Urban Witcher

Chapter 463 Ye Qiuling

Ye Xiaomeng comforted him first, and then took the opportunity to give him a Five Emperors coin, telling him that it could drive away ghosts and prevent ghosts from entering the house. In fact, there is no use.

But Ye Qiushan didn't know, after a few clicks, his mood gradually stabilized.

Ye Xiaomeng recalled what he said, and asked: "Where is the village you visited yesterday, do you still remember?"

Ye Qiushan thought for a while and said, "It seems to be in the west. I remember that it seems to be a valley. The village is built in the valley, and there is a small stream in the middle."

Ye Shaoyang was startled when he heard this. To the west, isn't that the direction the female ghost escaped from last night? Could it be that there is some connection between these two things?

Ye Qiushan recalled vigorously, and said in an uncertain tone: "Yes, that valley is very similar to the one that was washed out by the flood back then, and it is in the middle of the two mountains."

Ye Xiaomeng didn't take it seriously, and said casually: "Old man, think about it again, I have also been to that valley, there are no villages in the barren mountains and mountains."

Ye Qiushan shook his head, "I can't remember clearly, but I have a vague impression that the location is there, maybe I remembered it wrong."

Ye Xiaomeng continued to ask him some details, but Ye Qiushan couldn't think of anything, so he had to give up, comfort him to rest, then call Ye Shaoyang to go out together, bid farewell to Ye Qiushan's wife, went outside, thinking while walking.

When passing through a deserted intersection, she said to Ye Shaoyang: "Now we have two clues, one is Ye Xiaoshuo, and the other is the village he mentioned. Although he can't remember the location, we can refer to the two clues. Boundary Mountain, look for similar valleys nearby"

Ye Shaoyang asked: "What is Liangjie Mountain?"

"It is a mountain itself. When the flash flood broke out, a valley was opened from the middle. It may also be the result of crustal movement. After the flood receded, the valley has always existed. There is a spring in the middle, which converges into a stream, but it is noisy. After the drought, I heard that the water seems to have dried up."

The flood can rush out of a valley. Ye Shaoyang was surprised that such a thing still exists, thought for a while and said, "Maybe the village he mentioned is really in that valley."

Ye Xiaomeng shook her head on the spot: "That's impossible, no one has ever lived in that valley, it's far away from Jishang, even the sheep herders wouldn't go there."

"There are no villages there, are there villages in other valleys?"

Ye Xiaomeng was stunned on the spot, she had preconceived ideas, only thinking that there are no villages in the Liangjie Mountains, but ignored common sense: Niutou Mountain is located in a mountainous area, and there are mountains nearby, except for four villages including Yejia Village at the foot of Niutou Mountain, with a radius of ten There is no fifth village within a few miles.

Even if Ye Qiushan was possessed by a ghost, it was impossible for him to walk more than ten miles across mountains and mountains in such a short period of time.

"It's true when you say that, but where did the village he saw pop up?" Ye Xiaomeng looked at Ye Shaoyang for help.

"You don't know even if you're a local, I don't know, but I suspect that the valley Ye Qiushan mentioned is this Liangjie mountain."

Ye Shaoyang said, "Since this is the place where the water was controlled at the beginning, and Ye Xiaoshuo probably died there, it is reasonable for his soul to come out from there. As for what happened to that village, we can go to the scene to see it later. We are here Guessing is fruitless."

Ye Xiaomeng nodded and said: "Then let's go to Sanniang first."

Ye Shaoyang agreed that, as Ye Xiaoshuo's mother, she should know a little more about her son than others.

Ye Shaoyang remembered the location of Sanniang's house, and rushed over with Ye Xiaomeng.

On the way, the two talked about Ye Xiaoshuo. Although they were from the same village, Ye Xiaomeng had no impression of him at all. After all, it had been ten years since the flood happened. At that time, she was only a few years old and had nothing to do with Ye Xiaoshuo. intersection.

Arriving outside Sanniang's house, Ye Xiaomeng grabbed the rusty iron ring on the door and buckled it hard, but she didn't call Sanniang, but attracted a woman from the neighbor, who looked at them suspiciously.

Although Ye Xiaomeng doesn't come home often, the village is small and most people know each other, so she called her aunt and asked her if Sanniang was at home.

The woman told her that Sanniang was never at home during the day, and spent the whole day wandering around the fair, begging for food.

After chatting for a few words, the woman went into the house. Ye Xiaomeng reached into the keyhole and touched it, then turned around and said, "The door is unlocked, why don't we go in and have a look?"

Ye Shaoyang felt that it was not good to break into someone's house like this in broad daylight. He couldn't find Sanniang during the day, and he could come again at night.

Ye Xiaomeng agreed.

Coming out of the alley, Ye Xiaomeng originally planned to find her father and accompany him to investigate the missing persons. Ye Shaoyang planned to find Xiao Ma, so he called him, but on the other end of the phone, Xiao Ma said a command His shocking words: "Ye Qiuling is dead."

Ye Shaoyang was startled, and asked for details. Xiao Ma told him that he followed his request, went straight to Ye Qiuling's workshop on the mountain after exiting the exit, and then sat on a nearby field ridge to watch. After waiting for half an hour, he realized that Ye Qiuling might not be in the workshop, so he quietly touched Out the back window, wanting to make sure.

When I looked inside, I was dumbfounded: Ye Qiuling was lying on the bed, already rotten, and the bed was full of blood

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a while, and hurriedly asked: "Why didn't you tell me earlier when this happened?"

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Ma's voice sounded rather depressed, "I've been caught, come on, you'll know when you come."

who was caught

Ye Shaoyang was a little nervous at first, but after thinking about it carefully, Xiao Ma could still tell him what happened in a low voice, indicating that there should be no danger, so he relieved himself and took Ye Xiaomeng over there.

When he came near the workshop, Ye Shaoyang saw two people sitting under a tree not far away, one of them was a pony, and the other was a middle-aged man with dark complexion, a crew cut, and wearing a dark shirt and trousers. Looking at the body is very strong.

Ye Shaoyang walked over, looked at him, then at Xiaoma, "What's going on?"

Xiao Ma pouted at the middle-aged man with an innocent face, and let him tell you what he meant.

The middle-aged man stood up, smiled and held out his hand to him. "Hello, Mr. Yang, right? My name is Jiang Jianhua."

Ye Shaoyang reached out to shake his hand and said, "Detective"

Jiang Jianhua was obviously taken aback, and said, "How do you know I'm an agent?"

Ye Shaoyang pointed to his head, and said: "You have a hat ring on your hair, you can tell at a glance that you always wear a hat to press it down. Don't tell me that you are a security guard. There is no community here."


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