing each other.

"Move forward!"

Fourteen thousand people walked a dozen steps forward in the opposite direction.

An army was completely split into two.

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!"

Following the order, 18,000 Han soldiers marched towards the Tianjin port in neat steps.

Fourteen thousand bannermen soldiers marched towards Shandong in the south.

Like two torrents, going different paths.

Aerial view.

The army that went to Shandong to suppress the enemy stretched for more than ten miles and was boundless.

All the bannermen's troops left the Tianjin Military Station.

Seng Gelinqin came to Su Yi and cupped his hands.

Su Yi also cupped his hands.

On the contrary, Sheng Bao was arrogant from beginning to end, holding his chin high.

The monk king and Shengbao got on their horses and followed the army southward under the protection of the guards.

Su Yi looked at Seng Gelinqin's back and was speechless for a long time.

Zuo Zongtang next to him said: "The Monk King is not incompetent."

Of course he was not incompetent. He destroyed Lin Fengxiang's Taiping Army's Northern Expedition.

He also won the second Dagukou War.

Even after the tragic defeat of Baliqiao in history, his reputation completely fell and he was deposed as a prince. But after the new emperor succeeded to the throne, the world was in chaos. Seng Gelinqin still led the Qing army to conquer east and west, wiping out hundreds of thousands of Nian troops. Most of the rebellions were quelled.

Towards the end of his career, he was on horseback almost all the time.

I was afraid of falling off while sleeping on the horse, so I tied myself to the horse with a rope.

Even if he died at the hands of a Nian Army soldier, it would not change the fact that he was the Qing Dynasty's optimist.

At this time, Seng Gelinqin seemed to have a fire in his heart.

I feel that I am shouldering a huge sense of mission, the revival of the Eight Banners.

Su Yi watched the backs of Seng Gelinqin and other troops disappear completely, and then also walked towards the dock.

The next day.

Twenty-five thousand people boarded the ship.

Hundreds of ships sailed southward.

The entire Tianjin military station was empty again, and Ronglu once again became the master of the military station.


A few days later!

Su Yi led the army to the Yangtze River estuary in Shanghai.

Here, the confrontation is still going on.

The warships of the United States and Russia are still stuck at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

The Yangtze River Fleet led by Xu Youren is still blocking here.

The war will basically not break out, but the will of the United States and Russia is very clear, that is, to completely contain Su Ye's Yangtze River Fleet and prevent this force from being involved in the war.

As long as Su Ye's Yangtze River Fleet withdraws, they will immediately break into the Yangtze River and create a fait accompli.

Before Su Ye's army arrived in Shanghai, Lin Qirong had already led tens of thousands of Taiping troops to leave Songjiang Prefecture and withdraw to Suzhou.

Suddenly, the tens of thousands of troops led by Li Hongzhang and the foreign rifle team were completely empty.

Su Ye ordered that the 6,000 men of the Second Division continue to move south, and the 12,000 men of the Fourth Division enter Hangzhou Bay through the Qiantang River to help Wang Youling defend Hangzhou City.

And he himself led 7,000 people and stopped in Shanghai.

As Su Ye led the army south, the monk king and Shengbao led the army south.

The whole world fell into a brief silence.

Then, it was a storm.

The Nian Army that originally attacked Huai'an immediately withdrew to Shandong.

The battlefield of the whole world became very clear.

Almost all the Nian troops gathered in Shandong to fight a decisive battle with Senggelinqin.

All the main forces of the rebellion had to fight a decisive battle with Su Ye.

The Hunan Army, with nearly 200,000 troops, guarded various positions and occupied the most advantageous position.

Li Hongzhang came to visit Su Ye.

"Your subordinate, I pay my respects to Prime Minister Su."

"Brother Shaoquan, please stand up." Su Ye said, "In the past one or two months, you have fought against the rebels repeatedly. How do you feel?"

Li Hongzhang said, "The rebels have undergone a transformation."

Su Ye said, "Tell me in detail?"

Li Hongzhang said, "First of all, the main force of the rebels has completed the replacement of weapons. Their weapons are not inferior to ours at all. They have advanced foreign guns and cannons, and there are also a large number of foreign instructors in the rebel army."

"However, there are not many old thieves left in the rebel army. Most of them are young people now. They may be weak in sword fighting, but they are much stronger in guns and cannons."

Su Ye nodded and said, "Now that the rebel army has retreated to Suzhou, Songjiang Prefecture is no longer a concern. Brother Shaoquan, are you going to prepare to recapture Suzhou, or follow me south to recapture Jiaxing and Huzhou, and fight a decisive battle with the main force of the rebels?"

This is giving you a chance to stand in line.

The Hunan Army is the Hunan Army, and Li Hongzhang is Li Hongzhang.

Are you willing to leave the Hunan Army at this time and join my Su Ye camp?

Li Hongzhang thought for a while and said, "I am the governor of Jiangsu, so the first priority is to recover Suzhou and Changzhou."

This is a refusal.

Su Ye was silent for a long time and said, "Okay, I understand."


The next day!

Wang Tianyang led the Second Division of 10,000 people and crossed the Yangtze River estuary.

The Second Division had a total of 13,000 people, who stayed in Jiujiang.

This time Wang Tianyang brought out 10,000 people, almost giving up everything.

In this way, there were only 3,000 new troops to guard Jiujiang.

At this time, Su Ye had a total of 17,000 people.

Su Ye left Shanghai, boarded the warship again, continued to go south, and then landed in Zhapu, Pinghu County, Jiaxing.

Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng's troops had a total of 180,000 troops.

Ten thousand people stayed in Huzhou, and 20,000 people stayed in Jiaxing.

The remaining 150,000 people went to Hangzhou in a mighty manner.

The 26,000 troops under the command of Zhejiang Governor Wang Youling, plus the 18,000 troops sent by Su Ye to reinforce, totaled 44,000 troops.

This battle was very difficult to fight.

Moreover, there were not many skills to speak of.

The next day!

The 17,000 troops led by Su Ye arrived at the city of Jiaxing.

Jiaxing's Taiping Army garrison commander, Shi Wang Li Shixian, was the cousin of Ying Wang Li Xiucheng.

Historically, most of the Taiping Army's bases in Zhejiang were conquered by him, and Zuo Zongtang was defeated by him repeatedly.

He can be called a famous general of a generation.

Perhaps it was the great inertia of history? At this time, the Taiping Army garrison commander guarding Huzhou was still Huang Wenjin.

Huzhou City was conquered by him and Tan Shaoguang, and this blocking king was also one of the last glories of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in history.

Even when the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was about to perish, Huang Wenjin had already fought a beautiful Huzhou defense battle and eliminated nearly 10,000 Qing troops.

Today's situation.

Su Ye had 17,000 men, and he had to attack Jiaxing City with 20,000 people, and he had to guard against Huzhou City with 10,000 people.

In this battle, he had to face the five last famous generals of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Su Ye had fought quickly before, and liked to make quick decisions.

But this time, after he led his army to the city of Jiaxing, he was not in a hurry, but set up camp outside the city and built a position.


At night.

Hong Renli appeared in Su Ye's tent.

"Shang'er is clamoring to come, but how can she come with a big belly?" Hong Renli said, "She is really a little sow. She gets pregnant as soon as she is touched. She envies others to death."

Lin Shang'er was slow to understand. When she married Su Ye, she was still confused and didn't realize what a relationship between men and women was.

And now, she is the most obsessed with Su Ye.

The two of them are together for a long time, and it is she who shouts to go to Beijing every day.

"Has the fighting started in Shandong?" Su Ye asked.

"It's time to start the battle." Hong Renli said, "Senggelinqin's cavalry is extremely fast. He is completely crazy. He marches without sleep and ties himself to his horse to sleep. Most armies can't keep up with him. He led less than 10,000 elite cavalry and entered Shandong a few days ago. Shengbao is chasing him with a large army."

"Our staff department and intelligence department all believed that Senggelinqin would act steadily, but we didn't expect that he would be so crazy."

Su Yi said: "He wants to prove himself too much. The Battle of Bali Bridge is regarded by him as the biggest shame, and he wants to train his troops in the battle."

Hong Renli sat in Su Yi's arms and said, "But the main cavalry under his command was trained by you."

Su Yi said: "It's hard to talk about it. It's just the introduction of a new cavalry combat system."

The entire cavalry division had 7,000 men, of which Seng Gelinqin took 4,000 and Su Yi took 3,000.

Including his large cavalry troops, Su Yi now had 5,000 cavalry in his hands.

The two cavalry troops were armed to the teeth.

The best horses, the best swords, the best carbines.

At this time, these five thousand cavalry were all in Su Yi's hands.

At this moment, there was a sound outside.

"Commander, there is an urgent message from the Intelligence Department." Hong Renli stood up from Su Yi's arms and said, "Come in."

After a while, an intelligence agent came in and handed over the latest information.

Su Yi opened it and took a look.

Seng Gelinqin led 10,000 cavalrymen and encountered a large force of Nian troops, about 20,000 in Wuding Prefecture, Shandong.

The two sides fought fiercely for a day and a night, and Senggelinqin won a complete victory.

Su Yi handed the information to Hong Renli. After reading it, the other party frowned slightly and said, "Seng Gelinqin, we've got a great start. We won the first battle beautifully. Is the pressure now on our side?"

Su Yi said: "No way."

Then, Su Yi said: "I cherish the talents of Li Shixian, Huang Wenjin and others very much, and I want to have a talk with them."

Hong Renli said: "These young people are all strong-blooded and may not be willing to surrender."

Su Yi said: "Let's talk first."

There were no famous generals under Su Yi's command, because after the army was formed, he personally led the army in key battles.

And Li Xiucheng, Li Shixian, Huang Wenjin and others are really generals who have fought a hundred battles.

Moreover, they also led an army of thermal weapons.

Hong Renli said: "Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Then, Hong Renli left the camp and headed towards Jiaxing City.


At the same time, Luzhou, Anhui.

After Li Hongzhang left Anhui and took office as governor of Jiangsu, Zuo Zongtang became the chief envoy of Anhui.

Afterwards, Li Zuo Zongtang followed Su Yi to the Ministry of War, so the new chief envoy became Ma Xinyi.

Yes, it is the protagonist of one of the great mysteries of the late Qing Dynasty, Ma Xinyi, the governor of Liangjiang in the horse assassination case.

At this time, he also had an army in his hands, about 7,000 people, called the Huai Army.

This army was led by Li Hongzhang at first, and later by Zuo Zongtang.

At this time, the entire Anhui was the territory of the Hunan Army, and Ma Xinyi was barely dependent on the Hunan Army.

Su Yi's confidant Li Qi came to visit Ma Xinyi.

Ma Xinyi was very polite to Li Qi and kept saying he would be demoted.

Li Qi said: "Master Ma's name is well known to my master in the capital."

Ma Xinyi said: "Ashamed, ashamed, defeated repeatedly."

He can indeed be said to have suffered repeated defeats, especially when he was defeated countless times by Chen Yucheng, and escaped again and again with a few defeated soldiers.

Before the majority of the Hunan Army entered Anhui, he, Li Hongzhang, and Yuan Jiasan were considered the main members of the resistance against the Taiping Army.

Keep losing, keep fighting.

Li Qi said: "Mr. Ji Gao often mentions Mr. Ma in front of Prime Minister Su, saying that you have a resilience and a spirit of spirit, which many officials do not have."

Ma Xinyi said: "I don't dare to praise Mr. Ji Gao."

When he was in Anhui, Zuo Zongtang was still domineering, and his relationship with Ma Xinyi was so-so.

However, he did make a relatively fair evaluation of Ma Xinyi in front of Su Yi.

Then, Li Qi said: "Here is a letter from my master."

Ma Xinyi immediately stood up and bent down to receive Su Yi's handwritten letter.

The above content is very simple. Su Yi invited Ma Xinyi to lead his army south to participate in the battle against the main force of the rebellion.

Ma Xinyi, the chief envoy of Anhui, was slightly startled.

Everyone knew that Su Xiangzhi was so straight, but they didn't expect him to be so straight.

This letter contained no greetings at all, let alone Corporal Li Xian's greetings. It was just a straightforward invitation.

A difficult choice was suddenly placed in front of Ma Xinyi.

Everyone knows that a decisive battle is currently taking place in the center of the imperial court.

Seng Gelinqin and Shengbao represented the princes and nobles of the Eight Banners and fought in Shandong.

Su Yi represented the reformists and fought in Jiangnan.

Whoever wins dominates the center.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the battle between Seng Gelinqin and Shengbao is much easier to fight.

Most of the Nian Army were civilians, while the Taiping Army was much stronger.

Moreover, the Hunan Army, which controls another powerful force, may secretly support Senggelinqin and Shengbao.

Is it too early to side with Su Yi now?

Should we wait until the outcome is clear before making a decision?

Ma Xinyi said: "Steward Li, please let me think about it for two days. Is it feasible?"

Li Qi said: "Of course."

Next, Li Qi resigned.

Ma Xinyi stood in front of the map, thinking hard about the entire battle situation.

He drew a circle in Jiaxing, a circle in Huzhou, and finally a big circle in Hangzhou.

Then, change a pen and draw a big circle in Shandong.


The next day!

Ma Xinyi received another envoy. This was an envoy from the imperial court, representing the princes of the Eight Banners.

He is an Aixinjueluo, the Duke of Feng'en Town.

"Master Ma, let me tell you some good news. King Monk led less than 10,000 cavalry and defeated nearly 30,000 Nian troops in Wuding Prefecture. They started with a great victory."

"The main army led by Lord Shengbao will soon enter Shandong."

"The Eight Banners and Green Camp in Shandong were greatly encouraged. The governor of Shandong has led nearly 20,000 people to join forces with the monk king."

"The outcome of the Shandong battle is already clear."

Ma Xinyi said: "That is such a great joy. The Monk King is indeed the pillar of the Qing Dynasty."

The royal envoy said: "The governor of Shandong is guilty of the fall of Jinan, so this governor's position cannot be saved. Su Zhongtang and Prince Zheng are very optimistic about Mr. Ma. In all likelihood, this governor's position will fall to you. on his head."

Ma Xinyi immediately stood up and said, "I'm really scared because I haven't made any achievements yet."

The royal envoy said: "Anhui is not far from Shandong. Master Ma is willing to lead his troops to support the Shandong battlefield. It may not necessarily be a real battle, just a gesture."

Ma Xinyi was faced with a difficult decision.

The big bosses of the Hunan Army are not moving, and a quasi-big official like him who leads the army is facing a full-scale wooing.

The royal envoy said: "This sudden change has caused chaos in the world. It is really shocking."

Ma Xinyi said: "That's not true."

The royal envoy said: "Prime Minister Su abolished the Eight Banners of the Beijing Camp and caused such a big chaos. Next, he will abolish the Eight Banners of the local camp, the local Green Camp, and the local regiment training. I really don't know that there will be even greater chaos."

If you have soldiers, you will be the Caotou King.

The Ma Xinyi in front of him is a typical man with soldiers.

The royal envoy said: "Master Ma, what do you think?"

Ma Xinyi said: "I still have to weigh it up."

The royal envoy asked: "Master Ma has a good relationship with Yuan Jiasan, the Governor of Water Transport?"

Ma Xinyi said: "Master Yuan can be regarded as my mentor."

Ma Xinyi has a close relationship with Yuan Jiasan and has been under Yuan Jiasan's protection for a long time.

The Hunan army is powerful, and Yuan Jiasan and Ma Xinyi can be regarded as staying together for warmth.

This Yuan Jiasan is Yuan Shikai's great-uncle.

The royal envoy said: "I am about to go to Huai'an to visit Governor Yuan. I wonder if Mr. Ma can recommend him to me?"

Ma Xinyi was in trouble.

Because he is the chief envoy of Anhui, how can he move around without orders from the court?

However, the worst thing now is the court's order.

Su Yi represented the imperial court, and Sushun, Duanhua and others also represented the imperial court.

Behind Su Yi is the Queen Mother of the West, and behind Sushun, Duanhua and others are the Queen Mother of the East Palace.

"Okay, I just miss my mentor." Ma Xinyi said.

The royal envoy said: "Then we will set off immediately."

A few hours later, the royal envoy and Ma Xinyi left Luzhou and headed for Huai'an under the protection of hundreds of soldiers.


Outside Jiaxing City.

Su Yi is meeting with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's Prince Li Shixian.

"Brother Shixian." Su Yi cupped his hands and said.

"Su Xiang!" Li Shixian handed over his hand.

Su Yi said: "We must be of the same age."

Li Shixian said: "That's right."

Su Yi said: "Brother Shixian, does he know about the recent new policies of the imperial court?"

Li Shixian said: "Abolish the Eight Banners and train the Empire's new army?"

Su Yi said: "Yes."

Li Shixian said: "After hearing this, I felt extremely admired."

Su Yi said: "In the eyes of brother Shixian, am I, Su Yi, still a Tatar?"

Li Shixian thought for a while and said: "This is still difficult to eliminate."

Su Yi said: "If I win this battle, I will continue to promote the next reform. First, all bannermen in the Imperial Army must withdraw from the banner. In the next few years, the flag affairs will be completely reformed, and there will be no more Eight Banners in the future." That’s the argument.”

Li Shixian said: "I admire you very much."

Su Yi said: "Brother Shixian, do you know the situation at the mouth of the Yangtze River and the situation in Heilongjiang in the north?"

Li Shixian said: "I know."

Su Yi said: "What do you think, brother Shixian?"

Li Shixian said: "I hate foreigners so much."

Su Yi said: "In order for the country to rise, we must strengthen ourselves."

Li Shixian was silent for a while and said: "Prime Minister Su, you should not have led your army to Jiaxing. You should have led your army directly into Hangzhou."

Yes, many people say that.

Su Yi led his army into Hangzhou, so the garrison in Hangzhou would have 60,000 people.

Sixty thousand people defended the city, but Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng attacked with an army of 150,000 people.

In this way, the certainty is much greater.

Su Yi said: "In this case, the initiative in the battle is not in my hands, but in Shi Dakai's hands. If he decides to siege for a long time, then the war in Shandong and Henan will be over, and we have not started fighting here yet."

Li Shixian took out a map and said, "But this way, you can easily get yourself into a dead end."

"Look, you led these 17,000 people to attack Jiaxing. I, Li Shixian, think that I am not that incompetent, so it is difficult to conquer Jiaxing in a short time. But as soon as you start fighting, Huang Wenjin immediately leads his army. Attack your army from both inside and outside."

"Once your army is in trouble, Chen Yucheng and Shi Dakai in the south will send tens of thousands of troops northward."

"You, the seventeen thousand men, are likely to face attacks from three sides. At that time, the entire army will be in danger of being destroyed, and Li Hongzhang's troops in Songjiang will die without saving them."

"You know that Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng hate you the most. In their eyes, as long as they can defeat you and completely eliminate you, that is more important than anything else."

"For the great cause of the Kingdom of Heaven, as long as Hangzhou is captured, the whole of Zhejiang is not a problem. Xu Youren, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, led his army to confront the foreigners at the mouth of the Yangtze River. Our army directly entered Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi. "

"By then, the five provinces of Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu will be connected into one, and our great cause of the Kingdom of Heaven will be fully realized."

Then, Li Shixian circled these provinces together on the map.

"And the Hunan Army occupied Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, and northern Jiangsu."

"The Nian Army occupied Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi and other places."

"By then, the world will be divided into four parts, and only a few provinces around Zhili will be left in the entire Qing court."

"Master Su Yi, only half of Jiangxi is left."

Li Shixian circled several major forces on the map.

"So, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for my kingdom, and we will never give it up."

"The same is true for the Hunan Army."

Su Yi said: "Our imperial court is divided and has fallen into confrontation. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you and the Hunan Army, right?"

Li Shixian said: "Yes, this is the strategy of the entire Kingdom of Heaven. Although Lin Shaozhang, Hong Renfa, and Hong Renda have close interests with you, they are also of the same mind when faced with the strategic development opportunities of the Kingdom of Heaven's survival."

"This is a battle of life and death for you. It is also a battle of life and death for the princes of the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty."

"For our kingdom of heaven, it is also a battle of life and death."

"We will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal, so don't underestimate our determination."

"Now there is internal strife in your Qing court center. If we don't seize this opportunity to break out, then everything will be over. This is our battle for survival."

Su Yi took out a pack of cigarettes and asked, "Do you want to smoke?"

"Smoke!" Li Shixian said: "The quota given by Jiujiang is not enough for me to smoke. You are still amazing. Even if a life-and-death battle is about to begin, you still continue to cooperate with us."

Su Yi said: "Your King Hong Tian has been granted too many titles recently. Does this mean that our Fushan Chunju Tu cigarettes will have a quota?"

Li Shixian took a deep breath, and then seemed to be intoxicated.

Then, he said: "Xiang Su, I know that King Qin Lin Qirong has a very close relationship with you. He led his army back to Suzhou. But don't expect that he will lead his army to defect to you on the battlefield, because his army belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven. It's useless for him to defect alone. Moreover, Li Hongzhang is watching him. If he dares to lead his army, Li Hongzhang will definitely attack him. "

"So Prime Minister Su, please lead your army into Hangzhou, so that you can have a way to survive. As it is now, your army is sandwiched between our three armies and is in danger of destruction at any time."

Su Yi said: "Shixian is not willing to fight with me?"

Li Shixian said: "As a military general, I am very willing to fight against Su Xiang. After all, you are the number one general in the Qing court. It would be great to meet your opponent. But... you are right, I am not willing to fight against you."

Su Yi said: "Shixian, just like you said, I was defeated in this battle. You took advantage of this rare opportunity to sweep Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, and even Yunnan. Then the whole country was divided into four Part, the Qing court, the Hunan Army, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and the Nian Army, what will happen next? "

Li Shixian said: "If you don't die, the British will support you. The Americans will support us and the Hunan Army, and the Russians will support the Qing court. The whole country is torn apart, and the foreigners have completely moved in."

Su Yi said: "Shixian can see it very clearly."

Li Shixian said: "I haven't read any books. I only started reading a few years ago. Prime Minister Su sent people to Tianjing every day to deliver various books to help us open our eyes to the world."

Su Yi said: "Shixian, even if your Taiping Heavenly Kingdom occupied four or five provinces in the south, even if the Nian Army occupied Shandong, Henan and Shaanxi, and became one with you, and was willing to accept your canonization, then what? Can King Hong Tian develop and expand this country?" The country? Can Lin Shaozhang, Hong Renda, and Hong Renfa do it?”

"Heavenly King, not bad..." Li Shixian suddenly said.

Then, Li Shixian said: "Xiang Su, I understand everything you said. But it's useless. From the Jintian uprising to now, we have the best opportunity right in front of us. Should we give up?"

"We have been fighting for this thing all our lives. Should we give up now? It's impossible."

"There are people in the Kingdom of Heaven who hate you to the core, and there are also people who admire you. But even if King Qin Lin Qirong suddenly gives up on the Kingdom of Heaven completely, can he do it?"

"For any reason, even if you put national justice in front of you, it is difficult for us to give up the cause of lifelong struggle."

"Besides, we only know a little about the so-called national justice after reading the books you sent us in the past few years."

Li Shixian poured a glass of wine for Su Yi and said: "Xiang Su, please lead your army to Hangzhou and leave Jiaxing. We are not willing to fight with you, but... if you really want to start a war and attack the city, whether as a general or As a servant of the Kingdom of Heaven, I can only fight to the death and fight to the end.”

Su Yi sighed and drank the wine in the cup.

The words of surrender were not spoken.

Just like what Li Shixian said, people have worked hard for the cause of the Kingdom of Heaven all their lives, and now they are being given up? How is it possible?

Even though many people in Heaven have a good impression of Su Yi.

Su Ye waved his hand, and the people behind him brought a box.

Half of it was filled with Fushan Chunjutu cigarettes, and the other half was filled with various books, including the latest army textbook written by Su Ye.

"Thank you, Prime Minister Su, I am ashamed to accept it." Li Shixian took the box, bowed, and then left and returned to Jiaxing.


The entire Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou battlefield was still calm.

Nearly 300,000 troops were entrenched on this Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou plain.

Li Hongzhang's tens of thousands of troops were eyeing Lin Qirong in Suzhou in Songjiang Prefecture.

Su Ye's 17,000 people were in the eye of the storm.

Almost surrounded by three Taiping armies.

A single move can affect the whole body.

Once the war starts, it will be a sea of ​​blood and corpses, a dark sky, and a battlefield stretching for hundreds of miles, with endless fighting.

But at least now, the entire battlefield is in a fragile balance.

But at the same time.

Senggelinqin and Shengbao killed like crazy in Shandong.

Because the Nian Army is now immature and even ununited.

The battlefield in Shandong is full of randomness.

Unlike the battlefield in Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou, Su Ye had to face five famous generals alone.



Bashali and Shen Baozhen slammed the table and shouted: "Why are you still so reserved? Why are you so reserved?"

"We in the British Empire have already assembled 6,000 troops and are waiting in the open sea."

"As long as Su Ye nods, our army can land in Jiaxing in the name of mercenaries to help Su Ye fight."

"What are you waiting for? What makes you so reserved and so noble?"

Facing this crisis in the world, Bashali was more anxious than anyone else.

His political cause was completely entrusted to Su Ye.

So he assembled the army early and prepared to help Su Ye fight.

Shen Baozhen said helplessly: "Wait a little longer, wait a little longer."

Bashali said: "This is our common cause, why should we be so reserved with each other?"

Shen Baozhen said: "Unfortunately, this army belongs to your country, not to you alone, Lord Bashali."

"Of course, Lord Su Ye will speak when necessary."


Huai'an, the Office of the Governor of the Grain Transport.

The imperial envoys of the court and Ma Xinyi have come to visit the Governor of the Grain Transport, Yuan Jiasan.

This Fengen Zhenguogong is still so direct.

Invite Yuan Jiasan to lead the army to Shandong to reinforce Senggelinqin. In exchange, after the victory of the great battle, Yuan Jiasan will be appointed as the Minister of War, the Prince Taibao, and the Cabinet Scholar.

This reward is even greater.

And Su Ye's confidant Li Qi also came to Huai'an first and handed a handwritten letter to Yuan Jiasan.

In the letter, there is no wish for official appointment.

It was to invite Yuan Jiasan to lead his army south to recover Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou.

At most, he added a sentence in the letter, saying that he heard that Yuan Jiasan had a nephew, Yuan Shikai, who was very smart, and Su Ye was willing to accept him as a disciple.

The royal envoy said: "The monk king and Lord Shengbao have fought several battles, recovered Wuding Prefecture, and lost most of Hejian Prefecture. Lord Su Ye is still staying in Jiaxing. I don't know what situation he encountered."

"But if this goes on, his army of less than 20,000 will be very dangerous. He is sandwiched between three rebel armies."

Yuan Jiasan hosted a luxurious banquet to entertain the royal envoy.

After eating and drinking, the royal envoy went to rest.

Yuan Jiasan and Ma Xinyi had a secret conversation while drinking tea.

"Teacher, where should we go?" Ma Xinyi said.

Yuan Jiasan said: "Do you know that the Russians have stopped their large-scale invasion of Heilongjiang? Although they have not officially withdrawn their troops and still occupy Aihui City, they are unable to move south."

Ma Xinyi said: "How did they do this? The Eight Banners soldiers of the court in Heilongjiang are weak and can't stop the 20,000 Russian troops at all."

Yuan Jiasan said: "A powerful pirate group appeared. The pirates from various countries united and slaughtered all the Russians in Vladivostok. They ventured north and entered Heilongjiang and bombarded the Russian army in Hailanpao."

Ma Xinyi said: "Pirates from multiple countries? Is this the work of Lord Su Ye?"

Yuan Jiasan He said, "Prime Minister Su is always imaginative in his actions."

Then he said, "The British have assembled thousands of troops offshore, ready to land in Jiaxing at any time to help Su Ye fight, but he refused."

Ma Xinyi said, "How did you know?"

Yuan Jiasan said, "The intelligence shared with me by Jiujiang."

Ma Xinyi said, "Now is Prime Minister Su's most dangerous moment. His 17,000 troops are sandwiched between 180,000 rebels. Once the war starts, he may face attacks from three sides and his entire army will be destroyed."

He took out a map and marked Shi Dakai's troops, Chen Yucheng's troops, Huang Wenjin's troops, and Li Shixian's troops on it.

"Besides, Li Shixian and Huang Wenjin have a strong city in hand. There is no hope of winning this battle."

"Unlike the Nian Army in the north, the nearly 200,000 rebel troops in Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou are all elite troops with many firearms."

Yuan Jiasan suddenly said: "Ma Xinyi, do you want to be a warlord in the future and want to command troops to rule a region?"

Ma Xinyi shook his head desperately and said: "Of course I don't want to. What's the use of the army in a peaceful world? I just want to rule the country and bring peace to the world."

Yuan Jiasan said: "Over the years, we have been defeated and fought repeatedly, and have been surviving in the gap between the court and the Hunan Army. No one likes us. Although we didn't fight very well, at least we have survived until now."

"I have decided to lead the army south and join the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou battlefield. As for what you, Ma Xinyi, will decide, you decide for yourself."

Ma Xinyi bowed and said, "Teacher, please give me some direction."

Yuan Jiasan said, "According to the wisdom of the ancients, eggs should not be put in one basket. As an old man with a short life, I will stand on Su Ye's side. As a young man, you will support the Shandong battlefield and stand on the side of the royal cabinet."

"In this way, no matter who wins or loses this decisive battle, we can remain undefeated."

"But..." Yuan Jiasan smiled and said, "Are we worthy? Are you from a thousand-year-old family? Am I a thousand-year-old family?"

"Our Yuan family can barely be considered a landlord in Xiangcheng, but my family's real rise began with me. Although you are from the Ma family, you have nothing to do with the Ma family in the northwest, and your family only started to prosper after you passed the imperial examination."

"So people like us should not consider putting all our eggs in one basket, just follow your own mind."

"I've decided, you can do whatever you want!"

Ma Xinyi stared at Yuan Jiasan for a long time, and after a long while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Since the teacher has decided, the student has also decided to follow the teacher's footsteps!"

A few days later!

Ma Xinyi led 6,000 Huai troops to leave Luzhou, boarded a ship in Taipingfu and entered the Yangtze River, and went eastward, and met with Yuan Jiasan's 8,000 troops near Yangzhou.

Yuan Jiasan used all the warships and troops of the Caoyun Yamen and went out in full force.

After the two armies met on the Yangtze River, they went south along the canal, passed through Jiangsu, and entered Zhejiang.

And their direction was Huzhou.

They repeatedly asked Su Ye whether they wanted to directly reinforce the Jiaxing battlefield?

But every time Su Ye ordered, he asked you to lead the army and go directly to Huzhou.

Yuan Jiasan and Ma Xinyi were very surprised. Lord Su Ye was obviously the most critical in the Jiaxing battlefield.

There was a danger of the whole army being destroyed at any time. Our more than 10,000 troops to reinforce you would also make your strength much stronger.

You only have 17,000 people, several thousand of whom are new recruits.

The Jiaxing battlefield will be extremely difficult. Are you so confident?


At the same time!

Su Ye's 17,000 troops, who had stayed in Jiaxing for a long time, officially began to attack Jiaxing City.

Almost within a few hours after the war started!

Huang Wenjin, the commander of the Huzhou Taiping Army, immediately led 7,000 troops to kill Jiaxing.

Shi Dakai's troops in the south directly sent 20,000 troops to the north.

The three armies wanted to completely annihilate Su Ye under the city of Jiaxing.

That is, three hours after the outbreak of the Jiaxing siege.

Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng officially attacked Hangzhou.

Suddenly, the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain War officially broke out!

This is the largest war that Su Ye has faced since he traveled through time.

This is also the most tragic battle after the defense of the Old Summer Palace.

Endless artillery fire.

Bullets like a rainstorm.

Pouring madly across the battlefield.

Su Ye's 17,000 men stayed under the city of Jiaxing for too long and did not attack.

So many people have forgotten how powerful and fierce his army is.

It's fine if you don't fight.

Once you fight, it's a crazy attack like a storm.

"Guards, attack!"

With an order, more than a thousand people equipped with continuous rifles began to rush to the front.

Originally there were only 300, and after more than half a year, the number increased to more than a thousand.

The continuous rifles of more than a thousand people were like a rainstorm.

Immediately, the Taiping Army on the top of the city was completely suppressed and could not raise their heads.

A thorough fire suppression was carried out.

This is a continuous rifle, which appeared on the battlefield in China for the first time on a large scale. It was an instant explosion of a secret weapon.

This fierce firepower directly shocked the Taiping defenders.

The defenders in the entire city gate area were completely stunned.

Then, the death squad charged frantically, holding explosive packs and charging desperately.

And this time, in addition to the traditional gunpowder packs, there was also the powerful TNT.

Seizing this extremely rare opportunity, desperately increasing gunpowder.

The Taiping Army had never seen this kind of continuous rifle, and had no mental preparation.

Soon, an astonishing amount of gunpowder was piled up under the entire city gate.

Then... it exploded suddenly.

"Boom boom boom..."

A shocking loud noise!

The extremely solid city gate of Jiaxing City was directly blown away.

This was the most tragic battle.

But... this was also the fastest battle for Su Ye to break the city.

He broke all his previous records.


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