Urban Witcher

Chapter 488

Ye Shaoyang raised his eyes and saw a woman in her twenties. At first glance, there was nothing special about her, but her belly was swollen... She was startled suddenly, and when she looked closely, she looked more and more like she was pregnant.

"Could it be a posthumous ghost?" Ye Xiaomeng asked in a low voice.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head slowly, "Devils with a posthumous abdomen were born in a coffin. How could they even become ghosts with their fetuses? This can't be...pregnant with ghost fetuses!"

Ye Xiaomeng was stunned on the spot, ghost fetus... She also read it in the materials, it's not the same as giving birth in a private house, two ghosts, one male and one female, live together to breathe, they can conceive ghost fetuses and give birth to ghosts.

But this kind of situation rarely happens. After all, most ghosts will go to the Y room after death. Even the lonely wild ghosts who don't want to be reborn rarely choose a spouse to live with, let alone give birth to ghosts.

"I've only heard the legend of ghosts giving birth to children, is there really such a thing in the world?" Ye Xiaomeng said in a low voice.

Ye Shaoyang inhaled slowly, and said: "Ghosts are born from the grievances of two ghosts. They are not living beings at all, and there will be no records in the book of life and death. They are similar to evil spirits. Division Y absolutely prohibits ghosts from giving birth to children. All ghosts that give birth to ghosts, once discovered, will definitely kill the primordial spirit and never recover, so this kind of thing rarely happens!"

While talking, another female ghost came from the side, also with a big belly. When she came from the opposite side, Third Uncle greeted her: "How many months? Oh, it's about to give birth, congratulations."

If a ghost is pregnant, it can be explained by accident, and if two ghosts are pregnant at the same time, something is too wrong.

Ye Shaoyang stared at the bellies of the two female ghosts, and thought in horror, this so-called "Ghost Fairy Village" does not seem to be a simple lair of ghosts, what the hell is this place, how can there be so many weird things happening ?

In the end, the third uncle stopped in front of a house, opened the door and went in, and said excitedly: "Honey, a relative has seen you coming!"

A woman's voice said, "Who is it, Juanzi or Lili?"

"No, they are relatives in the world." The third uncle lowered his voice and said a few words, and then the couple muttered in a low voice, they couldn't hear clearly. After a while, the third uncle came to the door and rushed to Ye Shaoyang and the two of them. He smiled and said, "Sorry for the long wait, your third aunt just changed clothes, come in."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, and this feeling was like visiting relatives in the world.

The two followed him into the room, and a woman in a cheongsam greeted them immediately. She looked at the two of them with a smile, and took Ye Xiaomeng's hand affectionately, "Xiaomeng, I haven't seen you for many years. She has grown into a beautiful and big girl." Girl, do you miss Third Aunt?"

Ye Xiaomeng knew that she was a ghost, but she was a close relative after all, and the other party was so enthusiastic, so she easily accepted it. She nodded, looked up and down the third aunt, and said: "Third aunt, you are still so beautiful, and you are also beautifully dressed. I really didn't expect... to see you again."

The third aunt smiled and said: "Your brother burned it for me. I usually don't want to wear it. I don't see you anymore. I miss you too, niece. Ah, this is Shaoyang, come and sit down."

He pulled Ye Shaoyang to his side and sat down, grabbed his hand and said, "You don't remember me, you drank my milk when you were young."

"Uh..." Ye Shaoyang looked at her, and really wanted to ask her if she was dead at that time, don't drink ghost milk as human milk.

The third aunt suddenly sighed, and said with some sadness: "You may not know that I and your mother's natal family are in the same village. We are good sisters who went to school together since we were young. Unfortunately, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years."

The third uncle asked them to chat, and went out to meet the relatives of the Ye family by himself.

Ye Shaoyang and Ye Xiaomeng looked at each other helplessly, originally they came to investigate, but turned out to be confidantes, and it was quite strange to go to the police station to confide in relatives.

Ye Xiaomeng's gaze fell on Third Aunt's slightly raised belly, and suddenly thought of something, she said in surprise, "Third Aunt, you—"

"I'm pregnant." The third aunt rubbed her lower abdomen and smiled slightly, "There are still a few months before the birth."

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help reminding: "You are a ghost..."

"That's right, all the ghosts here want to have children, it's nothing, we don't raise them anyway."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her blankly, "If you don't raise it, why do you have to give birth?"

The third aunt said: "Do you think we live here for nothing? If we want to live in Guixian Village, we have to keep having children and give the ghosts to the fairy lady, and the fairy lady will reward us with ghost river carts." "Ghost river car", the third aunt was almost drooling, she stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, Ye Shaoyang found that her tongue was white.

"Ghost river car..." Ye Shaoyang murmured, in Chinese medicine, the placental afterbirth of a person is called Zihe car, and ghost river car...is that the placenta of a devil? A ghost gave birth to someone, just to get a ghost placenta?

Ye Shaoyang was a little messed up in an instant. He is a celestial master. He has seen all kinds of horrible and bizarre ghost things that others have never seen before. Everything was incomparably novel and grotesque, and I suddenly felt that my whole body was not well.

"Third Aunt, who is Xianniang?" Ye Xiaomeng asked.

When mentioning Xianniang, the third aunt immediately put away her smile, and said respectfully: "Xianniang is a fairy, she created the Ghost Fairy Village, took us wild ghosts in, and provided us with Wangchuan water and wraith fruit for cultivation, Our only reward is to give her a child, and she also gave us the Ghost River Chariot, which is the best treasure, once you take it, your cultivation level will increase by one level."

"That... Fairy, what do you want devils for?" Ye Shaoyang murmured.

"Ghosts, of course, are used to eat." Third Aunt replied bluntly, "Immortal Immortal eats ghosts, her cultivation will increase, and she will have enough cultivation to maintain the existence of Ghost Fairy Village."

Ye Shaoyang and Ye Xiaomeng looked at each other in shock. Eating ghost embryos... Ye Shaoyang has never heard of this kind of thing, but he also knows that it must be an evil way of cultivation. This fairy lady, I don’t know where she came from, a ghost, an old demon, anyway, she can’t be some kind of fairy!

Ye Shaoyang still wanted to ask again, but at this time the door was pushed open, and the third uncle came in with several ghosts, men, women and children, and greeted Ye Shaoyang enthusiastically as soon as they entered the door, like relatives meeting in the world.

An old man stepped forward and patted Ye Shaoyang on the shoulder, "Dog, do you still know me?"

Ye Shaoyang took a closer look, he looked familiar, and soon remembered, he said happily: "Uncle Fu!" Uncle Fu is his neighbor, an old light, and he met a lot when he was young, so he still has an impression.

Uncle Fu chatted with him very excitedly. From his eyes, Ye Shaoyang could see that this was a kind of sincere joy, not a fake one. The same was true for several other relatives. When they came, they were all very excited and enthusiastic.


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