Urban Witcher

Chapter 485

Ye Xiaomeng has never been a teacher, so he knows very little about this knowledge. He only heard that trees are divided into Yin and Yang, but he has never seen it before, and he doesn't know the difference. He looked at the crown of the tree and said: "Look It's a ginkgo tree, how do you know it's a Y tree?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "It's very simple. The south is yang, and the north is Y. Trees in the world, unless they never see sunlight, no matter where they grow, the canopy of the tree will grow towards the south. The side facing the sun is dense, and the branches and leaves are sparse on the north side. Y tree Not the same, it absorbs the moonlight, so it is the opposite, you see this tree is like this."

Ye Xiaomeng followed his prompt, took a few steps back, and looked towards the crown of the tree. It was indeed what he said.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to teach her more knowledge, and then said: "Because Yang wood and Y wood are in the same family, if the living environment is special, Yang wood can also become Y wood. When Yang Qi and Y Yang are out of balance, the Yang tree will turn Y, and the crown of the tree will face north, based on this point, the mage can find a gathering point of Y Qi in the area."

Ye Xiaomeng nodded, "Thank you Brother Shaoyang for teaching me, but why is this ginkgo tree a Y tree? Could it be that there is too much Y in the vicinity or at the moment?"

"The top of the mountain is empty, the wind doesn't stop, even if there is Y Qi, it can't stop, so there is only one possibility." Ye Shaoyang stepped on the ground with his toes, "Y Qi comes from the ground."

Ye Xiaomeng immediately said: "Maybe it's the well! I heard from my dad that the box was rushed to the top because the well was flooded." Then he took Ye Shaoyang around to the back of the ginkgo tree.

There is indeed a well under the tree, surrounded by green bricks, octagonal in shape, with a hole in the bottom, which is built into a canal, which just connects with the stream going down the mountain and leads to the valley.

Ye Shaoyang lay down on the edge of the well and looked down. The well was very deep and he couldn't see the bottom, so he threw a small stone down and heard a thud for a long time, indicating that there was water below.

There is drought everywhere, but there is water here?

Ye Shaoyang sensed something was wrong, but it was a pity that he was suppressed by the formation everywhere, and he couldn't feel the evil spirit, so he had to draw a talisman to test his injustice and stick it on the edge of the well. After chanting the talisman once, the talisman quickly turned black, and then curled up as if burnt When he got up, the cinnabar above flowed to the edge of the well, and was immediately evaporated into a stream of red air, which dissipated in the air.

"Even the spirit talisman can be incinerated, the aura is too strong!" Ye Shaoyang raised his head to look at the well and said with a frown.

"Go down and have a look?" Ye Xiaomeng said.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "Mages can't do three things, this can't be done casually."

Ye Xiaomeng hurriedly asked: "What do you mean by being a mage?"

"Don't enter the filthy place, don't enter the narrow road, don't enter the dead end." Ye Shaoyang patiently explained to her, "The filthy place is a dirty place, if you accidentally break the Dharma body, no matter how strong you are, it will be over.

The narrow road is like this, you can't move your hands and feet after entering, but ghosts and monsters will penetrate the wall and enter the ground without restriction. If you fight with it desperately in this place, no matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to use it, which is tantamount to courting death; The game is an unsolvable Y formation, which can strengthen the cultivation of ghosts and monsters. After the mage enters, his mana is limited, so it is very difficult to fight. "

Ye Xiaomeng nodded slowly, and said: "Then what should the ghosts do if they stay in such a place and cannot come out?"

"Then find a way to make it come out, scold it, humiliate it, whip the corpse and dig the grave, as long as it can be made to come out, you can use any method. If you really encounter a turtle with a shrinking head, you can't go in and beat it. If you can't kill it, then Just find a way to seal it, in short, it’s not a last resort, don’t fight recklessly, first look at the terrain before consecrating, this can reduce the death rate.”

Ye Xiaomeng was taken aback when he heard it, and said admiringly: "Is this what it says in the book?"

"Half, half is my elder brother's experience in hunting ghosts for many years."

Ye Xiaomeng nodded and smiled, "Taught."

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the well and said: "There must be a big guy down here. If it doesn't come out during the day, it will definitely come out at night. I'll seal it up first."

Ye Xiaomeng said: "Then you wait for it to come out, fight with it, and take it away."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyelids, "You said so lightly, what if you can't beat it, it will be too late to run, anyway, its nest is here, and I can come and get it at any time. My task today is to observe the valley. Very troublesome."

"The valley... hasn't this been observed?" Ye Xiaomeng was puzzled.

"Growing so many Wraith Grasses, it is said that there must be a lot of evil spirits, maybe it is a nest of ghosts." Ye Shaoyang stood up, overlooking the valley, his face became serious, "It looks so calm, it is very unscientific. Since there is nothing to do during the day , There must be a change at night."

Ye Shaoyang untied his backpack, took out seven seven-inch long nails, and nailed them to the ground around the well, then strung five emperors' money with cinnabar red thread, and hung them back and forth from the long nails, and finally pasted seven talismans on the edge of the well. heads together.

Ye Xiaomeng watched him complete all these swiftly, and said with amazement: "This is the net formation of heaven and earth. I read in the book that it is easy to set up a formation, but it takes a magic weapon to pull a magic weapon to exert its greatest power. Only masters and above can draw talismans."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, looked at the formation he had set up and said: "At least it is it, even if there is an evil god below, it can trap it for a while, at least enough time for us to run away."

Ye Xiaomeng was a little dissatisfied, pouted and said: "You are a heavenly master, why are you so unconfident, you haven't fought yet, you always want to run away."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "The celestial master is not omnipotent. I said big sister, catching ghosts is not as easy as you think. If I am like you said, I will die 80 times if I don't die a hundred times."

After setting up the formation, it was still early in the evening, Ye Shaoyang walked around the peak, but found nothing, so he picked a rock near the side of the valley and sat down, observing the nearby mountains, and found that this place is a The trend of "standing out of the crowd" is idle anyway, so I explain it to Ye Xiaomeng nervously:

"Near this mountain, there is a wasteland. There are many peaks, one after another, but this hill is the highest. The mountain is tall and steep, and it gathers energy. You can’t become a tiger without claws, you can’t become a phoenix without wings, you can’t become a snake without a tail, stand proudly independent, head up to the east, compared with the surrounding hills, it’s like a flock of cranes. Do you know why Ye Fashan chose this place to build a Taoist temple?”

Ye Xiaomeng shook her head blankly.

Ye Shaoyang was very satisfied with her reaction, cleared his throat, and continued:

"The so-called four treasures, the dragon is for the royal family, the phoenix is ​​for the scholars, the tiger is for the martial arts, and the snake is for the shopping malls. These have nothing to do with the crane. The crane is outstanding, elegant and noble, and is most loved by the hermit. It is special and mysterious in itself, but it also appears in the sea of ​​people, just like standing out from the crowd, so Ye Fashan chose this place to build the temple, which has a meaning."


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