Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 241 The Blood of the Palace Detonated by Empress Dowager Cixi

Chapter 241 Blood in the Palace! Empress Dowager Ci'an! Explosion

"Empress Dowager, please come this way." Zhu Sanniang walked out and said to Empress Dowager Ci'an.

"Isn't your master in front?" Empress Dowager Ci'an said.

Zhu Sanniang said: "The master is bathing."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Bathing at this time?"

However, she just asked this question, not really suspecting anything.

Then, Zhu Sanniang took Empress Dowager Ci'an to the side room.

When they entered, there was steam inside, and Yehenara was sitting in the bathtub with a red face.

At this time, there was no flaw.

"Sister, what's wrong? So angry?" Yehenara asked, and then she was about to stand up to greet.

"Don't get up, just sit like this." Empress Dowager Ci'an said, and then she instinctively wanted to throw the book in her hand away.

But seeing Zhu Sanniang next to her, she couldn't help but hold back.

"Empress Dowager, please sit down." Zhu Sanniang moved a brocade cushion over.

Yehenala said, "Go out. You don't need to wait here."

"Yes." Zhu Sanniang said, and then walked out obediently.

Her steps were elegant, like a woman from a wealthy family.

But just after walking a dozen meters, she immediately rushed into Yehenala's bedroom.

She quickly cleaned everything here.

She started burning incense again and gently wiped every corner of the floor.

At this time, Su Ye was still in bed.

"My Lord, it's time, you should get up quickly." Zhu Sanniang said, "I think the Eastern Queen Mother and the Western Queen Mother have something secret to say, don't you want to listen?"

Su Ye got up, and the flagpole was still erect at this time.

Zhu Sanniang washed her hands, then poured a little perfume on the towel, soaked the towel, and then helped Su Ye wipe it gently.

It would be better if she didn't wipe it. The more she wiped, the straighter it became.

Zhu Sanniang's breath was slightly choked, and she said angrily, "If you change to another place, I can still help you, but she is very independent."

You think you know everything.

Then, she took a piece of clothing and helped Su Ye put it on.

Then she began to clean up the room neatly, making sure that no smell would be left.

Although Empress Dowager Cixi might not come, she still had to make sure that everything was safe.

"My Lord, what are you still doing here? Aren't you going to eavesdrop?" Zhu Sanniang said while lying on the ground, wiping the floor.

"No." Su Ye said.

Zhu Sanniang said, "Aren't you going to listen to what they say?"

Su Ye said, "It doesn't matter whether I listen or not."

Then, Su Ye said, "Sanniang, do you feel wronged?"

Zhu Sanniang said, "What's wronged?"

Su Ye said, "Your Tiandihui, which is against the Qing Dynasty and restores the Ming Dynasty, first served me, a Tartar, and then served her, a female Tartar?"

Zhu Sanniang said, "What is anti-Qing and restoration of the Ming Dynasty? There is nothing good about the Ming Dynasty. The future of our powerful country is the bright road."

Powerful country.

The purpose of the organization established by Lin Li and others is to revive China and be loyal to the leader.

As for this leader, it is Su Ye.

This organization is now very tight and large, with thousands of members.

The Qiang Guohui has two core institutions, one is the Secret Service Department and the other is the New Army.

There are two extremes among the members of the Qiang Guohui.

One is those who read a lot and look at the world.

The other is those who have not read much and have a single-minded mind.

Hei Gong, Zhu Sanniang, and Gui'er are all core members of the Qiang Guohui.

Su Yi said: "Sanniang, after I leave Beijing, your work here will be very stressful."

"I know." Zhu Sanniang said: "Our enemies are now lurking, waiting for chaos in the world, waiting for our failure, and then rushing out to defeat us."

The palace is the top priority.

Now, Su Yi has four core figures in the palace.

Zenglu, Zhu Sanniang, Chengshou, and Gui'er.

Zhu Sanniang is on the side of the Yehenara clan, Cheng is on the side of Empress Dowager Ci'an, and Gui'er is by the side of the little emperor.

Zenglu is the chief eunuch.

"Sanniang, I have a gift for you." Su Yi said.

Zhu Sanniang, who was lying on the ground wiping the floor, raised her head, and her heroic and beautiful face was full of surprise and said: "What?"

"Gun." Su Yi said.

Zhu Sanniang blushed and said: "Bah, I just finished washing the floor. She is very smart and can smell it."

Fuck, what are you thinking about?

Then, Zhu Sanniang lay down and took off her pants: "Then please hurry up, who knows how long they will talk over there, and it is not safe even if someone is watching."

Huh? !

Su Yi saw the amazingly round big ass, which was so white that it was dazzling.

He stepped forward and patted it gently.

Then, he picked up a small box next to it, opened it, took out a revolver from it, and handed it to her.

"Ah? It's a real gun, not a gun." Zhu Sanniang took the revolver with surprise.

For more than half a year, Su Yibei had no female relatives around him, and Zhu Sanniang was bold and dared to love and hate, so the two had that thing.

But she was so bold that she never thought about her identity.

She is devoted to her career and has strong abilities, so she is promoted rapidly in the secret service department.

Moreover, this woman has a strong personal charm.

Many sisters in the female camp trust her without reservation, which even Hong Renli cannot do.

Hong Renli is very powerful, but arrogant, and a little moody, often falling into a gloomy mood.

And Zhu Sanniang is always cheerful and fierce.

And her emotion towards Su Yi was different from other women, she worshiped her passionately.

For this kind of admiration, she would even take the initiative to distance herself.

"There are only nine specially customized ones in total." Su Yi said.

Zhu Sanniang seemed to have gotten a special toy and began to play with the revolver without any instruction.

Su Yi pointed and said: "Pants."

"Oh!" Zhu Sanniang casually pulled up her pants that had fallen to the crook of her legs.

Finally, he reluctantly played with the revolver in his hand, and then continued to work.

Make sure the entire room is clean and light incense in a few corners.

"Sir, the Queen Mother in the east may be the focus of our work next." Zhu Sanniang said: "Deep in her heart, she does not agree with your behavior."

Su Yi said: "I know."

Zhu Sanniang said: "However, even if you want to take action against her, you still have to avoid this person on the west? This person on the west is very jealous."

Su Yi said: "What?"

Zhu Sanniang said: "My subordinate is very tall and has long legs. She always steps on the bottom of the flower pot in front of me."

She is indeed tall, about 1.73 meters tall.

Moreover, he has practiced martial arts for a long time, and his legs are straight and strong, and his body is toned and hot.

"Okay, I think you should hide. If the Queen Mother from the east really comes over, she will be stimulated by seeing you." Zhu Sanniang said.

Su Yiyan followed the plan and went directly to the back room to hide.


In the registration room.

After Zhu Sanniang left, Empress Dowager Ci'an angrily threw a booklet in front of Yehenala and said, "Look, look."

Ci'an has always been polite to the Yehenala family, and has no airs about the palace at all.

This attitude at this time is really rare.

Yehenala picked up the book and looked at it, and couldn't help but blush.

Because this picture is so familiar.

It seemed like it had just happened.

This...this turned out to be an erotic book.

"If there is such a thing in the palace, it's not worth my sister's anger." Yehenara said.

Empress Dowager Ci'an said angrily: "The emperor was secretly reading this booklet during class. Master Wo Ren discovered it and directly complained to me."

Immediately, Yehenala's expression changed.


The emperor is less than eight years old? Just look at this thing?

Then, Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "You also know the virtues of the late emperor, but even so, the late emperor did not touch this thing before he was a teenager. How can he touch this thing when he is less than eight years old? "

"Normally, you are in charge of everything in the palace. There were a lot of things and turmoil in the past, but we can't lose the rules."

Hearing the harsh lesson from the Queen Mother of the East Palace, Yehenala also blushed.

"Now we have to find out who gave the book to the emperor. We must find this person." Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "This matter is serious, it is to murder the emperor."

"The people around the emperor must also be dealt with." Empress Dowager Ci'an said.

Yehenala's face changed slightly.

Because the chief eunuch beside the emperor is Su Yi's confidant Gui'er.

Obviously this matter is not that simple.

Then, the two men fell silent.

Empress Dowager Ci'an suddenly asked: "Do you sleep peacefully every night?"

Yehenarashi shook his head.

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "I am even more uneasy. So many people died outside the palace. Every night when I close my eyes, I see many people asking for my life in my dreams."

"I also often dream about the late emperor and Lord Daoguang, and they all blame me."

At this point, Empress Dowager Ci'an shed tears and said, "Why can't we live in peace? Why do we have to go through such trouble?"

Yehenala said: "Sister, the matter has come to this, we can only look forward."

Empress Dowager Ci'an cried: "Are our ancestors' country and country going to be destroyed in our hands?"

Yehenala did not dare to give a too clear reply.

Next, the two said a few more words.

"This matter must be dealt with." Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "No one can reach out to the emperor. This is the bottom line of this palace."

Yehenala said: "I know that the emperor is still my biological son."

Then, Empress Dowager Ci'an left.


More than half an hour later.

Yehenala told Su Yi the whole thing.

"This is for you." Yehenala said: "They are using the emperor as a weapon to launch a tentative attack on you."

"In addition, I want to drive a wedge between you and the Queen Mother in the East Palace."

Su Yi nodded and said, "I know."

"You don't know, she came over and scolded me all over my face." Yehenala sobbed, "She has never scolded me like that."

Su Yi gently held her in her arms.

Yehenala said: "She is angry in her heart, she just resents me. Damn it, why are you so fierce? I don't know how many enemies are watching us secretly and want to harm us."

"If you still think about going to Tianjin to train soldiers, one day I will kill them in this palace."

Then, her body began to tremble.

"Why did you come in again?" Yehenala said tremblingly: "I, I just finished taking a bath."

It took quite a while.

She suddenly said: "Are you in there again?"

"I will kill you, I will bite you to death..." Yehenala opened her mouth and bit Su Yi's chest hard and cried: "You are really afraid of being killed. If you are really going to get pregnant, I will It’s over.”

Then, she cried in Su Yi's arms for a while.

"It's time for me to leave," Su Yi said.

"Why go?" cried Yehenala.

Su Yi said: "If I don't leave, I will really spend the night on the dragon's bed."

Yehenala said: "You are an animal who has done many bad things. Do you still care about this?"

Then, she hugged Su Yi and didn't let go.

Suddenly he said: "How about leaving the capital and going to the south? It would be good to stay and fly together this way, and avoid having to worry every day."


The next day!

The empress dowagers of the two palaces were sitting at attention.

Wo Ren, the master in the study, knelt straight on the ground.

"Your Majesty, this matter must be investigated thoroughly. There is a black sheep around the Emperor."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Gui'er, how do you work as an errand? Are all the people sneaking into the Emperor's company?"

The young eunuch Gui'er knelt down and kowtowed: "I am guilty, I am guilty."

Yehenara asked: "What happened? Who gave this booklet to the emperor?"

Guier said: "No one gave it to the emperor, someone secretly put it in the emperor's drawer."

"Then you are also at fault. Wouldn't you search the emperor's drawers beforehand?"

Guier kowtowed and said, "I know I was wrong."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Excuse me from Gui'er's errand, you go..."

After thinking for a while, Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "You can go and wait for Concubine Lian."

Guier kowtowed and said, "Hey."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Chengzhu."

A young eunuch came out and said, "My servant is here."

This is the confidant eunuch of Empress Dowager Ci'an.

"From now on, you will be with the Emperor on errands." Empress Dowager Ci'an said.

Eunuch Chengzhu said: "My slave obeys the order."


More than half an hour later.

The young eunuch Gui'er knelt in front of Su Yi and said, "Master, this slave has embarrassed you."

Guier has always been very capable.

From south to north, I followed Su Yi and did many great things.

This time it was a small stumble, and this kind of thing was completely impossible to prevent.

Su Yi fell into silence.

Gui'er said: "Now the Queen Mother in the East means very clearly. The Emperor is her bottom line. She doesn't want us to touch the Emperor. The Emperor must be surrounded by her people. She is afraid that we will harm the Emperor."

"Are we giving up control of the Emperor?"

Su Yi continued to think.

In fact, Su Yi didn't think of doing anything to the little emperor.

But in everyone's eyes, the little emperor was in danger under Su Yi's control.

Although the little emperor was born to Yehenala, he was brought up by the Empress Dowager Ci'an, so she has a strong love for licking calves.


If the little emperor can relax with Su Yi's help and education, his future may be better.

Once it is handed over, then... the tragedy of the little emperor in history will probably happen again.

Both Weng Tonghe and Wo Ren are very old-fashioned and will suppress the little emperor's nature to the extreme.

Then when he grows up a little, he will be completely indulgent.

Emperor Guangxu's temperament was already very flamboyant, and Tongzhi was even more flamboyant.

Su Yi sighed softly: "That's it, that's it."

"In that case, let's hand the emperor over."

In this way, Su Yi can also reduce a lot of moral burden, and can be more calm when facing the Yehenala family in the future.

If someone is determined to take away the emperor's control, let's take it.

Otherwise, it really seems like Su Yi has some intentions towards the little emperor.

It's really ridiculous. Probably in the eyes of those people, he is really Cao Cao and needs the emperor's hand.

Little did they know that the path Su Yi was going to take was a righteous decision from heaven.

The future emperor was just a burden to him.

Moreover, Gui'er has great abilities. If he is tied to the emperor, he can't do anything.

"Go check and find out who put this erotic book in the little emperor's drawer." Su Yi said.

Guier said: "Yes."


Under the order of the chief eunuch Zenglu, Guier and others acted resolutely and began a thorough investigation.

Just two days later!

The four eunuchs were found out.

The person behind this incident is an old acquaintance.

Wang Deli.

It was the one who replaced Zenglu and became Emperor Xianfeng's personal eunuch.

When he went to Su Yi's house to announce the decree, he asked Su Yi for a bribe but failed, so he threatened him, and then slandered the emperor.

After Su Yi entered the center, there was no need for him to do anything himself. Wang Deli went to work as a handyman.

Moreover, every time I saw Su Yi before, she immediately knelt down and slapped herself from a distance, not to mention how well-behaved she was.

As a result, at the critical moment, he can still pull a trick.

At this time, he knelt in front of Su Yi and said with a sad smile: "As of now, our family has nothing to say."

"We are alone. If you want to kill or behead us, please do as you please."

"But if you want our family to confess, that's not possible."

"Isn't it just death? We are not afraid."

Obviously, Wang Deli is just a eunuch, he is not capable of such a plan, and there are other big figures behind it.

But did the other party do this to regain control of the emperor, or to alienate the relationship with the Empress Dowager Ci'an?


As the empress dowager of the main palace, Ci'an should live in Cining Palace.

However, Cining Palace was considered unlucky by many people and had been empty for a long time. Empress Dowager Ci'an also chose to live in Zhongcui Palace.

"The Queen Mother, Su Yi wants to see you."

For a long time, Su Yi had been very polite to the Empress Dowager Ci'an. Even though the imperial court was in Chengde at that time and she and the young emperor were the only ones in the palace, Su Yi rarely met her.

After entering the center, Su Yi rarely interacted with the Queen Mother of the East Palace.

Because the Queen Mother has a soft temper and is not a qualified political figure.

Yehenala is a qualified ally.

Moreover, after the last fight between Empress Dowager Ci'an and Ci Xi, their relationship became somewhat estranged.

Upon hearing Su Yi's request for an audience, Empress Dowager Ci'an couldn't help but be slightly startled, and then said, "Let him come in."


"I see the Queen Mother."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Get up."

"See your seats!"

Su Yi didn't refuse and sat down directly.

But for a long time, he didn't speak.

Ci'an suddenly said: "We are also separated, right?"

Su Yi said: "The person who stuffed the erotic brochure in the emperor's desk was caught. There were four eunuchs in total, and the messenger was the late emperor's former confidant eunuch Wang Deli."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Her? Why?"

Su Yi said: "There are two reasons."

"The first reason is that Gui'er is a close scholar of Chen. With him by the emperor's side, they are worried that the emperor will be controlled by me."

"The second reason is that they want to drive a wedge between the minister and the Queen Mother."

Empress Dowager Ci'an's beautiful face suddenly showed a trace of nervousness.

Because she was not good at confrontation by nature, he and Su Yi hadn't dealt with each other for a long time. When faced with Su Yi's directness again, he didn't know how to deal with it.

"I do not want to control the emperor. Now I understand that the emperor is your bottom line, the Queen Mother. You want to protect the emperor, so you must personally appoint the people around the emperor." Su Yi said: "Of course this is possible. From now on From now on, I will never get involved in the affairs of the Emperor."

Ci'an said: "That's not necessary, you are also one of the emperor's teachers."

Su Yi said: "I will be very busy in the future, and the time I can give lectures to the emperor will be very short, but I will try my best."

"There is another thing. I will leave the capital soon."

Empress Dowager Ci'an was stunned, are you leaving the capital at this time?

How many lurking enemies are there in the capital? You dare to leave the capital before you have completely controlled the situation in the court?

In fact, everyone, including the Empress Dowager Ci'an, felt that Su Yi would be in the capital for a long time, constantly creating major cases and cleaning up political opponents.

"I am going to Tianjin to train and teach troops." Su Yi said: "Of course I will go to Beijing occasionally, but...most of the time I will be in Tianjin."

For a moment, Empress Dowager Ci'an didn't know what to say.

Su Yi said: "So before I leave, I have a few words from the bottom of my heart that I want to say to the Queen Mother."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "You say."

Su Yi said: "As for the emperor, his personality is similar to that of the late emperor, but he is much more out-of-the-box than the late emperor. Blind suppression is not the answer. Try to be relaxed and relaxed."

"Have you and the Queen Mother of the West been somewhat estranged recently?"

Empress Dowager Ci'an was indeed a little uncomfortable with Su Yi's straightforward way of speaking. Of course, many people were not suitable for it. It would appear very overbearing and leave no room for maneuver.

"The Queen Mother of the two palaces are a whole." Su Yi said: "At that time, I brought the Queen Mother and the Emperor from Chengde to the capital, which almost caused a split in the Central Committee. Now the Central Committee cannot bear another split."

"But if there is a little crack between the two queen mothers, then many people will try their best to tear the crack wide."

"Just like this time, someone alienated the relationship between the minister and the Queen Mother. Just because of an erotic book, the Queen Mother became angry with me." Su Yi said: "Because the Queen Mother is afraid of me in her heart and thinks that I will take the opportunity to cause trouble. , what you do next will make you overwhelmed, and after you are afraid, you will instinctively defend yourself.”

"In the next few months, the Empire's Central Army has not yet been fully trained, and the domestic situation is extremely dangerous. The local Eight Banners see that they are about to be abolished, so they are ready to move. The imperial court has fallen into confrontation again, and undercurrents are surging."

"The next few months will be the most dangerous moment, and the Qing Dynasty will be most vulnerable."

"The Queen Mother, I have a way out. For me, the worst situation is to leave the center and return to the south. But for the center of the imperial court, once chaos breaks out, the Qing Dynasty will immediately fall apart."

"So at this time, the two queen mothers must unite and not be separated by anyone."

"With that said, I take my leave."

Then, Su Yi bowed and left.

The Empress Dowager Ci'an's voice came to my ears: "I heard it, and I don't care about you either..."


In this way, Su Yi left the capital with Zuo Zongtang and headed for Tianjin.

Everyone was almost caught off guard.

Are you really going to leave at this moment?

After Su Yi left, Yehenala ordered that the eunuch Wang Deli be cut into pieces.

Beat the remaining eunuchs to death with sticks.

In the following time, Su Yi really put aside all government affairs at the center of the court.

All of them were handed over to the Political Hall and the Military Aircraft Department.

Aren't you worried that I will become Cao Cao?

Is there such a Cao Cao in the world?

Should Cao Cao have controlled all government affairs and replaced all the court officials with his own talents before he dared to leave?

However, the times have changed.

For Su Ye, he wanted to implement the plan of cutting leeks.

That is, at the moment of crisis, let you show up, and then take advantage of the glorious victory to cut down with one knife.

Whoever shows his head, cut them all off.

Cutting and cutting, it won't take a few times, and the world will change color.

For him, he has successfully promoted large-scale military reduction and military reform.

Then, he will focus all his energy on the army.

Relying entirely on the money of Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone to train troops is like fishing in a dry pond.

He is different from the Hunan Army. The other side can desperately scrape the land, and there are four or five provinces of land to scrape.

Su Ye's Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone is a golden chicken that lays eggs, and the chicken cannot be killed to get the eggs.

Using the money of the central government to train troops is the kingly way.


Next, Su Ye soaked in the military station every day.

He taught officers at all levels every day.

The challenges faced in this training were much greater than those in the previous training of the new army.

Last time, there were only more than 2,000 people, but this time there were as many as 30,000 or 40,000 people.

In order to maintain order, Su Ye's 6,000 elite troops directly entered the military station.

And among these 30,000 or 40,000 troops, a small half were bannermen.

The bannermen hated Su Ye to the core.

But unlike the last time, Su Ye had absolute authority this time, and there was no Bo Yan or the like to seize power.

Moreover, the bannermen and the Han people were all dispersed.

Not only that, everyone was bald, and even their braids were gone.

In addition, even among these 30,000 or 40,000 new recruits, Su Ye's base was very strong.

Almost all the Han recruits admired Su Ye from the bottom of their hearts.

Because Su Ye dared to go to war with the foreigners at the critical moment, defended the palace, and defended the Old Summer Palace.

And the first new policy implemented was to abolish the Eight Banners Beijing Camp.

Especially the latter, almost all the lower-class Han people in Zhili returned to their hearts.

In addition to the generous salary and good food of the new army.

Lin Liqiang also attacked members of the National Assembly everywhere, brainwashing and making various political moves.

Ronglu often came to the military station because he was also the Minister of the Army. In theory, he also had a share in these troops.

Senggelinqin basically stayed in the Tianjin Military Station.

He even attended every class of Su Ye at the Imperial Army Academy.

He was the supreme commander of the cavalry division of the new imperial army, and Wang Shiqing was only the second in command.

At that time, Boyan and Su Ye fought for military power and eventually caused a mutiny. Boyan left in disgrace.

And this time, many of the soldiers of the cavalry division were Senggelinqin's Khorchin cavalry, accounting for about 60%.

And a considerable part of the soldiers recommended by Wang Shiqing were the surrendered Nian Army.

The two sources of soldiers were completely tit-for-tat.

You know, there were only about 7,000 cavalry this time, but there were as many as 12,000 people participating in cavalry training.

There will be 5,000 eliminations.

Wang Shiqing and Senggelinqin began to compete desperately.

Whoever leaves more soldiers will have more say in the future imperial cavalry.

So, both sides are training like crazy.

The other armies are in a similar situation.

The regular army only recruits 24,000 people, but more than 30,000 people participate in the training.

The lower-class Han children, of course, train desperately.

If nothing else, they have to stay for the generous salary.

As for the bannermen, they are fighting for the Eight Banners and leaving a spark.

If they are eliminated, the imperial army is all Han people, and there are not many Eight Banners. I am afraid that the Qing Dynasty will really perish.

The Han soldiers are strong-willed, but they come from poor backgrounds and have no training foundation.

The bannermen soldiers were originally the elite selected from the 100,000 Eight Banners Beijing Camp. They have strong physical fitness and a good foundation, but they are not as willing to endure hardships as the Han soldiers.

These bannermen soldiers were originally worried that Su Ye would take the opportunity to suppress them, such as deducting food, being unfair in assessments, etc.

The result was completely fair and just.

Even after three months of training, when selecting grassroots officers, it was absolutely fair.

Senggelinqin, Jingshou, and Ronglu were all present, and they could not find any faults.

In addition, Lin Li's Qianghui would attack everywhere.

It caused an extremely huge response among the Han soldiers.

However, Lin Li set up a series of thresholds, and only the most outstanding, most loyal, and most fanatical people could enter the Qianghui.

Countless Han soldiers flocked to it.

However, whether it was the Political Commissar Group or the Qianghui Group, the progress of ideological work among the bannermen soldiers was still unsatisfactory.

Many bannermen soldiers, especially bannermen officers,

They have their own set of ideological systems and are proud of them.

They are almost resistant to the ideological work of the Qianghui Group and the Political Commissar Group.

But for Su Ye, this is normal. These bannermen have always regarded themselves as the ruling class of this country and have an unparalleled sense of superiority.

It is indeed difficult to completely reconcile.

However, according to regulations, all officers must complete their studies at the Imperial Army Academy.

There are nearly a thousand middle-level officers in an army of 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers.

These people are basically Su Ye's students.

Including hundreds of bannermen officers, they have to come to class no matter what.

Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the exam and become an officer.

Whether it was political class or military class, Su Yi was enough to impress everyone.

Many of his courses seemed to open up a new world.

Many Bannermen officers learned about the Crimean War, the Napoleonic Wars, and even the American Civil War for the first time.

Moreover, these wars are not just talk on paper.

They all made giant sand tables and conducted deductions again and again.

Whether it is a banner officer or a Han officer, they need to play either side in these battles.

It’s not just wars abroad.

There are also domestic wars.

Including the Battle of Baliqiao, which made Seng Gelinqin and Ronglu extremely humiliated.

There was also the Battle of the Old Summer Palace.

All are deduced on the sand table.

In Su Yi's class, it was all about military affairs, and there was no need to pay attention to stance.

Even the bannermen officers who had hatred in their hearts were all given to him.


Dagukou Fort.

Ronglu and Seng Gelinqin smoked cigarettes.

"King Monk, how many of your Horqin cavalry are left in the end?"

Seng Gelinqin said: "Four thousand people."

Ronglu said: "In other words, only three thousand people are left among the troops brought by Wang Shiqing."

Seng Gelinqin said: "Fortunately, I have kept most of the fire in the most elite cavalry unit for the future."

"I originally thought that Su Yi would manipulate the assessment and eliminate a large number of us Horqin cavalry. Who knows that everything is fair and just. In the end, in the cavalry division, our Horqin cavalry accounted for more than half."

Ronglu said: "It's the same here. There are two infantry divisions with 24,000 people, and 11,000 people are bannermen, which is almost half."

Seng Gelinqin asked: "How many divisions will we train next year?"

Ronglu said: "I heard that 60,000 people will be trained next year."

Seng Gelinqin said: "The local eight banners will definitely be cut next. In the future, whether it is Mongolian cavalry or infantry divisions, we bannermen should be able to account for half of them if we work hard."

Ronglu said: "It's hard to say if we will expand the army in the future. There are a total of two to three hundred thousand Eight Banners soldiers, and at most we can only pick out two to thirty thousand, and the rest are just waste."

Seng Gelinqin said: "Two or thirty thousand is enough for the time being."

"How about Su Yiqiang's congress and political commissar group's recent ideological work on our bannermen and Mongolians?"

Ronglu said: "Very few, I don't seem to be forcing it."

Seng Gelinqin said: "Could it be that Su Yi is really public-minded and has no intention of winning people's hearts? He tried briefly, but gave up after encountering resistance, and did not push forward vigorously at all."

"What's the point of training his troops like this? If half of the soldiers don't obey him, it will only increase the power of the imperial court."

"Before, the imperial court had no soldiers available and could not defeat him, so he took control of the capital and allowed him to massacre the Eight Banners soldiers."

"Now, according to this method of training, it is really possible to train a strong army. As a result, 10,000 to 20,000 strong Eight Banners soldiers were trained, and they were completely hostile to him. Wouldn't the imperial court have the power to overthrow him in the future?"

"Why does he do this? Isn't he making wedding clothes for the Eight Banners?"

"Are you really dedicated to serving your country?"

Ronglu's expression changed slightly and he said: "King Monk must be careful, Prime Minister Su now represents the Central Committee, and the Queen Mothers of the two palaces fully support him. Don't say anything that is not beneficial to the unity of the court."


Lin Li was extremely anxious.

Bannermen accounted for half of the more than 30,000 Imperial Army troops.

But now, several months have passed, and there has been no progress in brainwashing and rehabilitating the bannermen.

What should I do?

If this continues, if the banner men who are hostile to the commander-in-chief are trained into a strong army, wouldn't it be enough to endow the enemy?

The reason why the commander-in-chief was able to suppress the central government was because he had powerful military power. In the future, what would happen if those banner ministers had powerful military power?

However, these bannermen are extremely stubborn in their thinking.

Moreover, there is always someone secretly guiding and controlling them.

Therefore, the inexhaustible brainwashing work is still in a dilemma.

But the commander-in-chief kept saying, don't be anxious, don't come by force.

Find an opportunity.

But now time is passing day by day, and several months have passed.

This group of army soldiers only trained for one year.

When the time comes, it will officially become an army.

Could it be that by then it will be ripe and the fruits will be taken away by others? Then this powerful army of bannermen became the commander's enemy?

The commander-in-chief said it was an opportunity, an opportunity.

Where exactly is it?

Lin Li is like this, his work ability is invincible, but his shortcoming of impatience is always there.

Do things to extremes.

But his enthusiasm for Su Yi's great cause far exceeded anyone else's.

It even felt more fanatical than Su Yi himself.


Here, Su Yi, Zuo Zongtang, and Wang Shiqing are also smoking.

"Commander, it's difficult..." Wang Shiqing said: "Although these Mongolian cavalry accept our training, they are completely obedient to Seng Gelinqin. If this continues, most of this cavalry division will belong to Seng Gelinqin in the future. ah."

Zuo Zongtang said: "Our infantry division is slightly better, but not much better. Su Xiang's massacre left too deep a hatred, so it is too difficult for these more than 10,000 bannermen to return home."

Wang Shiqing said: "Commander, we can't go on like this. If this continues, even if the training cycle ends and these people officially form an army, they will not be able to return home. By then... our enemy will become stronger."

Su Yi nodded and said, "So, we have to change the environment."

"I took the initiative to look for opportunities."

Then, Su Yi said: "Mr. Zuo, how is the Hunan Army doing?"

Zuo Zongtang said: "The collusion with some people in the capital has become even closer, and it is even quite ambiguous with Fa Ni."

Suddenly, Zuo Zongtang said: "Xiang Su, do you want to make a risky move?"

"Although this army only has more than 30,000 people, it concerns the entire country. When necessary, the risk is worth it."

Su Yi said: "Once the situation explodes, we will not be able to control it ourselves. If we are not careful, the world will be in real chaos and fall apart."

Zuo Zongtang said: "Isn't it done in London yet?"

Su Yi said: "Not yet. This is the most powerful empire in the world. It is impossible for us to take whatever we ask for."

Zuo Zongtang said: "The tone is not set in London, and the situation really cannot be chaotic."

“A single move can really affect the whole body.”


Su Yi secretly met with Viscount Jurgen again.

Two people were smoking again.

Even Viscount Jurgen didn't care about his aristocratic image. He was completely unshaven and his hair was crazy.

Now his pirate army has been expanded to include ten thousand people.

There are hundreds of warships, and there are all kinds of people.

And this powerful pirate army is thousands of miles away in the open sea.

With just one order, they can attack Vladivostok.

However, the permission from London still did not come.

Su Yi said slowly: "Viscount Jurgen, the Russian army assembled in Heilongjiang has exceeded 15,000 people."

"I know, I know." Viscount Jurgen said.

Su Yi added: "It won't be long before the sea in Vladivostok will be frozen."

Viscount Jurgen said: "I...I know it too."

"Duke Su Yi, but... I have to wait for orders from London."

"Even if it's an army of pirates, then... those are still pirates of the British Empire."

"Even if there is no direct order from London, I must at least get tacit approval."

"You should know that without the permission of the empire, if I send troops to attack Russia without authorization, it will bring huge diplomatic passiveness and even trigger a war."

"I really can't bear this responsibility, and I'm a patriot."

Su Yi didn't speak, but stepped forward and hugged her, saying, "I respect you."

Regarding Viscount Jurgen, Su Yi almost never offered money to buy him, nor did he offer any shares.

The man in front of him is different from Sir Bruce. He attaches great importance to honor and emotion, and is most averse to bribery for profit.

"But don't forget." Su Yi said: "You are not only a colonel of the British Empire, but also an admiral of our country in the future."

"This country, this sea area, is not your motherland, but it may be your utopia."

Su Yi continued: "I will no longer advise you, but... the Russians should soon issue a war ultimatum to us."

Then, Su Yi turned around and left.

Viscount Jurgen hesitated to speak, but in the end he did not speak.

Suddenly Su Yi came back, handed over a box and said, "I almost forgot, this is my birthday gift for you."

Viscount Jurgen was slightly shocked, but Su Yi had already left.

Viscount Jurgen opened the box.

I saw only an exquisite pistol lying inside, which was still a revolver.

It's just that this one is inlaid with gold, and it has Viscount Jurgen's inscription on it.

There is also Su Yi's handwriting: To my brave and fearless admiral.


A few days later!

Su Yi received a secret letter from the Intelligence Department.

General Zeng Tianyang is seriously ill. The secret meeting of the Hunan Army rebels against the top officials, and there is fear that something will happen in Tianjing.

Then, the intelligence officer quietly waited for Su Yi's order.

Tianjing is divided into two factions. Su Yi can exert a certain influence through brothers Lin Qirong and Hong Renda.

The other group is Chen Yucheng, Li Xiucheng and others.

Of course, there are also Shi Dakai, Hong Xiuquan and others who are uncontrollable.

But Su Yi still had the ability to nip any changes in Tianjing in the bud.

Next, Su Yi needs to make a decision.

Do you want to explode the situation now?

If it detonates, is it controllable?

The key is Viscount Jurgen. Will he eventually choose to attack without waiting for orders from London?

Su Yi's decision was very critical because it affected his entire body.

After a long while, Su Yi said slowly: "My order is, there is no order."

The intelligence officer was stunned.

Without orders, the situation is allowed to develop.

That's another way of detonating.

The Intelligence Department official said: "I repeat, the commander-in-chief's order is, there is no order."

Su Yi said: "Yes!"

"Yes!" the Intelligence Department official said, "I will report back to Director Hong as quickly as possible."

Su Yi still chose to detonate.

Because, if it doesn’t explode again.

The Russians are about to make a big move, and the extremely cunning Russians will choose to start military operations during the Vladivostok freeze period.

At that time, it would be even more unfavorable for Su Yi.


Half a month later!

A troop of cavalry quickly rushed into the military station.

Shouted loudly: "The Queen Mother of the two palaces has a purpose, the Queen Mother of the two palaces has a purpose!"

"As soon as Su Yi comes to the capital, he goes to the palace to see you immediately. There is no delay. It's extremely urgent! It's extremely urgent!"


Note: Today's words are more. Benefactors, can you continue to give me your monthly tickets? I want to keep my monthly ticket ranking, thank you very much.

A book friend is going to join the army, I wish him all the best and serve the country with loyalty.

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