Urban Witcher

Chapter 462 The one from ten years ago is back

Ye Shaoyang said with a smile: "What you said, you don't know anything, and based on what you judged that our investigation will be bad, isn't it contradictory?"

Ye Bo ignored him, glanced at his watch, and said to his daughter: "I have made an appointment with those village chiefs, now I have to go to them, follow the plan we discussed in the morning, you stay calm and wait for me News. Remember, Ye Xiaoshuo’s matter ends here.”

"Father" Ye Xiaomeng raised her mouth, intending to use her nirvana: acting like a baby. But it didn't work this time, Ye Bo waved his hands and walked out of the room.

Ye Xiaomeng stomped her feet, sat down on the bed, and said angrily: "What the hell is this Ye Xiaoshuo? mother go"

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and asked: "What is the plan your father said to discuss with you, and what are you doing with those village chiefs?"

Ye Xiaomeng said: "Didn't you analyze yesterday that Hanba was transformed from a person who died not long ago? I went back and thought about it. The drought here started half a year ago, so even if the conditions are relaxed a bit, the person who became Hanba , the time of death is no more than one year from now.

There are only four villages in Yinxianji, and the number of people who died in that half year was no more than a dozen. We can find the graves of these people and investigate them one by one. Hanba must be one of them."

Hearing this, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but interrupted: "There are only a dozen tombs in total. If Hanba is really in it, the mage must have found it long ago. If he didn't find it, it means that Hanba's tomb is in a dark place, which means: After it died, the family didn’t bury it normally, and God knows where it was buried, and even if we touched every inch of the ground, we might not be able to find it.”

Ye Xiaomeng said: "Listen to what I said, it is definitely not easy to find according to the grave, but we can do it the other way around, first find Hanba's family and ask where he is buried, everything will be clear "

This time Ye Shaoyang didn't interrupt and listened to her.

"I thought about it carefully. Since the deceased was not buried according to the procedure, there might be no family hiding his death. Anyway, many of us went out to work, and no one would notice the missing persons.

So, I called early in the morning and asked my dad to come back, and asked him to connect with the village chiefs of the other villages, find a name, and go door-to-door to check the population. Suspicious object.

There are a lot of people who work part-time, but I’m afraid there are not many who haven’t returned home for a year, so the scope of the target is narrowed. Then, we need to investigate this person and make a phone call to verify. There are other ways. To make sure that this person is still alive, if someone is completely missing and the family can’t tell where he is, then it’s probably a drought.”

Ye Shaoyang looked at her in surprise, and felt for the first time that his younger sister was actually very smart, so he nodded and said, "That's a good idea, let's do it like this."

Ye Xiaomeng raised her eyebrows proudly when she was praised.

At this moment, a person gasped heavily on the bed behind her. The two turned their heads to look.

Ye Qiushan was stretching out his hand to remove the red scarf covering his eyes.

"Uncle Qiushan, you're awake." Ye Xiaomeng stood in front of him, leaning over to look at him.

Facing Ye Qiushan's suspicious gaze, Ye Xiaomeng didn't want to waste time, so she waited for him to ask herself, so she described his coma situation in a few words, waited for him to slow down for a while, and remembered everything, and then began to ask him about it. experience.

Mentioning last night, fear immediately appeared on Ye Qiushan's face, and his whole body trembled, almost turning into a madman again.

Ye Shaoyang drew a Concentration Talisman and stuck it on his back to help him calm down. After a while, Ye Qiushan began to talk about the terrible experience last night:

Last night, he drank a catty of jujube wine made by himself in the countryside at his friend's house. He was not drunk at the time, so his friend was relieved to let him go home alone.

It was past ten o'clock at that time, and he was rushing home alone. When the mountain wind blew halfway, the stamina of the jujube wine picked up, and he immediately became dazed. I don't know where I went, and I haven't arrived home after walking for a long time.

Suddenly a person patted him from behind and called him uncle. Looking back, he was a young man under twenty years old. His face was very familiar, but he was very confused. He couldn't remember who it was, but he knew it was from his village.

He then told the boy that he was lost, and asked him to take him home, and the boy walked side by side with him, asking him about the situation in the village, and he answered casually.

"Later, he took me to a village where green lanterns were lit at the door of each house, and there were many men playing cards by the side of the road. I was a little sober at the time, so I asked him where this was, and he told me not to ask. , In that village, I saw some acquaintances, who seemed to be saying hello to someone." Speaking of this, Ye Qiushan shook his head, "But now I can't remember who these people are at all."

"Later when we walked through the village, the guy kept seeing me off, sent me to the entrance of the village, and told me, uncle, I have to go back, I can't see you off, please take another look at me, and go back and tell them that I'm back."

Ye Qiushan swallowed hard, his expression was abnormally frightened, and his voice trembled. Ye Shaoyang suspected that if it wasn't for the Concentration Talisman on his body, he might have gone crazy or passed out again.

He raised his head, looked at Ye Xiaomeng with dazed eyes, and stammered: "I, I just looked back at him at that time, he was standing there, his whole body was covered with blood, his eyes, nose, mouth and mouth were covered with blood. Bleeding, mother, that scene is horrible, you have never experienced it

And I suddenly remembered who he was, Ye Xiaoshuo, who has been dead for ten years, I drank a catty of wine, woke up on the spot, ran forward desperately, without looking at the road, and plunged into the woods , I was tripped or something, I fell to the ground and passed out anyway, I don’t remember what happened next, he, will he come to me?"

After finishing speaking, he crawled from the bed to Ye Xiaomeng, bowing and arching, "Cute girl, I know you can spell, you have to save the old uncle, the old uncle still has half his life to live, By the way, my uncle still owes your father 20,000 yuan to build a house, and if I die, no one will pay you back."

Ye Xiaomeng rolled her eyes speechlessly, and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, old man, he just asked you to come back and bring the message. You can just bring the message. If he wants to kill you, you died last night. Why don't you die?" And let you come back"


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