Urban Witcher

Chapter 51 Live

Ye Shaoyang tidied up, and the three of them went out together. They waited for Li Duo and Lao Guo at the gate of the school. They were assigned. Ye Shaoyang took the Popsang driven by Lao Guo, Xiao Ma and Li Duo took the police car driven by Xie Yuqing, and the two cars circled around. After crossing the campus, head south all the way, not long after leaving the university town, and enter the mountainous area.

"Even the university town, this area used to be a mountainous area. Because of the cheap land, more and more universities moved here, and gradually formed a scale." Lao Guo explained while driving.

"If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't know that those ghosts were buried in Qiyun Mountain back then, but I heard from the old people that the area was really haunted by ghosts at the beginning. Many people died there, and then the whole village moved out. Well, this area has not been developed until today, so no one has paid attention to it.”

Ye Shaoyang shook his head: "Fortunately, there is no development, otherwise more people will die, and 80% will become another nest."

The road surface became narrower and narrower, from asphalt road to dirt road, and finally into a narrow path up the mountain. The car could not drive, and the five had to get out of the car and walk.

Xie Yuqing and Lao Guo are both locals, they knew the location of Qiyun Mountain, they led the way, and climbed to the top of a mountain. Lao Guo panted and pointed to the opposite mountain, and said: "That is Qiyun Mountain, little brother, we Start looking at the foot of the mountain?"

"There's no need to look for it, the corpses are buried there—" Ye Shaoyang pointed to the valley between the two mountains. At first glance, the valley was full of rocks and overgrown with weeds, and it was no different from other places.

"There's nothing in this valley, how did you find out that there is a buried body?" Xie Yuqing asked in bewilderment.

Ye Shaoyang didn't bother to explain, so he asked Lao Guo to take out a bottle of cow's tears, spray each of them on their eyes, and then looked towards the valley, and was stunned: the valley was covered with a layer of black and red mist, dense Can't melt.

Ye Shaoyang said: "The red one is demon aura, and the black one is corpse aura. There are demons and corpses here, so it must be true."

Lao Guo frowned and wondered: "Those devils have been dead for decades, and the corpse aura should have dissipated long ago. It can't exist until now. Where did the evil aura come from?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "The breath of the corpse has not melted for decades, which means there is something wrong. Don't guess, go down and have a look."

Ye Shaoyang went down the mountain first, took out the yin and yang plate, and wanted to find the source of the corpse aura by using the method of dividing gold and fixing acupoints, but a small house not far away attracted his attention.

The house is made of cement, built close to the mountain, and the outer wall is entangled with vines. From a distance, it is almost connected with the mountain. What caught Ye Shaoyang's attention was that the corpse and evil spirit in the valley came from there. If something slowly flows out of the house, there must be something strange in it.

Lao Guo also noticed this, and analyzed: "This is a shady house. It faces south and faces north. There are no windows on the outer wall. It is not a place for living people to live at all."

"It is indeed not a place where the living live. We are going to visit the dead." After speaking, Ye Shaoyang walked over and whispered: "Be careful, play by ear, brother, get ready to attack."

When Xiao Ma and the others heard this, their hearts skipped a beat. Could it be that there are some ghosts and evil spirits hiding in such a small house?

From the outside, there is nothing special about this house, except that there are no windows, and the two mottled wooden doors are closed from the inside. Ye Shaoyang stood in front of the door for a while, feeling a cold breath coming out through the crack of the door , raised his hand, and knocked on the door, but the door opened directly.

Since there were no windows, it was pitch black behind the door, and nothing could be seen. Ye Shaoyang took a breath and smelled a strong corpse and evil spirit from the dark wind. He took out an ordinary flashlight from his backpack, turned it on, walked in, coughed and said, "Is anyone there?"

Under the light of the flashlight, Ye Shaoyang saw that the furnishings in the house were no different from ordinary country houses, with tables, chairs and benches, a few pieces of worn-out furniture, a bed against the wall, and a mosquito net hanging on it, so he couldn't see if there was anyone inside.

On the left side of the room, there was a small door, which was closed, and there was a rustling sound coming from inside. Through the crack of the door, Ye Shaoyang noticed that the corpse and monster aura inside were stronger, so he took a deep breath, and turned to greet the pony and others. When people come in, there are many small benches in the room, each person picks up one, wipes it clean and sits down in a circle.

Ye Shaoyang walked towards the closed door, and said intentionally: "It seems to be a kitchen behind, I'll go and see if there is a stove, let's boil some water for drinking."

Just as I stretched out my hand to push the door, there was a sudden creak, and the door opened by itself, and a short figure stood behind the door.

By the light of the flashlight, Ye Shaoyang saw the other person clearly, and immediately took a breath: This is an old woman, skinny as a stick, with skin folds all over her face, but her eyes are big, and the pupils reflect two dark green lights under the light of the flashlight.

Ye Shaoyang took a step back, and said with a smile: "So there are people, sorry, we are on our way, thinking that no one lives here, so come here to rest."

"I'll come when I come, and I'll leave after a while." The old woman's voice was also very old, with a bit of ghostly air, which made people feel cold all over.

"Thank you then." Ye Shaoyang retreated to the outside room and sat back on his bench. The old woman walked in with her waist bowed, and everyone's eyes fell on her stomach. She was skinny, but her stomach was surprisingly big, like a pregnant woman. Stretched in his clothes, he trembled when he walked.

Ye Shaoyang frowned secretly, could there be something in her stomach?

The old woman stopped and stared at everyone coldly with her pair of big, surprisingly large eyes.

"Grandma, do you live here alone?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

The old woman let out a "huh", turned around, walked towards the back room, and said lightly, "I'll go and boil some water for you."

When her figure disappeared, everyone looked at each other, Xiao Ma lowered his voice and asked Ye Shaoyang: "Is it a human or a ghost?"

Ye Shaoyang made a silence gesture, telling him not to talk too much.

The pony was too fat, and it was uncomfortable to sit on the small stool. He got up and walked to the bed, sat down, lifted the mosquito net, glanced inside, and was stunned on the spot. After a few seconds, he covered his mouth with his hand, Quickly came to Ye Shaoyang, pointing to the bed with a look of horror.

Ye Shaoyang came to the bed and looked intently. There was a straight body lying on the window, with white hair all over his head, as thin as a stick, and a pair of big cloudy eyes protruding out of the eye sockets.

"Oh my god!" Xie Yuqing covered her mouth, "Isn't this... isn't that old woman?"

The old woman had just entered the hut, so it was impossible for her to come to the bed by chance. When everyone looked down, they were indeed exactly the same. They couldn't help feeling cold all over their bodies, and a terrifying aura spread in everyone's hearts.

"What are you looking at?" The old woman's voice sounded from behind, and everyone hurriedly turned their heads. The old woman stood at the door of the inner room, staring at them expressionlessly, her eyes much colder than before.

One on the bed and one in the room?

If the person on the bed is herself, then what is the person standing in front of her? Xiao Ma and the others immediately felt chills down their spines. If Ye Shaoyang hadn't been there, they would have fled the door long ago.

"The person sleeping on the bed is very similar to you, your sister?" Ye Shaoyang talked and laughed freely, looking at the old woman.

The old woman didn't answer, and then said: "The water is boiling, are you hungry, do you want something to eat?"

"No, no, we're not hungry." Pony replied hastily, God knows what this ghost will eat for him, it must be something bad.

The old woman suddenly grinned. Most people at this age would have lost all their teeth, but this old woman has a complete set of teeth, and each one is very sharp, pointed, and has two rows of canines!

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