Urban Witcher

Chapter 484: Green Grass

"The land here is also very dry, how can there be grass?" Ye Xiaomeng wondered.

"That only shows that these grasses do not rely on water to survive, at least not the water in the world."

Ye Shaoyang bent down and picked a piece of grass, bright red juice immediately oozes from the cut, dipped a little bit with his hand, put it in his mouth and licked it, frowned, said: "It's the smell of Wangchuan river water!"

Ye Xiaomeng was shocked, "How is this possible, how could the Wangchuan River flow into the world!"

Ye Shaoyang couldn't answer this question, he was also terrified in his heart, crushed the grass leaves in the palm of his hand, the red juice flowed down like blood, it looked very scary.

"This grass is called Yuan Hun Grass. It grows by the Wangchuan River. It is specially used to absorb the grievances of ghosts from the past, so that they will willingly cross the Naihe Bridge and drink Mengpo soup..." Ye Shaoyang said in a deep voice, "These grass absorbs Resentment, after accumulating to a certain level, will form resentment spirit fruit, ghosts eat it, and don’t even need to transform it, it is directly the cultivation of ghost power, so Y Division has a lineage of the ghost king to guard the banks of the Wangchuan River to prevent the resentment grass from being left alone. Ghosts eat it."

After hearing what he said, Ye Xiaomeng said blankly: "You mean, this kind of grass grows here for people... no, it's for ghosts to eat?"

Seeing him nodding, he said again: "But there are no wronged souls from the past, and there is no Wangchuan River here. How does this grass survive?"

"I don't know." Ye Shaoyang looked around and said, "But don't forget, the entire market town is suppressed by formations, and I don't feel any evil spirit. I can only judge that the valley we see now is absolutely Not what it really looks like."

Ye Xiaomeng frowned, and looked to the left and right, wondering what the real valley should look like according to what he said.

"Now...what to do?" Ye Xiaomeng asked with a weak voice.

"It's all here, let's keep going." Ye Shaoyang smiled at her, "Are you scared? You were quite courageous before."

Ye Xiaomeng shrugged, and said helplessly: "I was the main player before, and I had a kind of responsibility and responsibility. Now that I know you are Ye Shaoyang, I can rely on everything, and my courage has become smaller. I just hang out with you."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head, not quite understanding this change of thought.

As it goes deeper and deeper, there are more and more grasses for wronged souls. Moreover, Ye Shaoyang noticed that the Wrathful Soul Grass mainly grows on both sides of a stream without water, and he was even more puzzled. At the moment, he stepped on the grass all the way without mercy, and when he looked back, he saw bloody footprints, which was very shocking.

Ye Xiaomeng introduced as he walked, that he and his father came here once, at that time everything was normal in the valley, there was still water in the stream, but there was no Wraith Grass on both sides. As for when these grasses grew, no one knew. After all, this place is too remote, and there are no villages nearby, so no one would come here at ordinary times.

The valley meanders forward, a mile or two long, and at the end, there is an open space on the opposite side, with a small hill rising.

Ye Xiaomeng pointed to the mountain peak and said: "That Taoist temple is on this mountain, I have only been there once, but there is nothing there."

When the two came down the mountain, they could see layers of stone steps spiraling upwards. Ye Xiaomeng told Ye Shaoyang that when this hill first appeared, these stone steps existed.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the mountain road covered with stone steps, suddenly felt a familiar feeling, frowned and looked at it, a flash of light flashed in his mind, suddenly thought of something, he was stunned on the spot, a few seconds later, he rushed to the side of the road, I searched among a pile of dry weeds, but there was nothing.

Is it wrong?

Ye Shaoyang searched for memories, compared with the hill in front of him, groped in the grass, and suddenly found a stone tablet covered by withered grass, nodding its head out of the soil.

He hurriedly squatted down, scraped away the weeds with his hands, took out the Xuanqing Mountain Mieling Nail from his belt, and dug the soil around the stone tablet.

The soil was dry, cracked and soft, and it was one piece after excavation. As the soil continued to be dug out, the whole stele was revealed. There were some nicks on the front, and the red paint on it peeled off, leaving only a little trace, but the handwriting was still recognizable. Three seal characters: Qingtian Guan.

It really is this place. Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, the Taoist temple he saw in the Tianshi card turned out to be real, and it was in his hometown, in this haunted valley!

"Strange, brother Shaoyang, how do you know there is a stone tablet here?" Ye Xiaomeng asked in great surprise.

When Ye Shaoyang told the truth in a few words, Ye Xiaomeng was even more surprised.

Instead, Ye Shaoyang calmed down and said, "It's nothing magical. This Taoist temple was obviously built by Ye Fashan after he returned to his hometown. He used his spiritual consciousness to reflect the real mountain and Taoist temple on the Tianshi card. I just don't know why he Do you want to do this, or in other words, is there anything special in this Taoist temple?"

After a moment of silence in front of the stele, Ye Shaoyang took Ye Xiaomeng up the mountain. Arriving at the location of the mountain gate in memory, Ye Shaoyang stopped for a while, but did not find the mountain gate. After thinking about it, the mountain gate is made of wood, which is different from the stone tablet. After more than a thousand years, no matter how hard the wood is, it should be damaged.

All the way to the top of the peak, I only saw some stone wall foundations, and bluestone slabs on the ground, with dead grass growing everywhere.

Ye Shaoyang stayed in front of the hall for a while, then walked through the double courtyard according to the location in his memory, climbed up the steps, and walked into the location of the main hall, where he could see several altars, but the statues were all gone.

Ye Shaoyang thought of what Ye Bo said, and felt a little strange: In his memory, there are still statues of the Sanqing gods in the main hall, why is it that only the stone statue of Ye Fashan himself has been preserved to this day, but the statues of the Sanqing gods have disappeared? Is it because the material is different?

Relying on his memory, Ye Shaoyang came to the altar belonging to the statue of Ye Fashan, stood silently for a while, and asked Ye Xiaomeng to learn that the box containing the jade dust stag was found in the backyard of the Taoist temple, so he bypassed it. The main hall, walk along a wall foundation and walk into the backyard patio.

There is a huge ginkgo tree growing beside the courtyard, with intertwined roots and dense branches and leaves. Ye Xiaomeng looked at it and said curiously: "It's strange, the drought has lasted for so long, even if this tree doesn't die, it shouldn't grow so well, it seems that it is not affected by the drought at all."

As he spoke, he picked off a leaf, and after he took it, the leaf withered immediately, exuding white sticky Y.

"This is the Y tree." Ye Shaoyang looked up at the huge tree crown and explained with a dignified expression:

"Ginkgo biloba, which grows at the crossing of Huangquan, sees the Y wind and moves, reminding to guide the Y god, there are ghosts coming, so it is called the Y letter tree, which means the letter of Y air, because of this characteristic, it was later brought to the place by some magicians Planting in the sun, cutting ginkgo trees to test ghost spirits is like using silver to test poison. Over time, they adapt to the atmosphere of the sun and grow into another species, which is ginkgo."


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