Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 244: New Massacre: Queen Mother Pregnant, Life and Death Determined

Chapter 244 New Massacre! The Queen Mother is Pregnant! Fighting Life and Death

After hearing Su Ye's words, Empress Dowager Ci'an's face changed, and she even forgot that Su Ye was holding her hand.

After a long while, she trembled and said: "Su Ye, you mean that if I don't listen to you, the Qing Dynasty will perish, right?"

Su Ye said slowly: "Empress Dowager, I won't hide it from you. This time, I led three divisions of the newly established Imperial Army to the south to quell the rebellion. The first brunt is definitely to recover the lost territory, but there is another purpose, which is to eliminate the antagonism between the troops and to unite the troops."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "I'm afraid you want this army to return to your heart completely."

After that, she pulled her hand back with great force.

Su Ye said, "You can say that."

Then, Su Ye said, "Empress Dowager, you should know how important the newly established army of these three divisions is. This is the new foundation of the Qing Dynasty and the seed of hundreds of thousands of armies in the future."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said, "Of course I know."

Su Ye said, "Then do you know how serious the conflict between the Manchus and the Han in this army is? I completely mixed them together, but they are still clearly divided and even hostile to each other."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said, "That's because they want to maintain their identity as the Eight Banners and are unwilling to be assimilated."

Su Ye said, "Will they continue to be in opposition like this? More than 30,000 people are in opposition this time. Will they continue to be in opposition like this in the future? How many people are there in our bannermen? How many people can bannermen account for when there are 300,000 or 500,000 armies in the future?"

Empress Dowager Ci'an said, "So, they mean to bring the Han people in the army into the Eight Banners."

Su Ye fell into silence, and after a while he said, "Does the Empress Dowager also agree to do this?"

Empress Dowager Ci'an said, "I don't agree, nor do I disagree."

This...actually, it means approval.

It's just that she didn't want to come out and sing a different tune from Su Ye and Empress Dowager Cixi.

After all, she is a member of the Niuhulu clan, a big Manchu clan.

Deep down, she wanted the world to be ruled by the Eight Banners and the world to be ruled by Manchuria.

Su Ye said slowly: "I want to lead these 30,000 land forces to the south to quell the rebellion because I want them to return to their hearts. Then these princes of the Eight Banners want the monk king and Shengbao to lead the army to the south to quell the rebellion, and they also want to completely control this army."

"They are worried that I will send the bannermen in this army to be cannon fodder and completely destroy them. Then I would like to ask, if the bannermen princes lead this army to the south to quell the rebellion, will they use the Han soldiers in it as cannon fodder and push them to die?"

"In this regard, does the Empress Dowager trust me, or does she trust Senggelinqin and Shengbao more?"

"And the most important point is, when leading the army to quell the rebellion, the first priority is whether we can win the battle and whether we can wipe out the rebel army?"

"Do you think the Empress Dowager has a higher chance of winning the rebellion if I lead the army to the south, or does the monk king and Shengbao have a higher chance of winning?"

Empress Dowager Ci'an held her forehead, and her mind was shaken again.

Originally, she was about to make a decision, but she wavered again.

After a long while, Empress Dowager Ci'an said, "You, you step down first, I will consider it."

Su Ye said, "Empress Dowager, the military situation is urgent."


The next day in the court.

Su Shun, Duanhua, Zaiyuan, Zailing and others were full of expectations.

Because Empress Dowager Ci'an told them yesterday that they would definitely give an answer today.

But at the court, Empress Dowager Ci'an still did not make a decision.

"Duanhua, how did you talk with the Russian envoy last night?" Empress Dowager Ci'an asked.

Duanhua said, "Your Majesty, the Russian envoy refused to negotiate. He said that the Qing Dynasty must first show sincerity and dismiss the current prime minister as a prerequisite, otherwise there will be no negotiation."

Everyone looked at Su Ye again.

Empress Dowager Cixi said coldly: "It's ridiculous, absolutely impossible."

Empress Dowager Ci'an thought for a while and said: "Negotiate first, then negotiate conditions."

Duanhua said: "Empress Dowager, time is on the Russian side, not on my Qing Dynasty. The Russian army has occupied Aihui City, and will then flood south like a tide, and the entire Heilongjiang River will be in danger. The longer we delay here, the more the north will fall. The military situation is urgent, and there is no time to delay."

Empress Dowager Ci'an looked at Su Ye.

But Su Ye turned a deaf ear to it.

He would never resign as Prime Minister.

Next, Su Shun brought up the old matter again and said again: "Empress Dowager, the war situation in the south is precarious. Please make up your mind as soon as possible and send important officials to lead the army to the south to quell the rebellion."

"I recommend the monk king He Shengbao to lead the army to the south to quell the rebellion."

Tian Yugong stepped out again and said: "I recommend Lord Su Ye to lead the army to the south to quell the rebellion."

In the end, Empress Dowager Ci'an still did not make up her mind.

"Order all the armies of Zhili, including the army of Tianjin, to be ready to march south to fight at any time."

"Order the Mongolian cavalry to assemble in the direction of the capital."

"As for the commander-in-chief, I will consider it later."


In the capital, the empress dowager was hesitant.

And the three army divisions in Tianjin were still undergoing arduous training.

In fact, they trained harder than usual.

However, they were also more antagonistic.

More than 30,000 troops, most of them were Han people, and a small part were bannermen.

The wills of both sides had fallen into absolute opposition.

There was even no room for fence-sitting.

All the Han soldiers firmly believed that Su Ye should lead the army south to quell the rebellion.

All the bannermen firmly believed that Monk Wang and Shengbao should lead their troops south to quell the rebellion.

To be honest, after several months of military training, many bannermen admired Su Yi in their hearts.

Because Su Yi's daily classes helped them broaden their horizons and gave them new cognitions.

However, individuals cannot violate the will of the group.

Especially when the will of this group has risen to the political correctness of the Qing Dynasty.

Almost every bannerman feels that he is the firebrand of the Eight Banners.

No one can betray his own class.

Supporting Monk King and Shengbao's troops is to defend the Eight Banners and the Qing Dynasty.

None of them had a choice.

In fact, Su Yi understood this sentiment, because even when the Manchu Qing Dynasty was about to perish, there were still some Eight Banners elites fighting for it, trying hard to promote a constitutional monarchy that was in the interests of the Manchu people, and they suffered assassinations again and again. Be persistent.

The Eight Banners is the belief of this group of people.

What Su Yi wants to do is to completely shatter their belief.

And the voices of the more than 30,000 army seeds in Tianjin continue to reach the capital.

The queen mother of the two palaces had a headache.

There is already such opposition within the same army.

So what should we do in the future?


"Ideology is retreating, Prime Minister Su." Zuo Zongtang said.

He is very receptive to new terms.

Tian Yugong said: "Yes, we are retreating. In the past, among the more than 30,000 new-style armies, there were still a small number of bannermen who supported the commander-in-chief. But now they have completely unified their stance, and they have completely fallen into the confrontation between Manchu and Han."

Su Yi said: "This is inevitable. The will of the group will coerce the will of the individual."

Tian Yugong said: "In this case, what should we do?"

Su Yi said: "The small-scale Manchu-Han antagonism now is better than the large-scale Manchu-Han antagonism in the future. If it is resolved now, there will be no big split in the future."

Tian Yugong said: "So, what do you mean?"

Su Yi said: "Since complete confrontation is completely inevitable, let's speed up everything and make this confrontation more intense."

Zuo Zongtang couldn't help but get excited, it was so fun to work with Su Yi.

Invincible courage.

When many leaders encounter difficulties, they instinctively want to hide, want to compromise, want to be vague, and desperately want to suppress the conflict.

But Su Yi wanted to solve it completely.

Su Yi said: "Shiqing."

Wang Shiqing stepped forward and bowed: "My subordinate is here."

Su Yi said: "You are the Han army with a yellow flag, right?"

Wang Shiqing said: "Yes, my subordinates have raised the flag three times, and now it is considered a yellow flag."

Su Yi said: "Now that the world is in chaos, the Eight Banners princes and ministers in the imperial court all blame me, thinking that it was my dismantling of the Eight Banners that caused the country to be in turmoil. So they want to take the opportunity to seize power and liquidate us."

"Having Seng Gelinqin and Shengbao lead their troops south to suppress the rebellion is only the first step."

"They led the army southward, and the Hunan army fully cooperated to fight several great victories and regain the lost territory in southern Sunan. Then they led the army in triumph, entered the DPRK, seized power, and liquidated us."

Zuo Zongtang said: "They want to liquidate not only Master Su Yi, but also the Queen Mother in the west."

Su Yi said: "After all this is completed, they will carry the Han soldiers of the Empire's New Army into the Eight Banners. The Empire's New Army will become the new Eight Banners Army, and they will complete a complete restoration."

There is no doubt that almost all the Eight Banners princes and ministers think so.

Of course no one wants this world to be in chaos, but for them, it is also a rare opportunity to counterattack and liquidate.

Su Yi said: "If that's the case, then let's completely put an end to their thoughts."

"Shiqing, when I go to court tomorrow, I will voluntarily withdraw from all banners in front of the civil and military officials of the court."

Wang Shiqing said: "Yes!"

Zuo Zongtang couldn't help but tremble slightly and said: "Xiang Su, do you mean that all bannermen of the Imperial Army will withdraw from the banner in the future?"

Su Yi said: "Yes."

"Now that they are completely opposed and their positions are clear, it is better to take advantage of this crisis to pave the way for the next wave of reforms."

Chongen, Tian Yugong, and Zuo Zongtang all felt numb.

Su Yi's toughness is really unimaginable.

Now that the world is in chaos, it is when the center is at its weakest, and it is also when Su Yi is at her weakest.

Not only did he not retreat, he also wanted to continue his political offensive.


Court the next day!

The Eight Banners princes faction launched another attack.

Of course, still no names were mentioned.

Military reports from Heilongjiang came again, saying that the Russian army continued to move south after resting for two days in Aihui.

Other areas of Heilongjiang are in danger.

The Heilongjiang general wept for help.

Duan Hua once again said that the Russian minister refused to negotiate.

Unless the prime minister is dismissed, he will never come to the negotiating table.

The military situation is on fire and Liaodong is in danger. Please make a decision immediately.

Empress Dowager Ci'an looked at Su Yi, and Manchao Wenwu looked at Su Yi.

However, Su Yi still had no intention of resigning as Prime Minister.

Instead, Wang Shiqing came out.

At this time, Wang Shiqing was already a Viscount of the Qing Dynasty, and also had the rank of general military officer of Tianjin Town.

"I, Wang Shiqing, have my roots!"

The empress dowagers of the two palaces were slightly startled.

Wang Shiqing, what do you have at this time?

Wang Shiqing said: "I have made a small contribution. The late Emperor raised his flag several times. He first entered the Han Army of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then carried it to the Han Army's white flag, and finally carried it to the Han Army's yellow flag. I accidentally became frightened and wanted to withdraw from all flags. Please give me the Queen Mother’s approval.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's heads roared.

This... what does this mean?

Don’t you know that there are many positions in the imperial court that only bannermen can hold?

How high is the status of the yellow flag? You, Wang Shiqing, want to quit completely?

The most important thing is, Su Yi, what signal is this?

Isn't it enough that you abolished the Eight Banners Army? Do those who join the Imperial Army in the future have to withdraw from all flag status?

Are you blowing the wind?

If you are at your strongest, it doesn't matter if the wind blows.

Now is your most vulnerable time, the world is in chaos, and your central position is not stable.

There was silence.

Wang Shiqing once again shouted: "Please withdraw from all banners and ask for the Queen Mother's permission."

Finally, Duan Hua, a member of the clan, shouted loudly: "Let him retreat, let him retreat!"

"Since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, how many Han people have carried the yellow flag? I don't know how many people want such an honor to honor their ancestors. How can they rush to give it away?"

"Make him retreat!"

All the princes and ministers present were filled with indignation.

The yellow flag is so noble, should it be discarded like worn-out shoes?

Empress Dowager Cixi said slowly: "Wang Shiqing, you have to think about it."

Wang Shiqing said: "I have thought about it carefully."

Empress Dowager Cixi said: "In that case, let's take a look. Duanhua, as well as the flag owner with the yellow flag, please cross out Wang Shiqing's name from the flag book."


Duanhua, Sushun, Zaiyuan and others met with Guiliang.

"The current posture is very clear. The Russians will not withdraw their troops or negotiate unless the Queen Mother removes Su Yi as Prime Minister." Duan Hua said: "But the Queen Mother is unwilling to tear her face and remove Su Yi, and Su Yi is very thick-skinned. He was unwilling to take the initiative to resign, so the situation was stuck there.”

"Now that the Russians continue to move south, if there is no negotiation, the entire Heilongjiang will be lost."

"Therefore, Su Yi must resign as Prime Minister."

Then, Duanhua looked at Guiliang.

"Guizhongtang, you are the pillar of our Eight Banners and a veteran of three dynasties. Now is the most critical moment to overthrow Su Yi, and you always have to support him."

Guiliang said tremblingly: "That's right, do you want me to resign?"

Duan Hua said: "Yes, there are three prime ministers in total, Su Yi, you, and Wen Xiang."

"As long as you and Wen Xiang take the initiative to resign, then only Su Yi will be left in the entire Prime Minister's Office. He will be unable to support himself without a fig leaf. He can't bear it without resigning."

Gui Liang said: "Once you resign, you can force Su Yi, but it will also mean the failure of the Prime Minister's Yamen."

Duan Hua said: "Isn't it failure enough? There is still a confrontation at the Yangtze River Estuary, and the Russians are already planning to occupy the entire Heilongjiang. Isn't this the negligence of the Prime Minister's Yamen?"

Guiliang closed his eyes in pain and said: "We were all fine and harmonious before, why did it suddenly become like this? Have we become tit-for-tat again?"

Duan Hua said: "We also want to be in harmony. If he wants to enter the center, not only will we not stop him, but we will also fully cooperate. But what has he done? He wants to destroy the roots of the Eight Banners. Should we people just sit back and watch? He Cut off our roots.”

"We thought he was very capable and might be able to lead the Qing Dynasty to ZTE. We also have great expectations for him."

"What's the result? He didn't lead the Qing Dynasty towards ZTE, but instead took the lead first?"

"There is no such rebellious son in the clan. Therefore, the late emperor really has a sharp eye. He is a traitor and a traitor."

To Duan Hua and others, Su Yi's move was indeed no different from self-castration.

Guiliang said: "Prince Zheng, please think carefully. There is no turning back. Once you ask me to resign as Prime Minister, I will force Su Yi to step down. Then the harmony that has been maintained for more than half a year will be completely broken."

Duan Hua said: "When they massacred the Eight Banners soldiers, they already took the initiative to break up with us."

"When they asked Wang Shiqing to withdraw from the flag yesterday, he already took the initiative to break up with him."

Guiliang said: "Well, then I understand, and I will do it."

Duan Hua said: "Master Guiliang, you are indeed the pillar of our Qing Dynasty. Wen Xiang, please give me some advice."


Guiliang found another prime minister, Wen Xiang.

"Bochuan, I will formally resign as Prime Minister in the court tomorrow." Gui Liang said.

Wen Xiang's expression suddenly changed.

Is this... is this going to start again?

Wen Xiang trembled: "Gui Zhongtang, do you know that your resignation as Prime Minister is a signal to officially launch an attack on Su Yi. This is the beginning of the party struggle. Once it starts, it cannot be stopped."

Guiliang said: "Of course I... know it, but I have no choice."

"I am also a banner man. I am a veteran of the Three Dynasties. I can't just watch the Eight Banners be destroyed."

"Bochuan, you are also a member of the Eight Banners."

Wen Xiang said: "What does Guizhongtang mean by asking me to take the initiative to resign?"

Guiliang said: "Yes."

"Next, they will probably call you to talk."

"At that time, we will completely stand in line."

Wen Xiang felt cold all over his body and his scalp was numb.

Take sides.

Since ancient times, taking sides has been the most terrifying thing.

Once you choose the wrong side, you will lose not only your political status, but also your life.

Next, Duanhua, Zaiyuan, Zailing and others really summoned Wenxiang and Huashana.

There was only one core demand.

Let Wenxiang and Huashana resign voluntarily.

Once this happens, Su Ye will be the only commander left in the entire Zongli Yamen, and he will not be ashamed to occupy a high position again.


The next day, the court.

The six hundred miles of the Heilongjiang General's Mansion rushed to the palace again.

The Russian army once again advanced thirty miles to the south and occupied two more fortresses.

The Heilongjiang General's Mansion once again asked for help.

Duanhua once again reported to the two Empress Dowagers, and the Russian envoy still refused to negotiate unless the Prime Minister was dismissed.

Then, Prime Minister Gui Liang reported: "Reporting to the Empress Dowager, during my tenure as Prime Minister, I have not made any achievements. I beg to resign from the post of Prime Minister. Please grant the two Empress Dowagers."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone clearly felt the sound of shattering.

The tacit understanding between the central authorities that had lasted for almost a year was finally shattered.

The princes and ministers of the Eight Banners finally launched the first attack on Su Ye.

Then, Hua Shana, the assistant minister of the Zongli Yamen, said to the two Empress Dowagers: "Empress Dowager, I also formally resign from the position of assistant minister of the Zongli Yamen. Please grant me your approval."

Another attack.

Then, everyone looked at Wen Xiang.

Another Prime Minister.

At this time, Wen Xiang was caught in a real life and death decision.

He closed his eyes in pain.

Yesterday, Gui Liang talked to him, and then Duan Hua and others talked to him again.

Finally, he went to see Su Ye, and the two talked for a long time.

At that time, Wenxiang asked: "Lord Su Ye, you asked Wang Shiqing to withdraw from the banner yesterday. Do all the bannermen of the Imperial Army have to withdraw from the banner completely in the future?"

Su Ye said: "Yes."

Wenxiang asked again: "Then the next step is to thoroughly reform the banner affairs? Not only will there be no Eight Banners Army, but even the bannermen will be completely gone? There will be no Eight Banners at all?"

Su Ye said: "Yes."

Wenxiang's head was almost about to explode at that time.

Su Xiang, Brother Su Ye.

Do you have a grudge against the bannermen?

You are also a bannerman, and you are also a royal family.

But you want to completely destroy the Eight Banners?

After a long while, Wenxiang asked: "Excuse me, why?"

Su Ye said slowly: "If you take the initiative to change, there is still a way out. Once you are forced to change, it will be too late, and there will be no way out."

Then, Su Ye said nothing else.

No official promises were made, and no persuasion was even made.

And now, he must be forced to make a choice.

Put aside all distractions and consider two questions.

Will Su Ye win?

Is Su Ye's approach right?

Wen Xiang has thought about these two questions countless times. But the more he thinks, the more confused he becomes, and he can't even get any answers at all.

In the end, he has been struggling until now, and he can't make a choice.

Although he closed his eyes at this time, he could still feel all eyes on him.

They were all waiting for him to resign as Prime Minister, leaving Su Ye alone.

Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, Duan Hua said: "Wen Xiang, how has the Zongli Yamen done in the past year?"

This is a public reminder and forced.

If you don't do well, then you can take the initiative to resign, anyway, you are still the military minister.

Until the last moment, Wen Xiang didn't make a decision.

But now he has been forced into a corner and must speak.

Wen Xiang stepped out and said almost by himself: "Reporting to the Queen Mother, I think the Zongli Yamen has done something lacking, but overall, it is still pretty good."

As soon as this came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Wen Xiang, what do you mean?

Don't you know that if you don't resign, you are on Su Ye's side?

Are you going to be an enemy of the entire Eight Banners?

Even Wenxiang himself didn't know why he blurted out this, but when he was forced to the end, he said it like this.

Duanhua said coldly: "You did a good job? You still have the face to say you did a good job?"

"The Yangtze River estuary is covered with war clouds, and the Russian army has already entered the Heilongjiang River for hundreds of miles. The place where our ancestors' dragons are born is about to be lost. You still have the face to say you did a good job?"

Then, Duanhua said: "Empress Dowager, I ask you to dismiss Wenxiang from the position of Prime Minister."

Empress Dowager Cixi fell into anxiety again.

She watched the center of the court deteriorate step by step.

The two factions confronted each other step by step.

The struggle escalated step by step.

Empress Dowager Cixi made a prompt decision: "Withdraw from the court!"

Then, the court meeting ended unhappily again.

This was the second time that Yehenara forced the court to be dismissed.


After returning to Changchun Palace

Yehenala said angrily: "Incompetent, incompetent, incompetent!"

"She should bear most of the responsibility for the fierce struggle in the court."

"It is because of her vagueness and indecision that the court fell into division and struggle."

"If he had been more determined and stood on the same road with me, how could those princes of the Eight Banners dare to rebel?"

Su Ye gently held her in his arms.

"She is so incompetent, but she occupies the position of the queen. It is simply a disaster."

Then, Yehenala looked at Su Yi and said: "Su Yi, she is drifting away from us. She is Niu Hulu, and she does not agree with what you are doing from the bottom of her heart. He is the main palace, and the emperor Secret decree, the emperor is also in her hands. If she officially opposes us, we will not be able to defeat her unless she launches a mutiny. "

"But now the world is in chaos, and whoever launches a mutiny will be the public enemy of the world."

"Otherwise, let's go back to the south. Can you take me back to the south?"


On the other side, Sushun, Duanhua, Zaiyuan and Zailing were also persecuting the Empress Dowager Ci'an.

"The Queen Mother, how long will you continue to be vague?"

"Is it so difficult to make a decision?"

"You don't want to offend either side, so are you just dragging it out day by day, waiting for the situation to get worse day by day?"

"The military situation is like a fire and waits for no one."

"How long are you going to delay until the Russian army enters the capital? Until the moment when millions of rebels besiege the capital?"

Sushun and Duanhua almost roared.

This niece, the Queen Mother, kept delaying and delaying.

Still can't make a decision.

The decision to remove Prime Minister Su Yi cannot be made.

I still can't decide who to send to lead the army south to quell the rebellion.

Empress Dowager Ci'an's eyes were red and she almost cried from being scolded.

But she also knew clearly in her heart that she really couldn't delay it any longer. No matter what, she had to make a decision.

"I know, I know." Empress Dowager Ci'an said tremblingly: "Now you go out and let the Ai family be quiet for a while."

Sushun, Duanhua and others were unwilling to leave.

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Are you going to force me to death?"

Duanhua bowed and said: "Empress Dowager, we are a family. We are all your biological uncles. Is this decision so difficult to make? Our ancestors have handed over the country and the country into your hands. Do you just watch it? Corruption?"

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "I understand, and I will issue an order tomorrow!"



The massacre was almost complete, not even 10,000 people, but several thousand people were killed.

Ordinarily, the mission is over now.

However, Viscount Jurgen felt that he still had unfinished business.

We have already achieved this, so is there no difference if we go further?

Can the massacre continue next?

Continue north along the sea of ​​​​Okhorsk, reach the Tatar Strait, and then enter the waters of Heilongjiang to kill Hailanpao?

Compared to Vladivostok, Hailanpao is more important at this time.

Moreover, Hailanpao and Aihun City face each other across the river and are the absolute core bases of the Tsarist Russian army in the Far East.

But there is also a huge risk in doing so.

First of all, Hailanpao is a stronghold of the Russian army, and the defense will be very strong. Once Hailanpao is attacked, it will cause a violent diplomatic incident.

Secondly, the weather is getting colder and colder. Not only will the Sea of ​​Okhorsk enter the freezing period, but the Heilongjiang River Basin will also freeze.

Once it really freezes, his pirate fleet will not be able to evacuate.

Next, he asked the guide to ask about the freezing date of Heilongjiang.

"It usually freezes in November, and there are freezes as early as October."

Viscount Jurgen asked: "Is this your lunar calendar?"

The guide said: "Of course it's the lunar calendar."

This is still very risky. According to this calculation, this sea area, as well as the Heilongjiang River Basin, will enter the ice-free period in about one month or two months in the long term.

Next, Viscount Jurgen began to recruit many pirate leaders to discuss.

Do you want to continue killing a wave?

and inform them of all risks.


The pirates were so excited that they shouted: "Kill, kill, kill!"

"But, you have to pay more!"

This group of people killed like crazy, and they had never had enough killing in Vladivostok.

Viscount Jurgen stood on the deck, sticking out his tongue and feeling the north wind.

It was finally decided that the entire fleet would continue heading north to the Tartar Strait, waiting for an opportunity to enter Heilongjiang and attack Hailanpao, the important Russian town.

Following an order, this crazy pirate led a powerful pirate fleet and continued northward.

Sailing two thousand kilometers to the Tartar Strait and entering Heilongjiang in the cold north wind.

The fleet then sailed upstream.

A few days later, this powerful fleet reached Hailan Pao.

Along the way, we encountered countless Russian ships.

See one and sink one.

At this time, the Russian governor of Eastern Siberia was even in Hailanpao, directly commanding the attack on Heilongjiang.

And then, in utter disbelief.

An extremely powerful pirate fleet appeared on the wide surface of Heilongjiang.

This... there is actually a fleet appearing here?

Such a huge fleet?

What followed was no declaration of war.

This powerful pirate fleet opened fire crazily at Hailanpao's Russian castle.

A new round of artillery massacre began.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

For a moment, not only Hailanpao's Russian army was stunned.

Even the Russian troops here in Aihui City couldn't believe it.


The next day, the court in the capital!

Empress Dowager Ci'an finally has to make the final decision.

Last night, she summoned Su Yi again and asked him to voluntarily resign as Prime Minister, while the Minister of Political Affairs and the Minister of War would remain.

And Su Yi refused again.

However, just when the Great Court Meeting had just begun.

Three six-hundred-mile rushes in a row.

"Six hundred miles of urgent reports, Jiangsu Governor Li Hongzhang reported that he had repelled the enemy's attacks on Songjiang Prefecture five times, and requested the court to send troops to support immediately."

The second six hundred miles of urgent reports.

"Shi Dakai led the enemy army to capture Jiaxing."

The third six hundred miles of urgent reports: "Chen Yucheng led the enemy army to capture Huzhou."

Zhejiang Governor Wang Youling reported that after the enemy army captured two cities, they reunited again and continued to move south to attack Hangzhou.

Hangzhou City was in danger.

After three six hundred miles of urgent reports, the court was dead silent.

Everyone stared at Su Ye.

Because Zhejiang was his territory.

The main force of the enemy army finally abandoned Shanghai and Songjiang and turned around to attack Zhejiang.

Lin Qirong's troops attacked Songjiang and Shanghai firmly, but because of insufficient troops, they were no match for Li Hongzhang's Hunan Army and the foreign rifle team, and were repelled several times.

After Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng attacked Songjiang and Shanghai, they finally decided to attack Su Ye's territory.

Jiaxing fell, Huzhou fell.

Hangzhou was in danger.

Once Hangzhou fell, it meant that the most essential areas and the most core economic centers of Zhejiang were all lost.

Facing this situation, the most proud ones should be Shi Dakai, Chen Yucheng, and Zeng Guofan.

The front of the rebel army finally left the territory of the Hunan Army and entered Zhejiang.

Empress Dowager Cixi was about to speak, but Su Ye suddenly raised his hand.

"Don't say anything, don't say anything." Su Ye said slowly.

"Don't say that Wenxiang and I resigned as prime ministers in order to negotiate with the Russians and to make them withdraw their troops."

"The Russians will withdraw their troops soon, very soon."

"Of course, the Russians are not important for the time being."

"The most core crisis is at the center of the court."

"In order to compete for military power, there has been constant struggle, and the two Empress Dowagers were unable to make a decision. In the end, it was delayed and delayed, and the situation became more and more deteriorating, resulting in the fall of Jiaxing and Huzhou, and Hangzhou was also in danger."

"Yantai probably fell, and Jinan also fell."

Su Ye said: "The military There is no need to fight for power. The more than 30,000 newly established army in Tianjin will be directly divided into two parts. "

"You don't have to worry about me fighting for the banner army."

"Of the 32,000 troops, I will take the 17,000 Han troops. The 15,000 banner troops will be handed over to Senggelinqin and Shengbao."

"I will lead 25,000 people to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to wipe out the 200,000 rebel army."

"Senggelinqin, Shengbao, you will lead the army to Shandong to deal with the Nian Army and recover Jinan and Yantai."

"That's it, there is no room for negotiation."

After Su Ye finished speaking, the whole audience was still silent.

Then, Su Ye said to Su Shun, Duan Hua and others: "Prince Zheng, Su Zhongtang, is this okay?"

His words were light.

However, everyone had heard the murderous intent.

This war not only needs to recover the land, but also eliminate the rebel army.

The most important thing is to decide life and death in the court.

Su Ye's strategy is to promote a large-scale reform, launch a war, and let the enemies emerge like leeks.

Victory in the war, kill political enemies.

Kill them one after another.

Finally, justice comes from heaven.

Duanhua said: "If Senggelinqin and Shengbao win, it proves that our bannermen are still brave and invincible, and the new army in the future will still be named after the Eight Banners."

Su Ye waved his hand and said: "Don't say anything, don't say anything."

Yes, there is no need to say anything.

This battle will determine the superiority and the life and death.

If Su Ye loses, he will fall directly, and all reforms will be overturned. The best result is to leave the capital and return to Jiujiang.

At that time, you can restore the monarchy in any way you want.

But if Su Ye wins, Senggelinqin and Shengbao lose.

Then let alone restoration, you will not be able to save your lives.

Suddenly, Sushun stepped out and said, "I second the motion."

Duanhua stepped out and said, "I second the motion."

Tian Yugong said, "I second the motion."

Zuo Zongtang said, "I second the motion."

The two factions had reached a consensus and decided to use this method to determine the winner.

The two Empress Dowagers did not have to make a difficult choice.

Empress Dowager Cixi said to Empress Dowager Ci'an, "Let's do it this way."

Empress Dowager Ci'an remained silent.

Then, Empress Dowager Cixi said, "Draft an imperial decree to appoint Su Ye as the general of the southern expedition, lead the army, go south to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to suppress the rebellion, and eliminate the rebels."

"Appoint Senggelinqin and Shengbao as the general and deputy general of the eastern expedition, lead the army to Shandong, eliminate the Nian bandits, and recover Yantai and Jinan and other places."

Su Ye stepped forward and said, "I obey the order."

Senggelinqin and Shengbao stepped out and said, "Your servants obey the order."

"Disband." Empress Dowager Cixi said.

The civil and military officials of the whole court left the court in an orderly manner.


Su Ye went to Changchun Palace.

Sushun, Duanhua, Zaiyuan and others went to Zhongcui Palace.

Empress Dowager Cixi's face turned pale and she said, "Yes, is this palace incompetent? Let the situation evolve to this point?"

"Let the Manchus and the Han people completely oppose each other. They are obviously the same army, but they are forcibly torn apart and divided into Han people and bannermen."

Duanhua said, "Empress Dowager, there is nothing wrong with this situation. The current situation is the most favorable for us."

"In addition to the 15,000 newly trained army troops of Seng Gelinqin and Shengbao, there are also Mongolian cavalry, as well as the Green Camp of Zhili Shandong, and the Eight Banners Army, which adds up to a total of 70,000 to 80,000 troops. And the Nian bandits in Shandong It’s said to be 150,000, but at best it’s less than 100,000.”

"We have a very, very good chance of winning this battle."

"As for Su Yi, he led an army of 25,000 people to go south. Adding in his 10,000 people in Jiujiang, plus Wang Youling's 20,000 people in Zhejiang, it is only an army of 60,000 people at best, but they have to face the rebellious forces. Two hundred thousand troops.”

"On our side, we only need to recapture Jinan and Yantai, and at most we need to defend Kaifeng, and we will be considered a winner."

"As for Su Yi, we need to defend Hangzhou, defend Shanghai, and recover Jiaxing, Huzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Suzhou and other places."

"His battle is much more difficult than ours. As long as we win faster, this round will be considered a win."

"At that time, we will restore the Eight Banners and restore the ancestral homeland. Su Yi will no longer be able to show his face at the center of the court, and can only return to Jiujiang in despair."

"In this way, we have achieved a great victory, and all this is due to the Queen Mother."

Empress Dowager Ci'an was in a state of confusion.

Su Yi's words came to mind. As long as there was a slight crack between the two queen mothers, someone would immediately tear the crack apart completely and turn it into complete opposition.

But is this situation what she wants?

Sushun said: "The Queen Mother, the ship is finished, we can only move forward."


Over there at Changchun Palace.

This is probably the first time Yehenala has taken such initiative.

Every time before, she tried to refuse but she refused. She obviously wanted it very much, but she kept refusing verbally.

But this time, it was more than just passion.

He also showed amazing endurance, almost to the point of exhaustion from Su Yi.

"If you lose this time and you return to Jiujiang, I, the Queen Mother, will completely lose my power."

"Even, we have to face liquidation."

"The crime of killing so many bannermen will also fall on me."

Yehenala cried and said: "So promise me, once you feel that the war situation is not good, you will immediately have me sent out of the palace, escape from the capital, and send me to Jiujiang, okay?"

Su Yi said: "Okay, but none of this will happen."

Yehenala said: "I am really unwilling to give up. I don't want to leave the capital or the palace."

Ultimately, she is absolutely unwilling to lose power.

"You have to face so many rebellious armies, and the Hunan Army will also rebel against you." Yehenala said: "Can you win?"

Then she clasped her fingers and said.

"You can only have an army of 50,000 or 60,000 at best, but you can rebel by more than 200,000."

"Seng Gelinqin and Shengbao, in order to win this time and keep the Eight Banners, they will definitely do their best to gather an army of 70,000 to 80,000 people, and their enemies in Shandong can only have less than 100,000 Nian troops at most."

"The Nian army's combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Fa Ni."

"So, not only do you have to defeat more than 200,000 rebels, but you also have to be faster than Senggelinqin and Shengbao, and win more beautifully."

"Can it?"

Su Yi said: "Yes."

"This battle will not only eliminate the enemies in the court, but also completely eliminate the Manchu-Han antagonism in the army, so that all subsequent bannermen troops can return to their mission."

"This is their last chance to struggle, and they have to be allowed to struggle."

"After struggling, I completely lost, so I resigned myself to my fate."

Yehenala said: "But, I just want to live a peaceful life."

You are also a framer.

But I, Su Yi, don’t want to be this paper framer.

She gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said tremblingly: "There is one more thing that I am more afraid of."

Su Yi said: "What?"

Yehenala said: "You villain, you bastard, every time I tell you not to get in it, you get in it every time."

"My period hasn't come yet. It's been more than half a month."

Su Yi was stunned and asked, "Is the normal cycle stable?"

Yehenala said: "The difference is no more than four or five days. This time I haven't had my period for more than half a month."

Then, she raised her cold face and said, "You did it on purpose."

"What do you want me to do now?"

"She must be pregnant, she must be pregnant."

"If I really get pregnant, how will I see anyone in the future? I can't even stay in the palace."

"A widowed queen mother, her belly is getting bigger and bigger. Not only can she not keep her power and position, but she may not be able to keep her life."

"When the time comes, a decree from the Queen Mother of the Eastern Palace will sink me directly."

"At this critical moment, you have to go south to fight. You may not be able to win."

Su Yi kissed her and said: "You can win the battle, you can win the battle, and you can win back before your belly gets bigger."

Yehenarashi cried.

"If you can't win, I won't run away to Jiujiang. I'll just find a well and jump down."

"Anyway, it was you who caused me to be like this."

Then, Yehenara held Su Yi's face and said: "My mother is useless, and my two brothers are useless. Su Ye, you are my only support. You are my lifeblood. For us two , you must win too.”

Su Yi said: "Don't worry, we will definitely win!"

A few days later!

Seng Gelinqin and Shengbao led an army of 80,000 people and marched southward to Shandong.

The Manchu and Mongolian tribes devoted everything they had to this decisive battle.

Su Ye led 25,000 people south to Zhejiang to fight against the main force of the Taiping Army.

This battle not only decided the victory or defeat, but also decided life and death.


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