Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 242: Overpowering Empress Dowager Cixi, causing chaos in the world

Chapter 242 Overwhelm the Empress Dowager Ci'an! The world is in chaos!

(Reviewed again, I will modify it)

In this era of declining bannermen, there are still a few relatively strong people.

Duolong'a is considered one. He has always been in the local area and has served as the commander-in-chief and general of Jingzhou for a long time.

He has always been under the command of the Governor of Huguang or the Governor of Hubei. Because he has fought side by side for a long time, he has a close relationship with the Hunan Army.

In addition, Guo Beier Du Xing'a is also considered one.

His historical trajectory has been greatly changed. In 1853, he followed Seng Gelinqin to destroy the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's Northern Expedition, so he was favored by Seng Gelinqin.

After that, Su Yi was planning to build a new army. In order to help his son Boyan fight for power, Seng Gelinqin recommended many elites to Boyan's command.

Duxing is among them.

Later, Boyan failed to seize power and left the New Army in despair, while Du Xing'a still stayed in Su Yi's New Army.

After several twists and turns, Su Yi left the Tianjin New Army, and the army returned to Ronglu.

At that time, there was a group of elite officers and instructors who stayed in Tianjin as the seeds of a new batch of new troops.

And those who stayed behind were a group of Su Yi's undercover agents.

In a sense, Dehing Ah is one of them.

But he is certainly not the core. He has neither entered the Secret Service nor the Great Council.

In the following years, he has been one of the core officers of the Tianjin New Army under Ronglu.

He fought in many battles.

The first, second Battle of Dagukou, Battle of Tongzhou, Battle of Baliqiao, etc.

The defeats in these wars brought him great pain.

This time the Imperial Army created three new divisions, and he joined as an elite instructor.

The Army's First Division and Second Division both belonged to Su Yi.

The first division was in the north, and the second division was in Jiangxi to defend Jiujiang.

The third division belongs to Ronglu.

The Fourth Division, the Fifth Division, and the Cavalry Division were all newly trained this time.

The fourth division was mostly made up of bannermen and a small number of Han Chinese.

If nothing else happens, the division commander should be Fu Qi, and Du Xing'a will be the deputy division commander.

Zhao Bu, the commander of the fifth division.

The commander of the cavalry division is Wang Shiqing, but most of the soldiers in it are Mongolian cavalry, obeying Seng Gelinqin's orders.

After the decree from the capital arrives.

Su Yi, Ronglu, and Seng Gelinqin immediately left the Tianjin military station and galloped towards the capital.

Many people looked at the backs of the three officials and felt a faint sense that a storm was about to come.


In the middle of the night, someone found Du Xing'a.

"The world will undergo tremendous changes in the future. The superiors have great expectations for General Du. I hope you can fulfill your mission at the critical moment."

"When things are done in the future, you will directly join the Ministry of War and serve as the Admiral of the Nine Gates."

Du Xingadao: "Why are you looking for me instead of Fu Qi? He is the commander of the fourth division."

"Fu Qi has a relationship with Su Yi. This person may not be reliable."

Duxing Adao: "Why are you looking for me?"

"You are most loyal to the late Emperor, and you are most loyal to the Qing Dynasty and the Eight Banners." The messenger said: "After the defeat of Baliqiao, the capital was in crisis. When the British and French allied forces broke through the capital, everyone was running away, but you led the army to attack the capital. To stop the British and French forces."

Du Xingadao: "What's the use? Isn't it vulnerable?"

The messenger said: "But this army is different, right?"

Du Xingadao: "Who knows?"

Facing the British and French coalition forces in these battles, the Tianjin New Army fought well at the beginning, but always collapsed suddenly at the last moment.

The defeat made Du Xing'a doubt his life.

This time around the new policy regarding the dismantling of the Eight Banners Army, many officials filed memorials to oppose it.

Duxing'a, with the title of deputy capital, is one of them.

He is also a reformist and does not agree with the elimination of the Eight Banners Army in one fell swoop because he is an Eight Banner himself.

His father and grandfather were both senior officials of the Eight Banners.

"General Du, please remember a password. At the most critical moment, as long as those who shout this password are our own, there may be special operations." The messenger said.

Du Xingadao: "What's the password?"

The messenger said: "Sirius kills Beidou!"


A few hours later, another person came in through Du Xing'a's window.

It turned out to be a mega cloth.

"Du Xing, why don't you return to the team?" Zhaobu whispered.

Du Xing Adao: "Return to the team, which team?"

Zhao preached: "At that time, the commander-in-chief went to Jiangxi to serve as governor, leaving many seeds behind in the new army in Tianjin. You were one of them. Did you swear to be loyal to the commander-in-chief at that time?"

Du Xingadao said: "Of course I am loyal to the Qing Dynasty and to the commander-in-chief."

"You know, that's not what we want to hear," Zhao preached.

Then, Zhao preached: "Is there anything else you want to say to me?"

"No." Du Xingad said.

Then, Du Xingadao said: "Lord Zhaobu, your sister is the current concubine, and she also has a descendant of the late emperor. You have a share in the Qing Dynasty, and you have a share in the Eight Banners. Don't you think so? Are you willing to just watch the Eight Banners disappear completely?”

Zhao preached: "General Du, who do you think was the biggest fault when the Qing Dynasty fell into the situation it is in today?"

Du Xingadao: "Do you want to say that it's all my fault?"

Zhao Bu said: "This is the responsibility of the entire country, not just one family. But in the final analysis, we, the Eight Banners, have a greater responsibility. I would like to ask you, who led the army to defend the palace and the Old Summer Palace when the late emperor went north?"

Du Xing'a said: "Yes, it was Marshal Su Ye who fought to the death to defend the capital, the Old Summer Palace, and forced the foreigners to withdraw. But what he wants to destroy now is the Eight Banners, and what he wants to destroy is the foundation of my Qing Dynasty."

Zhao Bu said: "Do you think the new army is strong? Do you think the Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone is good? When the late emperor was on a southern tour, you were on the side to protect him, and you saw it with your own eyes."

Du Xing'a said: "The new army is strong, Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone is good. But should this destroy the country and society of our ancestors? "

Zhao Bu said: "No, this is not to bury the country and society of our ancestors, but to revive the country and society of our ancestors."

Du Xing'a said: "If this continues, will the country and society still belong to my bannermen? Or is it still my Manchuria?"

Zhao Bu said: "This is not the revival of one family, but the revival of the whole country. If the Manchus and the Han continue to oppose each other like this, how can we liberate the productivity of billions of people? How to use billions of people's power to revive this country, why should this great cause of revival be confined to one family?"

What he said is the purpose of the strong country.

Du Xing'a sneered: "You have been completely brainwashed, and you don't even want the country and society of your ancestors."

Zhao Bu said: "No, Lord Du, you are bound by corrupt ideas. You can't even liberate your thoughts, and you don't even dare to do it, how can you talk about revival, it's ridiculous!"

Then, the two of them parted unhappily.

On the other hand, Fu Qi, as a former first-class guard, was also Su Ye's earliest ally.

Later, with the breakup between the emperor and Su Ye, the relationship between the two also cooled down.

In terms of military theory and military strength, he was far inferior to Du Xing'a.

But he was probably still a candidate for division commander.

Below the battalion commander, you can rely on military literacy and ability.

But when it comes to positions above the regiment commander, there are many factors to consider.

Fu Qi is a candidate that Su Ye and the empress dowager can accept.

As soon as Su Ye, Ronglu, and Senggelinqin left, Fu Qi received a large number of visiting cards, and many people wanted to visit.

Because everyone knew that he might be the commander of the Fourth Division.

And this Fourth Division has a total of 12,000 people, and more than half of the soldiers are bannermen.

So this division was also considered by the Eight Banners nobles as the most likely to be won over, and it could become the main armed force of the Eight Banners in the future.

But Fu Qi rejected everyone.

Whether it was an envoy sent by the Eight Banners nobles or a member of the Powerful State.

Li Qi was Su Ye's confidant, and he and Fu Qi had been old acquaintances for a long time.

But this time, Li Qi came to ask for an audience with Fu Qi, but was also rejected.

As soon as the three officials left, the entire military station began to surge undercurrents.



Su Ye, Ronglu, and Senggelinqin ran all the way and just caught up with the court meeting the next day.

The two Empress Dowagers were behind the curtain.

The little emperor sat on the throne a little dully.

Empress Dowager Cixi said: "The three officials of the Ministry of Army are here, tell them what happened?"

Minister of War Aixinjueluo. Zailing said: "The rebels sent 150,000 troops south, broke through Danyang, Changzhou, Wuxi, and are currently leading the army to attack Suzhou."

Su Ye's face twitched slightly, and said: "Who is the commander?"

Zailing said: "Shi Dakai, the commander of the left army, and Chen Yucheng, the commander of the right army."

The Empress Dowager said: "Suzhou is the most important source of tax revenue for my Qing Dynasty, what should we do?"

Then, everyone looked at Su Ye.

You are not only the center, but also the Minister of Army.

Su Ye said: "Where is the report from Zeng Guofan, the governor-general of Liangjiang? Where is the report from Li Hongzhang, the governor of Jiangsu?"

The elite forces of Jiangsu are the remnants of the Jiangnan camp. They were loyal to Xu Youren before, which means they were indirectly loyal to Su Ye.

In order to help Su Ye seize the central power, Zhang Guoliang and Feng Zicai took all the soldiers from Jiangsu to the north, a total of 16,000 people, and now they have become the first division of the Beijing garrison.

Although no one spoke, the hidden meaning was very clear.

Sir Su Ye, you have withdrawn all the elite troops in Jiangsu, which led to the fall of Changzhou, Wuxi, Danyang and other cities.

However, when Xu Youren led the elite troops of Jiangsu to the north, it was equivalent to handing over the military power of the entire Jiangsu to Li Hongzhang.

How many troops did the Hunan Army have? More than 100,000, right?

Why couldn't they defend Jiangsu?

"The military situation is urgent. Please ask the Political Affairs Hall and the Ministry of the Army to make a decision as soon as possible." said Zailing, the Minister of War.

And at this time.

Suddenly, a loud shout came from outside.

"Six hundred miles of urgent service, six hundred miles of urgent service..."

The two Empress Dowagers' faces changed slightly, but the little emperor raised his head with great interest.

Then the messenger rushed in.

"Li Hongzhang, the governor of Jiangsu, reported that Suzhou had fallen!"

The two Empress Dowagers' faces changed drastically.

Then the messenger handed over a memorial.

After reading it, the two Empress Dowagers asked someone to pass it to Su Ye.

Su Ye opened it and only read the most critical content.

Li Hongzhang said that the rebel army had obtained the latest weapons and equipment from the foreigners, and its combat effectiveness had greatly increased. The army he led was outnumbered and lost Suzhou. Please punish the two Empress Dowagers.

In addition, he had already led his army to retreat to Songjiang at this time.

Please ask the court to send reinforcements to the south immediately, as the rebel army may attack Shanghai at any time.

The Inspector General of Taxation was in Shanghai at this time.

Moreover, many financial sources of the Qing court were also in Shanghai. If Shanghai fell, it would be unimaginable.

In history, after Li Xiucheng captured Suzhou, he attacked Shanghai several times, and it was almost at this time.

However, the current situation is more complicated than in history.

Because the British have the most interests in China, they angered the United States and Russia.

Therefore, the foreigners in Shanghai at this time are not of one mind.

You know, the US and Russian fleets are still confronting Su Ye's Yangtze River Fleet at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

However, the combined strength of the fleets of the two countries is not strong enough, and they dare not open fire on Su Ye's Yangtze River Fleet.

However, it has tied down Su Ye's main naval force.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Russian envoy should be here soon, right?

Just a quarter of an hour later.

There was a loud shout from outside, and the Russian envoy Ignatiev asked for an audience.

The two Empress Dowagers frowned and were completely unwilling to see this envoy.

Under the influence of Su Ye, the foreigner that the two Empress Dowagers hate the most now is this Russian envoy.

Now the British and French envoys have already started working in the capital, and they come to the palace to visit every once in a while.

Even the wives of the two envoys have come to the palace many times.

Especially the British envoy, his attitude is much better than that of the previous emperor.

The American and Russian envoys are still unwilling to submit their credentials in Beijing, but have been threatening war.

A moment later, the Russian envoy entered the hall.

"This is the handwritten letter of our emperor, please read it, Empress Dowager."

Then, the Russian envoy handed over the handwritten letter.

Of course, it has been translated into Chinese on the side.

This is a very long letter, the tone is very gentle, and even long paragraphs are expounded on the friendship between the two countries.

It can even be called lengthy.

Until the end, the Russian emperor said that it was very regrettable that your country's prime minister was unwilling to recognize the Qing-Russia Beijing Treaty and the Aihui Treaty.

At the mouth of the Yangtze River, the Qing warships even fired at Russian warships.

On the northern border, the armies of the two countries have repeatedly clashed.

Russia was extremely reluctant to go to war with the Qing Dynasty. In order to protect its own interests and the people in East and West Siberia, it had to use military means to save Russia's interests.

To avoid war, the Qing court had to agree to two conditions.

First, fully recognize the contents of the Treaty of Aihui and the Qing-Russia Beijing Treaty, give up the Yangtze River navigation rights, and the two countries need to re-survey the border again.

Second, remove the culprit who put the two countries into a war crisis, such as Su Ye.

After reading it, the two Empress Dowagers handed the Russian emperor's handwritten letter to Su Ye.

Su Ye read it once.

The Russian envoy said: "In order to protect the safety of the people on the border, we have assembled nearly 20,000 troops on the border. Our great emperor has also issued an order to prepare to assemble 100,000 troops to go to East and West Siberia to protect our interests."

100,000 troops? !

Hearing this number, the two Empress Dowagers changed their faces, and the faces of the civil and military officials in the court also changed drastically.

The British and French coalition forces did not exceed 30,000 at most, and no more than 18,000 people were deployed on the battlefield at the same time.

And Russia is actually going to deploy 100,000 troops?

Then, wouldn't Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Shengjing all fall?

Suddenly, everyone looked at Su Ye.

In the eyes of many people, this matter was caused by Su Ye.

The Russian envoy said: "This is a handwritten letter from our emperor, so it can be regarded as an ultimatum."

"If your country does not compromise, then there is only a full-scale war waiting for your country."

Then, the Russian envoy left directly, leaving the panic-stricken civil and military officials in the court.

The fear of foreigners has been deeply engraved in the bones.

"Empress Dowager, this... what should we do? The south has launched a counterattack and broke through Suzhou, and is about to attack Shanghai and Zhejiang."

"The Russians in the north are about to come."

"Two years ago, the British and French coalition forces came from Tianjin and could still hunt in Chengde in the north. Now if the Russians come from the north, where can they go?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two Empress Dowagers turned cold.

Bullying us women again, don't you have enough authority?

When the late emperor was here, would you dare to say such a thing?

However, in history, when the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded the capital, they did not flee to Chengde, but to Xi'an.

"Heilongjiang, Jilin and Shengjing, that is the place where the dragon rises, and we must not lose it."

"Empress Dowager, should we send people from the Prime Minister's Office to negotiate with the Russians?"

"I second the motion!"

"I second the motion!"

"I second the motion!"

Negotiation? The Russians will definitely not negotiate with Su Ye, but will choose to negotiate with Gui Liang and Wen Xiang.

And once the negotiations begin, it will definitely be to recognize the Treaty of Aihui.

At that time, Su Ye's foreign policy will be directly overturned.

Seeing that more and more people seconded the motion, the two Empress Dowagers immediately looked at Su Ye.

"Let's discuss it again!" Yehenara said firmly.

The eunuch Zenglu said: "Dismiss the court!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the civil and military officials in the court changed slightly.

Queen Mother, why do you defend Su Ye and force the court to end?

What should we do about the war in the south? There is no discussion yet.

There is no discussion about the Russian dilemma in the north?

Just force the court to end?

What should we do if the country is destroyed?

Suddenly, many nobles of the Eight Banners looked at Empress Dowager Ci'an. You are the empress dowager. Now the country is in danger, don't you say a word?

At this time, Empress Dowager Ci'an also looked at Empress Dowager Cixi very unexpectedly, but at this critical moment, she would not sing a different tune.

Then, the two empress dowagers took the little emperor away.

All the civil and military officials looked at Su Ye.

Sushun, Duanhua, Zaiyuan and others seemed to be hesitant to speak, but in the end they said nothing and left directly.

Yi wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

Finally, Prince Hui Mianyu came to Su Ye and said, "Su Ye, there are deep grievances between us, but in the final analysis, the grievances are greater than the grievances, right?"

Su Ye said, "Of course."

Mianyu said, "Then I will say something by relying on my seniority. The survival of the country is more important than personal honor and disgrace."

"Now the south is in danger, the north must be suppressed first, and the forces must be concentrated to deal with the rebellion. What do you think?"

The meaning is very clear, to negotiate with the Russians.

Besides, these treaties were signed before, not new treaties that would humiliate the country.

Then, Prince Hui Mianyu left.

After a while, An Dehai stepped forward and said, "Prime Minister Su, the Empress Dowager summoned you."


"Zeng Guofan should be killed, he should be killed..." Yehenara gritted her teeth as soon as she entered Sanxi Hall.

"How many troops does he have? Almost 200,000, why did he still allow the rebellion to break through Suzhou?"

"His intentions are sinister, his intentions are sinister!"

In history, Zeng Guofan also had so many troops and broke through Anqing.

But he failed to stop the Taiping Army from conquering Suzhou.

Chen Yucheng, Li Xiucheng and others were indeed fierce.

But in this world, Zeng Guofan simply didn't even break through Anqing.

Seeing that Su Ye and the Eight Banners nobles were irreconcilable, the Xiang Army, the largest armed force, had already taken a posture of sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

Su Ye stepped forward and gently embraced her in his arms.

"Empress Dowager, you have lost weight." Su Ye said softly.

Yehenara said angrily: "You are always worried, how can you not lose weight? Who can you blame? It's you."

Su Ye kissed her mouth and put his hand down.

"Don't you see, it's already this time, and you are still thinking about this?" Yehenara said angrily.

"Empress Dowager, don't you want to think about it?" Su Ye asked.

"Don't want to..." Yehenara said stubbornly.

But she didn't want to think about it, it was a lie. She didn't think about it when she didn't have it.

But after she had it, especially after Su Ye's violent storm, sometimes she really wanted to think about it like a fire.

Even in the middle of the night, her heart seemed to be on fire.

Especially during the few months when Su Ye was in Tianjin Military Station, she had issued an order twice to let him come to Beijing, because she thought about it too much.

This time, it has been more than a month since she touched it.

"What should we do? What do you think we should do?" Yehenara said in a trembling voice: "Otherwise, we should retreat a little bit?"

Su Ye said: "How to retreat?"

Yehenara said: "Retreat from the Russians. To resist foreign aggression, we must first stabilize the internal situation."

"Take out your hands. Have you washed them..."

Su Ye said: "I have washed them. They are very clean."

Yehenara leaned back, closed her eyes, and gritted her teeth desperately.

"Su Ye, it hurts so much. It hurts me..."

Su Ye said: "This is another kind of happiness. It hurts a little bit."

This... is it really pounding the well with your hands?

The speed of this hand is so fast that it has disappeared. Is Kato possessed?

For a long time, Yehenara couldn't help but roll her eyes. For a long time, she seemed to be unable to breathe.

The whole person kept shaking.

Then, Su Ye put his fingers in front of her and said softly: "Look, Queen Mother, it's all wrinkled."

Yehenara just lay in his arms, her pupils slightly dilated, and she didn't even have the strength to scold.

After a moment, tears fell from her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Su Ye asked softly.

Ye He Nara said: "I just feel uneasy, afraid, and degraded."

"I found that every time it is not you who despises me, but I despise myself."

Su Ye gently wiped her tears, and then asked: "How are you and the Queen Mother in the East these months?"

Ye He Nara said: "It's better, at least on the surface we are in agreement. But I know that she no longer agrees with me in her heart. She thinks I am also selling out the country of my ancestors, and that I am tied to you, a living Cao Cao."

"She doesn't want to be in charge now, but she can't stand it and is full of guilt."

Then, she rolled her eyes at Su Ye and said: "Aren't you very capable? You were in the acceptance De, we arrested her and the emperor. She was the one who cooperated with him first. Why are you entangled with me now? Why can't you handle her? "

Su Ye said: "After all, we love each other. Even if we were angry before, we can always make up after a fight."

"Bah!" Ye He Na La said: "Who loves you?"

Then, she asked: "What about her?"

Su Ye said: "She has no desires, so it's hard to deal with."

Suddenly, Ye He Na La sat up straight, stared at Su Ye and said: "You are good Su Ye, you are blaming me, right? She has no desires, but I am ambitious and have desires, right? She is a saint, and I am a shameless woman, right?"

Su Ye said: "Isn't it good to have desires?"

Yehenala said: "Anyway, it's not a good thing to say."

Su Yi said: "Then let me rephrase it, it has flesh and blood."

"Bah!" Yehenala said: "You still have the nerve to say that it's amazing to break someone and bleed, isn't it?"

Then, Yehenala said softly: "Su Yi, we are now tied together, so just listen to me and let's retreat from the Russians, okay?"

Su Yi said: "You mean to let Guiliang negotiate? Then give up the Yangtze River waterway? Recognize the Aihui Treaty?"

Yehenala said: "Let's talk about the future matters later."

Su Yi said: "What do the Russians say about punishing me?"

Yehenala said: "You should give up the position of Prime Minister first. Anyway, you are now the Minister of Political Affairs and the Minister of War."

Su Yi said: "What about the south?"

Yehenala said: "I suspect that someone in the court has colluded with the Hunan Army. This time I want you to lead the army south to attack the rebellion. It is completely out of good intentions. You must not leave the capital and let Shengbao and Seng Gelin Qin led his army south to defeat Ni."

"Add another Wang Shiqing to lead tens of thousands of troops south to rescue Shanghai."

Su Yi said: "Zhen'er, the Russian minister originally wanted to issue a war ultimatum to us in winter. At that time, they would have more troops in Heilongjiang, and they are very good at fighting in winter. The reason why they issued a war ultimatum to us in advance is now The ultimatum was entirely due to changes in the war situation in the south that led them to adjust their original strategy. "

Yehenala said: "Then, what do you mean?"

Su Yi said: "The rebellion in the south must be suppressed, and the Russians in the north cannot give in at all."

Yehenala said: "How much strength do we have now? It is already very difficult to deal with one side. It is impossible to deal with the dilemma between the north and the south."

Then, Yehenala said: "Besides, this is also the meaning of the one in the east."

Su Yi said: "The Queen Mother of the Eastern Palace also insists on negotiating with the Russians?"

Yehenala said: "Yes, she made it very clear that he thinks the Russians are terrible and that the Qing Dynasty is in danger of subjugation. But he can't tell you directly, so he entrusted me to tell you."

Su Yi asked: "In the past few months, have many people gone to visit the Queen Mother of the East Palace?"

Yehenala said: "Of course there are many."

"She has the softest ears."

Not only the Empress Dowager Ci'an was soft-tempered, but the Yehenala in front of her was also frightened by the Russians.

They all felt that they should negotiate with the Russians.

Su Yi fell into silence.

In the current situation, the attitudes of the two queen mothers are actually the same, and they both want to negotiate with the Russians.

And their bottom line is also very clear, that is, Su Yi resigns as Prime Minister and retains the Minister of Political Affairs and the Minister of War.

The Empress Dowager Ci'an had no desires or desires. She only wanted the peace of the country.

So it's hard to convince at this point.

The last time Su Yi massacred thousands of Eight Banners soldiers, she had already reached her bottom line.

However, this is also a rare opportunity.

Empress Dowager Ci'an's momentum must be suppressed, and she must be made to realize that she was wrong.

She has no desires and needs, and has a noble temperament. It is difficult to deal with her, so Su Yi chose to form a complete alliance with the Yehenala clan.

Su Yi suddenly said: "Good Zhen'er, do you believe me?"

Yehenala said: "At this time, you are still saying this?"

I've been ruined by you so many times, why should I trust you or not?

Su Yi said: "I have always tried hard to unite the two queen mothers and stay consistent. But now it is obviously getting more and more difficult."

"The Queen Mother in the east has become more and more biased towards the nobles of the Eight Banners, and has become more and more alienated from us."

Yehenala said: "You, what do you want to say?"

Su Yi said: "He is the Empress Dowager of the Eastern Palace. Although she doesn't like to interfere in things, she can always keep you under control. She hasn't publicly rebelled yet, so it's still too late. When he publicly rebels, it will be too late."

"So before that, do you want to completely overpower her?"

Yehenara shivered and said, "You, what do you mean?"

Su Yi said: "The positions of the two queen mothers are drifting apart, which is very dangerous. The last time I tried to persuade you to make peace, it had a slight effect, but it couldn't solve the fundamental problem. So, you simply confront each other once."

"Choose a favorable issue and confront it once."

"In the end, it turns out that you are right and she is wrong, and then she will stop."

"You can overwhelm her."

Yehenala asked: "What issue?"

Su Yi said: "It is the Russian issue. The Queen Mother in the East has been deceived by many people and thinks that she should negotiate with the Russians. Then you firmly believe that we should be tough to the end."

Yehenala said: "Then, when the Russians come and Liaodong falls, you are finished and I am finished. By that time, I am afraid that I will not be able to even listen to politics behind the curtain, and there will only be one Queen Mother behind the curtain in the future."

Su Yi said: "Good Zhen'er, do you believe me?"

Yehenala said: "I don't know, please tell me."

Su Yi said: "I can make the Russians withdraw their troops from Heilongjiang. We will be tough to the end and finally force the Russians to withdraw their troops from Heilongjiang. What a great victory is this?"

"The Queen Mother in the east thinks that we should negotiate and compromise with the Russians. You think that we should be tough to the end and maintain the authority of the Qing Dynasty."

"In the end, we won a great victory, which means that you politically defeated the one in the east."

"And her advantage is that she has a noble temperament and doesn't hold grudges."

Yehenala fell into a fierce struggle and was very fascinated by the victory described by Su Yi.

But I am afraid of losing.

She began to think that everything Su Yi had said from the beginning to now seemed to have been done, without exception.

"You promise." Yehenala said.

Su Yi said: "I promise."

Yehenala said: "Okay."

"At worst, if you lose, I will flee to the south with you."


Su Yi's new Zhenguo Palace.

What a coincidence, this is Yicai's mansion, Qingqing Dagege once lived here for a long time.

Zuo Zongtang pointed to the map and said: "The situation is very clear now."

"The Queen Mother of the two palaces, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were afraid of the Russians, so they wanted to compromise and negotiate, so they removed the post of Marshal and Prime Minister."

"In addition, the commander-in-chief's strength is not conducive to the Hunan Army at all. So there must be someone in the DPRK colluding with the Hunan Army."

"This time Fa Ni captured Suzhou, which is destined to bring about two situations. The first is that the commander-in-chief leads his troops south to destroy Fa Ni and save the situation. The second is that Shengbao and Seng Gelinqin go south to destroy Fa Ni and save the situation. ”

"If it is the first type, then the main force of the commander-in-chief leaves the capital, which can allow these Eight Banners ministers to gain the initiative in the capital and lose their suppression. Moreover, in the southern battlefield, they probably also want to use the rebellious hand to destroy the commander-in-chief The main force.”

"If it is the second type, and Seng Gelinqin and Shengbao lead the army south, then the three newly built divisions will be taken away, and even part of the commander's main army will be taken away. Then more than ten or two hundred thousand Hunan troops will be taken away. The army will fully cooperate with Rong Lu and Seng Gelinqin to destroy the rebels and even capture Nanjing, achieving an unparalleled feat. By then, the power and reputation of Ronglu and Seng Gelinqin will completely overwhelm the commander-in-chief."

"In short, if the commander-in-chief goes south to suppress the rebellion, the Hunan Army will not work hard and will not cooperate with the commander-in-chief in the battle."

"On the contrary, if Seng Gelinqin, Shengbao, or even Ronglu go south to suppress the rebellion, then the Hunan army will do its best to cooperate in the fight."

This is indeed the situation.

Su Yi came to the map and said slowly: "It's not just this situation."

"Zeng Guofan underestimated Chen Yucheng, Li Xiucheng, Li Shixian and others." Su Yi pointed to the map and said: "What will explode next will not only be the battle in Shanghai, but also Henan and Shandong."

"The Hunan Army tried its best but could not suppress Fa Ni's hundreds of thousands of troops. Now it still wants to take advantage of Fa Ni and kill people with a borrowed knife?"

"As long as we relax a little, the rebel army will unite with the Nian army again and spread throughout northern Jiangsu, northern Anhui, Shandong, and Henan."

Tian Yugong said: "This is like playing with fire and burning yourself."

Then, he couldn't help but say: "Actually, this move is from learning from the commander-in-chief."


At that time, Su Yi wanted to protect himself and fight against the emperor, so he released the Taiping Army. This trend flooded into southern Jiangsu, resulting in the fall of Jiangnan Daying, Changzhou, Danyang, and Wuxi, and Suzhou was also in danger.

Su Yi borrowed the terrifying weapon of the Taiping Army to unite several southern provinces, and finally formed the Seven Southern Provinces Alliance.

Now, in order to protect themselves and resist Su Yi as the center, the Hunan Army also chose to release the flood of Taiping Army.

For the Hunan Army, there is actually not much time.

Once Su Yi completely integrated the Central Army and completely conquered the Imperial Central Army.

Then the only way waiting for the Hunan Army in the future is to be dismissed.

However, last time, Su Yi played the game extremely well. Not only did he achieve his strategic goal, but he was also able to release the flood of rebellion and successfully take it back.

I don’t know if Zeng Guofan and others have this ability.

Tian Yugong said: "Commander, the most critical core now is the British. As long as they do not agree to go north to attack Vladivostok, the Russians will never retreat. We cannot win this overall situation."

Zuo Zongtang said: "And it won't be long before the waters of Vladivostok will freeze over. By then, the opportunity will be completely missed."

According to Su Yi's judgment, the Russians may not be able to wait until next year. As long as they gather 20,000 people, they may officially send troops to attack the entire Heilongjiang this year.

Su Yi could never let this happen.

Moreover, he was trying his best to suppress the chaos in the world.

But the Hunan Army deliberately let go.

Therefore, if you can't suppress it no matter what, you might as well explode it in the most advantageous way.

Meeting the next day!

The ministers discussed the war situation in the south and the crisis of the Russians in the north.

This time, the will of the civil and military officials was very unified, and they felt that this was the weakest moment of the Qing Dynasty.

The new imperial army in Tianjin has not yet been trained, and the generals of Jilin, Heilongjiang, and Shengjing in the north probably have less than 28,000 banner troops. Adding the Rehe capital and Suiyuan generals, that is, the three There are only about 10,000 Eight Banners soldiers.

The original Eight Banners Army's morale was still high, but because of Su Yi's new policy, the Eight Banners in these places also knew that one day they would be disbanded. Their morale plummeted, and they had no intention of fighting. They could not stop the wolf-like Russian army.

The land of Longxing in Liaodong must not be lost.

Therefore, the only way to rebel against the South is to fight.

With the Russians in the north, there is only negotiation.

Empress Dowager Ci'an listened very attentively and expressed her support in this manner.

After expressing their opinions, many officials looked at the two queen mothers.

In the end, it was up to the Queen Mother to make the decision.

Empress Dowager Cixi said: "Su Yi, you are the Prime Minister, what are your last words?"

Su Yi said: "Reporting to the Queen Mother, the Russians are extremely greedy. Once they give in, they will push further. Once negotiated, it will be a compromise, and then not only will the minister resign as prime minister. The Russians will take the opportunity to put forward more demanding demands, such as Compensation, such as ceding most of Heilongjiang.”

"Therefore, I firmly believe that there must be no compromise with the Russians."

Empress Dowager Cixi took a deep breath and said: "You are a diplomat, so I will listen to you this time. I will never compromise like the Russians and will be tough to the end."

As soon as these words came out, the civil and military officials in the court changed their colors.

Immediately, Mian Yu came out and said: "The Queen Mother, the Queen Mother."

Many court ministers came out of the queue and said to the Empress Dowager Ci'an: "The Empress Dowager."

Empress Dowager Ci'an looked at Yehenala, her face showing displeasure.

I, haven’t I already expressed my attitude to you? I think we should negotiate with the Russians this time.

The big deal is just to remove Su Yi as Prime Minister, without losing power.

They say that the two queen mothers should unite as one. Is this how you unite with me?

However, her temperament is not confrontational in court.

After a long while, Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "I reserve my opinion."

Then, she stared at Su Yi and left with the little emperor in hand.

Clearly expressing his displeasure.

The entire civil and military officials in the court were completely shocked. This... what does this mean?

Is there a rift between the two queen mothers for the first time?

Did the Queen Mother of the East Palace finally couldn't stand Su Yi and Yehenara?

Many officials were shocked but also full of excitement.

Has that day finally arrived?

At this time, the British Minister Bruce was having a heated argument with the Russian Minister and the American Minister.

"I know, I completely know that in order to fight against Su Yi's Qing court center, you found a way to arm the Taiping Army."

"This is a very dangerous move on your part."

"Shanghai is not just our British Shanghai, it is the common Shanghai of our Western countries."

"I know that this time the Taiping Army captured Changzhou, Suzhou and other places with your secret support."

"But I warn you, the Taiping Army must not attack Shanghai. This is our bottom line, otherwise it will be regarded as a serious provocation to the British Empire."

roared Sir Bruce.

The Russian Minister and the American Minister have repeatedly assured that the Taiping Army will never attack Shanghai. After taking Suzhou, they will directly go south to attack Huzhou and Jiaxing.

Wang Youling, the governor of Zhejiang, was Su Yi's absolute direct descendant, and the entire Zhejiang province was Su Yi's base.

The Taiping Army's attack on Zhejiang was a major blow to Su Yi.


Su Yi had a secret meeting with British Minister Bruce.

"There will be no orders coming from London." Sir Bruce said: "The British Empire will never become a tool for you to use, even for pirates, so you want to let Viscount Jurgen's pirate army attack Vladivostok and force the Russians Retreating is impossible."

However, Viscount Jürgen did not need orders.

Even if he acquiesces, he will immediately send troops northward.

His ideal is to become an admiral of China, and his emotions are infinitely inclined to Su Yi's side.

But he is also a patriot.

He needed sufficient reasons and the British acquiescence before he would send troops to massacre Vladivostok.

Su Yi said slowly: "Did you know that there are many foreigners in the Taiping Army? Are there Americans and Russians?"

Bruce said: "Of course I know, it's not just the Americans and Russians."

Su Yi said: "Did you know that the Taiping Army's attack on southern Jiangsu was promoted and secretly supported by the Americans and Russians?"

Bruce said: "Of course I know that too."

Su Yi said: "Then if the Taiping Army attacks Shanghai, will it trample on the bottom line of the British Empire? Britain should have the greatest interests in Shanghai."

Bruce's face twitched.

Su Yi said: "Then do you have enough reasons to fight back?"

"Is there no limit to the British Empire's tolerance of the Russians and Americans?"

British Minister Bruce trembled: "Don't play with fire and burn yourself, don't play with fire and burn yourself."

After Su Yi left, he directly ordered to the Secret Service officials: "Find a way for the Taiping Army to attack Shanghai!"

The Secret Service officials headed south as quickly as possible to convey Su Yi's order.


Jiangsu Governor Li Hongzhang led the main army and foreign gun troops to guard Taicang and Songjiang Prefecture, trying to defend Shanghai from the north and south.

And his emissary is also negotiating with Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng.

"We want to know whether your next step will be to fulfill your agreement and go south to attack Huzhou and Jiaxing without touching Shanghai?"

Shi Dakai, Chen Yucheng and other Taiping Army coaches have received several groups of envoys.

Already feeling tremendous pressure.

The Hunan Army envoy, the British envoy represented by Wade, the Russian envoy, and the American envoy.

All represent the same voice.

Absolutely, absolutely cannot attack Shanghai.

We must attack Su Yi's core territory, Zhejiang.

Chen Yucheng and Shi Dakai repeatedly confirmed that they would attack Huzhou and Jiaxing, but not Shanghai.

Moreover, he took the opportunity to put forward many demands, including material requirements and weapons requirements.

For Chen Yucheng and Shi Dakai, the biggest enemy is no longer Zeng Guofan, but Su Yi.

After several battles, they were defeated several times by Su Ye's army, with heavy casualties.

And now is Su Ye's most vulnerable moment.

So after taking Suzhou, they made corrections and supplements, and then led hundreds of thousands of troops to the south, first to Zhejiang, and then to Fujian, all of which are Su Ye's core areas.

However, a few days later!

The order from Tianjing arrived.

It was very straightforward: attack Shanghai!

Suddenly, Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng's faces turned green.

Attacking Shanghai at this time would offend all foreigners and directly hit Li Hongzhang's army.

On the contrary, Zhejiang was also extremely rich, and Wang Youling did not have many troops at all, so it was easy to attack.

How difficult is Shanghai to attack?

Shi Dakai would completely ignore Hong Xiuquan's order.

He was thinking about leaving and becoming independent all day long.

The Taiping Army in history could not take Shanghai, but did take Fujian along Zhejiang.

Shi Dakai and Chen Yucheng's army were ready to disobey the order and continue to go south to attack Zhejiang.

But at this time, the loyalist Lin Qirong directly led tens of thousands of troops, and attacked Shanghai without hesitation!

Suddenly, the Battle of Shanghai broke out!

The British were completely furious!

I don't know how many waves of messengers went north at the fastest speed and spread to the capital!

It's easy to release the flood, but it's hard to take it back!

Then, shocking news broke out one after another.

Lai Wenguang, the commander of the Taiping Army's Western Expedition Army, joined forces with the Nian Army, killed into Henan, captured Xincai and other places, and besieged Kaifeng.

The Nian Army and the Taiping Army joined forces to capture Xiangyang and other prefectures in Hubei.

The Nian Army once again attacked Huai'an, the seat of the Governor's Office of the Grain Transport.

The leader of the Nian Army, Zhang Lexing, joined forces with the Taiping Army Li Xiucheng to attack from northern Anhui, claiming that hundreds of thousands of troops killed Henan, Shandong and other places.

Then, Jinan, the capital of Shandong, fell.

For a time, the world was in chaos!

At the same time.

Su Ye's secret envoy Li Qi once again went to meet the leader of the tens of thousands of pirates.

Viscount Eugen said, "Where is Lord Su Ye? Isn't he coming to see me?"

Li Qi said, "My master said he doesn't want to force you, but just wants me to tell you that the city with the greatest interests in the Far East of the British Empire has been attacked, and the instigators behind the scenes are Russia and the United States."

"Although the order from London has not come yet, is this reason enough for your pirates to go north to attack Vladivostok?"

"The weather is getting colder, and my master said that if you don't go north again, then just disband the pirate army, and he is willing to pay the severance pay."

Viscount Eugen took out the exquisite revolver, looked at Su Ye's handwritten inscription on it, and fell into deep thought.

After a long while, he said, "I am not only a colonel military attaché of the British Empire, but also an admiral of China in the future."

"Just give me a reason, and that's enough."

"The Russians and Americans dared to incite the Taiping Army to attack Shanghai, which completely violated the interests of the British Empire."

"For the interests of the empire, I will lead the pirates to launch a devastating attack on Russia's Vladivostok!"

"Please tell your master that his admiral will not let him down."

Then, Viscount Eugen left Tianjin on a ship and sailed towards the open sea.

Thousands of miles away, a powerful pirate army has been waiting for a long time.

After Viscount Eugen boarded the pirate flagship, he immediately changed into pirate service.

"We are pirates, and all our actions have nothing to do with the British Empire!"

"Kill to Vladivostok!"

"My pirate army is about to start a massacre."

With an order, tens of thousands of pirate armies, with their fangs and claws bared, marched north to Vladivostok with murderous intent.


Note: Today's words are a bit longer, do you have any monthly tickets left? Thank you so much!

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