Urban Witcher

Chapter 489

After a short greeting, everyone sat down in the hut.

Ye Shaoyang was also a little excited, looked around everyone, and said: "They are all relatives of my own family, I hope you don't hide it from me, what is going on, aren't you all dead, why are you in this place, what is going on in this ghost village?" here?"

Everyone looked at each other, and then recommended Uncle Fu to speak. Although he is not older than them, after all, we have not been reincarnated, and we usually live together according to the seniority in the world.

"Where do we start..." Uncle Fu thought for a while, and said, "Most of us died in the flood. At that time, there were no ghost messengers to search for our souls. We became lonely ghosts. Within a few days, we were sent by the fairy People come here.

This ghost and fairy village was arranged by her using fairy methods. Each of our rooms is a small D mansion. The village is hidden during the day, and we go to the D mansion to practice at that time, and we only come out for activities at night.

Xianniang recommended the position of ghost fairy for all of us, we are all ghost fairy, drinking Wangchuan water and eating resentful spirit fruit every day, we are so happy. All this is bestowed by the fairy. "

After speaking, he walked to the opposite wall, and Ye Shaoyang saw a shrine on the wall, which enshrined a statue of a god. Uncle Fu picked up a stick of incense from the shrine, blew on it, and the incense burned, but the sparks were green. in the censer.

Ye Shaoyang immediately leaned over to take a look. The statue was probably made of wood, and his facial features were blurred. He couldn't see his face at all. He could only see a woman in a long skirt holding a clean bottle, which looked a bit like Avalokitesvara.

Ye Xiaomeng grabbed the third aunt's arm and asked: "I remember you didn't die during the flood, you killed yourself by turning on the gas half a year later."

The third aunt smiled, looked at the third uncle and said: "I didn't commit suicide, it was your third uncle who killed me. He brought me here. At first I didn't want to stay here, but later I stayed After a while, I realized that it is really a good place. Your third uncle also lured me here for my own good. Being a ghost here is much better than suffering all kinds of sins in the world."

All the relatives who said something in one sentence nodded in agreement.

Fu Bo said: "We ordinary people, we also accumulated some merits during our lifetime. After death, we don't expect to go to heaven to become gods. Being able to be ghosts and immortals here is far better than the suffering of the six realms of reincarnation."

"Ghosts?" Ye Shaoyang smiled, "When did you become ghosts?"

Uncle Fu took out a wooden card from his pocket, and said happily: "This is the ghost card that Xianniang invited us from Division Y, and it has been registered. This is a great blessing."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at it and returned it to him. Of course the trick card was fake, but he didn't want to expose it right now, so he asked the third uncle a question: "Why did you only pick up the third aunt and not your son?"

The third uncle sighed and said: "Xianniang only allows us to bring our spouses here, and we are not allowed to bring other relatives here. After all, the space is limited. In recent years, people who died nearby have been coming in. There are already many, and the free space is getting less and less. .”

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang was very puzzled, "Then why are you allowed to pick up Third Aunt?"

The third uncle looked at his wife and smiled, "Of course it is for the couple to have intercourse, so that they can conceive a ghost child and give birth to a ghost to worship the fairy lady."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered that Uncle Fu was an old man, and said, "Uncle Fu, you..."

Uncle Fu smiled awkwardly, "After I came here, I also found a partner, a widow from Wangjiacun. In our place, anyone who has a spouse will pick up his spouse, and if you don't, we will give you half a year. Find someone who matches your eyes, and after more than half a year, it will be assigned by Xianniang."

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang was amazed. How could such a thing happen? Could this be the legendary Utopia?

The third aunt took Ye Xiaomeng's hand and said: "Since you have come here by mistake, don't leave, don't miss this opportunity."

Ye Xiaomeng was shocked, "Third Aunt, what do you mean, you want me to die."

"Who is not going to die," the third aunt tempted with the attitude of someone who has come here, "It's just a skin. After death, there are six reincarnations. How painful it is. How nice it is to be like us, become ghosts and immortals, and get eternal life."

Ye Shaoyang sneered, he had already thought that these people had this idea.

"This..." Ye Xiaomeng didn't know what to say for a while, so she made up an excuse, "I'm not married yet, so it's useless here. Not qualified."

The third uncle laughed when he heard this, pointed to Ye Shaoyang and said: "Isn't it just right for you two, you two are talented and beautiful, and your age is about the same, stay together, form a husband and wife, and be neighbors with us."

Ye Xiaomeng blushed immediately, lowered her head and said, "Third Uncle, what are you talking about, we are close siblings, how can..."

"It doesn't matter if someone is dead. If you feel awkward, third uncle will introduce you to some good ones. There are still several single guys from nearby villages. Maybe you guys still know each other. How wonderful."

Ye Xiaomeng stood up and said angrily: "No one else will talk about it, you are my third uncle, how can you want me to die like this?"

The third aunt got up and smiled and said: "I understand your feelings, you still don't understand, your third uncle is doing it for your own good, when I came here, he cried for several days like you, and then gradually came to understand. "

Several relatives also nodded together, Uncle Fu said: "Let me tell you, if we didn't look at relatives, we wouldn't be bothered to keep you. We don't want more strangers to come to such a good place. There are too many monks and too little food."

Ye Shaoyang sighed secretly. He believed that these people were sincere. These people—it should be said that they were ghosts. He can fully understand this mentality of staying and enjoying the blessings together, after all, they were also deceived.

This is the saddest part.

At this time, there was a sound of suona outside, getting closer.

The third aunt rolled her eyes, and said, "Don't talk about this, there is a ghost marriage tonight, I will take you to see the excitement, and let's talk about it later."

Ye Xiaomeng wanted to leave, but just about to refuse, Ye Shaoyang nodded and said, "It's good to have a look." He winked at Ye Xiaomeng, and followed a group of relatives outside, only to find that there were many people standing on both sides of the valley—— It should be said to be a ghost.

Ye Shaoyang took a quick look and found that there were at least dozens or hundreds of them, all dressed like ordinary people, but judging from the ghost aura on them, they were at least all wraiths or ghosts.

There are so many ghosts that are rarely seen in the city, and they all behave like ordinary people, waiting to watch the excitement. This scene makes Ye Shaoyang a little messy.

(Recently, I have saved some manuscripts desperately. If there is no accident in the past few days, it will be released on Christmas Day, and all will be released, and the third to fourth updates will be restored. If there is an accident, we can also guarantee continuous updates. Please forgive the few updates in these two days Thank you all for your concern. After the outbreak on the 26th (if there is an accident, you can only refuse to update for a few days), the update will be restored and improved.)——

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