Urban Witcher

Chapter 52 Centipede

"You are not hungry, but it is hungry." The old woman bent down to look at her belly, stretched out her dry hands, tore off her clothes, revealing her swollen belly, and then did something that made several people scream: ten sticks The sharp fingers dug directly into the flesh, black blood gurgled out from the belly, and the stench filled the room.

With a sound of "Puchi", a long hole was torn open in the entire belly, and a black thing squeezed out from it, but it was a flat head, black and shiny, and when I pushed it hard, a large section protruded out, a pair of pincers The teeth are open in the air, the head is twisted, and it makes a "hissing" sound.

"Centipede!" Xie Yuqing screamed, there was actually a centipede in the old woman's belly!

At this point, there is no need to pretend anymore. Ye Shaoyang flew forward, holding a jujube wood sword, and chopped at the old woman's head.

The old woman raised her arms high, trying to grab the jujube sword, but Ye Shaoyang's move was false, the sword tip turned, and a mantra was chanted loudly, a golden light flashed on the jujube sword, and it cut down along the old woman's neck, cutting off her head Qi Qi chopped off, a cavity of black blood spurted out, Ye Shaoyang danced a sword flower, and knocked the black blood away without leaking.

The severed head of the old woman was flying towards the pony, and when it saw a black object flying towards it, the pony instinctively caught it. The head left the body, it was still alive, and it opened its mouth to bite the pony's fingers.

"Damn it!" Xiao Ma shook his head vigorously, and it landed in Lao Guo's arms, biting Lao Guo's clothes tightly.

Lao Guo didn't dare to be negligent, he drew out his jujube wood sword, and kept chopping off at the head, black blood splashed everywhere, chopped the head into several pieces, and just fell down, losing his sanity.

"Almost killed by your bastard!" Old Guo scolded Xiao Ma.

Everyone turned their heads and looked, the old woman's headless body was still standing upright, under the struggle of the centipede, the entire abdominal cavity was stretched open, black blood flowed like a water pipe, and the big black centipede was struggling to crawl out , Stirring colorful viscera everywhere, the whole scene was extremely bloody.

Ye Shaoyang swung the jujube sword and chopped off the head of the centipede, just like he did to the old woman before, but this centipede was obviously much smarter, so when he raised his head, a pair of fangs caught the jujube sword , Twisting hard, Ye Shaoyang was unprepared, and it snatched the jujube sword and threw it out.

"The strength of the animal is quite strong." Ye Shaoyang was completely fearless, pinched a formula with his right hand, and patted it on the top of the centipede's head. The centipede raised its head again, and wanted to repeat the old trick to bite Ye Shaoyang's hand.

Ye Shaoyang sneered, turned his hand, avoiding the fangs, and patted it hard on the flat head.

"Hiss..." The centipede let out a strange cry, a puff of white steam came out of its mouth, it swayed, bent backwards, and then with a sudden bounce, it broke out of the old woman's body and flew into the air. Only then did everyone see that it It has three tails!

"Three-tailed centipede!" Lao Guo yelled, "Back, back, pay attention!"

He only wanted to remind everyone, but after a closer look, the centipede was actually coming towards him. He immediately recited the mantra, and slashed at the centipede with the jujube sword in his hand, right on top of the centipede's head.

After all, his mana was limited, so he immediately felt numbness in his right arm, and the Zaomu sword came out, but the three-tailed centipede didn't feel good after being hit by it. This beast is not stupid, and he knew that although the old guy in front of him was not as powerful as the white-faced one, he It's not so easy to deal with, there is another one next to him with a glance, looking nervous, easy to deal with, immediately give up on Lao Guo, and rush towards that person.

The person chosen by the three-tailed centipede is Xiao Ma.

Seeing that the centipede had fought well with Lao Guo, it suddenly rushed towards him. The pony backed away in fright, but forgot that there was a bed behind him. He stretched out his legs and fell on the bed, pressing on the old woman's body. For a few minutes, the centipede pounced on him, shaking back and forth, the originally huge body actually got smaller and smaller, becoming the size of an ordinary centipede, stretched its head, and got into his mouth that was opened because of screaming, and burrowed hard.

"Not good!" Ye Shaoyang cried out, and ran over, grabbing the three tails of the centipede with both hands, but he didn't dare to use too much force, for fear that the tail would be broken. Even Immortal Luo couldn't be saved.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed the centipede's tail and didn't let go, then turned to Lao Guo and said, "Senior brother, hurry up, realgar water!"

Lao Guo came back to his senses, hurriedly untied his backpack, took out a small coarse porcelain bowl, and sprinkled a handful of realgar in it. He couldn't find any water for a while, so he grabbed a small spray bottle from his bag, unscrewed the lid, and put Pour the liquid into a bowl, stir it, and pour it down the pony's nose under Ye Shaoyang's instructions.

"Breathe hard, breathe hard!"

As soon as the pony tried his best, the liquid flowed from the nostrils to the throat, just onto the head of the three-tailed centipede. As soon as it smelled the realgar, the three-tailed centipede twitched immediately and kept shrinking back. Ye Shaoyang seized the opportunity and squeezed it away. Pull it out, pinch the centipede seven inches with one hand, and take out the five emperors' money with the other hand, and you are about to destroy it.

"Master, slow down, this thing is useful!" Lao Guo stopped Ye Shaoyang, took out a piece of red thread, dipped it in realgar, carefully wrapped it around the centipede's fangs, and wrote two talismans, glued it together with realgar, and hollowed out the middle , stuff the centipede in, and seal the mouth. The centipede's fangs were bound and trapped by a spell, and it stayed inside, unable to move.

"Hey, junior brother, these three-tailed centipedes are rare, it would be a pity to kill them."

Ye Shaoyang knew what he was going to do, and said: "It was nourished by this living corpse with flesh and blood, and its body is full of corpse energy, so it is not easy to transform."

"It's okay, take your time. Once you succeed, this thing is a treasure. It's pretty good against ordinary ghosts."

Since he wanted it, Ye Shaoyang couldn't stop him, told him to be careful, then turned to look at the pony, only to find that the pony was clutching his throat, his face flushed, rolling on the bed, tears streaming all over his face . His heart sank, and he asked hastily, "Has your throat been bitten by a centipede?"

Pony shook his head, staggered up, opened his backpack, took out a bottle of pure water, opened it, rinsed his mouth, poured it into his nose again, tossed and tossed for a long time, finally took a breath, and directed at Lao Guo With a loud roar, "Fucking choked me to death, what the fuck are you feeding me!"

"Realgar, why are you choking?" Old Guo was also puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang picked up the bottle that Lao Guo used just now, smelled it, and there was a smell of pepper. He shook his head at Lao Guo, "You are enough. Mix realgar with pepper water and spray it in the nose. No wonder it doesn't choke to death."

Lao Guo slapped his forehead, and his face flushed immediately: "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry just now. I just took a bottle of water and used it. I didn't expect it to be pepper water. Hehe, brother pony, I'm sorry."

Xie Yuqing laughed so hard that her flowers trembled. "What are you doing with pepper water? It can ward off evil spirits?"

"Where is it?" Lao Guo looked embarrassed, "My daughter is going to go to school in another city. I bought her anti-wolf spray, which is pepper water. I put it in my bag and handed it to her before I got there."

Xiao Ma burst into tears, and said aggrievedly: "You said that if I really flirted with a girl and got sprayed, at least I would have taken advantage of it, right? It's just for nothing..." -. ..


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